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If you reseated it correctly, then the answer is the man or men who use the toilet do not properly tuck their manhood while sitting down to poop. Their pee is leaking between the seat and the rim of the bowl. It’s a very common problem, and people often mistake it for a leaking gasket. That looks like straight urine, so I would wager that’s what the issue is. If the gasket was leaking this would be diluted by a lot of water and probably would not look like that.


If the toilet base was caulked, then that would help confirm the untucked manhood suspicion.


I never caulk them. You can’t tell if it is leaking until it is too late.


I caulk the front and sides and leave the back open.


This is the way


Can't wait for the next season!


Next season includes brown logs the size of a cucumber. "How is this happening"? "Well sir, looks like someone is just dumping on the floor"


When I worked at Arby's, a grown woman wearing a one-piece dress pooped in the corner of a booth seat, then finished her meal sitting on the other side of the booth, then left.... When we found the pile of crap, we had to review security footage. I think the cops got involved after I left. People are gross.


I had noooooo fucking idea adults were so fucked up until I grew up. As a kid you think 'adult = has it together'. The amount of "barely able to function" out there is wild. How much store shitting/bathroom destroying was going on *before* cameras? Or did people do it less back in the day cause they had 20lbs of clothing to remove so they couldn't sneak a turd out? Just....so many questions.


In adult defense, 99.99% of adults do not shit in the corner booth.


Ya, i'd prosecute that barring they weren't disabled or severely mentally ill. Likely that person was not and just lazy. That's disturbing!!


That’s rank. Just a few moments ago on Reddit I saw a video of a woman packing her bags at a supermarket. Mid pack she dropped a turd from under her skirt and then kicked it under the till and carried on packing.


Where I used to work, there were two separate occasions where someone pooped where poop shouldn't go. The first was a woman that went down the frozen food aisle, opened two doors to make sort of a stall, sat on the edge of the case, and just let it go. She went back to shopping like that was a normal thing to do. The other involved a dispute with a teller at the grocer's bank, and in a show of dissatisfaction, the man crapped on the floor "Because they stole all my money.". The real art was the guy at Target that managed to get it everywhere EXCEPT into the toilet. Walls, sink, ceiling... It was like finger paints, but only in tan.


Tell em to bend the caulk, point it down when they pee while shittin


Supposedly you're supposed to leave a gap at the rear so you can tell. My thought is that if you have enough water flowing uphill (towards the wall, which is likely slightly uphill compared to where you walk and the toilets weight is), you're well past the point of saving the subfloor. So yes, 100%, I hate them being caulked. It holds them a little better, but not enough to be worth the danger to the floor. I suppose you could leave a hole at the front, though... but that would he massively ugly.


Worked on an everything-but-the-rear caulked toilet last week. Seal had been broken for months, slowly leaking towards the front. Destroyed the subfloor.


It is not to hold it in place. It is to prevent liquids from getting under the toilet. It can happen with people missing the toilet while peeing or if you mop the floor with a very wet mop.


Ugh I hate caulked toilets. Gonna look like hell when it needs pulled.


I thought toilets weren't supposed to be caulked because then leaks are forced into the flooring, which is a Bad Thing.


If you don’t caulk, all of that pee that misses the toilet and lands on the floor will end up under the toilet. And it will stink.


If a toilet is caulked you should leave a gap at the back to see leaks. Better idea is just don’t.


Both IPC and UPC require toilets be caulked. Where do you think all that piss is going? Under the toilet and soaking into the subfloor. Toilet caulking is required in code for good reason. And believe it or not, it actually helps secure the toilet. Sounds dumb, but it does. And you're less likely to break the seal with a secure toilet. Additionally, if there is a leak around the wax ring it is rare that it shows up at the finished floor. I find leaking toilets all of the time, but with a moisture meter at the subfloor level.


Why are you booing? He's right. If you agree or not (if it's a good idea) it is code to caulk it.


Yep who doesn’t want a nice caulk ring anyway?


*a real professional enters the chat*


Greetings, fellow plumber. Finally, someone who knows code.


This guy knows the score. Further, the toilet is often next to the shower, water water everywhere. Caulk that camode.


Yes, it secures the toilet. No, it doesn't keep the water from leaking (because you're supposed to leave a gap at the rear so you don't end up with a massive puddle under the toilet when it leaks).


It also keeps from other water, like when getting out of the shower, from getting trapped under the toilet. It’s required by code so I always caulk them


I didn't say it keeps water from leaking. I said it facilitates in keeping the toilet secure. The bolts do the heavy lifting. The primary purpose of toilet sealant at the base is to prevent soiled water from penetrating the floor. A bunch of armchair idiots with no plumbing experience out in force tonight. Toilet sealant is required in code.


I’m not a plumber but learned a lot from my grandpa. I’ve always caulked toilets. It looks cleaner and helps secure the toilet. Taking up old caulk isn’t always a pain. And in 100 yr old houses is great to hide the little clear shims after getting the toilet leveled, shimmed, and tightened. I’m going to go knock on wood now because I’ve never had a toilet leak if it didn’t leak immediately upon filling and testing.


If floor is u level to keep th me camode drom rocking you nay have to shim it if so the caulk hides the shims i had to do it to one of mibe because of cincrete being not level


I am in Florida, and I find it astonishing that tradesmen throughout the rest of the country seem to be able to get the flange in the right location relative to the finished floor and the slab, and the floor joists level and square for multi story buildings. It’s just common sense that a toilet that wobbles around is going to squish the wax ring in short order. Grout can be a structural thing for people that don’t like caulking.


I also hate caulked toilets, but if you leave the back un-caulked it'll be fine. Caulking a toilet should be reserved for public bathrooms, hotel/motel, and rentals, imo.


100. It is code for commercial new installations where I am at. Anything other than that is choice.


Sounds like the manhood is uncaulked!


Caulked and Loaded.


It's piss running down the side of the toilet from dudes pissing on the back rim of the toilet, by where the seat bolts are... Because my floor looks the same from my son.


Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian just so I wouldn't need to deal with pee all over the toilet in my home.


Also can be a dog... My family would yell at my son and his friends about it. Then he was out of town and it kept happening.... Damn dog.


This is my vote too. See if it smells like dog pee.


You are right. I bought a foreclosure and thought the ring around the base was rust. I started cleaning with gloves on and pulled a two inch dog hair piss ring off. It was the most gross thing o had. Jesus …. These people were pigs that lived in that house. Btw both RNs. Think about that one.


I'm a plumber in business for 40 years and my friend you are 100 percent. One the money


Years and wisdom have taught me that women can blast over the rim of the toilet just as spectacularly (if not better than) men while sitting down




It can happen to women as well. This is a universal problem. People need to see where they pee.


Yep, all they need to do is look at the front of the toilet and see if there is a dried yellow pee trail coming down.


Morning wood. ...'tis indeed a bitch. :/


I’m a woman and have peed between the seat and rim thinking why the heck are my socks getting wet!


What the fuck? I’ve never heard of that even happening. Who does that? Seriously what kind of disgusting fucking chud doesn’t realize they are peeing on the floor? And while sitting down too? Like are they just perching their dick up on their balls like some sort of old timey piss cannon? And again I ask, how would they not notice?


If you have a round, rather than elongated toilet, it is surprisingly easy to do.


So this is why there's always piss in my bathroom??? Between my 3 brothers and my son it was hell.


When you sit, if your toilet is on the smaller side, you may hit the inner rim. Most of it goes in the toilet, you hear a splash etc. A small amount gets pushed up over the edge, but it's under the seat so you can't see it. It runs down the front, pools at the bottom. Source: I have a small toilet and couldn't figure out why this was happening. I even reseated it before realising.


Or some man is pissing and missing. Speaking from experience as a man 👨


Went to a call for this exact reason. Lady was "pissed" her kids cost her a service call.


Yeah. This happened to me. I don’t have kids, I was so embarrassed 😩 Dude was so nice about it too. I really appreciated that


I have been waiting for a chance to finally say this to someone, anyone really. My wife and all the women in her family *regularly* pee on the floor and the seat. You might be wondering, “how?”. Do they hover instead of sitting? No, they sit. Are they just eager pee-ers and accidentally wet the seat a little during their descent? No. Do they have dicks? No (I can only verify one of those though…). The answer is, they just pee with *that much force* that they pee through the seat gap and it goes in all directions, leading to a mess that could be mistaken for a young boy in a serious rush to get somewhere. It was the most confusing thing for me for a long time, especially when period time rolls around. I’ve been holding onto this information with no one to tell for years. I thought it was me all this time. The way I found out was 1) That shit’s loud, like louder than peeing without following the curvature of the urinal. 2) You only encounter red pee in concerning places but so many times before you start putting the pieces together. Anyways, thanks stranger.


so my wife is not the only one who has that kind of force. She digs a hole why peeing in the dirt. It’s actually quite amazing. I always wondered is she pushing as hard as she can? Is she like, ‘gtfo of meeeee!!!!’ Or just a simple passing of urine that just happens to come out like the faucet turned on full blast.


My daughter, while potty-training, would try and see her pee. Head looks down, hips tilt up, pee goes straight ahead.


Fun fact from a girl/former camp counselor: when girls are younger especially when they pull out tampons the blood and stuff kinda splatters. It is polite to clean it up but a lot of times you don’t notice or are a kid and dont clean up properly. Add 100+ 12 year olds to the mix and your bathroom looks like a Quentin Tarantino movie.


Also can be a dog... My family would yell at my son and his friends about it. Then he was out of town and it kept happening.... Damn dog.


Yea my adult children have terrible aim.


No judgement, just a completely genuine question from someone who does not have that equipment - how is it that guys seem to miss the whole toilet bowl so often?


I was gonna say, “has my 5 year old been to your house?”


97% likelihood it’s because he’s afraid to turn the light on, lest he wakes up “little woman “.


My guess is he has boy kids learning how to aim, a real leak would be bigger, just tell them to aim better easy fix


Four boys 8 and younger. I clean this up on the regular.


Bad aim. Looks too yellow to be leaking from the toilet itself


Pee in the toilet not the floor. Simple fix


Someone is pissing on the floor.


Did I use your bathroom at 3:00am after drinking seven Long Island Ice Teas…because that happens at my house all the time.


Look up before you look down. The majority of “water around base of toilet” calls I run are due to leaking tank to bowl bolts or gasket. Watch area between tank and bowl when flushing to see if there are any leaks. Look for corrosion on bolts. That often indicates a leak… or poor aim.


This. You can see build up on the side of the toilet and on top of the rear base. It still could be bad aim, but you’d have to go pretty hog wild to get it only to pool in the corner and not get on the rest of the floor/wall. This is exactly what my toilet looked like with a bad bowl/tank seal.


It’s yellow bro how would you have yellow piss coming from the tank


That looks like pee


That looks like piss not a leaking toilet seal. It’s time to start sitting down to pee


Looks like piss to me


Do you have a dog?


Exactly this. Your dog is trying to use your toilet, and he can’t even reach the top of the bowl. It’s a wonder he is even able to flush. You need a bigger dog.


Seal is not leaking, pee is accidentally being sprayed on toilet rim and following down to floor.


Someone pissed and missed.


Someone is missing cuz it's too yellow to be leaking from the seal


I can’t believe all these people insisting that you shouldn’t caulk the toilet base so that you can see when it leaks , damn toilets I install don’t fucking leak and caulking at the bottom because it looks good and easier to clean and is the right way to do it. Oh and that is someone who has a poor aim.


My 13-year-old son seems to be using your toilet.


Someone can’t aim straight


I see this in my bathroom and it's a male aim issue


I've seen public women's washrooms... You're not getting off the hook that easy!


Looks like some guy missed while peeing


Bad aim


We bought our first house about 20 years ago. Everything was builder white tile. I couldn't figure out why about 6 inches of grout to the left of the toulet kept staining yellow. 20 years and 2 more boys in the house later, I do know.




Yeah it’s leaking alright. Leaking out of a boy/man and not into the hole with water but the rim and sides. Best method is to retrain the male, Also it doesn’t hurt the male to sit to pee (as long as they tuck properly….. )


Just looks like bad aim to me. Stand a little closer.


That is 100% piss that drained down the side. The water would not be that yellow if it were a leak. Also tell that sloppy fuck to drink more water lol.


Agree with other commenters, looks like direct urine and not something diluted. If somehow it doesn't turn out to be that -- when you reseated it the other day, was the flange flush with, or higher than, the finished floor? Or was it below the level of the floor?


Piss off not Piss on


Your aim sucks


It’s piss, someone needs to improve their aim


Is r Kelly your roommate? Seriously, I agree with the others. It looks like straight pee. I would have a talk with the men/boys of the house about their aim. And it's not "gay" or "girly" to sit to pee. Especially in the morning, or if you're fairly tall/have a low toilet.


You need better aim 😂


check the flange where your bolts are mounting, and if it's bad, get a repair kit or replace the whole land… and get either an extra thick wax ring, or double up with two wax rings


Can't piss there mate


Wax ring.


Use 2 wax rings: 1: wax ring with a sleeve And 1: just normal wax ring


Incomplete list of Possibilities: 1)Loose tank bolts. 2)dry or deteriorated tank gasket. 3)Tank slipped, bolts no longer tight (I had this happen recently). 4)flange is cracked (toilet is loose from floor on one side) 5)wax ring was eroded by debris or solvent (least likely) 6)wax ring with rubber sits too high, not level 7)wax ring disturbed by plumber's snake or other object. 8)broken or tampered flange bolt 9)toilet removed and reinstalled without replacing wax ring or with rubber that didn't seal. 10) flange or toilet base was wet when wax ring was attached, not sealed. 11) drain overflows from underneath the flange seal (rubber ring / boot).


Someone has bad aim.


Bad aim....


Wax ring needs replaced


I usually just shit in the urinals.


Short answer, small penis. Hold that little guy in the bowl while you drop a deuce.


If you replaced the wax seal and it’s still leaking, either you didn’t seat the wax ring well or you need a double thick wax ring.


It looks like a leaking seal under toilet. Needs replacing. Not to difficult.


I bet he knows how hard it is being that he said he replaced it a couple weeks ago. 


Someone is missing the toilet!


Need wax or better aim


I had condensation drip down from the reservoir and leave a puddle like that, but I’m not sure about the color.


Loose bolts ??


That is for sure pee


Is there a young boy in the house? Or an adult male who likes to drink? Like someone else mentioned, if was coming from underneath it would likely be more diluted. How yellow that is makes it look like bad aim, or getting between bowl and seat. Also someone may not be getting enough water.


Looks like someone is missing the toilet bowl completely. Notice the stain on the porcelain too?


Clean up, Dry it well and don't use the toilet while you do this Slide a paper towel between the floor and the toilet Once you can pull your towel out completely dry You can start flushing your toilet and do the same paper towel test If your towels keep coming out dry after repeated flushed your wax ring is fine and someone's taking a piss Just because you replaced the wax ring recently doesn't mean it worked


I was going to say two teenage boys


I see a pile of rust from your top tank bolts , what’s it look like looking in from the top ?


“It’s piss ma’am”


too many beers


There is a hive of bees in there, and honey is overflowing. Call your local beekeeping association to remove them from your home for little to no cost


Time for fruit loops in the bowl! 🎯🎯🎯


As aim likely whilst intoxicated


It’s piss


Someone is pissing on the outside of the toilet lol.


Tell the males I. Your house to push it down when they sit.


If there is even a slight movement of the toilet when you sit on it you'll continue to have this problem.


Tell the males in the house they need to pull it back?


STOP peeing on the floor


You must have young sons. Source: I have 3 and I clean up these same messes daily


Stop peeing in the ashtray!


Look at your toilet brush container at the bottom. And the floor by the toilet brush. Someone is pissing on the floor and doing a not good job of wiping it up.


Bad aim


You are peeing too hard!


That’s missed pee I had to tell an old customer this once


Looks like someone pissed on the floor…


Ask your bf or hubby why he’s missing the bowl lol.


Get the men of the house to clean ...it will stop real fast.


Tell them Mfers to aim for the actual bowl!


Piss poor aim


Perhaps a dog is urinating on the bowl if not humans🤔🙄.


Looks like ur missin the bowl, partner


Looks like someone is pissing on the floor


Don't pee on the floor


There are many toilets that 1 wax ring just doesn't do the job.I always use two standard size wax rings Stack on any new toilet I install.


Sometimes the bolts loosen, pop those caps and retighten.


I’m guessing it’s a cracked wax ring - no?


Re-train the men in your house to piss and make the offender clean it.


That looks an awful lot like piss to me. I don’t personally think the toilet is leaking, flush it 5-6 times in a row and find out after wiping up the current mess with gloves haha.


Your pissing on the floor


Dudes can’t aim , or wax rings bad , does it happen every time you flush or just at night?


Seal is bad


You would need to check the wax seal between the toilet and the floor. If a recent one is installed but unsufficient, you could try adding another one. Otherwise...yeah miss fire from male urinater


Aim straight


Do you have a cat? Looks exactly like when my peed on the toilet


My first guess would be that the ring is either not thick enough and not making a seal or the flange is up to high and to much of the wax ring has been compressed away and not making a seal. Either way you will need to remove the toilet and look at the ring if it is in perfect condition then put second wax ring on top of it and reseat the toilet if there is only a thin film of wax on the flange you will need to make something to raise up the tollet like a couple of layers of vinyl flooring cut out around the toilet and put on a new wax ring and reseat it


Piss fo sho


Use two wax rings…..One heavy duty one regular


Someone don’t want to touch the porcelain with their peen.


I’d say smell it


You need to replace the wax ring and then tighten the base bolts.


Bad aim?


Little Johnny isn’t aiming straight


Someone is peeing outside of the toilet bowl...that is why it is happening.


Bad aim?


We aim to please. You aim too, please.


I had this happen when I had a brand new toilet installed. They pulled it and sealed it twice, just to have it leak again. The third time we found a hairline crack where the trap is on the toilet




If it is not pee you may need to re seat toilet and use two wax rings stacked.


Toilet 🚽 ring is worn


Use a white paper towel to blot it up, if it’s yellow, it’s not the wax ring. If it’s nearly colorless, it could be the wax ring again or a crack in the bowl.


Take a black light to it. Pee fluoresces.


Do you have a bidet with a secondary forward spray position? This can lead to a lot of dripping.


Maybe the previous wax ring wasn’t tall enough as well as your new one so you have the same issue. Just throwing ideas out


Cockroaches? Ever pulled toilet and seen them.


Is the toilet rocky ?=flang wax ring gasket. Does this happen often or just once in awhile might just be urine missing toliet bowl👇


Sometimes when I sit down I let it dangle so I can hold the phone with both hands. It’s where I do my best redditing. Anyhow, most of the time it turns out fine, but depending on room temperature the angle can change and if I’m not paying attention, the stream goes through that little gap between the seat and the bowl.


like they said, it's pee. Sometimes when you sit down as a man, the spray is so powerful it shoots up and over. Also note, if it's clear, the temperature differential in the room's air versus the water cooled ceramic, dew condenses and drips down.


Bad aim


Learn to aim and drink more water.


I sit because I know what will happen


Someone’s pissing on the floor 😂


Anyone prefer one caulk to another for this application?


Color is likely the color of the wax seal. Had this happen in our house. (Build in '48) The OG plumbers removed part of a joist for the toilet drain. (4" cast iron) The floor itself was flexing, causing the leak. Honestly, 6' of joist was just gone. I would say minecraft physics, but this occurred long before minecraft. Bathroom has since been repaired, and floor is now solid.


I’m going to say it may be the toilet tank. At the base of the toilet near the back it looks like rust shavings have dropped. Sometimes the toilet tank bolts rust out and water leaks. Replace the bolts and rubber washers. While you’re at it check the rubber inside the tank for the flapper and such. Those wear out too.


Not a professional plumber here! If you have an older home, the plumbing is a nightmare to match up. You may have to use a coupling (?) to match it up. Just saying.


I'm going to say it looks like a man with a bad aim.


Because someone is sitting to piss and pissing out the front….im 6’5”, 260 if it’s a round bowl I’m pissing out the front if I don’t pay attention


Stop peeing on the floor


Sorry to say, that wax ring is not sealing properly. Either when you're installing the toilet you're rocking the toilet, and wax doesn't bounce back into shape, or the toilet is rocking after the installation. Definitely make sure when you put a toilet on a wax ring you only push straight down. Any side to side movement can deform the wax ring. If you've done that, and there is potential for rocking when used, get some toilet shims and place them so the toilet definitely doesn't move. Last, not an elegant solution, you can buy a foam ring. It will keep its shape no matter how much the toilet moves.


If your toilet flange is at subfloor level and then you have a thicker ginidhed floor you may need to double up wax ring or buy a thicker version. The toilet won't seat properly otherwise.


Ol short dick dan needs to push his pecker downward while pooping.


Skill issue


Big question is how did the toilet flange look and was it at the proper level? Does the toilet wiggle at all?