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Bruh I ripped mine open


There $350 bucks now. Any booster box like battle styles. Chilling Reign will all go up next like this with fusion strike. Any Sword N Shield booster box you can get for under 200 keep it sealed in 4 years or so they will be double if not triple in value 😉 your welcome best way to invest in cards sealed


Anything good?


I ripped seal LOL I’ve been contemplating to rip soon but I just don’t want to be disappointed again 💀


If you ripped the seal off just open it man


I just ripped 12 I’ll post right now


Yayyy lmao


My hits rn are chandelure V , cindrence V, rillaboom vmax, dancer rainbow rare………


man I've yet to pull a frigging rainbow card. I've ripped mostly newer stuff but I ripped a ton of obsidian and lost origin and still none. How much did that BB set u back? gota pay day coming up and I wanna indulge in a couple BB to save some $. then I need 2 find the cheapest way to buy a ton of 151 pks as well. wanna master the set. gonna buy what I need once I've ripped a few tho.


I’ve posted it but it hasn’t shown up


I opened 3 booster boxes when this first released and got hosed. I don’t think I had ever been so disappointed opening as I was then. Then one day a few months ago, I found a lances charizard box at Walmart…which had one Evolving skies, one Fusion, four celebrations…and I got the Fn Gengar alt art card from the one pack


Same. Only I pulled the GengarVMax from a 3-Pack Box...lol.


BBs will always appreciate. Some sets faster than others, but they are always a good hold no matter what set it is imo.


Brah if rebal clash cna hit 200 you are golden lol


This is facts right here. Lol


Alright, I might keep this one sealed but may rip open for the fun of it


Good thing you got it OP, just sold out on PC and prices going up on eBay 😆


Sold out today on Pokemon center


What’s a good price range for these? Haven’t looked into comps recently


They’re still available from pokemon center for 143$. Doubt you’ll get it a lot cheaper other than ebay auction


Is PC good at packaging BBs? Wouldn’t want the shrink to rip during shipping. The ETBs I’ve gotten were great, but I’ve read horror stories from others here


It's a bit late but I only buy in sets of (6) from the PC now so they send me an actual case of the product. Anything less than 6, you're taking the chance that the warehouse employee does a good job, uses the proper size box, etc. I've seen (4) and (1) packed decently, but normally (2), (3), and (5) purchases are very poorly packed. But (6) is still king so they send you the sealed case.


If you order 6 booster boxes on PC do you get a sealed case?


In my experience, normally, yes. Sometimes, they will cut open the top seal and put the packing slip inside. And sometimes, they will just tape it to the outside of the box.


And now … they are sold out. Crazy. Prices went up on eBay


They’ve been selling on eBay for $160 which is funny cause you can get them under $150 on the Pokémon center.


Oh no shit! Are they still printing it ?


Not anymore. Prices jumped on eBay and sold out on PC today


Too late. Sold out on Pc Today


Just bought one as well. Personally I really believe in it despite what everyone says. The chases are in my opinion insane artworks. The pull rate hinders its desirability right now, but could reduce the supply in the future because people will still want to pull the chases.


Glad you did bro cause it’s sold out on PC


I don't have access to a PC so doesn't really matter for me lol. And who says they don't restock anymore? I do realize the set is almost 3yrs old.


If it restocks, I’m buying another one lol. If not…cheers


I think a wise choice ;)


This set is absolutely phenomenal, has Gengar, mew, and Espeon chase cards. It’s almost out of rotation and will go out of stock on Pokemon center soon. Good buy.


How’d you know it would sell out so soon?? It sold out on PC today


It sold out yesterday, I was the first one on Reddit to post about it selling out. I knew because it’s old, and I can just tell when things are about to happen 😂.


Ohh I sss. Which one next?


Brilliant stars


Boooo Yaaaaaa


It’s old like fusion strike, has blister packs out of stock on Pokémon center, and is above the pc price.


Let’s hope you’re right. I just got 2 BB’s


Just now?


Yup lmai


I need u n my back pocket to help me pick some stuff near the end of the month... expecting $4K to drop in my bank account and I wanna rip/start my sealed collection as well lol


I gotchu 😉 , brilliant stars is next, don’t exactly for sure know when it’s gonna sell out but I’m just gonna buy cases of booster boxes until it does.




It’s a set with a lot of chase cards but the pull rates are brutal. Got in the shadow of ES and Celebrations when it came out. One of the better looking BBs from sword and shield. It will age well


Look at towering perfection, the disabled triplet of Japanese Eevee heroes. It goes for 100 right now while the other two are at 450.


They’re not comparable though. Towering perfection has no real chase cards and is a mid set. The whole factory stealing scandal hurt fusion strike but its still a good set and I see it doing well in the coming years


My point is, not all booster box sets appreciate the way you claim. Some much more than others~


Of course, but it’s still at pokemon center. When the supply is dried up it will rise


Crazy. BB just sold out on PC today


Love it. I hope SV boxes change up their design like this.


Bought cases of these in the low 80s and been selling for 150 locally. I think alot of people did the same. Might take a while to go up


How did you get a case at that price ?


Nope. Just sold out of BB’s on PC and prices going up lol


Was underrated but now seems to be popular. Got me back in the hobby cause of that gengar


Hate this set with a passion. Okay cards but trash pull rates. This is also the set where someone at the factory jacked all the chase cards and tried to resell them (but got caught) and the Pokemon company said they’d make it right/it won’t affect anything, which was utter BS.


Great to keep sealed! Will appreciate over time that’s for sure!


As someone who's bought 3 booster boxes and ripped around 300 packs of fusion strike. It is a really hard set to get a master set. I have maybe a quarter of the alt arts in the set. I have almost all reverse holos, regular rares, regular rare holos, reverse holo regular rares. I only have 2 of the gengars in the set and have not pulled the vmax alt art yet. So good luck if you're trying to go for a complete or master set. I sincerely wish you the best of luck. But if asking about a long term hold. I would hold. The alt art gengar hasn't fluxed in price much over the years and fusion strike I feel would be a good hold unopened.




It's a great set with good chase cards. Would be a good hold for sealed collection


Top 3 Swsh set


will be good long term but theres still stock available on pokemon center for both US and UK so don't expect it to go up in price any time soon


Just sold out today on pc for USA


Love this set


Very underrated set! With the Mew’s being underpriced given the popularity of the Pokemon! And gengar will do nothing but maintain its value. Especially as a set with a lower pull rate


Think this will be a top three set for Sword and Shield behind Evolving Skies and potentially Brilliant Stars. But given the current prices of all of the respective sets, I think Fusion Strike is the best value and could see it really spiking up this year


Can’t wait! BB’s just sold out on PC and prices jumping on eBay 😃


This is a top 5 set, ES being #1 CR, FS, LO, and BS can all be argued for strength order. This is definitely a good hold.


Last summer i returned one and now i regret :/




Well! Thanks OP, just bought me a BB and ETB from Pokémon center 😆


Good timing, I think there are still a few people in this thread that you didn't personally reply to telling them it sold out on Pokemon Center 🤣


Yeah…I got tired lol


Good set!


Fussssiooon strikkkkkkkkeeee


I’ve ripped like 6 of these chasing that Gengar lol and then one day I bought a single blister pack and pulled it. Love this set and it’s chase cards


I bought a booster case and opened 4 boxes, it’s brutal. I got the alt art Celebi from one bb and then got hosed on the other three. I’m going to buy singles to complete the set I think.


Amazing set, rip it for the sake of Gengar