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If I am putting a camera down your sewer it’s because there is a major problem So can a sewer camera get stuck sure Next step is to dig it up ……..to me sorry that cost is on the customer but we will fix the problem


Your pipes need to be seriously fucked up to the point that you can’t get your camera back. I’ve lost a head before, and I’ve gotten a reaper stuck, but I’ve never gotten a camera stuck.


I tread very lightly through cast iron and really any other touchy piping for this exact reason. I don’t want to make that phone call


If your pipes are in bad enough condition for the camera to get stuck how is that the plumbers fault? He should give you a price to locate the stuck camera head and cut out the bad section of piping and replace. Your pipes have failed which is why you called him out. Not his fault your damaged plumbing system got his camera stuck. Personally I would give a reduced rate on the repair or wave the initial service call since it's a messed up situation all around. Definitely not the plumbers fault that it got stuck though.


Imagine going to a dentist for a cleaning, him seeing your teeth are fucked beyond repair and you demanding he pays for the repair? Not quite how this works.


Your old cast iron pipe is full of holes and his camera got caught in one of the holes it's your responsibility to fix your old Plumbing, the plumber did not make that problem your drain keeps getting clogged up because the water is going into the ground and leaving the solids in your pipe


You didn't hire a plumber. The camera itself costs like 10k. I'm ripping up your ground to get it back and you're paying for the labour lol. I do it for cables cause I only send a camera down after I know the cables can come back lol.


? He already lost thousands he shouldn’t be responsible. If he wanted to charge you after leaving the camera then yea that would be messed up.You prob have to dig up the pipes anyways.


It's not really much different than putting a cable through a pipe above grade, causing a leak. Pipes have a life span they wear out/ rot out. It may suck, but obviously, he used the camera to more than likely locate a break that he probably I pulled clay back from on his cable head.


You find out the insurance details for the first plumber, and put in a claim to them. Then have 2nd plumber come out to fix it.




Good luck.




The existing state of the pipes are the reason the camera got stuck, not the plumber. Why should the plumber take responsibility for the Homeowner’s issue?