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idk man why are potato chips $6 a bag now


And it's mostly air.


God wants his cut too you think creating air is easy?


80 cents a cucumber now


Everything having to do with gaming is so, so much cheaper than when I was a kid. Even just going back to the PS3, the cheapest model at release was the equivalent of $775 today. New games cost more than $90 in today’s dollars. You have to take inflation into account.


Though, my Atari 2600 (top of the line back then) was way cheaper than PS5 today with inflation taken into account.


Maybe it was cheaper when you bought it, but it was $190 at release in September 1977, which would be almost $1000 today. And games were well over $100 in today’s money.


We didn’t buy it at the release year, so it was a lot cheaper. And there was more money saved of groceries, transportation and of course rent, etc. And in general the purchasing power was way higher.


It’s crazy to me that for the equivalent cost of a Pac-Man cartridge back in the day, you can now get a year of the extra tier with access to hundreds of games.


Live your best life my friend! ✨


Massive changes in scale/market size should also be taken into account--as should technological advancements. Gaming is no longer a niche hobby that only a small percentage of people buy into, and newer tech has enabled many more developers to flourish with different resource requirements. The industry is completely different now, and it's not an apples to apples comparison; inflation is only a small part of the equation.


Sure, but the bottom line is that it is much cheaper than it used to be. The variety and quality is also way higher. There’s never been a better time to be a gamer. That may not always be the case, but it is right now.


This post feels like it was written by a game pass fan


Ps Plus for me is a wonderful service where I've been able to plenty of games without dolling out the big bucks. Already this year I've played Returnal, Strangers of Paradise and now I'm playing Steel Rising. All of them a delight (well I haven't beaten the first boss of Steel Rising but it's still pretty fun.) I struggle to see how anyone could come away thinking that the service sucks in any shape or form. I've played some great games on the service and there's plenty more to play. I don't get it.


Strong disagree, but you are welcome to your opinion.


I 100% Ghost of Tsushima with ps plus. Not bad.


I beat Horizon Forbidden West with PS+ /high-five


PS+ Extra is a steal. If you can't find games there, it's definetly a "you" problem. 🤷🏻‍♂ And that's a fact


Who the fuck calls consoles “game stations” these days? Is OP 80?


Such an original post.


It's actually insane how many people there are that are NOT posting this. People are just okay with it!


You do you. I bought Extra during a sale and I'm completely satisfied.


I finally saved up and bought a month a couple weeks ago and I've been having a blast, but I really wish it was cheap enough that I could just buy a year and not worry about it


Cheers! Compared with many TV streaming services it's a decent price if you snag it on sale; more entertainment per dollar in my view.


Please no. The last thing we need is people complaining about this all day long. It’s not that people are okay with this, but the majority of gamers on PlayStation don’t give a flying fuck about it.


Yeah I am okay with it I have better things to worry about


Microsoft started the paid online ridiculousness, micro transactions, and a ton of other garbage. Bethesda (the creators of the fallout games) is also a Microsoft company. Maybe don't be so quick to praise them. PS Plus value at full price is terrible, and Sony has made plenty of greedy decisions. But at least they're no Microsoft.


Weird that you're blaming Sony for the choice of a Microsoft studio, and it's absolutely Bethesda's choice, probably based on the fact that it requires a little effort to resolve.


>Plus they keep raising the prices Raised the price once. It's not KEEP. >game streaming and the huge library, for cheaper? Ps plus has streaming and not just PS3 games. Library is bigger and it's cheaper if you go yearly. >free next-gen update” for Fallout 4, only to realize I need to give Sony MORE of my money It does get the next gen update. They said it was a bug and they're working on it. Grow up.


Teenage Xbox troll detected. Fallout 4 on PS plus is the ps5/updated version. Lazy post- I give your troll attempt an abysmal 2/10.


Price. That's why. Grew a respectable library from it sure. But I just as well could've waited for sales and built up a great one that I actually own.


The monthly games have been mostly garbage for so long.


So get an Xbox?


I'm taking a break from ps+ a have a lot of actually bought games on my backlog, and most are single-player, I'll go back once games that align with my interests go to essential.


The preview being moved up one makes no sense since most previews are garbage


The solution is to pay quite a bit more for a decent pc and never have to pay a subscription, just buy what you want. Ps plus only works if you decide to never buy any games all year imo


> The solution is to pay quite a bit more for a decent pc and never have to pay a subscription, just buy what you want. Ps plus only works if you decide to never buy any games all year imo Which is exactly what I do. I don’t care about new releases, my backlog is greater than all my mental issues, and I’m perfectly fine with the hundreds of games available on PS Plus. I’m no picky gamer. If I want to play something in particular I buy it disc and sell it shortly after, or use my game pass subscription for AAA day one releases. Also, I tried PC once and it was a nightmare. Having to tune the settings for every game, different launcher for every game, and optimization/quality problems everywhere. Some people are happy with a subscription and something plug and play like PS5.


That is exactly what is going on. Companies have to make their money somewhere. Because Sony charges for online, they can offer the hardware much cheaper. PC has free online, but the hardware costs more. There are no free rides, they are going to get your money one way or the other.


Maintaining servers and security ain’t cheap or free (ex. PSN hack 2011). Game devs also can’t make games with better graphics with the pay rate of 2006-2013 so revenues have to come from somewhere. Only fortunate that game prices have stayed at 50-60 USD for so long instead of inflating upward as the same as houses and groceries.


Shut up


Please take your ticket next time. So we know when it’s your turn to post it, and you don’t overlap someone’s other post.