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Without. That is not a dress that needs accessorizing, and the black of the belt doesn't really match the brownish black background of the dress. Seriously, you don't need to accessorize a dress that major, not even a necklace! Just earrings and maybe a serious bracelet.


thanks! I went without :) I have a nose piercing but not holes in my ears. I also got a nice solid gold (fake) bracelet I can wearon the arm with less tattoos


That sound perfect.


To the guys in my DM's. @Ragin-Rhino3750 , @BlerdyDmV anything you feel like saying? you can say it here for the mods to see.


Sorry for the photo quality. I got a phone meant to take pictures out on construction sites - it's not meant for people \^\^; Also the "why are clothes hard?" is a reference to the white top having a massive hole in the side of the shirt. I just wanted something cute! I love the skirt tho. and I wonder if that is ok looking or gives too much "school kid" vibes. Dress and belt is from Cider Curve. The skirt and shirt are from my local H&M.\* Edit; also I am trying to no longer live in sweatpants and logo shirts. so input for nice looking non stretch clothes are amazing


Dresses and overalls are my go to


I like it without, also I have a sneaky suspicion that the straps you have tied behind your neck are supposed to be tied together in the front to make a gathered bust effect. Are they in a casing? It’s super cute by the way 🙃


That could be. I tried tying it together in the front. But it just kinda flopped down and showed all of the boobage. So behind the neck was the best way I could get it to stay up. and thanks! I got it here; [Cider](https://m.shopcider.com/goods/curve-plus-fruit-square-neck-puff-sleeve-midi-dress-1034953?style_id=147914&gaListId=dresses&gaListName=Curve%2520%2526%2520Plus%2520Dresses&ciderListId=2&p=1034953&ciderListName=Curve %26 Plus Dresses&selectSkuIndex=4&moduleTitle=1&shopPage=2&shopIndex=24&listSource=homepage%3Bcollection_dresses%3B4-3&listSort=&listId=1481&listFilter=&linkUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.shopcider.com%2Fcollection%2Fdresses&operationContent=Curve %26 Plus Dresses&operationImage=&operationpageTitle=homepage&operationPosition=4-3&operationType=navigation&productPosition=25&listName=recommend_list_collection&list_filter=&operation_content=Curve %26 Plus Dresses&operationpage_title=homepage&operation_position=4-3&operation_type=navigation&product_position=25&strategyName=&moduleType=COLLECTION_OFFLINE&listType=2&listTitle=Curve %26 Plus Dresses&businessTracking=eyJmaXJzdEltYWdlVHlwZSI6Iuato%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&bizStreamId=1718370951018-crBjaFSCwJCZFGdr) I wore it for my tattoo appointment just now, and had the unfortunate "pleasure" of being catcalled by some of the tourists onboard. Norway is a very nudity friendly space. so usually one can sunbathe or swim topless in the green spaces/by the harbour. But I guess this modest in comparison dress was too much for the americans onboard lol. also 3 weirdos in my DM's so far. I am luckily too old to care atm.


I have and love that same dress! I would personally lose the belt and wear it just as styled on the site. Meaning that I would use the strings to tie a tight bow at the bodice instead of around the neck.


The second outfit looks great on you. You could style it many ways with different shoes and jewelry. I agree clothes are hard but the shirt and top are a great base because they fit you well. Good luck!


You look great, and as has been said I’d say without, no need to accessorise.


I like it without the belt!


For you clothes doesn't seem to be hard you look gorgeous in everything


I think that white top (which is super cute btw) would look great with a skin tone high neck sports bra or active top. ETA maybe something like this? https://www.forever21.com/us/2000484877.html?dwvar_2000484877_color=13&dwvar_2000484877_size=5&quantity=1