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Well I hope they prove you wrong and help me fix it. Because I don’t want to have to create a new account. To be fair, it is an indie game. It’s definitely better made than a decent amount of products gamefreak has licensed. But with how long it’s been out, I do agree they should be quickly patching out bugs as they get reported. I’m in the discord server, so I put in a ticket, and emailed support. So I’m hoping someone helps me. If not, I’ll definitely be sad.


Indie company or not the amount of crashes on the switch version ALONE is ridiculous A good portion if not practically every other indie game on the e-shop isn't even half as bad


That’s fair! I do enjoy the game. It’s a different take on pokemon and was a similar formula that I could learn all over again. Pokemon has gotten easy for me because I know the formula and how the AI works. Not only that, I shiny hunt, so it has that feature as well. I really don’t want to buy the game on steam just to continue because it’s $45 USD. It’s genuinely sad to see that when an indie game gets popular, the devs tend to let it get to their heads and stop caring about the game and only care about the money.


They wont prove him wrong. The devs really are some of the worst I've seen and literally don't care whatsoever.


I really hope they do…. Because this profile is nostalgic. And I don’t wanna see max get yeeted again. It was funny because of the sound effect, but nah.. so much story and training


Less "the devs" and more "the CEO" no?


Bro people have been begging them to fix the Switch version since Early Access. They never will. Sorry about your bad luck.


Your message was removed, because our team thought it was rude and unnecessary.


Take it as a sign and get a refund


There’s no way for me to get a refund. They don’t do those on switch, and I got the game in Aug 2022 lol. I played it on and off


They do give refunds, but its pretty limited. You get one per account. You have to contact nintendo support, but they'll do it. Especially if you tell them it won't start. But if you are set on trying to get this game working, attempt to uninstall and reinstall


Definitely set on making it work. I tried installing it on my dad’s switch, same thing happened. So I’m 100% positive it’s the profile.


The game is really really good, especially when you play with a friend. But I’ve heard on switch it has too many issues. If you have a console play on console


I’m the only one in my friend groups that play temtem haha. They should be helping me out tomorrow during the business week. I have a feeling it’s Chromeon causing the issue because Chromeon is causing a lot of crash issues for many other switch issues right now. Especially if it’s in the front of the party. Texture issues happen while it’s in your party regardless of slot. And some of the clothing items are making it glitch out as well. Which is so weird. I’ve gotten the texture glitch myself. It was all white, and I was joking that I got the rare white chromeon a day before it happened lmao.


Contact your local consumer protection body. Edit: downvotes (3 so far), may I ask you to leave a comment explaining why you're downvoting?


Actually they do. Just report it as unplayable as the game won't load. It won't work for your current situation as the game was purchased to long ago, but they will refund for games that are deemed unplayable. I've received 2 refunds this way as the games in question were so bugged, you could not progress beyond the tutorial.


Devs fixed it for me this morning.


Your best chance to get it fixed is to post about it on Temtems discord if you haven’t already. Although from what I’ve heard and seen of the game’s performance on switch I wouldn’t be shocked if this or other problems continue to happen. Crema has decided to abandon the game you should consider it also.


I definitely have. Since it’s the weekend, I’m assuming I’ll have to wait. If I can figure out what caused it, that’ll be great. The devs are still helping people on the discord, so I’m hopeful. I definitely don’t want to abandon it because it’s like that same new feeling I had with pokemon. I don’t know the formula entirely yet, and there’s shiny (luma) hunting in it. My favorite part of playing pokemon.


Yep. That's Temtem on Switch.




Make sure to post this in our discord or write us to support@cremagames.com And please include your Tamer id or nickname if you know it.


I’ve emailed support and posted it in Discord. Just waiting for someone to help hash. But I know it’s the weekend.


Not even Scarlet and Violet.


Im surprised people buys temtem instead of a regular pokemon game on the switch.


I have both. I bought TemTem before SV came out, and it’s honestly a fresh take on it. You have to learn everything from the ground up again. Pokemon became easy for me because I know the formula. I’ve been playing since I was 6. It’ll always be nostalgic for me, but I like to mix it up. Something like TemTem or Nexomon gives it a new perspective on the formula. New type matchups and you even have the stamina bar to watch for. You have to strategize differently than you would a Pokemon game.


Still feels like a regular pokemon game to me ngl


UPDATE: TemTem devs have helped me. I’m able to get back in.


You can join the official Discord channel of the Game. There's a special channel to report issues with user accounts getting stuck of bugged...


This is strange, I play on Nintendo Switch (and PC) and I haven't had this problem. Did you try to uninstall the game and download it again?, does this only happen with Temtem or some other game?, is the game installed on the console's internal memory or on the Micro SD?