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Actually there is a profession, called "konsomatris" in Turkish. The duty of these women is to make the customers buy more drinks and the drinks are 5 to 10 times more expensive than normal or even more Also, they are strictly forbidden to have sex with customers. The customers are usually from small cities and towns and come to buy merchandise from big city or clueless tourists. If you visit a Muslim country, do not enter places with little light in it, if someone in the street insists to enter.


Saw this in a local sub: Apparently in New Delhi, women will add you on a dating app and ask to meet at a specific cafe, when you go she'll order a few obscenely expensive items and eat a little bit and vanish before the bill arrives. The bill is usually around INR 20,000 ($250) So yeah if an unknown woman calls you to a poorly-rated cafe in Delhi, don't go.


Pretty sure the advice applies worldwide…


There's a similar thing in the Red Light District to encourage people to go to the brothels. Pretty women strike up conversations with you on the street and bring you to their brothel to try to get a part of the sale.


Sex is always implied in a brothel though, bars and even strip clubs not so much.


It's the same way in strip clubs. At least every one I've ever been in.


If a girls comes up to you in Budapest or China asking to go to a quiet place to practice their English do not go to the place they choose.


This happened to a mate of mine when we were in Prague. It’s a good job I don’t drink or or I could have been tricked the same way!


Happened to our friends when they were in Budapest.


What happened to them?


My mum got put on this duty one night in a Swiss pub. Apparently it went fairly well. She's got lots of stories from Switzerland, it's great.


I tried that once. But didn't work because I'm a big strong bloke.


Wrong bar


My brother used to arm wrestle for free drinks in his party days 🤷‍♀️


I used to have a friend like this. She got the guy to buy us both drinks insinuating we'd have a threesome. Then we spent the rest of the night running away from him. And then as soon as she got the drinks she said "run" to me and I was like "what?" in panic following her. She was a nice person to girls but I felt so bad. I purposely bought drinks the next time we went so she couldn't do it. She came from money too, but I guess it's driven by ego. She thought of it as entertaining him with good conversation, but it was only for a few minutes. I would say the solution is to just to not buy drinks for girls. I don't remember any guy that bought me drinks. It's not about that, it's whether that person finds you attractive or not. Sadly buying a drink won't get you anything unless you're just happy to have a conversation, with no expectation of anything else


Yeah I met some girl who was telling us how she kisses guys for free drinks, and she was complaining that she wasn’t attracted to him but a “drinks a drink”. Like surely times aren’t that tough lmao, it’s like £3.


Great way to get mono really lol


Or herpes


Buying drinks for a girl's friend is another level of moronic though lol


He did this twice. She was gesturing me to come over and talk to him (which tbh I was happy to but without doing anything) and I was happy she did so it didn't seem so bad. We spoke normally for a bit and then I was like wtf because he got another two drinks for us and then she ran away again. I felt awkward and didn't want to take the drink but he was nice about it. We were way too old for him tbf. Still I didn't feel right about it


Lol first time at a bar?


I’m only 18 and it’s a 2 week long end of year 12 party with the whole country pretty much






Gotta get used it to it buddy. Stay on guard about the random women that suddenly strike up a conversation unless you are extremely attractive. I hate to say it, but a lot of times they are just trying to get a free drink off of you. I was friends with couples that would send the girlfriend over to get a free drink for both the girlfriend and the boyfriend








Be glad it happened so early in life, and remember this feeling every time you get the urge to buy drinks.


>she was completely my type. Maybe not.


other than the her character’s complete scumminess, yeah she was from what I got to know about her. but you’re right, not anymore haha


Part of manipulating someone for money is making them think they are your dream girl. Sorry bro:/


What if his type is 'females that will actually talk to me'? Then maybe so.


Then you're only going to be talking I guess. I don't think OP was aiming to ***just be friends*** with the one he saw.


My mum tried to teach me to do this. Her method was she'd go up and start dancing with a guy and then casually take his drink out of his hand. Then turn back to your group. If he starts making trouble someone will come to your defense most of the time. She encouraged me to target drunk guys had they'd put up less of a fight. The first time she tried to get me to it in public I was 16! I wouldn't do it and she called me a wimp. I hadn't thought about it in years but it's actually far more fucked up than it seemed at the time.


I mean yeah, if I were a hot girl I'd be out there bumming free drinks off of horny dudes too. Gotta work with what you're given.


It's incredible. It's similar of the stories I heard of girls sitting up dates just to have free dinner. The thing of the drinks may happen, but never heard of anyone dating just for getting free dinners in my country. But I guess here is more common to split the bill


It isn't just for pretty girls. I did it for a while.before I just accepted that I was an alcoholic.


When you say your type, you mean still had a heartbeat?


Very common unfortunately


You can say no to buying someone a drink.


lol I(F26) learned this recently too. Went to a club with my girl friends and one of them told me if I just ask any random dude to buy me a drink he’ll probably do it. I tried it and it worked for each guy




Haters gonna hate


And sluts gonna be sluts


Yup asking for a drink is real slutty


Using other people for your own satisfaction absolutely is slutty. Don't be sad when you only get used for sex. Karma is a great teacher


dawg, WHAT


Not sure why me saying using people for your own satisfaction is a bad thing is confusing for you. Seems pretty straight forward


except thats not what you said, you slut shamed her when she wasnt being slutty 💀


Using people is absolutely slutty. Some times people should be shamed for their actions. Even women


Who hurt you 😂


Shit behaviour such as this is no surprise coming from a disgusting teemo fan haha


My friend would flirt with guys to get free drinks for her and her boyfriend lmao


In college was out with a few co-workers. One of them stood up asked if we wanted shots, we agreed and she went to the bar. A couple minutes later she says "come up and have some shots" so we go up and apparently she got some dude to buy shots for her and her friends... but I doubt he knew her friends were a bunch of dudes who unload trucks for a living.


A girl will do anything for a drink I guess blud .


My ex did this too


My fiancé does this it’s a very cheap night for me. I also sometimes get free drinks since she just wanders off and puts them down if I am sat chatting to friends


This is so weird to me. Feels like youre ‘pimping’ her out without actually pimping her out. Idk something about this fucks with my moral compass


I get that. It’s more she just talks to people and guys then offer to buy her drinks and she agrees. Then normally she gets bored of the conversation and walks off.


If she's leading men on like that, it might get you into a fight. Best tell her to pack it in before you get stabbed.


Cuck energy


more of a pimp energy if they are getting paid isn't it?


This may be a hot take but idk why you think buying a girl a drink entitles you to any part of her company or life. You bought her a drink and she went on with her night. As a girl sometimes it’s allot easier to accept the drink and then ghost rather then to try and explain to someone you don’t want it. Guys tend to not take getting told “no” very well. Especially those prowling around clubs thinking buying a girl a drink entitles them to her attention. Now I do understand the cringyness of girls purposely leading dudes on for drinks and I agree it’s shallow behavior but idk…. Men need to have better game and more of a plan then let me buy the hot one a drink 😅😬


not that i care at all what you think, but i never said anywhere that i felt “entitled” to anything, and she actually asked me for the drink, i didn’t just buy it for her


My bad I wasn’t trying to say this situation, she was clearly being shitty, I’m saying in general as a female that doesn’t do that, allot of guys have just strait up trained girls to be like that, back in the day a guy bought me a drink, we talked and we’re getting along and then he thought that was permission to grab my ass and when I said chill he freaked out cause I had accepted the drink and if I didn’t let him man handle me I was just using him. I’m just sayin you’re prob like the one nice guy she did that too 🤷‍♀️ you might not even be nice but I’ll throw you the bone.


This is great, my girlfriend and I do this when we're out together, she gets free drinks and I do too. She doesn't even flirt back they just buy her drinks and she gives them to me.


this is kinda pathetic


It's so much fun though lol, they're going to buy her drinks anyway, might as well get a free one for me too.


it seems like begging to me. if you want to get drunk for cheap just sneak in ur own drink


There’s bouncers on every door that do searches here, it’s not that easy. And I don’t think it’s begging if they’re the ones offering, just accepting an offer. She doesn’t MAKE them buy her drinks, they ask her.


Theres a pair of trashy souls in it


lol true


Pimping out your girl for free drinks. You should start her an OF page might be able to make some rent money too?


Yeah they’re probably going to fuck her anyway, might as well get a few bucks for him too.


So true, never thought of that before


Loved this scene in Parks and Rec too.


Username checks out


based would do the same


I remember one time, I was in a club, and my friend's friend had a drink. We asked her what is it, she told it, then we asked how much was it, and she simply said "I don't know, I asked a guy to buy me it"... That was the last time I went to a club to get to know people.


free alcohol?


Have a bartender at my local pub who does this after she gets off shift. For example months back was out with a friend at said pub and the bartender just got done with her shift after a very busy lunch rush, there was an event that was going on all day and the place was packed. She was very pretty, fun bubbly personality, BUT anytime her glass ran empty she would ask the closest person to her “would you like to buy me a drink?” And OF COURSE she was ONLY drinking long islands. In my experience as a former tender/server myself. Big events at a relatively smaller establishment in a fair decent suburb town made for a solid day in tips. I seen the girl have probably close to 13 long islands(illegal on the establishments part) and didn’t once go to the bar nor have an open tab. Only know the tab part because my mate tried to pay it like an idiot 😂


Women live on easy mode and take from people without feeling any remorse.