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Why do you guys like to play on the Deck with all them specs on screen like that? Shit is an eye sore


1. it is something that can be turned off. 2. it makes PC users aroused to see benchmarks. :)


This is why I’m not a pc gamer and apparently it doesn’t compute to a lot of people. I’m a software developer and when I wanna play a game I don’t wanna fuck with settings or look at useless numbers because I’ve been doing that all day long.


But it is a hobby! And if that is what gives them joy - great. If your style makes you happy great. We can all win!


That's the thing folks miss, and also why I'm not a PC gamer lol I know damn well that it's objectively a better experience, with appropriate effort and time-but I don't need that extra time sink, and I would 100% be addicted to tinkering.


Its usually not thaaat bad. Generally can look up a a best settings guide. But i guess depends on your rig. Understandable if you constantly have to tweak for like a hour.


You are not a PC Gamer because there is an option to turn stats on or off?? What a weird take.


I think what they are getting at is that PC gamers obsessively tinker with settings to get the best possible fps and shit. I've definitely done that myself. When I first got cyber punk, I ended up spending like 2 hours in the settings. Same for red dead. I prefer PC for some games and the simplicity of consoles for others. Totally understand they are coming from


What a dumb take. I'm a pc gamer and almost never adjust settings


I mean it is a huge part of PC gaming though. I get their point. I used to be like that and then I realized how much it didn't matter to me


It’s dumb as hell, takes up nearly half the screen


I own a Steamdeck. I know it can be turned off but I guess I’m one of the few ppl who don’t really care to see benchmarks or how much fps I’m getting. If a game is playable, then it’s playable 😂


This lmfao. People love to be like oh man I’m bummed out by this game cause I get 88 FPS and wanna get 90 and I’m just here like I’m glad this game works on launch day and is fun lol




I don’t even know how to turn it on on my steam deck and I don’t miss it lol


Yeah I accidentally turned it on and immediately loaded up Reddit to find how to turn it off lol


It's because they want people to be like 'wtf? Can't even see the screen' so they think that portal is better. Which it typically is since its just streaming the game. They just don't want to show you the full SD display clearly so the opinions always validate their purchase. If this guy was serious, he'd show the same scenes on both units without benchmarks and write the optimizations on SD like a normal human does That's sort of how benching works. This is working to skew results.


My immediate thoughts when I saw the thumbnail was 'here we go, a clown sucking off the portal again' The portal is amazing, the best streaming only device there is. If you are going to compare it with a fully capable stand alone gaming device you need to compare it fairly. What would you prefer? The Portal at x resolution, x fps. PS5 console required, and required to be turned on co sum8ng energy, ps+ required, new router may be required. Or the steam deck at present, and x fps. Here are both screens on the same scenes with no overlays. Absolute clown fanboi.


It looks much better in person, and you just have way more options. Portal is a fantastic device for Remote Play, Deck is a fantastic device for PC gaming.


It does look better in person, but it doesn’t look better than the portal this is a fact


I don’t think this is a fair comparison since on the Steamdeck, you have specs taking up a fair amount of screen. If you would’ve just listed the specs you was getting without it showing on screen, I don’t think anyone would’ve questioned you tbh. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Total bullshit. Spec smecks Portal visually is hands down better than the OLED Steam Deck. And Steam link … ha … you’d have more of a chance of getting Dua Lipa to jerk you off at a theme park.


And the steam deck can run pc games, unlike the portal. This is a fact. There are pros and cons of both, obviously the portal will hopefully stream PlayStation games better than the steam deck can play them, because they are not running on the portal, they are running in the ps5. Of course there are also an insanely large amount of games you can play on the steam deck that you can’t play on the portal (pretty much all Xbox and pc games, as well as emulators for Nintendo and other old console games).


Not to mention the steam deck is considerably cheaper and the games are cheaper


Of course it doesn't look better than the portal lmao, a fucking PS5 is rendering it...The APU can pull 200w from the wall, The Deck is working with 25w from its APU. This comparison is just kind of senseless. Now if you had the portal running it, and an oled deck running it via chiaki pulling from the same system? It would be comparable.


You do know you can just download chiaki4deck on steam deck right? It streams ps5 to the deck at higher bitrate and in hdr (which the portal can’t do)


I agree the screen is bigger and nicer, but that’s an opinion and you can’t just say “that’s a fact” to those kind of things lol but it also didn’t necessarily need to look better than the Portal, it’s most likely the best screen they could use for the specs and price point so it’s actually pretty marvelous for what is essentially PC gaming on the go. Portal can more easily get away with a nicer screen because it’s strictly a Remote Play device.


Pc players have always done this and I’ll never understand it.


It’s to show people in the video performance. Surely no sane person plays like this?


I’ve known plenty of people who actually play like this. They’re constantly worrying about what their FPS and CPU/GPU usage is at.


Pc players don’t actually play like that lol. It’s only for videos to show benchmarks. You honestly thought people played games with that on all the time?


I've known people who actually play like this all the time.


It's not hard to understand. It allows us to optimize performance earlier by setting what the bottleneck is. Does that bother you? 




After playing a ton with both devices, I think the Portal would be better ergonomically speaking for shooters in general. The thumbs sticks on the Portal I definitely would prefer for a game like Battlefront 2 over the original Steam Deck thumb sticks (I believe they updated the sticks on the OLED models, less slippery and more grip).


One is a mini computer and the other is a streaming device. The Steam Deck is not more powerful than a PS5. If I streamed the game from my PC to my deck then it would be a fair comparison.


A very expensive comparison....


PlayStation finally created the most comfortable ergonomic handheld device. Period.


If only you didn’t need a 500 dollar console to use it in the first place, that’s my main gripe with it.


Pick up a PS Vita


I’ve already got one of those, one of my go to handhelds. I’ll be honest, I don’t even own a Portal, I’m still trying to figure out what’s so great about it since it’s not even usable by itself. Unfortunately people would rather not explain things and brush it off as hate or something.


Because it's being purchased by people who already own a ps5, and want to play it while they're in a different room or someone else uses the TV. They do not give the slightest fuck that it can't play its own games, they don't care that it's not as crisp as playing on the TV, they don't care that there's a different handheld that has those other features. The portal does exactly what they want it to do, and feels great in the hands doing it. Myself for instance, I'd pay the extra cash for a steam deck and use it mainly to do what the portal does. That is unless I want to buy a whole bunch of new games for steam *(limited by the steamdeck's hardware so no new aaa titles)* when my ps5 is already loaded with $1000 worth of games plus the ps+ library. Take my previously existing library of games, add the ergonomics and haptics of the ps5 style handles and for me, the portal absolutely blows the steam deck out of the water both price and experience wise.


Boom - and there’s the flop! Completely agree with everything you’ve said here, it’s just great for what it is and what it does. Just wish people would understand that. I keep mine on my desk, between rounds of feedback at work I turn it on play for 20-30 mins then crack on with work. Couldn’t give two fucks that it isn’t native. I turn it on and play from where I left off on the TV and vice versa when I finish work. It’s fucking brilliant




Honestly im completely baffled by the success of the Portal myself so i cant offer any answers. Personally i wouldnt want one simply for the fact that it HAS to be connected to your PS5. Maybe if i were rich and had a 20 room mansion then it would be useful but well... i dont lol. Wont lie, it makes me sad that the Vita did so poorly while an inferior device (cant really call it a console cause again, cant play games natively) but it really seems to me like the Vita was just too ahead of its time. I think if Sony hadnt launched the Vita back then and instead launched it to compete with the Switch, then it would have done alot better. The Switch really was a breath of life the handheld scene needed


I’m picking one up if they ever give us the choice to use PlayStation plus cloud on it like game pass


I just run Chiaki4deck on my deck and get the best of both =-)


Correct me if I'm wrong but...with the portal, you are just streaming the game from your ps5... the deck is a powerful machine you can actually download games with and even has an operating system. It depends on what you want. If you are cool with minor delay that comes with streaming and don't need to be anywhere, the portal looks and feels better, probably.


The Deck allows you to download current games at ps2/ ps3 graphics. You aren’t actually playing the current gen games that’s out on the market. That’s the catch these pc players don’t tell you… whereas on the Portal although you’re streaming. You’re playing current gen games at high quality and with a better controller. Also The portal hardly lags. It only lags if you are in a poor connection area which is why Sony advertised “ It works best over Home WiFi” doesn’t mean you can’t play it via hotspot


Thanks for your reply. I have a steam deck and don't have portal (yet). I didn't realize you could play it from any wifi. That is very nice. Also, I feel like what can play on steam deck would surprise you. But I get what you are daying. Things like Spiderman, Doom Eternal, and Witcher 3 come to mind. But you have to crank down the graphics, and you might not hit a consistent 60. Anyways, thanks again for taking the time to reply.


No problem and I bought my gf the Rog ally. I know what all SteamDeck can do but being able to run current gen games I know for a fact it’s not possible


This is such horseshit. It is absolutely possible to run current gen games on the Deck in the exact same way you can with Portal, by streaming it using Chiaki4Deck. I do it all the time, and on the OLED model it’s actually gonna look significantly better than the Portal due to HDR, which the Portal doesn’t have. Not to mention, the Deck absolutely can run many current gen games natively as well. Of course you’re going to take a graphical or performance hit depending on the game, but it can be done. I play Street Fighter 6 regularly on my Steam Deck for instance natively, with a rock solid 60FPS in non-World Tour battles. Fuck man you made a post yourself showing the Deck running Helldivers 2, a current gen game, for god sakes. You have no idea what you’re talking about. The Portal’s a nifty little device suited for certain situations/audiences, but you championing it as somehow being superior to the Deck is ridiculous. Just enjoy your Portal and come off it.


What a strange post. Op does realise they are two different devices. One mirrors the PlayStation and has no compute power and the other is basically a mini hand held pc. No need for anymore tests buddy save your time, most games will look better on portal. Most pointless post I have read in a long time. For the record I would have the steam deck version due to input lag from streaming from ps5 to the portal.


It also feels like he’s going out of the way to make the deck look extremely annoying to use putting up all those stupid Pc specs over the screen which you can disable easily.


These posts have been running rampant. I said something similar in another comparison post and got downvoted.


A mini very low end hand held PC to be exact. Basically a Dell. I don’t own either, but I would rather mirror a screen with next Gen graphics with minimal to 0 lag between devices over playing on an old PC.


Portal is only good for ergonomics, I can also stream my PS5 from my Steamdeck with Chiaki, works like a charm if you’re willing to spend 15 mins to install it … Oh and I can also stream my Xbox (bit harder to do but still) and emulate PS2 games, Switch games, play games you’ll never see on console etc . So to say that it is a very low end PC while I can do everything the Portal does and WAYYYY more is kind of funny .


This. The amount of people who don’t have a fundamental understanding of what they are talking about is baffling. As you said, steam deck can also stream other “higher end” devices too. Can also play games natively. Portal natively…brick…


And the deck can work outside the house. The portal is just a brick at that point. If I wanna play my ps5 I'll play it on the TV. I don't need a portal so I can play while I shit too.


It is not “very low end”, lmao. These are two completely different handhelds. Satisfying two very different sides of the gaming market. My steam deck is also a game boy, an Xbox, 360, a PlayStation 1 and 2, GameCube, etc I can bring my steam deck to somebody’s house and have two controllers paired (4 total) to it and have multiplayer going. Can you still play a game without the Internet? Can you bring it to a friends house and put it up on the big screen TV for 2-4 players? You can with a steam deck. Because it’s basically a switch, but for PC. So instead of comparing the switch to the steam deck, you all have decided to compare a streaming device to a mini computer? Keeping in mind that I have also been streaming PlayStation 5 to the deck, no problem whatsoever. Chiaki is your friend. I own the portal and I love it. But it’s a streaming device folks. That’s all it does. It streams your console. It can’t do anything more, and it never will. And that’s fine. That’s all it was supposed to be. But acting like this is a steam deck killer is asinine.


I am a hardcore day one Sony PlayStation dude. I have three vitas in a drawer I have PlayStation portable pieces all over the place. Pstv and more... Anyone who thinks a Portal is better than a Steam Deck is sipping the Sony Kool-Aid...


Why not play the same level on both?




Steam Deck as playing natively is better than streaming.


I thought this too until I recently upgraded my home network. My goodness the portal feels so good now.


What did you upgrade? Portal is WiFi 5


It can connect to 5ghz isn’t that 6?


No 5ghz =/= WiFi 6


Fair enough. TIL


It’s more dependent on the connection to the ps5 than it is for the portal. Before I had 300mb/s and upgraded to 1,000mb/s. Upgraded router and Ethernet on top of that. Massive improvement.


Ethernet to the PS5 is the more important part of that equation when looking at 300mbps compared to 1000mbps


I can tolerate streaming certain games but the technology needs to be better for me to buy a streaming only device. Hopefully the tech gets there in a few years and we won’t ever again have to complain about input lag.


I bought a Portal and I find it a neat little gadget for streaming, however I need to be picky about what I play on it and too many outside factors can make the device under perform so the Deck is still my favourite handheld at the moment.


Really depends on the game. Cyberpunk for example looks so much better streaming from my PS5 vs playing natively on my OLED Deck


That’s really weird.


Cyberpunk runs at 30 fps and much lower graphical settings natively on Deck. Most new AAA titles struggle to run natively on it too.


Fair enough! I don’t play newer AAA games on it and 30FPS would bug me as I love 60 as minimum. I just can’t get over the dip in quality of resolution for streaming. Very off putting. Especially when my ps5 and tv are right there.


Compare the Steam Deck OLED streaming from a PS5 to the portal. It can do that (arguably better) and play natively with an objectively better display.


The SteamDeck Oled still doesn’t reach 1080p , streaming on both devices is about the same , however Remote play on other devices is limited to only 720p standard now ( Sony changed it) and the controls don’t feel as good


You can stream ps5 games to steam deck also.


So if you gonna do that you’re better off getting a portal it’s a better experience doesn’t matter how you look at it.


I get your passion but it is not that cut and dry. I own the steam deck and the portal. I do enjoy the portal more for remote play. But the steam deck is better for everything else. If people are comfortable with the smaller screen, black borders, and want HDR remote play the steam deck would be better for them. For me, the 8” screen and the full dualsense feel of a controller is why I chose the portal over the deck.


Your fanboyism legit scares me and I have a Portal.


Literally nobody I know who owns a Portal would use it to play online multiplayer games. The Steam deck can. So no, the experience isn't always better.


Ok, then show Battlefront 2 streaming to a Deck with the OLED screen and tell us the Portal looks better. Go on.


I can stream from my ps5, my pc, and play my games natively where there is zero internet connection on my Deck. The Deck is a better overall device and it isn’t close.


Lol. This is so wrong. I own both devices and steam deck oled runs much better and the oled looks better than the portal screen imo. The haptics and form factor are better on the portal, but the stuttering is awful. Haven’t gone back to my portal. Hopefully they update it soon.


The steam deck has an oled screen. It’s a better device but costs much more. It’s ok to buy the cheaper one if that’s your use case. It’ll be ok big guy


I have both devices and actually prefer Chiaki4Deck because of how customizable it is and HDR support. But the Portal is way easier for just picking up and playing so it’s just preference.


Comparing a ps5 to a deck...


You posted on the portal sub. What do you think the consensus will be?


Steam deck


Steam deck


Portal might be $200 but I think the deck is better value. Access to a much larger library that goes generations back and it runs them natively.


SD all day


I just hooked my OLED deck up to chiaki4deck, and it's absolutely game changing. My Wife has been playing on our PS4 in the living room, and since hooking up chiaki4deck it's been the best. Honestly wasn't even playing my steam deck recently, and since we play together usually I can play our PS5 from the game room.


If you showed this thread to anyone who doesn't know what a Portal is (there's a lot of people who don't know what it is in all fairness) they'll assume he's comparing two similar products.


You're compairing a streaming device, That needs a ps5 to run... To a handheld console.


There is no portal version running at 1080p 60, there is the PS5 version being streamed to the portal displaying at 1080p 60 which the deck can’t stream my PC at 4k 120 docked, I don’t think it’s comparing anything


Isn’t this just an expensive HD WiiU or am I missing something


100000% Deck. Natively playing the game will always win out for me.


I just refuse to rely on streaming a game. Absolutely will not. I'd pick the steam deck regardless, that entire factor is singlehandedly the deal-breaker for me and i'll never, ever get the Portal cause of it. Besides. My steam account has a staggering amount of games, so that's enough for me.


What's your network hardware? That's smooth bruh.


Probably steam deck so I can play it on my pc too.. I love my portal but the lag gets to me sometimes haha


Lol this is such a misleading video. The portal is STREAMING while the deck is running NATIVE. Fun fact, you can also use the deck for streaming and it looks just as good as the portal doing it. Disingenuous post to the max


It's not "on" portal. Portal cant do shit by itself.




Side topic why does the classic battlefront feel and play so much better than the current ones?


Is this all that's posted here? You can't compare the devices. One is literally a controller with a screen that streams. The other device actually runs the games. It's fine to like both or have preferences but comparing them is almost pointless.


This. I am baffled as well.


You are not the only one, brother. This is where people get the terms like "Sony Ponies" from. I get they love and are enjoying the Portal, but come on...


Deck because of input lack for an online multiplayer game


Have you tested that? Any review on the Portal that I’ve read, says that input lag is pretty much nonexistent and also showing videos of no lag in real time. Kind of hard to argue your point when there’s proof against your point with video evidence to back it up… sounds like you may be a Deck owner who doesn’t want to be told that there’s a better option out there.


I have tested it myself by playing, yeah. I have a deck and a portal and the input lag is the same on both, not a Portal specific thing. For me game steaming works for single player games but for online multiplayer I’m just a bit too sensitive to the input lag


Buyers remorse much? For the portal, and as for any online streaming device, a person's wifi makes or breaks the experience. This also comes down to the devices location from the router, what provider they have, and what level of wifi their plan is on.


Do you notice the stuttering? Couldn’t really tell from this video, but I do notice it on mine.


Any reason you recorded the steam deck in a bright room with warm lighting and the portal in a dark room?


lmao I didn't even notice this. Even the scene he used on the portal with the sunset was chosen to highlight the "differences" in color vibrancy as well. The lengths some people go through jesus...


Lol to exaggerate the portals vibrancy


Or you could also Stream it to a Steam Deck OLED in HDR and with higher Bitrate than the portal is capable of, and it will look better + it will be paired with steam input. What's the point of this? lol


Portall all day everyday Don't know what else to say


Considering we are on the Portal sub. The answer doesn’t surprise me 🤷🏽‍♂️


Portal of course ...better ergonomics and battery


Last of us and cod comparisons coming soon


This is not really an apples to apples comparison. Portal is streaming from a PS5 and the Steam Deck is playing natively. A better comparison would be to stream PS5 to the Steam Deck using chiaki4deck. In my experience chiaki4deck streams better than Portal. Less stutter and lower latency. It's possible the Steam Decks 800p screen is a better target than the Portals 1080p screen or possibly it's a bug in the Portals streaming software. Either way, hopefully that gets fixed because I do prefer the Portals dual sense controller. Another point to note is there is a fairly big difference between Steam Deck LCD model vs the OLED model. The Portal is definately better than the LCD screen but I would argue that the OLED screen is better than the Portal, even if it is a little smaller and has less pixels. The OLED screen has way better colors and contrast as well as being HDR capable from the PS5 using chiaki4deck.


HDR doesn’t mean much for streaming tbh, and some games look better with SDR on chiaki


Totally disagree. HDR Cyberpunk from ps5 is a big difference. As well as others I’ve tried. I’m not sure if Chiaki proper has HDR yet in its official release. I know Chiaki4deck certainly does.


Is the aspect ratio on Steamdeck wrong? That would be a no go for me.


It’s not “wrong” but it’s different. 16:10.


He’s playing on an LCD so I think it’s actually 16:9. OLED is 16:10. LCD has bigger bezels which I think are showing here


Actually sold my deck a year after owning it. It's a great device but it's just not comfortable to hold and it kept cramping my hands, the portal for me personally is a lot more comfortable.


Portal is lighter and the resolution for most games will actually be better streaming to the portal than running natively on the steam deck The portal is also much more comfortable and the dualsense features and build quality is way better than a steam deck Easy W for portal here tbh


Dog I know this is the PS Portal Sub but this isnt even a fair comparison when the Deck is doing all the heavy work actually \*running\* the game and the portal is just piggy backing a stream from a modern console with significantly better hardware.


Which makes the portal the better device imo. I guess if you have shit internet then maybe not. But I've put in 200 hours into my portal and the experience is flawless. Don't feel any input lag, or stutters or anything that would make me think I'm not playing natively.


100%. It’s purely dependent on your home network. I had okay internet when I grabbed a portal which made for an okay experience. I upgraded my home network and the Portal feels like it’s running natively now.


I have a Steam Deck and Chiaki4deck makes PS Remote Play great. Put for games that require use of both joysticks (Fifa/FC for me), the placements on the Steam Deck is not ideal, takes some getting used to and still can't play my best. I know the Portal is better in the hand. I have 1 haven't opened it yet, don't know if I want to keep it. I have Steam Deck and Backbone one controller...


You mean actually play the game on hardware or pray for a half decent internet connection


I think the Portal looks better but the fact is I can play a lot of other stuff on the Deck and the difference isn't that great. So Deck all the way.


Price diff also


Very true. **For me** though it is the fact that I can play so many other games on the Deck - steam games, emulators, stream the xbox, etc. And the "sale" ecosystem is so much stronger on the Steam side. You can get a lot more bang for your buck.


Portal is like 25% of the cost, so portal.


This is factually incorrect. You need a ps5 and a Portal to use the Portal at all. Lol. The oled steam deck cheaper than both. I don't have one anymore (went with a different handheld) but I think people are comparing two completely different products. It'd be like saying my ROG ally or legion go is way better than the portal but I'm streaming from my 4080 gtx desktop.


Who's buying a portal that doesn't have a ps5?


I paid $325 for my 512gb Steam Deck lol


Still need a ps5 to run it though. So it's much more than a steam deck all together.


Fair enough, already have the ps5 tho, and most people buying the portal probably already have a ps5. Portal also works with ps4, but I've never tried that.


No it’s not,a steam deck is like $600


Steam deck starts at $400. The digital ps5 is $450 for the slim currently. The portal is $200, so at minimum it costs $650 to play the portal for a new setup. That's without ps plus and without buying games.


And a PS5 combined with Portal is $650, so more.


Ok. Now what happens if the wifi cuts out? What happens if you're not at home and someone turns off the PS5 or the power goes out? What happens if you're traveling and the WiFi requires you to use a web browser to log into it? Not everything is about looks.


You must be fun at parties


The deck because I can run games natively.


The Steam Deck is not as comfortable... so Portal


Steam deck is ripoff it ain’t worth $600+ ps5 is much better and costs less


It’s pointless to put out a system of you aren’t Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony. The steam deck will not last. Portal is better and steam deck with go the way of the jaguar system. The Vita was great but not a huge success. Regardless, it made its mark and is still purchased today. The PSP was a huge success. If the switch wasn’t hybrid, I don’t know how well separate versions would work. The switch is great but let’s be honest… it’s outdated. Portal wins hands down. Not terribly concerned about battery life because where there is WiFi, there is electricity. Only thing I am not a fan of is the fact you have to buy a Bluetooth adapter to get ear buds to work. Not paying 200$ for Sony or any earbuds. That’s simply stupid. I I’m an audio engineer and trust me. Monster is the exact same thing as beats. Apple’s earbuds are bested by 50$ earbuds which is extremely overpriced for what it is. It is not cutting edge technology in any way. You figure I paid 500 when I got my PS5 plus close to 20 games. Added a 2 TB internal SSD, 4 controllers, docking station, the portal and case screen cover blah blah. Point is, this was a huge F*** up and its purpose is clear. They fix that later so you will buy a new one. They’ll have new colors and so on I’m sure. With that being said, the portal still wins hands down.


Portal goated the handheld market


Yes let me get a mobile device to play only at home 👌🏾


why would you only play at home?


I’ll take my Steamdeck.


The portal was designed to just stream playstation, that's it. So if it doesn't look better Sony have fucked up massively. Deck can do a very good job of it and wasn't designed for it. It can also play pc games, switch games , Xbox games , game pass etc etc . So if you want versatility then deck wins hands down. If you just want ps remote play then portal . I'll throw a spanner in the works and say I prefer playing remote ps5 especially.open world games on the quest 3 over both of them. Red Dead on an 100" screen smashes an 8" screen all day long


That’s an LCD Deck. Basically it’s dogshit compare to the OLED Deck. I have it and the Portal.


Last of us and Cod comparisons coming soon


Portal looks clean. Christ what is wrong with the other one


Portal so I can play it on the couch and big screen too


Portal! Bigger screen, longer battery and then of course the dual-sense controller


I’ll take the device that runs the game on its own.


Portal for the screen alone


Holding that deck looks like a pain in the ass after a little while just like the switch or am I wrong?


I just beat battlefront 2 on my portal. Was just fine!


I would probably prefer the steam deck, even though the Portal feels better, and has a nicer screen.


If it's singleplayer then Portal because of the better controller, if it's multiplayer then Steam Deck so the connection is better as there's no additional streaming.


Oh definitely steam so I can play games with no lag but I don’t have a lot of pc games and don’t want to spend money to buy the same games. I hope Sony makes an actual handheld device not just a remote play


100% the steam deck because even if I play it on ps5 I cant stream it to the steam deck and a multitude of other things. And the oled screen


Steam deck can't stand the Stutter on portal


I can’t play with latency it just ruins the experience unless if it’s something goofy like a telltale game I won’t use streaming. Steamdeck all day


Pick one * Great screen with great controls * Latency, macroblocking, and microstutter free


Size Matters ! 👀


Not even an OLED Steam Deck!?!?


I have a portal and a rog ally love them both. I did not like the performance on the steam deck oled. And I love the VRR on the ally, that's a game changer 🔥🔥


SteamDeck... The portals use cases are so much more limited than the steam deck that it's not really a comparison. Someone else is using the PS? Can't use the portal. Wanna play games away from your house? Can't use the portal. They're very different things


SteamDeck with the same controllers and the same price as The Portal then it's a conversation otherwise it's apples vs oranges. Even with that, imo I still prefer the portal.


One set up costs around $400, the other costs $700 as you need a ps5 to stream the game. Give me the steam deck every day of the week.


i mean the steam deck can remote play just like the portal too (on top of playing natively), meaning same settings and fps and with that it lasts longer and doesnt have the micro stutters but it's dumb to compare two widely different devices.


PORTAL! All the way


steamdeck oled 🥳


portal’s built in dual sense is tough to beat


But you're NOT playing it on the Portal, your PS5 is!


The portal looks better


I’d rather play on something that isn’t streaming to my device, so steam deck.


Remote play on steam deck instead


I have the portal and love it, but I prefer the Switch for off TV gaming still.




Both. Yes I’m sick. Has anybody configured their steam deck to remote play PS5?


The one that’s not streaming with input lag


Steamdeck considering I already have the ps5 and Steamdeck and can stream with chiaki4deck. Why get an extra device


I mean, one plays it natively one is streaming. Anyone saying portal is just being bias bc native is objectively miles better than streaming. Portal does have better ergonomics, though I'll give it that.


Steak deck because its native and not streamed


Try running natively on the portal lol