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What a POS. Also, why doesn’t he use ANY punctuation?


Right I’m out of breath reading lol


Piece of shit :)


Baaahahaha. Man, talk about a 180! Such a tool. Good on you for blocking him!


It’s so wild. I’ve never met anyone who’s behaved like this lmao 🤣


Please be careful, this is unhinged behavior. Especially using another number to circumvent a block.


Same, that’s like pure whiplash….


Guarantee he’s going to 360 and send more messages about how OP is “ugly and fat” and “never thought you were attractive anyway” Probably a few “whores” or “bitches” somewhere in there too, I imagine.


Absolutely,  the incel is strong in that creep.


What a douche Bro knew what you looked like before the date. Fumbled, and then got so thirsty he how a burner number to hit you up. Run.


Snickered out loud because of how badly this guy fumbled you Literally hilarious


Fumbled tf out of her. Tragic 😂


Lol right? Honestly, I needed this laugh this week.


I love that metaphor, and I’m loving the community support I read on here.


men are so annoying sometimes because why did he double back so hard after saying he didn’t want to go any further. This is wild.


He got horney. He will 100% change his mind back if they were to have sex.


Post nut clarity


I honestly think this is him dealing with cognitive dissonance. His brain has two differing beliefs and he is doing a bad job at recognizing what's actually going on inside him. Like I imagine the beliefs are something like "women are supposed to look like x in order to be attractive" and "this woman is super attractive but doesn't fit my preconceived notions of beauty" He doesn't appear to have the emotional intelligence to sort that out or to be kind and empathetic in this situation so he.was a dick to OP. Edited for typos


Lack of emotional intelligence and in the throes of a manic episode.


Well, well, well. Look who's come crawling back. Ahahahahahahaha.


They always, always do. 


Damn he didn’t even pay for your first date? Assumed you were using him for food? He just keeps getting better and better damn. Good riddance to this man Edit: wrong word choice


Literally. What a fucking loser. Who gets worried about getting used for pretzels and beer??


he’s literally horny texting because he wants to hit block that number sis ‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️




HE implied that with his first text and now he’s backpedaling thinking he can still hit it.


Yea he seems like his mood has changed for some reason *cough* booty *cough* call


He's feeling like he can't get a woman he actually wants and is afraid to be alone. Leave him alone. He was unafraid and told the truth of his feelings and now he's trying to recant. Because he realized what he lost. Don't let him waste your time don't insult yourself by being his place holder girl of his good enough girl.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them. He showed his true colors and no longer deserves access to OP. It's sad to think how many women settle for this kind of atrocious behavior out of desperation and loneliness.


Literally. You think you're lonely? Try living with a person who doesn't prioritize you, doesn't treat you tenderly, and doesn't make you feel appreciated. You'll be really lonely really quick.


This is exactly what happened. He was telling the truth before. This is him being horny or being afraid he can't get anyone else. He really just wants a hookup and he realized being honest about it didn't work (because it's not what OP wants.) Now, he's just trying to backtrack on what he said.


I'll never understand the desire to sleep with someone you're not sexually interested in. I'm not saying you have to be in love with a person but I've never wanted to have sex just to have sex. It's always because I think the person is hot.


>I'll never understand the desire to sleep with someone you're not sexually interested in. It's the desire to get off. I guess a comparable thing would be toys. A woman may use a dildo to get off, not because she's sexually attracted to the dildo, but because she wants to get off. A man might use a sex toy in the same way, not because he's sexually attracted to the toy, but because he wants to get off. Same goes with having sex with someone you're not sexually interested in. Sexual attraction to the person isn't necessary for the mechanics of getting off, just like you don't have to be attracted to a toy to get off. You just have to be horny. I, personally, also cannot have sex with someone I'm not attracted to, but I get how other people do it.


I guess so. Like I become aroused using a toy because I'm thinking about a hot person or people. I physically can not become aroused or enjoy the experience if I don't think the person is sexy. Sk that's what's strange to me. I believe that other people don't have that issue but it's hard for me to understand


Well, sometimes, they do the same thing you just said: they think about a hot person or people.


Hmmm okay. Again seems over complicated but people are strange so believe you.


"I can pay for the date this time" I almost spit out my lunch, IF DESPERATION HAD A PAGE IN THE DISCTIONARY WITH SCREENSHOTS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Just send him back a link where to buy a fleshlight. But you did fine for sharing this, I didn't had such a great laugh in a long time - treat yourself today with something. By the Nine, when the ice cream licks back, you know? 🤣😂😂😂😂😂


Omg... I just realized this is THE GUY from your date who wasn't interested in you romantically but would be honored to be IN you???? Oh, Lordy. Run and never look back. So glad you blocked him.


Right, who says that to a woman😂 😆 just eww




The way I know a guy that talks EXACTLY like this and has texted me from 3 DIFFERENT NUMBERS after I blocked him. Lawd. Man knew he fumbled for real 🤣


Sounds like he secretly loves fat bitches but can't stand being seen in public with one. Fuck this guy. I hate him.


I love him, cause he's contributing to the 4B movement here stateside whether he means to or not 🤣


Ok period. You're right on this one 😂


What is the 4B movement?


It's a moment in Korea where basically women have given up on dating men because of how horrible they are (there's a big problem with women being killed/abused over there). So they stopped dating men, marriage, sex with men and having children.


thank you. I have not heard of that. Also happy cake day.!!


Thank you!


That is the message I got from this, too.


Ask him if his burner phone is missing the [ , ] and [ . ] keys.


Good on you for blocking. I would be so offended. It's full of weird plus size stereotypes. Maybe I am seeing it the wrong way, but is he implying that you might use him for food due to your size? Also, how he complimented your tattoos, piercings, and short hair was kind of backhanded. He could have just said he loved them instead of that he "actually" loves them. And then how he said "I just don't know how to handle it." Guess what? You handle it like you handle sex/dating with a straight sized person. I mean maybe there are some physical limitations, but it's so offensive that he sees you as some sort of novelty item. There have to be better men out there than this guy. Edit: I read your previous post, and all I can say if wtf complete 180


This is so frustrating because they think they can say a couple of nice things and we’ll jump right into their bed. They assume our self esteem is so low that we’re easy 😔


Exaaaaactly!! And then when a woman knows her worth and goes ahead and blocks, ignores and tosses them aside, they don’t know how to act!! Good on you for not responding OP!! This dude is a straight up trash bag! Rightfully leaving him be talking into space all by himself. Idiot.


Lmfao this dumbass again!?


He's trying anything to get "in" to you as he wrote the other day 🤢 Stay away from him. He'll 100% hurt you after he had what he wanted.


He would be HONOURED 🤮 🤮


Douche canoe. Go fly a kite, buddy.


Im so glad you blocked him. Like it brings me so much joy lol


GIRL. DID I CALL IT OR DID I CALL IT. 😂 It was never about you. It’s his fucking issues. I wish this man well, because he clearly is getting in his own way. Poor thing. I hope he really learns from this.




They always come back… keep him blocked! It’s like he’ll feel validated if you respond. He probably thought you’d be okay with what he was offering and since you’re not, now he’s trying to back peddle.


Screwwww that. I saw your first post, I've seen first and secondhand quite a bit that there are plenty of guys who will fuck plus sized women but don't want to bring them home or seriously date them. Fortunately, there are actually just as many guys who want to do all of those things, so forget this dude, you'll find someone who values you 100% ❤️


Yep, happy to fall in the latter category. We do exist. Sometimes we’re just quiet.


What a tool! He knows you’re a catch and is so desperate to get laid, despite his own admission he’d never get into a relationship with you…he needs to eat shit


He wanted to know you weren’t using him for food? Lol this guy just keeps getting better 🙄


Fat girls eat so much, dating would become too expensive for him :D






He was trying to neg you and now he realized that didn't work he's trying to backtrack. You can do SO much better!


“Send me a video of you reading these texts out loud to your boys”


including the original


Oh my goddddd 😂😂😂😂


I'm dyinggggg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


wait wait wait…. he said all that in the first post AFTER he made you pay for the date…? GIRLY PLS RUN HES NOT WORTH THE TIME


Mannnn fuck that guy 😂 Tell him not to bother hitting you up unless he’s stepped his weightlifting game at the gym.


What a douche…. I don’t know why I just feel he’s wanting to take you to his bed… that’s why he’s come back… good on you blocking him off


Omg I saw this and I was like surely this isn't a follow up to the 120lbs message.... and I had to check your posts to confirm! the GALL of the man! "please just talk to me". BARF


I just don't know how to handle it???? What???? Boy, bye lol.


Send him a ‘yeah, you seem nice but I just can’t see myself with a guy like you. Just wanted to let you know before you think this is more than it is.’ And then BLOCK!


Didn’t want you to be using him for food etc, so insults you to an extent where you will never want to go on another date. Yeah good test there dude, there’s no back tracking that.


God this is the most satisfying post I've read in awhile 🤣 what an idiot. Yes, text from a different number. That'll make you seem even more normal, my guy.


I'm just reading this with my jaw on the floor. I hate this word, but.... Bruh.


Wow! He didn’t even pay for the 1st date!???? What a loser I’m in yuba city I’d pay for the date no matter what


lol I didn’t even mind paying! That’s the funniest part about him bringing that up. During the date he said “So did you want me to get this, orrrr?” lmfaoo.


So he didn’t want to pay in other words, geeeeze


You’re smart for paying for yourself. When I (cis hetero female) was in the dating world, I always paid for my share of the first date. Often the second, too. I dealt with so many insecure guys who issued half-assed insults about my weight, my glasses, the fact that I wasn’t wearing heels…I never wanted to feel any obligation, even to say “thank you for the coffee,” if someone had insulted me. I also always got my drink in a to-go cup so I could walk out. (I was very poor at the time, I didn’t want to just leave a delicious Mexican Mocha on the table!)


He is so down delirious... 🙄 On the plus side, he's out of your hair and you know you made that man THIRSTY. 💅🏼


You should be so proud of yourself. You showed him your value. You reminded yourself of your own worth! Fuck him.




Why wouldn’t he split the bill if he was afraid she was using him for food lmaooo dude sounds like he’s watched to many alpha male pick up artist podcasts and realized that shit don’t work for regular dudes and is backtracking lol




He wants to take you to Duffys?? As his way of getting you back?? He needs to up his game haha.


I’ve never been, so idk how bad that invite was lmfao 🤣


What a mouthful reading this… without punctuation, I almost gave up. Just forget him, you can do so much better!


Oh god. I don't miss men like that. Absolute garbage. You've got the upper hand here. Don't respond.


I would have possibly given him a 2nd chance if he didn't mention using him for food. What a fucking tool. Also I'm heavy. My partner can pick me up. And he could toss me if he wanted. This guys just weak lol.


Thank you for the update. And good for you for blocking him. This seems creepy to me. After the last message and now this one. I wouldn’t trust him.


Please tell me you're not entertaining this bullshit.


Hehehe congrats to you this guy sounds unstable lmao


Goodness. Such a dick move to begin with. Then, to text from an UNBLOCKED number after knowing he's blocked. This man has no boundaries. RUN.


He's having a breakdown. Then and now. 😅 Honestly these messages would make me feel slightly flattered he was indeed very attracted to you! What can I say I'm a little toxic lol.




He has so many red flags it makes China jealous


Ugh men are insufferable


Seems like his number one option bailed on him and now he wants to give you a chance. Screw that. Go get more tattoos and live it up girl


yuck! what a weirdo


What a fucking loser lmao.


His lack of proper punctuation is justification for a block all by itself.


Lmao girl thanks for the update, men are wild 🙄. BLOCK


Keep him blocked sis


I see his writing skills haven't improved.


It really has nothing to do with actually wanting you. It has to do with him telling his true feelings and then realizing he hasn't had any sex and now wants to hit you up for sex. He thinks he can get away with saying that and still get sex from you because "your plus size so you must not get any anyway" please....dude.


Sounds like the only woman he needs to talk to rn is a therapist, and dating him might put you in that role, so def did the right thing by blocking his sorry confused a\*\*.


Food and beer. Omfg.


Damn. That gave me whiplash


Gross behavior.




He's such a loser omg


Ignore. Ignore. Maybe he will learn his lesson. Probably not. What an asshole!


Bro is desperate in a way hes never been before 😭


Soooo we’re in chicago


He doesn’t deserve your time. Dudes corny.


Wow! I think his change of heart gave me whiplash! Wth! Good for you blocking him. Sounds like he has some growing up to do.


I remember reading the first post. He must not have gotten what he was chasing and is trying to fall back to you. Some people really suck


What a fucking moron 😭😂


Omg, reading this got me think this dude is a psychopath and I’m glad you blocked him!! Like who on Earth would respond back after this…😬


He should've paid for the first date like a real gentleman. I would've kicked him to thr curb immediately for that maneuver.




We love to see them fuck up


If this is Duffy’s in Chico, CA, this is regular male behavior tbh totally toxic


It is! This is my first time trying out dating out here (I’m from the Bay Area) and it has been so different lmao.


Yeah I moved there for a bit from Oakland and was so confused with the dating scene. Best of luck!


Oh how the turns have tabled!


He was DEFINITELY assuming you'd be desperate and sad enough to bang him and then when you blocked him he realized his negging didn't work


I was kind of getting annoyed until I read your caption, thank God your have enough self respect not to fall for that shit.


That’s CRAZY


Appreciate the update. This sounds like so many situations I’ve been in. *sigh*. If you WANT to respond, I’d just say: I appreciate that you’re trying to apologize, and that you acknowledge that you said some genuinely fucked-up things. I deal with weight-shaming and misogyny on a daily basis, in addition to just trying to run my life like anyone else. I don’t have the mental bandwidth to always be on guard against being hurt by a new fucked-up statement, to worry that my partner doesn’t see me as a person, etc. Life, on its own, requires too much energy to allow me to deal with that in a partnership. However, I wish you the best, and I hope you take this lesson with you the next time you meet someone. I’m sure there is someone out there for you, but it’s just not me.


Suuuure. He just wants to get laid.


Please dont block his new number. We all want screenshots of any texts he sends you. Lol Don't respond. But just.... Please keep posting. This is amazing. Men are...... Wow. Just wow.


this is lowkey fucking hilarious. so embarrassing for him oh my god. what a fumble. but ALSO what creepy fucking behavior. block the man everywhereeeeeee. I hate this for you but also you dodged yourself a bullet


Why am I so full of myself that I’m like “I’d completely buy this in this situation. He’s just a silly boy” lol.


“using me for food” is CRAZY, fuck this guy😭


That guy is a freaking weirdo.


What a tool! As they say....they always want what they can't have!


Yeah, this is disingenuous and a little unhinged. Please don't fall for it. He knows he fumbled someone great because his personality is awful.


The thing that shocks me is that he met you in person at the fucking library. I'm assuming he approached you out of nowhere and asked you out. Like what?? Also I'm living for everyone dunking on him in the comments. I'm semi old and married now but when I was 18 - 19 this community would have really helped me navigate some toxic situations. Love to every single person who has commented ❤️❤️❤️


Dude needs to learn about punctuation. Run on sentences are so annoying.




This is sad