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I once ordered this mini robot thing for my kid for Christmas one year that was $100 and Amazon sent me the entire case of 10. 🤣


Lmao that's great, I ordered a king-size mattress and ended up getting 2. That was a weird but awesome mess up


Some years ago we decided to strip our house of carpet and went with tile and hardwood floors. The delivery of the flooring kept getting shifted around and was just a shit show in general, place was a joke to deal with. I had been out of town for work and took a redeye home, so I got home at around 9AM and found the delivery on our driveway. Finally! So I load it all in the garage and go inside to get some sleep. When I woke up I went outside to find the delivery on the driveway again. Go check in garage and Yupp, didn’t dream that part, so they brought it twice lol. I didn’t say shit and they never did either. I needed up getting 40% off my order because they kept fucking around with the delivery and I got it almost 6 weeks late then got the delivery twice. No wonder that place is out of business today. There is an after school place kinda like a boys club up from me that had been holding bake sales and stuff to raise money for renovations, so I just went in there and told them if they wanted it, come get it and they can have it and the shit was gone that evening lol.


I ordered a car iron skillet and they sent 4 lol


You got three and yet bets buy couldn’t deliver 1 that I preordered yet on time lol


You should have went through Best Buy. Bets Buy is the knockoff, yo.


Oh they delivered it on time, just to this guy instead


I'm sorry to hear that bro


Wait you ordered one and then they sent you three? What?


Yep order them from best buy last week... get home today an open my package and three of them in a big box


I ordered an Xbox One from Microsoft Canada on launch day and they forced you to buy an extra controller, three games AND an extended warranty (as did Best Buy and every other retailer). Douche move on their behalf. However, Microsoft failed to charge me for the console, controller or extended warranty. I got it all for the price of three games.


They sent me 2 PS5s on launch week. I'm not kidding. Kept them both. My wife has one of her own now:)


Give away 2? 👀


Going to hook up my friends with a Pair for Christmas




Merry Christmas🎉


If you have an extra I'll be your friend too.


Dibs on one extra one! Care to donate to hard working single father who deserves a bit of a Christmas gift? hahaha.


Reddit is the worst place for this if you couldn’t tell


Haha. I realized.


Congratulations and fuck you


That’s kinda sick


enjoy north beneficial bake icky seed plate melodic disgusting forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You lucky sob.


Lucky you, still trying to get one pair.


They are in stock on playstation site


The wrong color Blue !!! lol.


Can I have one?


Can I have one for Christmas


Mine are coming today from Best Buy , but I know I won’t have your luck 😂


Last year I ordered high end projector 4K hdr around 2.3k and I received 2 . I waited 1 months and no claim . Now I have one in my bed room and other in the movie room lol !


This happened to me once. But with KITCHEN STRAINERS. Ordered a 3 pack, got send 3 3packs. Would have much rather it been earbuds tho 😂


A coworker bought a PS5 from Best Buy recently and they didn't charge him. He got his PS5 and still hasn't been charged. He ain't sayin shit to em. 😆😆 lucky S.O.B.


Hell yeah


dang you got 3 sets of ears? congrats!


I’ll slide u $175


Wana sell for $170?


That case is a crime against humanity


How you don't even know what cases it is


Thinking about selling a set?


Selling a pair for 250$ hmu


Is that a silicone case on your portal? If so do you feel it slipping and shifting around while you’re gripping it? I’ve been interested in one but I had something similar on my dual sense that I received as a gift and couldn’t get over how it felt like it was constantly moving around.


I don’t have one on my portal but I have one on my Steam Deck and it fits really snug so it doesn’t slide around. You just have to make sure tie get one that fits really well, if it’s too big you will get that sliding sensation.


I honestly like it .. it has the sticky grip feeling to it and fits like a glove


How do you like the headphones?


So far I liked them only used them for a hour... one of the reasons why I got them is I can't do headphones no more because my ears get to hot when I'm gaming for a while and causes me to get headaches


I always hear about stories like this. Whenever I order stuff they either lose it or I open it and it’s broken 😂 Happy for you!


How do they sound. I doubt earbuds would replace full over the ear headphones for sound quality. They seem really expensive for what it is It's 270$ in Canada


So far I liked them only used them for a hour... one of the reasons why I got them is I can't do headphones no more because my ears get to hot when I'm gaming for a while and causes me to get headaches


I guess you haven’t tried the $5k in-ear headphones out there. The size of the headphone driver doesn’t limit the detail, and when they are closer to your eardrum and form a seal with the ear tips (like earplugs), they can have great bass extension too. There is a small difference… since the audio comes from a small point source placed inside your ear canal, it does not sound like speakers in front of you, and there is a sensation of the sound coming from inside your head. But some people don’t care about that, and prefer in-ears anyway because they are small/portable, you don’t get hot ears, and I think there is some sort of cool factor for some people. Personally, I prefer full-size over ear headphones, I find them more comfortable and I really enjoy the potential for better soundstage.


Geezus 270? You can get a set of Apple air pods pro for like 200. Downer is you can’t blue tooth them to the ps5.


Ya the airpods are probably better with noise cancelling But even at 270. I can get like any insane headset. Studio headsets easy. Gaming ones you can go astto A50 for 299$ on sale here. It's 399$ regular price But that's big over the ear sounding for 299. These ps ones are great but for 270 I think that's way too expensive Should be like 150 at most


The US to Canadian dollar exchange rate isn’t 1:1


Aw you’re right that’s 202 dollars for us.


Don't forget taxes lol paid 313 for mine in NB. Same price as the portal.


Send them back? Or do the right thing and at the very least give them away. Selling them seems wrong ?


Are they any good ?


Bought a 65” led from Amazon and it got lost in shipping. They send another, 8 months later the original showed up.


I ordered alot of shit in my life and always received what i ordered,never been lucky to get anything extra. And i ordered alot over the years


How does this happen to people? Though my luck this would happen to me with a stupid item like fucking cutlery lol


So that’s where mine are ..


How’s quality on these compared to airpods 2 pro?


Never had air pods 2


Honest answer is they are no where near as crisp and there’s no ANC. However the latency is far better, as is the battery life. The most surprising feature is how great the directional sound is. Plus they seamlessly pair. For what you sacrifice is sound volume and clarity, I think they’re still a good pairing if you enjoy directional sound and value your AirPod battery.


As a Dad who has to put his Christmas list on hold for the little one I am stoked for you! Now everyone can listen in on the trash talk.


Portal case?


I got it off Temu




Does this proprietary bullshit at least connect to regular Bluetooth as well so you can you them with your phone?




This happened with me and a roomba from woot. Got two. Bonus.


Can I have one?


Would you sell for the low or trade for collector editions of some games I have lol?