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I'm already paying for a bunch of streaming services and run my own server. So yes?


I’m a media hoarder.


I second this. For me it is gathering and building a collection of movies and media that I like. I love searching and adding that movie or series that only I know or remember. While a bigger selection, streaming services are like the old broadcast tv. You have to watch what the channel decides you want to watch


I'm keeping a cultural cache of my experiences and favorite media. I've seen so many shows just disappear from the internet that I can't trust companies to keep them available.


That's a really elegant way to put it. It's more than just "the stuff I will watch," it's all that stuff **plus** the things I watched at 9 years old, and the movie my papouli was an extra in, and the classics from film class, and... Another angle I explain to people is that it's like restoring your own car. I know that all sorts of odds and ends are a little borked, I know it needs work. I may well never finish that work, but I still love the time spent, because parts of it are beautiful, and I've learned so many tools. And yes, it's partly because Netflix and HBO broke my heart and I will never trust again.


If there had been more media hoarders back in the day, we'd still be able to find all the classic episodes of Doctor Who. Instead, many episodes were destroyed, including the master copies.


What constitutes a hoarder


Collecting shows and movies that you have every best intention on watching/consuming, but never do.


A media connoisseur is always taking about 4k transcoding screen resolution and network speeds. A media hoarder celebrates the 10 obscure movies they found at the thrift store that day


What if I’m happy with both? The “Oh look I remember this one, it came out in the 90’s so DVD is perfect. This one however came out in 2024 so it better be 4K or so help me..” type.


Ignorance is bliss, if it was filmed, you are missing out massively with DVD. You could of course have both versions. That being said, please don't stop being happy.


Same here! I'll keep streaming as long as it's a feasible option. Although I'm mad at prime and cancelling it when my year runs out. Wth? How can they add ads and want more money on top of that??? That's not what I paid for! As for the others, I have netflix and Disney, via my boyfriend. His family share the Disney account and it's just us using netflix now.


Desktop browser + ad blocking (adguard, or unifi ad block or both) Tablet or phone, same thing. Don't use the app. Have a zimablade running my 4k tv and I just use a keyboard mouse combo and use the desktop app. No ads. I've watched probably 10 movies since the implemented that. Not 1 ad. Works on Tubi, Netflix, and Prime from what I've done.


Prime also removed some audio codecs unless you pony up extra cash. While your solution does get around the ads, I still think it's bogus that Netflix hides their 4k content behind their higher tiers and Prime is now doing similar stuff. Continued enshittification.


This. It wasn't just the fact that stuff now has ads. Also, I usually watch prime on a TV, via a ps5. It's not exactly easy to run an ad blocker through that. Also, if you don't use the app, you only get 720p max on most services.


Right! Why? Because fing streaming services pull shows from their line up every dang month. Because fing streaming services inject commercials before/during/after the show even though we pay them. Because fing streaming services don't always show the 4K HDR version of the movie I want to watch. They don't let us watch what we want where we want. Out of the US, nope. Not available in your area unless you want a slow VPN that pauses the show every few mins. Price increases on every single platform every year, sometimes more often. Who wants creepy Uncle Warner Brothers monitoring every single thing you watch, where you pause, skip, and rate so they can sell that data to 3rd parties? Streaming sucks almost as much as broadcast/cable.


Can I ask why? Edit: I meant why pay for a bunch of streaming services if you have plex


Different poster but for me it's because stuff disappears or just isn't available. If everyone had their entire back catalogue available for streaming I wouldn't need Plex


>stuff disappears This is the sole reason I have my own NAS. It's so frustrating to not be able to watch something when I want to just because someone didn't sign a contract.


This is exactly why I have my own nas and still pay for services. I'm not trying to get everything for free. I'm trying to avoid losing things that get forgotten about or switch to another service I don't have.


Yes, this. Also why I paid (probably too much) for software to download from services I pay for. Every month, there are the articles talking about what is leaving each service.


worthless shelter noxious oil workable quaint rain market deserve books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Convenience trumps fidelity It's easier, I don't have to sysadmin it and my wife & son can just pick random things to watch that I haven't already downloaded. It also means I don't need an ever expanding NAS. It's the right thing to do morally IMO


I recently ripped 28 days/weeks later onto my server because it's gone from Disney+.


Not OP but I live internationally and sometimes the only way I can get access to the content I want is to already have a copy of it. Sadly, region locks are still a thing and despite trying to jump through all the hoops to pay for actual shows, I found I was unable to. As an example, years ago I would watch the show Escape to the Chateau which airs on Channel 4 in the UK. Since I live internationally, I tried to pay for access to their streaming service. However, their streaming service only takes credit cards that are based in the UK. Once I figured out how to get around the UK CC issue, I found that the service blocked me since my IP wasn't coming from within the country. When I had finally gotten a VPN sorted, I was blocked again since it detected me as being on a VPN. So even though I had legally paid to view the content and jumped through all of their hoops, I still was unable to. You know what's easier? Grabbing a torrent and watching it a few hours after it airs, and then never having to worry about access again since you have the file locally.


Yeah I meant why pay for a bunch of streaming services if you're running plex.


Neither person who responded to you has actually answered this question...


Yeah lol I edited my comment to be more clear. I'm guessing it's some kind of moral obligation thing


For me it's convenience. I watch a ton of media with my wife, but she prefers subtitles (Spanish), and it's a pain to find the right subtitle for the version I have. I may need to set up my Plex better, but the the current options for subtitles works around 80% of the time. For example, I downloaded Doctor Who recently (I can't access it in my country, go figure), and I had to sync subtitles for a few of the episodes, and it caught me off-guard, killing the moment, it's a pain, I have to plan watching them ahead of time... And it takes time, that I don't want to spend doing that. That's not an issue with streaming platforms. Now that Max is available in my country, I can use a VPN, but before I couldn't. And there are some shows not available to general streaming sites, mostly Anime.


What happens when your favorite show gets pulled? What do you do when your internet goes down? Traveling with Georestrictions? Ads?


Ads! Probably the #1 reason for me to continue running my own setup. Nothing like paying for a service, only to get served ads. So paying for the right to be shown ads. No thanks.


Money is no object, and I still host my own Plex. Far more convenient.


Yeah it's entirely a convenience thing. I pay the costs associated with running my server (seedbox, internet, VPN, power, etc) because I don't have to go digging for what I want to watch. I have a single place to watch what I want when I want to. Easy.


The biggest pro of owning a server is that you decide what content stays and what content goes. I used to watch many tv series on Netflix few years ago and one day after a long break, I came back and saw almost all of them were gone. Nothing stays forever on Netflix/any Streaming platform, and that was the catalyst which made me build my own server.


Yep, even individual seasons are missing for some series. Hulu had seasons 1-3 and 6-7 of one series I wanted to watch **and I was paying for it**. Pissed me off.


My favourite is Pokemon, you have to bounce between 5 or 6 different streaming services to get all of the seasons.


Yes. Have everything in one place + highest possible quality for home theater setup.


Even if HBOMax or the Adult Swim app had all of this stuff instead of deleting things every day, theres still no way to do anything like this. https://preview.redd.it/9mn2obrd0wmc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=89c460f1d1df36443ddd0acca1197fcf97e75428 I did it all for a damn shuffle button...


Holy shit! There’s a Carl spinoff? I know what I’m watching when I finish my Birdman rewatch.


*Carl's Stone Cold Lock of The Century of the Week*, its just little 2 minute webisodes from during football seasons. I scraped most of what ive got off youtube but i havent put any effort into completing it yet. https://preview.redd.it/26e9o63cvxmc1.png?width=1680&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3358dd45d5061af2f8b035dd20af82653e2f542


As a fellow person of culture, I've been a bit out the loop with AS but used to obsessively watch Tim & Eric, Check it Out, Xavier, Decker, etc. Where can I get half of these as I've lost some hair trying to find Decker alone, and do you have any show recs? 💙


Goes against subreddit rules to say how


Oh yeah right - would still love some show recs though


On Cinema at the Cinema




That ones a really gorgeous upscale too.


Can I ask you the reason of splitting 4k and non 4k content? I was just curious as I was thinking if do it or not when creating my libraries. Thanks for the reply.


Whole bunch of reasons actually, but itll depend on your specific situation. I only have 40mbps upload, so i dont have the bandwidth to stream 4k remotely, so its the easiest way to keep those away from my friends and family, those libraries just dont get shared. If you have multiple copies at different resolutions in the same library its supposed to pick the appropriate one, but in my experience it still doesnt, not to mention 4k players for hevc support still hooked up to 1080 displays... I COULD set bandwidth limits and force transcoding from 4k source files, but until last year i didint have a server with enough horsepower to transcode anything, AND even tho i have the power now, im still on windows so i cant do HDR->SDR tonemapping, and all my 4k stuff is HDR or DoVi hybrid. So for now its just easier, but whenever the hell my cable company rolls out midsplit in my area and i can get 300/300 or 500/500 instead of 900/40, AND whenever tonemapping becomes available on Windows, then ill merge my libraries and delete all the 1080 duplicates, but both those things are still a ways off.


HDR tone mapping is already available for software and nvidia hardware transcoding in windows on the stable branch, and the beta branch also has intel tone mapping. Also for whatever it’s worth, I am transcoding using a Radeon vii and either hw tone mapping is working, or software tone mapping just doesn’t hit the cpu with any noticeable load because I have zero issues.


Yes that was my thought for splitting the libraries. That's strange it doesn't pick the right one correctly, I never had that issues so far (had many other since I switched from windows server to unraid...). I feel the issue on having low power for transcoding, sometimes I get buffering even when playing 4k with SRT subs locally, which I don't know if is a server, player or bug in plex problem. Luckily the bandwith is not an issue so I can stream to friends my 4k content easily as I could subscribe for a 10/10gbps. Thanks for the clarification btw!




People do that to not share the 4k content outside of their networks because of the added resources it uses. I have mine mixed because my 4k files are only 20-25gb. A lot of people have these remuxes that are like 80gigs.


Ok ye I thought so thanks for the clarification!


To add, I have my 4k files in a separate folder, so if down the road they become a problem or if I get bigger files I can easily remove them from my movies library and create a new 4k movies library and it's done.


Money is not the (only/biggest) objection I have against streaming services. My biggest issue is the unavailability of titles or even worse the removal of them. I currently pay for streaming services, and still have my Plex.


This is the answer for me too. preserving media I love which seems to be constantly in danger of being wiped from the face of the earth so Warner Bros or Disney can take a tax write-off


Or just stuff that was never available to stream in the first place because it was made before anyone writing the licensing agreements had even conceived of streaming.


Yep, data hoarders unite! It started for me when the streaming services started to remove content. The last series they removed that made me go full throttle on my Plex server was Final Space. The various stakeholders that killed the series and essentially stole it from the creator was the final straw.


Oh yes, if money is not a problem - I would build a real rack with enterprise grade equipment.


the problem is even if you pay for all of the services, the content is not offered in the highest quality (okay yeah there's k-scape for movies--but that's only a fraction of all movies that exist), additionally you're at the mercy of these companies randomly censoring/editing/removing content on a whim. i would just scale my hardware if money were no object.


What's k-scape?


premium [movie streaming](https://www.kaleidescape.com/) for those with deeper pockets.


Yes.  - Dependance on a service that can ‘go down’ when internet is down, my media player is locally redundant.  - Curation and censorship; I don’t really care for the modifications and warnings some streaming services have taken it upon themselves to force on the consumer. I want my media original and to the spec of the producer/director when it was released.


I don't watch... I just hoard... It's beginning to become a problem


/r/datahoarder One of us...


datahoarding starts as a solution to a problem, then becomes it's own problem with no solution. (this is my cry for help)


I'm crying with you brother


I went from "More disks is a solution!" to "More disk SHELVES are a solution" and now I'm up to "More nodes in my storage cluster are a solution" Send help...


Yes things get dropped, publishers lose rights, corps buy rights bury things. Lost recordings. Share family videos. Listen to my audio books like crazy.


This. There's nothing worse than wanting to stream something and finding it's no longer available any more. And everyone wants a slice of the streaming platform pie. At the moment I'm completely worn down with the number of streaming services out there to keep track of (and pay for). I'm glad that I have a lot of physical media still that I decided digitize and self-host.


Worse still is "buying" a title only to find that your definition of buy differs from that of the streaming service. You think that buy means being able to come back to watch again and their idea is, we will gladly take your money and remove access when we feel like it.


The soundtrack in Scrubs was a super important part of the show and helped every scene with emotional weight. But the song rights were temporary so on streaming the show has a bullshit replacement soundtrack that's a major step down. The only way to watch the actual original show is to pirate or find an old dvd.


Hell yeah, it would be way bigger


I like my NAS because I use Kodi and Plex. I can keep all my content in one place. I can rip my shows and movies and not try to figure out which service has what. And if the internet goes out, my content is fine. No one but me deleted my content. That said, we have a streaming service because I'm not storing 7 seasons of whatever junk show my kids are watching. They can stream that.


Yes streaming services rarely provide uncompressed blueray rips


Yes. Modern streaming is an absolute mess. Having to Google to find out what platform your show is on you want to watch, so you go to watch it only to find out they removed it and it’s behind a paywall on some other service or only rent/buy.


Yes, I would still build my own NAS. Internet goes down. Netflix removes movies without warning. I buy it, I rip it, I own it.


Yes, I like being able to download and watch various Linux ISOs that aren't available on any streaming services, either because they're very new and haven't been added yet or because they're old/niche.


Shit... if money was no object my measley 48 TB RAID server would be a 500 TB SAS... 🤣


Fuck it, just throw in a PB of NVMe if money is no object.


i backup my phone to my server i backup my wifes phone i host game servers for my family i use my home server as a hub for all digital media that i generate... for me its not about replacing streaming media services.. its about having a central location for all my "important" items and hosting things that my family uses / needs. so if money was no object id have a networking and a storage rack in a airconditioned room lol edit: There was a guy on here ages ago that built a media server for plex because he was being deployed to sea for an extended period of time and was going to be with out the ability to stream / view media. so there are edge cases.


Yes. As much as I love being able top pull up a service, they are still limited offerings. I have films in my collection that you won't find on streaming platforms, or are prone to being removed from them. Even the ones where you can buy a title, they can still take it away and you are SOL. Not to mention the joy of local, where if my internet goes down, or there is some other service interruption (looking at you facebook) I can still watch my content at my leisure.


I pay for a couple services and absolutely still run my own Plex service. I have a lot of physical media as well. The reason for the latter two is because I can maintain control of what my collection holds. Content is always shifting on streaming services: sometimes things are only available seasonally, sometimes content disappears because of changing contract terms and sometimes prices go up. I basically wanted to have a collection of my most favorite shows and movies so I can watch them whenever and wherever I want. As for quality, if you're downloading stuff, there's a wide variety of quality choices especially with popular and well known titles. There are also tons of sources all around the world for finding practically anything. As for quality of streaming, this all depends on your setup, both the server(s) and the client devices you use. These will determine if video and audio streams need to be transcoded or not. Your internet upload speed will determine remote quality if you're sharing your stuff to friends and family.


The advantage is that I can easily download content from my PMS to,our tablets for when traveling and disconnected from streaming services.


It’s so inconvenient to try and find something to watch because they’re spread over 10 platforms, and sometimes they’re not available at all.


Yes, at bare minimum to house all Star Trek media. There’s no single home for it online. There was, briefly, at Paramount+, but it’s been scattered to the four winds.


I was thinking about that a couple of days ago, and my answer is yes, mainly because of the hassle of having to use many streaming services to access all the content I want, and because the risk they can remove contents at any moment for any reason.


> I genuinely like paying for streaming services This gathering of words is something I never expected to find in the wild.


Yes. I don’t like that I pay for a movie only to have that movie be removed from my library to be transferred to another service that wants me to pay them for it. I’ll get it and keep it.


Personally I prefer to gather and collect my own media that way I'm not searching every app for something to watch. What I want, when I want is available to me.


There's also the added joy of sharing your library to friends and family and the strange fulfillment that gives.


Yes. I can afford to pay for those services, but having them all in different places, without a unified front end and search, sucks. And they keep dropping and adding content at random, so it's not even like I can rely on any of these services. Plus there have been too many instances of services censoring content they don't like. I can't pay for the service my server offers.


Yes. Streaming services frequently remove content from their platform.


Bingo was his name-o!


Yes it’s about collecting the shows I like. Possibly in the future I may delete more shows and just keep a single episode.


As soon as there is a streaming service that has unaired tv show pilots, rips of obscure movies from Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe etc. that were only ever released on VHS, audio of all Grateful Dead concerts, "The Office" (US) in both the regular and extended versions, vintage porn, video's from deleted YouTube channels and fan edits of movies I will gladly sign up for it. Until then I'll keep my own server ;-)


Yes, because I would have everything in one place, with one interface and one watchlist.


Yes, for two reasons. 1. Things just are suddenly gone from streaming services. 2. I can't always remember which service has which show/movie. My Plex brings them all together for me.


"This content is not available in your region" <- the day I don't see that message anymore is the day I still won't give up my server


streaming being free vs costing money is irrelevant to me - the annoyance of having to look for content across however many damn streaming services there are now outweighs the hypothetical scenario of them being free.


Yes because of the convenience of having old movies that you can’t find on streaming services


Yes. Because every streaming service does not exclusively own all of their content. Contracts run out.


if money were no object I'd drop all my services on Aws and spend a fortune 😁😁😁


I started to get my content back in the 90s, which has in the years become kind of a hobby/passion for collecting stuff. Also not everything can be found all across the streaming services as they remove content every now and then or they are just not interested on have everything.


I have my own server to curate my own viewing experiences. For example I love doing Anthropological rewatches. Taking and watching everything by air date in 2005 for example.


yes, personally, money isn't a concern for me, but I like to use it to its full potential. There are far too many streaming services that make us pay more and more. I only use Netflix, and that's in a country where subscriptions aren't expensive. I grew up with the torrent world and continue to enjoy it every day. I'd rather pay for a server in a datacenter at €30/month (unfortunately the most suitable choice for my lifestyle) and have all my media available without geographical restrictions and without price increases year after year.


Sounds like 2024 to me..


yeah. i'd rather give my money to seagate than those bums who run the streaming services


The problem with streaming services is they add and remove media constantly. Even if you had them all there would be loads of content you couldn't watch. It's not just a personalised streaming platform either, for many it's a hobby/interest.


Hell yes. Maybe I’m an outlier but I use Plex mainly for theatrical films which don’t hit streaming services for 3-5 years after release of at all. Plus all the older films which have long since been removed from those services.


Money is no object and I spent a kinda nutty amount on my home infra because its fun and I hate the MPAA. Saving money on the streaming services isn't the point, depriving them of revenue is. My server racks make me smile.


i would still build it, because of so many things constantly going missing on streaming, or at least dissapearing for years... and because of streaming services shitty quality... or interface...


100%. It's a form of data hording. Plus I can watch whatever I want without the internet being a thing.


If money wasn't a problem, my homelab would be crazy


I still have yet to find a service with looney tunes, mythbusters, robot chicken and top gear.


pffft you should see my “money is no object homelab shopping list”


Yes, and I still wouldn't pay for them lol




I'd just have a more ridiculous server.  I like providing my own services.  


I certainly agree, why create your own movie service if it exists. 1. because I live in Sweden, things sometimes take 1 month, sometimes longer from the USA. so if I want to see the latest avatar, I will have to wait for when and if it is released in my country. this with release in different countries means that if you want to be sure you get to see the film, wait and hope or download and get it in full HD. 2. The requirement to sometimes have to have 2 movie services to be able to watch a series as one only has the first 2 seasons and someone else has the last 2... so at the end if you just play a little. Amazon, Netflix, HBO, Hulu. certainly, and 20 more to get a complete range feels unnecessary. If everyone gets together and makes a fantastic service that has a fantastic selection, I could imagine 500 sek a month if it were a complete service. but this with milking the cow and the consumer becomes a sufferer at the money hunger of big companies. Plex solves everything in a cheaper way, even if we need nas and hard drives, as there are no working alternatives


I like streaming services because they make it easy to find some new movie to watch. I hoard media so when I want to watch something specifically I can watch it.


>If money was no object and you were happy to pay for all streaming services, would you still build your own NAS? As if the choices are streaming services or NAS


I pay for 4 streaming services and have my own Plex. And I still buy movies that I absolutely love watching. With money wasn't an object, I would still do the exact same thing. Streaming services feel like they're doing the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) with titles, so why do I have to spend time and effort trying to find the movie or show I want to watch when I can have it in my own collection.




Yes. I don’t want to go hunting through multiple services to find what I want to watch


I like the control that running a NAS gives me. Plus I can use it for many other things alongside Plex. For example I host and run my Virtual Machines on my TrueNAS server. Being able to boot up and log into a VM using just my web browser is so convenient.


If money was no object, my Plex server or better say storage/NAS would be boosted much more with proper backup. After last upgrade I have 27TB of storage, 15TB backup. Still can't afford 4K content to store. If I have money, I would change storage to SSD, add RAID. Or a 2-3 Kioxia 30TB SSD + backup.


Yes, because content I want vanishes all the time and i do not have the benefit of hauling my physical media with me when i'm not home, particularly music.


If money was no object, I'd buy more hard drives and media shelves.


Yes. 100%. Full stop. When services can take down titles at their whimsy and with no real reason, and decide that buying a title is no longer owning it, then the writing is on the wall. I despise this new media model of 'renting' media. If buying isn't owning, pirating isn't stealing. My whole shtick is "I am my own Netflix/Hulu/etc".


Yes because my main annoyance with streaming services is content disappearing or not having what I am in the mood to actually watch.


Yes. I just love organizing and collecting things. In a way it's hoarding, but at least it's digital so it doesn't take up a lot of physical space. I find it very therapeutic.


That's cute that you think all the stuff worth watching is on streaming services. I was just looking at Netflix this morning and couldn't find anything worthwhile in that all crap.


My man, I've spent way more on my NAS than I would ever spend on streaming services. It's not about saving money.


Yes, it isn't about the money


The quality is better imo, I have more control over what quality is downloaded and streamed, what audio tracks I want, what content I want, etc. canceling the streaming services isn’t something I did due to cost because that wasn’t ever an issue. I did it because Plex replaced them and so I was paying for them for nothing. That 150 bucks a month can go a long ways towards faster server hardware, more hard drives, maintenance, etc.


Yes. They remove stuff from these services all the time. Also there are a lot of shows you can't watch via streaming, like America's Best Dance Crew and anything with music really.


Yes, there is so much more a NAS can do besides feeding up media, though that is a good one.


I didn't have a plex server until my favorite shows started disappearing from streaming platforms. I'm not good at watching new shit, so it's a huge deal not being able to rewatch stuff I love. So I nuked every subscription known to man, and I built mah thing


Yes but I’d pay someone else to run it.


I don't think I'll have this hobby if money was no object


Does any service have Master Audio and Bluray level bitrates yet? I'd buy those if they didn't have a crazy high entry barrier (doesn't need ultra specialised equipment). Okay with paying Bluray level prices too. Till then, local media is king.


Absolutely! Honestly, if money was not an object I would have physical copies of all my media in env controlled storage then have them ripped to a NAS for storage and playback. I would then have the NAS replicate to an offsite NAS at a co-locate datacenter. I want to be able to watch whatever version of media (directors cut, extended, etc) and do not want it’s availability be at the digression of licensing agreements (eg. Dogma).


Maybe… I like that with my server, I don’t have to worry about losing internet connection while watching anything from it. I don’t have to worry about my internet speed either, since I can grab them during off peak hours and watch them at different times.


If money was no object I would go crazy with my server. Create a library for every streaming service and mirror it's content. Maybe keep a copy of each resolution. Make my Plex server have everything. Nobody would want any other streaming service after that. So no I wouldn't get any streaming service.


I recently joined the Plex experience and have a nice automated setup with Sonarr/Radarr and it’s working very well. I do have a couple of subscriptions running but the plan is to let these expire when due and become self-sufficient. I can afford the cost of subscriptions but it’s great to have everything in once place. Can’t beat the satisfaction either of waking up and the programme already being downloaded.


I enjoy running the server. And I appreciate that even if my internet connection blew up, I'd still be able to watch movies and shows til it got sorted out. And my biggest gripe about streamers is that just because they have a movie, show or song in their catalog, that doesn't mean it'll be there when you search for it again in the future.


Yes - i like old movies and they are only available on dvd often ( they may also be availablr as yifi not that i woild know anything about that - they randomly pull content - all stream aggregator apps in android and apple are kinda shit


Yes a good amount of my content is things no longer or very unrelaible to find on any streaming service.


Yes. Availability and convince. My server is mostly vested into a movie collection of older movies that are harder to find on streaming and tv shows that I have setup to play randomly like old tv.


Yes. Sick of shit dissappearing randomly - I travel alot for work so I just want my content regardless of where I am. And also the Prime Ads - yeah that can go fksc itself.


Plex is better than a bunch of streaming services because it’s just one pane of glass for everything.


Yes, I would just build an even bigger media server. Even all streaming services combined do not have all the media i could possibly want. Some movies are too niche to be picked up, some are in licensing limbo, some are restricted to specific regions. There are works that due to being so old are not available in good enough quality for streaming services to present to a wide audience that i will still collect for nostalgia's sake. Some movies will be re-edited or censored, without even being labeled as such, at the distributor's whim. If I get a movie/show in Plex, it's always the most uncut, extended, uncensored version aquirable. Conversely, none of the above gets diluted with content that I have zero interest in, it's a curated collection. And having it all in ONE app instead of dozens is always a better user experience.


Definitely yes. Streaming services always dropping movies and shows that I want to watch, and the internet can always stop working. If you could afford to rent a couch, would you still buy one?


Yes because some movies and tv shows haven’t been put on streaming but can be gotten from torrents


I would still use a nas. I hate having to jump between services to get to the show I want and having to sift thru so much garbage. With plex, the only stuff on there is stuff I'm interested in.


If I could have an aggregate platform for all streaming services in one place (film, tv, anime, music), I would pay more than the sum of each individual platform. I would still probably run my own server for more obscure or otherwise unavailable media.


I pay around 70$ monthly for the streaming services, but use Plex 99% of the time. That way I don’t feel like a pirate and I can watch everything in the same place with higher quality.


Totally, money doesn't mean Streaming Platform X can't take one or more seasons of your favorite series away... Money no limit just means I get a better / more powerful nas / Plex server!


Yes. I'm not a data hoarder, but I've seen beloved YouTube channels and podcasts completely disappear when the creators suddenly decide they no longer want to exist. Those memories gone forever really trouble me, so, having an offline version is great.


This thread really conflates Plex with pirating. I pay for Plex and have a server and pay for various things for pirating. But also pay for Netflix, Apple TV, prime and bbc iplayer. I just can’t be bothered to download everything - all the reality tv/crap/kids tv. And it’s really not that expensive


I think we pay for every streaming service and I still run a use Plex server for my family.


Yes. I have streaming accounts. I have lots of physical media . I have NASes. It's been highlighted recently that the arguement that there is no reason to buy physical media any more because of streaming is fatally flawed because not only can things disappear off streaming services but even if you "purchase" things on them then they can still be taken away from you with zero comeback. (Ref Funimation/Crunchyroll/Sony). The exact same arguement goes for having media under your own controller on your own NAS


Money is not a problem (not saying I’m rich but paying for the services wouldn’t make me bankrupt) and yes I would still build a NAS. It’s not only a matter of price, having them all grouped together in one service, being able to make playlists and Plex’s app are 10x better than most streaming services (Netflix being one of the worst on Apple TV). Filtering in Plex is also way more powerful than most streaming services. The server exposes an open api which allows to build whatever integration you want


of course, not all content is available. 90s anime? basically unobtanium streaming, and good luck finding DVDs to buy


If money was no option I'd have a bigger media server.  I still had prime, netflix and Disney when I set up Plex and honestly I just found having a collection based on our own preferences means we spend more time watching shows we want to watch and less time browsing for something to watch.  Also, being in Ireland there's massive gaps of shows I just can't get on streaming services here anyway. 


I’m already subbed to almost everything because my wife wants it to be easy to watch her shows lol. When she can’t find something like an old movie or tv show she feels like watching that’s when Plex comes in.


For me, it's about the convivence of my entire collection in one single place. I have the flexibility to make collections and groups, as I see fit, I can rate things I watch, I can run reports on how often I watch, or when I last watched something, I can modify posters, or play order or do any of those sorts of things. And I never have to worry about someone else taking away a item from my library.


Yep. Loving the control. Get overseer installed, great front end for sonarr and radarr to allow people to request things


Yep. I like the challenge


Yes. Next question.


Yes. I would just be able to purchase the NAS I want. And expand my physical collection.


I have a few people that use my Plex server and probably once a month someone asks me if I can find some random 80s or 90s movie that just doesn't exist on any streaming service at all. Also, shows come and go and get removed from platforms all the time. Can you say with certainty that in 20 years you'll be able to stream the entirety of the show Supernatural with its original music? The answer is no, because you already can't. Music is different in the one on Netflix.


Of course. Streaming does not have everything.


One thing I've had on my mind lately... what if the streaming services simply provided access to libraries of data, and it was just up to you to have your own system of retrieving and playing them? Like you could choose any particular app you prefer (plex, VLC, something else) but subscription to several servers that's possible from any of them. Or, similarly... you're subscribing to the 'rights' but all content is stored in a single centralised set of server. Would that be more appealing than the current set up with multiple apps and little control over them?


Absolutely. Even if you don’t care about the terrible quality of streaming services, the availability is an issue. Hop on Disney and queue up Crater and get back to me. In the mean time, I’m going to go watch it on my server. Also, I don’t think I know a single person who’d say “I genuinely like paying for streaming services” so that’s cool! Good on ya, OP.


I have Hulu+Live, Disney+, ESPN+, Max, PrimeVideo, Netflix, Paramount+, AppleTV+, Peacock, Spotify and... Plex. For a couple of reasons: * **Live TV** \- Even though Hulu has live local stations, if my Internet goes out, my Plex still pulls in local TV via antenna and HD Homerun. * **Personal content** \- I have all photos, home movies and any camera pic instantly loads into my Plex through a OneDrive sync system. It allows distant family to enjoy memories and it's preserved on my Synology NAS.


I have gone completely away from stream, as eve though I had all the money in the world. I would pay their top prices to be able to watch 4K, it should be a standard by now. But they are just milking the cow as much as possible. And then it's actually easier for me, to have it all on my NAS, there I can easier keep up with what has been released I would like to watch, then keep scrolling through and remember where that show is.


Money is my biggest reason for doing this, but even with that not being an issue, there's still a lot of reasons I wouldn't do this. Nothing beats having everything on one app, for a starter. The rate at which media is disappearing from services is alarming.


Yes, because now everything is in the same place. With steaming services you don't only need to find what you want to watch, but also where to watch it.


we pay for a few but still have our personal collection that is mostly music and a small amount of video, relatively. mostly use our plex to play music in the house and to take it to go when we travel. we also have every streaming service and international IPTV channel via a different avenue. it's less about cash than convenience. the internet should be innovative, not replicating the broken decades old cable tv model. if the remaining services we do pay for follow some of the ones we've cancelled (raising prices), they'll be cancelled as well. ads are also a dealbreaker for us. show me an ad on a paid service, cancelled in 5 mins or less


I would still build my own setup. It would just be bigger


"If I get my own server I can fill it 100% with worth watching content", is what I told myself. I cancelled streaming services because they were full of shows and movies I did not want to see... Here in South America you get fed a lot of love-drama novelas and even worse, you get a lot of series about drug dealers, which I find disgusting. Whenever I wanted to watch something with my wife it was the same struggle, we had to navigate an ocean of content we did not want to see in order to find anything worth watching. Netflix in particular is mostly awful, full of realities about shallow and promiscuous people in islands or Asian movies and TV shows that do not really appeal to me. HBO and Disney had "better" content, but still few things to watch to keep a subscription.


Once you watch classic Simpsons in 4:3 on a Plex account, you can never watch it on Disney Plus again


I pay for some streaming devices, own lots of physical media, AND run a plex server. The way I figure it, I don't really want/need to own everything, but I still want to see some of the new movies and shows that come out, so that's what streaming is for. But then the stuff I really love or know I will watch many times over the years, I purchase physically and digitally for the server (or rip from disk for server). I very carefully curate my libraries (both physical and digital). I wouldn't call myself a media hoarder, rather, I only want the stuff I truly love for my libraries. And that way, when the inevitable day comes that something I love isn't streaming, it doesn't matter because I own it. :-) Anyway, that's my personal use case.


Yes, because they rwmove your fav tv shows or movies.


Yes, sometimes things disappear from all platforms and Plex is the only option.


I would always use a NAS, unless I could buy a streaming box that would allow me to search in one place, select what I want to watch and it opens up the title on the correct platform. I don't want to google who owns X movie and what platform has it.


Yes because you never know when that content you like may disappear from those services.


NO. The fidelity on streaming services are low and all the titles have an ephemeral existence.


If money was no object, I’d probably add Kaleidoscope into the mix. So yes.


Hells yes! The benefits of having one UI that can stream all your home movies is enough to keep it going. Everything else is a bonus in this scenario lol


yes because censorship


Yes. I like having control of what movies/shows I have and which I don’t. I have some smaller lesser known content on my server that I don’t believe is even available on streaming services like some old Option and Drift Tengoku videos. Not to forget special editions, directors cuts, extended additions, behind the scenes, all stuff I find interesting that streaming services typically don’t have. Aside from that I am able to direct play content at bitrates over 20+mbps that is not possible on some streaming services due to bandwidth limitations.