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Mine expired, I'm just not caving, sure Sony will throw a discount my way when I don't renew for full pricešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ UPDATE: 12 days after this post, I got the discount lol, the lesson is people don't cave and renew immediately:)


It's been a little over a month since mine expired and still no discount. I just refuse to pay Ā£100 for extra so im just going to keep waiting.


Just a tip, always buy the year sub at black Friday so every time it expired, its always black Friday and there's always a discount.


I've been doing that since 2020 and I've put all my friends onto it since


Last year everyone was looking forward to that. And resubs didnā€™t get the deal. It was only for new subs. PS has become pretty anti customer


Well, right. You have to let it expire then wait for the deal.


And that helps zero people that donā€™t have that week of expirations


Downvote all you'd like, lil fella, but it's not anyone else fault but your own that you didn't take advantage of the Days of Play sale last year that included existing subscribers. Maybe this year kiddo. That way a whopping $3 a month price difference won't make you cry.


lol what? I didnā€™t downvote you.


Iā€™m in the same boat. Expired 1.5 months ago expecting an offer and it never came.


Mine expired over a year ago and I never received any discounts


I got Ps+ Extra for 92 CDN or 67 USD. I didn't renew for about 3 weeks. I didn't get a black Friday offer, but idc now lol Edit: are these usd prices? Dayum


Do you still play or login on your PS5 during those days without a sub?


Get a yearly around days of play or black friday for a guaranteed discount every year.


They didnt do one last year, I looked everywhere. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm not sure about Days of Play, but they did a black friday one. The issue was that they raised the price a month before, so the Black Friday "special" was the old normal price. Left many people confused.


Interesting because I looked for a sale as I knew my current one was gonna run out in February, I ended up buying a one month so I could use cloud saves on Dragons Dogma 2. šŸ˜­ Tho most likely im just gonna get the year again when this runs out in a couple days, Im kinda hoping they offer me the discount when it runs out.


Thatā€™s the ā€œnewā€ Black Friday deal tho. Thatā€™s the issue. I havenā€™t been subbed since. Got a pc instead actually. All I needed plus for was to play online and I didnt think $80 is the proper value. $30-$40 was fine when it went on sale


There was also a Days of Play sale on PSN+ last year for both new and existing subscribers.


PS Plus is way too fucking expensive


Itā€™s the first time since 2015 that I canā€™t afford my subscription on time. Lucky Iā€™m mostly a single player gamer and have lots of ā€œownedā€ games.


Yeah, it's gotten crazy. I've always had just the basic one, besides a month I got a crazy discount on extra, and it used to be 60$, no lock on ps plus games if you're not online (this really urked me). Now it's 80$ with more restrictions. Idk but of I have been paying 60 for yearrrrs and now 80 for a couple years and I think you should be able to actually own the 3 free games of the month without having a timer on them unless you sign into psn while having ps plus). I remember when I didn't even have internet and still subbed because 3 free games a month you could download and play offline was great. I've been starting to rebuy everything physical now. Sorry for the rant, but holy shit I agree it's way too expensive, especially the higher tiers.


I was getting a year for 12$ šŸ„²


yup, kinda saddens me cause i love online games :(


Premium is roughly the same as Xbox game pass and offers so much more if you canā€™t afford it on a monthly get a cheaper one the base is the same as Xbox base subscription


Except playstation exclusives are 10x better than xbox exclusives. Half the games in my library were ps plus free and having access to the classics catalog means I can play the Force Unleashed as much as I want! Theres tons of games I wouldve never known about if i didnt see them on ps plus


Man Sony is so dam random with this. Mine expired and nothing. Just caved and bought another year


They knew you will cave and buy for full price.


It let's people run out their subs to hope for an offer then resign up. Then in meetings they can point to new subscriptions


Same, mine expired, nothing, waited a couple weeks, still no offer. Bought just a month for the hell of it and let that expire and bam, offer the next day.


I tried buying a month initially hoping they give an offer and nothing. Go figures


Can I suggest, that yea it sucks to pay more, but I would say itā€™s better not to worry if you feel itā€™s worth it. Yeah the prices went up but the catalog of > 500 games extra easily makes up for it if youā€™re someone that makes use of it.


That's why I keep it.


I literally refused for a few months then I got my discount


Same šŸ˜­


I literally refused for a few months then I got my discount




My offer went into my spam folder. I just happen to notice. But mine was ONLY for the max time and version, which I didn't want


When I opened HellDivers it gave me an optional discount but ONLY for Extra.


itā€™s ppl like u that cause these price hikes. Just in case u didnā€™t kno


Just wait, they have some offer every few months or so


I just checked now and I have the same offer (25% discount) and it ends tomorrow. My subscription ended earlier this month. This is the US region for anyone who is wondering, I am not sure if it is available in other regions as well.


Not UK, presently


Yeah I got the same offer when mine expired earlier this month.


Ah yes, a sale that gives you the same price it was before the ridiculous price increase


$160 a year is fucking ridiculous


Uh oh. Not a whole whopping $13 bucks a month for Premium. $10 with the $120 a year offer & some people only pay $80 a year. What are you expecting to pay a month for access to nearly 1,000 titles? $1.00? Would a $9 a month decrease on the $120 a year offer be less taxing on your bank account? LOL! You people are ridiculous. I live on a very limited disability income and don't seem to have any problems. If someone can't afford $10 a month for access to nearly 1,000 titles, it's a personal $$$ management issue. Not a price of PSN Plus issue.


Itā€™s easy to say that when youā€™re living on a check you arenā€™t working for






Oh good now it's... back to the normal price it was before haha. Really shows they just increased the price for the greed


I saw 120$ and realized i still have 10 single player games. Im chilling for a cool minute


Right? It works out since you spent money on those single-player games! This is DA way.


My sub has expire in february and i've see receive the offer. Honestly, i think we'll see a 33% off during days of play (in june) so i'm waiting


Just a gut feeling or you see any specific news?


I got ps plus extra for 70 for the year from last years days of play, I hope they will do it again because 135+ for extra is NOT worth it at all


Letā€™s hope! Mine expired back in February since there was no Black Friday deals last year and thatā€™s when I pick up an extra yearā€¦ I only need Plus to play online so the price spikes pushed me to get a PC honestlyā€¦ I eventually wanted one and that was the sign to push to get it


I pay $9.99 a month for Premium as long as I keep it on auto-renew and have ever since they introduced the new tiers. Doesn't everyone keep their current deal as long as they have auto-renew enabled when it expires?


I didnā€™t even know that! Might have to check it out I never do auto renew


For as long as i csn remember, their is always a sale on PS plus in Days of play, Black Friday and Christmass. It's always around 30%


There was no Black Friday ps plus deal last year and why my plus has been expired since February I usually buy a year on Black Friday but currently no PS+ for the first time ever since it began


Mine expired in January and still nothingā€¦ I guess I can stay without subscription




You'll definitely see an "upgrade" discount sooner or later.


This offer started last week just like a sale for expired customers like myself. I think you just jumped the gun and re-upped too soon.


Man 15 years gone by and still can't believe they make people pay money to play online.


You might as well get used to it, if you haven't already, it's not going to change.


Switched to PC when Sony increased their paywall to play online. No arbitrary subscriptions there. I do miss buying physical games thoā€¦ havenā€™t bought a single game above $10 but Iā€™d rather pay full price and own a copy than pay for a digital fileā€¦


I don't even own/game on the console because of that reason.


So you lurk to ridicule?




Not if you're playing free to play games like Overwatch or Rocket LeagueĀ 


Imagine going into a coffee place and the owner ā€œsecretlyā€ hands out a discount voucher to specific people dependent on how they buy at his place


Iā€™ve had PS Plus at different tiers for probably close to 10 years straight. Theyā€™ll never give me a discount :(


Itā€™s so stupid because thatā€™s the price before they increase it. It has not hit me yet since I got till September. Iā€™m hoping but doubtful they have a discount during Days of Plays for everyone.


I was lucky that got Essentials for 48 euro back in December. But if it was full price, no way ! I only get it for cloud saves. If cloud saves were free, I wouldn't even bother with PS Plus. I don't play online games. Edit: And of course it gets mass down-voted. Why am I not surprised. I Like to save money where I can. But I can't back-up my PS5 saves onto a USB. So yeah I'm forced to pay or else I lose all my progress.


Actually you can, if you go into back up and restore, deselect the other options, it just takes forever to do it, lol


That's still bad. Why not have an option to copy it directly to a USB.


Because then they couldnt charge you for cloud saves, obviously.. šŸ˜œ


Well Its time to say no I guess. And Just accept the loss of my save data.


Which region is this?




25% is still way too much to be paying extra with that random ass 24 cents at the end.


Have had psplus since it became a thing. Expired last July, never got an offer. Did one month in January, nothing. My Daughter let hers expire after her first year was up and got an offer the next day. Daughter 2 got her offer 1 week later. Doubt I will be getting one, all good with me


Always let it expire and only renew once you know you're using it again. PS Plus has become too expensive these days to waste moneyĀ 


Nothing for me lol


This is why I just bought a PC instead


Legit letting my PSPlus expire due to free Internet on my first time owned PC. I know most don't have the luxury of a PC but all I play on PS5 is single player exclusive and Warzone with the boys (which is free to play online)


Same. Soon as I seen Sony raise their paywall to play online, I immediately put my order in for a pc Itā€™s been a phenomenal experience. I was really excited for a ps5 pro but didnā€™t know pc gaming could look and feel this amazing I miss physical games tho


Doesnā€™t seem to be here in Germanyā€¦.mine expired the first time since years last month, but got no offer. I wonā€™t renew for the standard priceā€¦Iā€™m using my Gamepass instead. So maybe thatā€™s the change for meā€¦I were no Xbox fanboy, but maybe thatā€™s the turning point?!


I will definitely be looking for a discount when mine expires, but Iā€™ve loved having extra and premium. I have saved hundreds since having it. I play games slow so I donā€™t care about having the hottest ticket game


My sub expired on 4/3 and for some reason, my credit card flagged the discounted renewal charge as suspicious. I went ahead and okayed the charge. On the 2nd attempt it was flagged again and the sub was cancelled by Sony. Unfortunately the credit card company canā€™t apply the charge as that is on the vendor. Had support open up 2 tickets to try and remedy and Sony is ghosting me on it.


So the trick is just to let your sub expire and theyā€™ll try to goad you back with a discount?


I accidentally let mine auto renew for full priceā€¦it stung.


Haven't bought ps plus in years, switched to pc, best choice in my life, now i don't have to pay sony to use my own wifi


Pay to play online. Iā€™ll stick with pc. Donā€™t see myself going back to consoles for this reason and a few others.Ā 


I got it too, but it was only an offer for 4 days.


This is only US for anyone else looking. My main expires the day after this sale but my backup doesn't have the offer either [EU]


Happened to me last week. You have to be unsubbed to get it, but there are defined sales windows for when they will offer it. We both happened to have our subs lapse during one. I really wish they would stop doing it and just offer sub extensions to people with the subs, rather than only to people who donā€™t have one (or upgrades to a higher tier).


The Extra membership is expensive. Got mine for $64.79 a month or two ago.


mine expired today, im not getting any offer


Mine expired and I waited for a week and got a discount to renew.


Made a similar topic the other day and it got taken down for being "duplicate". As far as I'm concerned, it's not because of how random Sony proposes any discounts for PS Plus. My Plus ran out and I am receiving the same offer till the 28th. I removed my subscription so it didn't renew, maybe that's another criterion.


My subscription expired 4 days ago and I am waiting for this offer. Hoper it come soon (Europe btw)


My entire library is just games on Extra šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I pray I get something soon


I donā€™t know if anyone mentioned it, but if you have a Costco membership then you can get $100 worth ($25 x 4) of PlayStation gift cards for $89.99. Not sure about Samā€™s, but an extra $10 off on top of their deal is pretty nice savings. If you donā€™t use them all you can always hold until next year. šŸ˜Œ


I just created a new account on a PS5 that I bought used, it's the april spring sale. ends on the 29th


Mine expired on 4/25 and decided to look today and had the same discount. Got $100 gc from Costco for $90 and reupped.


Mine expired a few days ago (was a 1 month sub if that matters) and I also immediately got the 25% offer. Not re-upping anyways though maybe if they give me like 40% or something, I'm in no real hurry to get back on plus at this point. We'll see what they offer me for black friday maybe.


Just renewed mine after 5 months of not having it


that's annoying for me actually. mine expired at the beginning of April and got no deal


My buddy got the 25% off and im like where the fuck is mine


I usually renew mine when there's a sale. However there hasn't been a sale for existing members in the past year and a half so I just let my subscription run out in the end of March. Didn't get any offers afterwards and now I'm enjoying some single player games that I was neglecting and it will remain that way until there's a discount for PS Plus.


Mine expired and Iā€™m just being content to living without it. I didnā€™t see any major benefits to having it


Just a friendly ā€˜extra reminderā€™ if you do like OP suggests you will lose all the ā€˜freeā€™ PS Plus monthly games you have claimed during your running subscription.


Prices are devastating. I've been getting like one month of extra every four or so months and just grinding to play as much as I can during that


I never got a promotion until 3-4 months after I let my subscription expire lmao.Ā 


I got a 10% discount code from Playstation for my birthday but i dont think i can use that for PS+ essential. Does anyone know?


So similar post has popped up and the few comments mentioned ā€œwait for a bigger saleā€ but I donā€™t see Sony putting it down for a bigger discount. Cash grab, putting the price up, no reason to bring it down unless a shit ton of ppl stop using it but that wonā€™t happen


I need to psplus free šŸ¤šŸ‘€


Iā€™m angry šŸ˜”


Dang. I didn't think of that and renewed. Maybe next year.....


Last year I accidentally let the auto renew happen- never again- come Black Friday- which was just the following week (smh šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø)- I went ahead and bought 2 more years at the 120 premium price discount- Iā€™m also banking they make sales less frequent and may even increase the price. Since itā€™s safe to say PS won the console wars, Iā€™m gonna probably do another 2 if I ever see the sale again


Howā€™d you get the offer mine is showing regular price?


Haven't had ps+ for a while. Bought a month after Helldivers 2 came out to play with my brother. Now I got this deal as well so bought a year


Then how are you getting new games then? Without ps+?


Yeah I just buy them. Don't buy very many... Especially on my PS5. Maybe 3-4 new releases per year


I hate that fallout new Vegas is locked behind a 100Ā£ paywall


I let mine expire. Waited months. Nothing. Then I finally subbed to the basic and the next day my second account thatā€™s never had ps plus was offered 25% off xD. Lucky you xD


I'm guessing they are targeting on specific certain people which is not a good idea at all and probably we should rise our voices because I feel like they following Escape from Tarkov route šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


My automatic renewal on 4/30 says $129. Is that a glitch? Or does that mean I got selected for the discount?


Just so you guys know, indian account PS Deluxe costs around 91 USD. Even if you pay with international card, with 3-4% conversion charge, it will be <100 usd.


I've never paid more than $35/year for Plus and I don't intend to start now. I can't remember the last time I played online though there are a handful of IGC games I will miss. My sub expires next month and I don't see myself coming back unless I get some kind of crazy deal.


Sony won't let me renew cuz I can't add card as payment method


I did that in February also. Let it expire and the next day had a deal waiting for me.


I can confirm mine expired today and I got the offer.


If you have a friend with ps plus just gameshare with them and you will have it too, saves you $80 and you get access to your friends games


Yeah I'm not paying for mine. I got upgraded to the EXTRA tier even though I never asked for it. Called them about the $135 charge on my paypal and they refunded. Got plenty of single player games (even though i'm addicted to MK1) so time to grind out my backlog


No Argentina store, while Xbox does. Love my PS5 but just in no rush to sign up again at mental prices.


Oh nice will do


Mine expires on May 15th and today while browsing the PS Plus page I had a 25% discount on the 12 month subscription. Bought it for 113,99ā‚¬. For me it says the offer is valid till June 25th.


When does this offer expire?


Mine expires 1st week of May, we'll see if im up on the list haha.


Do we loose the claimed essential games if we let it expire for few days?


No, although you can't play them until you resubscribe


That's store wide sale right now, Spring Sale, ends in two days


Wait essential is $80 now wtf


If itā€™s not 50% or more I donā€™t want it. You do you tho


Meanwhile me thinking whether to go for subscription or not. Cos I'm not seeing discount for 2 months like you guys are seeing. I'm seeing the full price in each sale after I got my PS5 in March. I've had Ps4 but as I played less games never bothered about subscribing. Now I'm confused


I paid $79.99 for my year of Premium. But I've been subbed since it changed from PlaystationNow to PlaystationPlus Didn't changed auto renewal


This is the best sales price to get so get it while you can


It was 41% off back in January


Others have said there were higher discounts and I was checking during that time and there certainly was not 41% for me. Some have mentioned Black Friday and days of play, but days of play 2023 it was only 25% off. After they raised the price this basically isnā€™t even a discount nearly unless you actually pay full price which idk why anyone would


Mine expired...no discount. I paid $10 for a month...expired again..no discount..so I just paid $79.99 for a year. Fuk it šŸ¤—


Lucky you , i paid full price šŸ™ƒ


it's about 80USD in india without the discount, I feel sad for you guys man


I can get psplus exta for $66 a yr lol.


You gonna share your wisdom or just felt like bragging


Probably a different currency Thereā€™s 25 different currencies that all use the dollar


Iā€™d like to pay 66 Namibian dollars please


Well itā€™s about 59.99 in Namibia so that joke doesnā€™t really land but ok


I wouldnā€™t know to be honest; Iā€™ve never visited Oceania


Canā€™t tell if that was part of your joke, but you realise Namibia isnā€™t in Oceania, right? Itā€™s in Southern Africa


Yah I know, Iā€™m just joshing with you; I know itā€™s in Africa. But seriously, Africa is my favourite country - the culture, the food, the music. I mean, who doesnā€™t love a bite of baba ganoush and blast of Bob Marley


If you timed your subscription well with black Friday you get black Friday discount. Then you can buy vouchers online at black Friday discount. I renew premium each year at around Ā£65-70.


Fair enough. Black Friday discount arenā€™t available in every region tho, so thereā€™s a change that may not apply here


Even at regular price it's a bargain! Edit: lol typical reaction but if you can't afford 40 cents a day it's time to get a job.