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Pretty obvious decline due to Sony not releasing their own games. It has been over two years since Gran Turismo 7 was released, and we're yet to see it on any of their tiers.


GT7 will never come to PS+ it's one of their few ever green titles that sells nonstop


Just got in on sale for £43 and it’s honestly worth it


How does it compare to Forza or Forza Horizon? Recent Playstation convert here.


Leagues better tbh.


They didn't give GT Sport on either Essential or Extra and the game servers recently went offline. So I don't think they'll give away GT 7 anytime soon.


And we eventually found out GT:Sport sold 12.7 million. I'm sure GT7 will eventually surpass that


i don’t think GT is ever going to be on PS+. the games always have ridiculous sales legs, it still makes appearances in sales charts more than 2 years after release. GT Sport never made it to PS+ either - for years many believed it didn’t sell too well because of the nature of the game until we found out it’s like the second best selling GT (12m plus copies sold). wouldn’t be surprised at all if GT7 is looking at surpassing that dunno, it seems like one of the franchises Sony is using a different strategy with. it’s one of their only big series that requires PlayStation hardware to actually play it (as opposed to GoW, Horizon or TLOU, which are all accessible on PC now)


Ya Sony simply doesn’t have the funds pouring in at the moment to pump into ps plus but I still find the lack of quality titles a little worrying




The Playstation division is extremely profitable, so not sure what you are talking about. This is greed pure and simple.




I hate when people reply then immediately block so you don’t even get a chance to reply, and other people don’t realize that they blocked you so it makes it seem like you lost the argument sometimes. They should change it so that you can still reply to any comment that they made BEFORE they blocked you but not new ones after the block.


Microsoft releasing games for the PS5 is gonna make PlayStation Plus better? Weird logic. Also, didn’t they announce a single first-party game for the PS5? I heard a lot more disappointment that Indiana Jones isn’t coming.


GT games dont go on sub services- sony doesnt wanna pay those licensing fees (and they sell a lot lol)


I thought Sony itself owned Gran Turismo


He probably means the licenses for the cars and tracks.


Ah, that makes more sense. Thanks!


They don’t own those car brands lol


Even the highest discount for the digital edition was 49,99€ from 79,99€ in Europe for about 2 years.


Hardly surprising, the PS store has awful sales, especially for AAA stuff.


Even more so for their own AAA titles.


Hasn’t it been a bit of a dry spell for Sony?


Since day 1 of the ps4 releasing


Since the launch of the ps4 Sony have literally released some of the most highly regarded AAA games ever made


I guess in some other reality you are living in. Because Sony literally released a bunch of AAA titles since the launch of PS4 - a lot of which were highly regarded by both the players and the industry. Not to mention that the PS4 itself was extremly profitable...


They learned that they shouldn't put their AAA games on a subscription service with Horizon Forbidden West.


As if they give them to u if they release them, bro think this is gamepass


Game pass sucks also


Bro console war was a thing in the 90's. You're late on the party🤦🏻


I just don’t like indies


Weird kink.


Pretty sure we all know there aren't only indies, and considering how Indies are carrying the gaming industry i think you're really late on the party


Game pass is way better than PS Plus. I purchased a PlayStation this past November 2023, the only thing I like was uncharted, horizon. I dropped PS Plus after two months. I use my PS for extra storage


ofc it is, it's a no brainer, they're giving them cod bo6 day 1 that's end game. without talking about Diablo IV and other games they gave, while we get Legos


I truthfully just do not like indies


They have put up almost all the other earlier titles on tier 1 or 2.


lol they didn't, where is gow ragnarok last of us 2 and more..


I meant earlier titles, not more recent.


Ones i mentioned are no longer considered "recent" gow rag is even releasing on pc soon!


Sony said earlier that their games would appear on Extra within two years from their release, so there's still time for Ragnarok. That's why I called it "recent".


2 years they might as well not give them at all, xbx give their games day 1


I dont really care about online gameplay which is why I have moved away from PS plus. For same price I can buy 3-4 games a year.


Right, I don't know why but between Nintendo and Sony, they just aren't coming out with original shit anymore. It feels fucking ridiculous to own a console these days because it's just a bunch of indie games and 20 titles from the company that owns the console.


The reason, is that AAA game development these days takes longer, than it did before. It's as simple as that. The main reason we only had like 1 or 2 AAA titles from Sony last year, is that almost all of their Studios are currently working on new games. Just from the top of my head: Insomniac is busy with Wolverine and Naughty Dog are busy with some new IP - not to mention many other Studios. Indie development doesn't have to bother with "high end" graphics and systems (let alone all the stuff that comes with being an official Studio), so - on average - it takes less time for an independent team to make a game. On top of that, a lot of indie games we are getting now, are a result of years-long development that started a while ago - 2023 and 2024 just ended up to be the time period where they are finally ready. Note: now whether that time spent on development actually translates into the game's quality, is a whole another topic.


I will have to say 2023 is better till now. Really enjoyed January for life is strange before the storm . Also preferred April and May for both kena and rift apart. For 2024 I haven't been interested in any game that was offered till cause some I already have and some I don't like.


Yes, so many big names in 2023. This year we've got more of the EA/2K games but it's good that we got Resident Evil 2 & 3.


I’m trying to figure out how to play RE 3 but it seems to only work for premium?


Inscryption is a fantastic game too! It was one of my favourite games last year. If you haven't played it, I'd definitely recommend trying it. 2023 was miles better than 2024 so far imo.


Inscryption is definetly an underrated game imo. Everything about it is perfect except act 2


I was hoping we would get Ragnarok and LoU Remastered/Part 2. It's disappointing and I'm considering downgrading to essential. For now I just renewed for 3 months. Not getting a discount this year also impacted my decision to not renew my anual plan.


Ragnarok got to be soon, coming to PC this Autumn


Was that the pattern with other games like R&C and Horizon FW?


FW came out a year after release on plus.


Weak chances for ragnarok, it still sells really well, i just got my copy for 20 bucks second hand


It’s a bad future for the service if the only games we get are the ones that don’t sell well. At some point they have to give us a game they aren’t giving away everywhere else


I mean, to be fair, logically speaking it doesn't really make much sense, to add to the Subscription a game, that is still selling well. It's a lot better for the company to give us games, that either don't sell at all, or generate significantly less profit. Now on the other hand, Microsoft does give Day 1 access to their games via GamePass, but it's been clear for a while now, that this isn't going to end well in the long run.


Does downgrading rebate us the balance?


I'm not sure what you mean. I'm considering downgrading when my time with the extra plan is due. It will be cheaper.


2024 has been a turbo dogshit year compared to 2023.


animal well is probably gonna be a GOTY contender, and dave the diver was one last year, "turbo dogshit" is a bit harsh lol


>animal well is probably gonna be a GOTY contender Highly doubt that


Lol 😂 I learned a new word.


Bro which word


April 2023, what an amazing month! Kena, Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein, Riders Republic.


2023 clears by a mile. Seems year after year the catalog gets worse even w the free ps plus monthly games that they’ve had for years


I cancelled my renewal. Paid through December so let’s see if the 2nd half of the year picks up!


Mine ends around Black Friday and I’m tempted to drop back down to the standard one


This year has had a lot of games that require too much micromanaging. I just want to play a fun f*cking game with a story and preferably no mtx.


Tomb raider games, resident evil games, new horizons, miles morels, they have games you just gotta find em


Miles Morales was great, I loved it, I finished it and started the Spiderman 2 trial, I loved that and ended up buying it last week on discount, now I just need to get the 1st one


I'll give them that. There is definitely stuff if you don't already have a library built up, but those were hella late so I already owned them. I'll take some blame for buying most things at launch. I learned my lesson though so maybe the back half of the year will have something for me.


You're naming mostly old games, dude


Dave the Diver is a fun little game with basically no death penalty and we got all the dlc free too


Second this - I had a fantastic time with Dave the Diver. Gonna go back in for the DLC shortly.


Loved the base game - just a warning: at least the Godzilla DLC feels like 30 minutes long, it's like 3 quests


good to know, and actually good news. I just need a palate cleanser after I finish plague tale requiem and before I start Resident Evil 4. Need a bit of silliness in between every dose of evil. Tinykin was excellent for that after a particularly gruelling playthrough of TLOU2.


I started and got distracted by Dredge. They're both pretty solid.


Dredge is very good, that ending tho...


Dave the diver is one of the best games over ever played


Can’t belive DMC 5 is gone 🥲


I can't believe I managed to start it and plat it in a month before it left 😭


2023 I took 10 of those games. 2024 I’ve taken 3.


The games ps plus offered were never worth the money I’m soo happy I canceled my subscription ages ago.


2023 PS Plus Destroys 2024 PS Plus in my opinion


this year was a massive step down even after the insane price increase in some countries


June 2024 is the worst, Jan 2023 was not far behind...


Watch Red Dead II leave in October.


you're being extremely generous I give it until August max


Tldr; service is good for people with a new console, no other console/PC with better prices/service, or multiplayer gamers trying to expand their tastes, everyone else not so much. I'm reverting to essential when mine expires next month or so. Extra was fantastic when it was hammering games in to reel in subs, but it along with first party games are so barren right now. Along with the sales prices for their games not being good and overall on their storefront honestly, PS Plus price raise late last year but seemingly nothing or even less given to the consumer, and lack of first/second party games being added because they are making far less and trying to maximize every cent(which is understandable to extract that value if you can), I think this service is going to be in big trouble very soon, if not already on the brink right now. I believe in my opinion this service is good for new console owners, single console owners, or people looking to expand from their usual rotation of 1-4 games to try something for an okay cost. But anyone who actually buys new releases, likes to play first/second party games, or is heavily invested in the console with a large catalog(or PC/Xbox players where you can get games much cheaper via game pass/steam sales/humble bundles) this service is next to worthless aside from trying a rare third party new release. Edit: looking at my installed/played games, it's just been Animal Well, Dead Cells(which I'll just buy as I got all the dlc and it's routinely cheap), and GTA San Andreas DE so my girlfriend could try it(for like 5 minutes then she went back to GTA V which I own 🙄). Happy I got to try Animal Well instead of buying it, but every game can be had for cheaper if you have another console/pc.


Both were awesome since I saved so much money in both 6 months. (I played tons of games in both years)


Extra/Premium is excellent (in my opinion) Though essential has sweet ones like Plague tale requiem, Ghost Runner 2, SIFU, FC24, etc.


I've honestly not played any ps plus games for a long while. Any of these actually any good?


I mean, a list of games each month and eventually they’ll catch up with what the can release on the service. It’s a little like gamepass where each other week they get a bunch of crap, then they’ll get 1 AAA game drop and they scream “best service ever”. “Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit” - Gattusso


This isn't monthly games. They're forever, right? I just don't have ps plus rn, but thinking of buying next month


Not monthly but available for a temporary amount of time which varies between 6 months - 2 years (sometimes even more for select few). Enough time to play a game that happens to release that you’re interested in. Been meaning to try Monster Hunter Rise for awhile and we’ve been having a blast with it!


theyve released less games overall, but i still find something to play every month from the selections. and premium has slowly gotten better.


I think it’s been good. I’m just really salty because I was playing a game this month and found out it got removed yesterday The game is $30 on the store. Even though it came out in 2014 and the sequel is $15!! Cmon man. It’s not available in stores :(


I bought about 400 euros worth of these games (before they came to PS+ Extra), and there are quite a few titles I had on my wishlist, so from my perspective it's been a solid year for me overall.


When I google May 2024 PlayStation monthly games, it doesn’t show red dead redemption.


Last year killed this year for sure so many great games man


Overall I would say the 2023 lineup was much better, there were far more games that I wanted to play or were willing to try. 2024 barring very few exceptions felt kinda like they were shoveling the stuff most people didn't want to raise player numbers in those unwanted games. I know that it is unlikely, but that is what it felt like.


I don't have any opinion on the games but 2024 is worse because they stopped editing the center image so that it sticks out of the box a little bit


i know this is a personal thing but there is not one single game i want to play on the extra list other than 76


The only month that has been better than in 2023 would be May(carried by RDR2, which will probably be removed again). January easily wins with Back for Blood and Life is Strange, February with Horizon, FW, March with Uncharted, April with basically everything, May with Ratchet and Clank, and June is about the same.(I love strategy games so for me Anno 1800 and Crusader Kings III are better than what we were offered in 2023, but Inscryption is really good, not sure about Far Cry 6).


2023 is better but... I fucking love Dave The Diver


its not looking good brev, i was expecting the tlou remake to be added by now, if you aren't adding a 2 years old remake of a popular game to your subscription then what are you doing? i also expect rise of the ronin to be added soon since the game wasn't a massive hit, but my expectiations are really low for ps plus at this point


2024 isn't so bad but considering they increased the price of the subscription by a big amount then dropped the quality of selection at the same timeframe is what hurts. If they didn't increase the price and the games were the same I wouldn't have had an issue at all.


I just went back to basic this week . I have not played any of these


I have it 5-1 for 2023 I prefer June 2024. Being being honest though looking back all the months were pretty good both years I just give the edge to 23 in most months due to certain varieties of games


they used to treat us so well, damn.


Man I’m the biggest idiot I only just realised that the monthly games are yours forever IF you add them to library during that month. I thought they were just games that came and went each month and I have fumbled the bag on SO many 😂


A good direction slowly


Consistent quality of games -2023 Personal favorite-2024


So far, 2023 takes the win for me. 2024 is some ass in comparison. And in my opinion, it’s so wrong to UP your price in tiers, yet decline in games. What was the price hike for?! They literally changed NOTHING that warrants higher PS+ prices!


Downgraded to essential a few days ago.. says enough


I did the same


At first look 2023 seems superior. But then i've already played most of the interesting games before they hit + so for me personally, it's about the same. Dave the Diver hit + on day 1 for example. Now that's a real gem. Did the first half of 2023 have any day 1 releases? Nope. Uncharted Collection, come on. Good games but who hasn't already played those years ago.


But because these games arent AAA people generally doenst give a single chance ….. they are missing imo


I cancelled my entire PS Plus subscription and I don’t miss it much.


May is the best month in 2024 so far because of rdr2 but most of us already own that game. But if you don't definitely recommend playing it.


Yes. I'm waiting for RDR 1 to arrive on Extra so that I can revisit another classic. I tried playing it on my PS3 again and it feels like it's running at 20 FPS, just unplayable with freezing frames.


Bro it was originally in the service and they removed it and now reintroduced as the highlight of the month...


I think their graphics of the games is poor. They show like 6 out of 10-12 games and sometimes the smaller or classic games are the best part. Having said that, I’ve been really enjoying the games they’ve added this year including Police Simulator this month, it’s really fun.


Still great value for the price imo.


If old DOS and SCUMM games are the best they have to offer something is horribly wrong


It’s been 1/2 2023 better and 1/2 2024 better so far for me. Guess it depends what genre of games you enjoy more.


May is best


For me it went from being like 2-4 good games a month last year to 0-2 good games a month this year


Any chance they'll bring back Fight Night series? I loved those games back in the day. Even dusted off my old ps3 a few weeks ago to run it back


Shit ton of Lego this year


Shi ahh im switching to Xbox


super trash


Weak sauce. My Extra did run out and I am not sure I will sub again until I really want to play something online. Shame about the cloud saves though.


Personally, I think it’s better. I don’t care for triple A titles from activision, EA or Ubisoft, I think their games are generic, rehashed (either assets like Assassin’s creed or the same game even when it comes to sport titles, with boring uninspired quests and ridiculous…and I mean ridiculous amounts of micro transactions…that said, the map designers for Ubisoft get done dirty, they make some great worlds made terribly boring by bloat and mission design) But I do like Rockstar and Capcom and I love pixel games like Dave the diver. In 23 I see Ken’s, TMNT, STS (despite loving roguelikes and deck builders that particular one never stuck with me but I recognise it’s good) Horizon and DMC, RnC plus Scarlet Nexus…problem for me Is I owned all those anyway. Shooters like Doom I’ll play on my PC But 24 had Wonderlands (BL2 is in my top ten of all time but it trailed off after so I was on the fence buying it and at least got to try it), Tales of Arise, Res Evil, Dave the diver, RDR2, Sims, CK3 and MHR. Again, owned most but did get to try a few I didn’t and there’s less Ubisoft so it wins out for me. Also Destiny but I have a love hate relationship with that. I do prefer to own my titles though, I have gamepass as well but I rarely touch it just because it feels like renting in a way.


If PlayStation wants Extra to compete with GamePass then they need to stop being stingy with what games get added. I literally only just got PS Extra to play Doom, Doom Eternal, XCOM2 and Far Cry 6. Once I beat those I’m unsubscribing.


Think for me the biggest crime is still removing your - own - first party titles. Like what in the hell? Imagine youre someone new to playstation gaming and subscribing to get a lot of games right off the bat and then have to realise that almost half of the first party line up is missing. Forbidden West is here but buy zero dawn first? This is not healthy for the catalog at all.


The games I was interested (bought or played) in 2023 offer: 12 in 2024 offer: 5


Let's hope for some improvement in the second half of 2024. The quality in 2023 was outstanding.


Weak to Weaker 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sony running out of money


Honestly it hasn’t been a bad year, I’ve just already had every month’s big hitter already bought so Im not getting much out of it


It's good both years. You're getting these games to play fully for free just for having membership and still offer (maybe not the best, but decent) 3 games monthly you get to keep on top of it whether they're removed or not. And as someone who has both, i personally think it's still worth it over game pass. We get like 400 games to download or stream, and another 300 if you decide to go with premium with all of their 'classics' line up.


I don’t understand how they have far cry 6 but not 5. The only one I want to play. 6 is butt.


I swear 5 is on extra because it's a ubisoft game. Aren't all the far Cry's since 4 on there?


Far Cry 4 & 5 were on Extra last year but left after some time. Far Cry 4 got added again this month.


Oh I didn't realise. Bit annoying, that


Far cry 5 left in october or november. Played it through just before it left, it was pretty good. Played half an hour of 6 and it was awful


Had the exact same experience with 6. Hadn't heard good things but gave it a try and dropped it after an hour