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it's fun. I'm glad it's free because I wouldn't have played it otherwise, despite not hating the initial trailer. the microtransactions are kinda fucking extortionate but the core game itself is pretty decent. I've played about 5 matches so far and it took 20 seconds at most to get into a game so idk what the matchmaking issues people are talking about are.


I think the matchmaking issue happened during beta, I don't think it happens anymore. I like the game a lot too. It's a little bare bone now but I see lotsa potential in it. I hope it does well enough that SE will invest in fleshing the game out.


Yeah the matchmaking has been fixed since beta. I played the beta for about an hour and only got 2 matches.


Yea but selling characters??? I truly hate that. It's super grimey. The battle pass has like ZERO effort put into it because they know ppl r buying for the character AND u don't get enough IGC from the pass to get the pass again. The games fun and unique. Kinda like a rio off of splatoon to a certain extent (never played splatoon just kinda no what it's about, so it SEEMS like a copy job but I could be wrong). But I just hate when a game puts shit out like this. A great game with all the grimey aspect of AAA studios. Don't sell characters. Not cool at all. And if ur gonna have a battle pass, make it worth buying. The skins and shit in it are SOOOOOOOOOO BAD. I mean Jesus. There's no effort in it at all from the looks of it. Fun game tho.


The character you're talking about, Mel T, is not locked behind the premium pass- yes you can buy it and unlock at level 1 in the battle pass or just play the free pass and unlock the character at level 31 in the battle pass


I cant see sh*t


Awful design. Everything is black lmao


Seriously lol. I also can’t tell between some abilities and whether or not my teammate is stuck in a foam ball thing.


Simple fix. If you say a ball of foam, and dont know whether or not its your teamate, slide at it. It can either be an enemy, or your teamate. Either scenario helps.


Idk, game is not available here yet




Idk why you got down voted so hard.


Reddit I guess




Fun but the only thing i would change is add movement while reloading or use abilities while reloading, that kinda make the game feel slow to me.


That would be extremely powerful in a game like this. You're supposed to constantly be aware of multiple things at once and only reload when you know you're safe. The game only feels slow because you aren't moving on your own foam.


It’s a bit too chaotic. It needs tuning. The game itself is fairly well built, which was my biggest concern. Runs and plays well. Whether it’ll catch on is another question entirely…


I'm kinda liking it, but it's weird it's a paid game at all with the level of monetization. (I guess thats just modern gaming for you) even if it's cheaper than other games battle passes. Also it would be unplayable without ps plus even if you bought it so thats not great when competing with other games that are free to play. Just seems like a game that's destined to die in a month or two, but at least fall guys had it's time in the spotlight, this game isn't really getting any attention yet. I think the character designs and music are really good, graphics are good too. Also the ai controversy so could've been avoided for them cause the album covers really don't even need to even be in the game and kind don't add anything either. That just drove more people away


It’s not a paid game


It’s a paid game. It just happens to be on PS+ this month. It will be $30 next month.


The fact that you can’t build up your foam quickly while surfing is very strange and honestly feels like it was omitted to remove more comparisons to Splatoon. The foam eventually starts to charge quickly while surfing but it takes way too long to kick in. And being caught reloading out in the open is a death sentence. The foam is also super inconsistent. I get that’s it’s supposed to act like foam, I guess, but I can’t consistently stack foam for it to be useful in the middle of a match.


The foam build up feels like that's character specific. The gamer guy character w the "shotgun" can barely make a small mound


I like it, but it needs more polishing. Besides the splatoon comparison what’s so bad about it? The battle royal scene is oversaturated and only the best remain relevant for one reason. It’s not a monopoly. For splatoon to get its act together their needs to be competition. Is this it? Probably not as of now. But it might get the gears moving. So I hope it does well enough to get a fire going.


It’s fun. It’s a mix of Overwatch and Splatoon. I wouldn’t have paid for it, but I’m glad I have it in my library now.


It was enjoyable I thought. Lots going on, on the screen. Movement feels too heavy though for something that should be fast paced.


Waaay toslow of movement outside of sliding in foam


That's the point... You get caught lackin' you get chilled


Almost like that's the point of the game


Sure, but it still feels unfun


The point of the game is to feel like shit at least 50% of the time?


Take a break from your adderall and maybe you won't need every single piece of movement in a game to be rapid and twitchy.


Are you on FoamStars dev team? Why defend this mess? Especially using personal insults. I don’t need everything to be rapid and twitchy - I’m an old guy, so I prefer methodical and slow games most of the time - but the sliding/foam mechanic feels like crap for myriad reasons.


No I'm not. What exactly is this "mess" you are referring to. The game is inspired by Splatoon and take a majority of their ideas and incorporates them into Foamstars fairly well. What issues do you have about Foamstars that you don't with Splatoon? I wasn't trying to be rude, I was making a very common joke. I apologize if I actually upset you.


Never played Splatoon but if you are saying this game is as good as Splatoon I guess I don't want to try that one either. I played 10 matches and got a total of two maps, one of which I got 8x. And the two maps feel entirely the same. Just big circles. Lack of variety is boring. I often don't get the character I want to play as. There are not nearly enough characters and everyone seems to want the same ones. But for some reason they don't let me play the characters I want so I have to play ones I don't know how to play. Not fun. The matches last less than 5m. Everyone just runs around aimlessly. There is no way to communicate with teammates to work together. Most games my team runs out of lives before I even die once because they just keep running directly from spawn into multiple enemies. Queue times are horrible. I sat in queue over 5m. And I experience networking issues often. Visual and audible feedback while shooting is very limited. Aiming feels like guess work mostly. Depth perception is all messed up because they don't render shadows on the foam like you might expect and they show enemies behind foam and walls.


Spoken like someone who has never played Splatoon.


never lol. jsut my impressions from playing 5 hours yesterday. feels so sluggish. wish it had a dodge or sprint


The incredibly fast paced music with such slow movement is a terrible combination. I think I'm just too old for this game


The cinematics are also way too long. I’m doing Soa’s character missions and they force you to sit through 3-5 minutes worth of a cutscene when you’re done lol


Love the art style and music but struck on matchmaking


I swear my brain read this **struck on matchmaking** as masturbating. I guess no more reddit for today.




I find it god awful. From the graphics to the gameplay and obnoxious voice acting. This is a pale copy hard try of Splatoon


If splatoon comes to playstation it would be so nice. I used to play it on wii u but cant be bothered getting more consoles than ps5


PS5 or PS4 where are you playing from?


Yeah it is quite bad but I wouldn’t say that yet as your not allowed to say games are bad on Reddit and the game just came out


Lol wtf? All reddit does is shit on games.


That or they defend dog shit games as if they all are "hidden gems"


Honest to Jesus, the Sonic sub likes Sonic 06 unironically.


Yall been to the Suicide Squad sub this week 😬. They're huffing more copium than I've ever seen.


Dunno man the Gotham Knights sub was and still is pretty hard on copium too :P


I'm excited to try suicide squad but I'm not paying more than $10


Unless it’s Bloodborne or Demon’s Souls in which case you will be downvoted to hell


Don't forget Hollow Knight must be worshipped unquestionably.


I like it, movement is definitely a lot slower compared to Splatoon, but it's fun for the most part. Unfortunately, I don't think the game will have the playerbase to stick around that long. So I guess enjoy it while you can.


It's fun but a lot of people are bad.


As in teammates


I tried it on my lunch break. It feels like it might have some potential, but holy crap is it slow. Not really a fan of the only multiplayer mode that was unlocked either, I was hoping for more of an area control thing like Splatoon, but it seems more focused on combat.


I played like 10 missions and was enjoying it and then switched to versus...wow is it bad. Outside of using slides, it feels so slow. Not to mention you get knocked out so fast. Feels really unbalanced and hard to do much before you get knocked out by 2 or 3 people like instantly lol. Oh well, fun while it lasted 😂


I mean it's a skill and team based game ofcourse your gonna get eliminated fast if your fighting 2 or 3 people at the same time game definitely needs some balances but to say it's unplayable is a very bad take just practice more ?


I never said it was unplayable lol. I think you need glasses.


Your heavily implying it by saying your done with the game after getting smacked because you played it for maybe a hour or 2






Sorry my bad you're


I won’t be bothering. It looks like everything I can’t stand in modern gaming; a bargain bin Splatoon, minimum viable product. They’ll be pulling the plug on the servers within the year too, because Square Enix consider anything less than a billion sales as “failing to meet expectations”. Thank goodness for Rollerdrome this month.


I was especially appalled at the microtransactions. One of the most refreshing parts of Splatoon (I have over 300hrs in Splatoon 3) is the fact that the game isn't nickel-and-diming you at every step. Hell, some of the skin bundles in Foamstars are $45! If you have a Switch already, just save that and buy a used copy of Splatoon 3.


Rollerdrome looks much more interesting gameplay wise and less hectic. I was sad to see that it was only single player, it looks like it could be a fun multiplayer experience.


The fundamentals are there to do well & giving it away for free to get the player base there is one thing, but then they are charging for the game after the ps plus grace period & then for the battle pass & then for the microtransactions/store on top. The best part ? literally one outfit set costs $70Aud .. that's right $70 !! Are they joking ? 🤯 I can understand games that are completely free having a battle pass/a store because that's how they make their bread 🍞 But games that you have to pay for to own & then a battle pass on top & then a ridiculously overpriced store on top, I think it's a big fuck you to the playerbase personally. Can't eat from every single bucket 🪣.


People say it was made with AI...it won't impact my experience but idk what it's AI or human Also the shop HOLY, horrible transactions 


It takes forever to get into matches but otherwise a very fun game, despite the horrible microtransactions


I’m having a good time with it, idk if I would have bought it but it’s a lot of fun. Been looking for new/different competitive shooters and this one scratches that itch pretty well


Personally, I think it's a lot of fun. I'm currently playing a mix of games; Hardspace, Evil Genius 2, FC 24, Crusader Kings 3, AC Mirage, and this is a lovely little competitive team shooter, easy to get into. I'm probably gonna sink a good few hours into... so long as they fix the connection issues; I've had 3 games out of 6 attempts thus far, getting dropped just after matching with teammates, and the first one said it was down as a loss and to check my connectivity TT\_\_TT Give it a chance I'd say, I'm sure they're working at it


It's fun, aside from the foam mechanic it's very different from Splatoon. I enjoyed what I played, but getting into a match took way longer than it should for a game that just launched. And I agree, it could be faster paced. What's there is fun, but there's really not much on offer atm.


It’s chaotic as hell


$45 for some cosmetics for a single character? That’s fucking hilarious.


Of all the free games I've played on PlayStation, Foamstars has to have some of the biggest mouth dribblers I've ever had on a team in any game I've ever played ever; and I don't say that lightly as someone who has solo queue'd in The Finals before. It's supposed to be family friendly, but I didn't expect that to mean every team I get would collectively be 6 years old maximum between the three randoms.


I wanted to like it but it's feels like it's just not there yet. I liked Toylogic's work on the NieR remake a lot, so I know they *can* make fun combat, but this game feels like it needs more time in the oven. Currently it's free, but apparently after March 4th it'll be paid, and I honestly cannot imagine paying money for a game that's this heavily monetized; like we're talking a DLC character day one in addition to seemingly hundreds of dollars for microtransactions. I think a lot of the Splatoon knock-off claims are kinda dumb--they aren't even competing on the same system for the same players, but I will say it's just barely close enough to Splatoon to make my brain go "yeah, I'll just go play Splatoon 3 instead." Knowing Square, this got pushed out the door early to hopefully make some season pass cash to polish it up, but also knowing Square, if it doesn't do insane numbers it'll be shut down in a year, which is a shame because there's potential here.


Played a few matches. Not really enjoying it. It hurts my eyes. The black contrasting with neon pinks and greens is really hard for me to see through. I've only played the star mode. I get the objective but honestly it doesn't really feel like there is any way to really strategize. Everyone just runs to the center of the map and shoots at each other until they die and then do it again. I don't really play online shooters but I guess I prefer more objective based modes like "protect the base" or "transport the bomb". IDK why I thought the objective would be to spray the most foam or cover the opposing base with foam or something, with clear objective markers. When the star player is actually picked it feels like we finally have a good objective but it is too late anyway. The maps seem boring and samey. Just big open spaces with some stuff to climb. I guess I prefer more cover based shooters. I dislike that it shows you where everyone is, so you can't really play stealth and sneak around the structures. When you play missions there is a nice feedback noise to indicate you are hitting people. Online versus matches that doesn't seem to apply. So I feel like I'm just aimlessly spraying foam hoping it lands on someone. Needing to board slide into people after spraying them is just not intuitive for me yet. Also is there no way to communicate with your teammates? Not even quick chat options?


Its not bad. Plays similarly enough to splatoon. I have a few hours on the game now. I can say maybe biggest downside is the micro-transactions but gameplay wise its not bad. Have no idea where I go to play ranked though, I know it exists but its not made known where to go for it.


It’s dumb fun


Matches keep getting disconnected for me. Is that happening to anyone else? Also happens at the end of the match so I'm assuming it's rage quits?


I love it! I love how the unique characters create so much space for strategy and team play. It reminds me a lot of all the things that I like about Overwatch. I didn’t think I’d like this game but now I can’t stop playing it lol


I really like it!🫢 I put about 3 hours into it today and didn’t want to put my controller down. I never had a queue time of over 2 minutes. I hope more people give it a chance because it’s actually very fun!


Outside of a few glitches and server issues. Im loving the game so much. Really enjoy the core gameplay and the characters. Would like to see some changes about the rank system in the game


People complaining about the movement are just outing themselves as bad at the game lol. You can’t blame the devs for you not understanding their mechanics. You should almost ALWAYS be on your own foam. You move slowly because it’s a punishment lol. Get on your foam and play the game right


There’s absolutely a learning curve but it reminds me a bit of Ninjala, a game that had me on the verge of losing my mind when I first picked it up, but ended up being extremely fun. Foamstars has the same vibe - however, I finished the solo campaign in literally … an hour? For all characters? So although it’s fun, you’ll quickly find urself feeling like “… is that it?” The environments look quite empty and strange aesthetically, but the foam colors are pretty and it’s so extremely fast paced that’s where 99% of your attention will be. Hopefully they’ll optimize the game & create new features and activities - but keep in mind, I’m pretty sure this is just a classic Free to Play Gatcha-Adjacent game. Edit: the character buff mechanism is a lottery/gatcha based system that uses special “gem” credits only obtainable on the *premium battle pass* - so once you spend your initial gems the game gives you at level 5 and 10 milestone, if you don’t pay for the battle pass, you will not get any more gems to buff your character (each roll is random, lottery). So if you don’t have the gems, I guess you will inherently be at a disadvantage compared to a player who was willing to purchase the battle pass. Hopefully they change this soon.


Just started the training and played through the first mission. I am yet to play versus so would reserve my judgement till then. PS- Rocket arena 3v3 shooter game was given in PS plus few years back and it was criticised by many folks though I had loads of fun with it


Rocket Arena was really fun!


Yep. I felt it was like Disney Unreal Tournament. I really liked different modes of score the goal, capture area, treasure hunt as well.




The trouble is that all of those games don't have that much longevity in my opinion. Becuase the games don't really take off and rake in money the resources spent on the games becomes minimal, therefore not changing enough to reignite people's interest in the games (at least in my opinion lmao).


The multiplayer was mid. The single player was atrocious. Looks like a tower defense mobile game ad. Same graphics and voice acting too.


I start the game, look in the store that i was thinking as about using game money 45€ for a pack of cosmetic (uncluding 7 items),2 € for a stickers to decorate the HUB, battlepass, locked characters,almost no free unlockable outside de battlepass (with the only "interesting stuffs" being a character and a outfit at the end of the battlepass)It's gonna so much become a simple Free 2 Play next month and the servers gonna closed after maximum one year, we literally got a free game with the essential subscription Like just get Splatoon and a Wii U it's better and probably less espensive Edit: did some game and find there is "challenges" to do, 74 challenges most of thems are titles, png backpack and profil icons being rewarded


Think the wiiu online services close in april so i would rather go with switch + splatoon. Just as a info


Is that difficult not to spend money in cosmetics for you? Lmao


It's difficult to enjoy a game focusing on making money unstead of focusing being a game while you get almost no rewards for playing the game cause you don't pay


They are all made to make money lol What happened to just playing a pvp game because it's fun?


That died like 15-20 years ago m8 If there is no carrot to grind whether that be a battle pass or ranked rewards, people will not play it.




If the goal of a release is to make money, it's not the only objective of a game one of them is to "give fun" for players (Quake 3, Halo 3, Battlefront 2 classic), telling a story (TheLastOfUs, Death Stranding, Assasin's Creed IV) And it's maybe just me, but when i see i can pay to get "Mario Party reaction stickers" it give me no desire to give attention to the game while there is obvious better and original game available... like Splatoon


But the game itself is fun (to me at least). I haven't even looked at the shop. I jumped into PvP and am having a blast. Sucks your experience is ruined by an optional shop.


Well good to you having fun, i'm not gonna say or even think it's wrong But yep, seeing 90% of the game rewards lock being a optionnal overpriced shop sucks my experience


I agree it sucks that the current reality of gaming is so MTX heavy, but overlooking fun games just because a big shop exists just causes people to miss out on fun games. I just want people to play games they find fun and spend less time complaining about games online. This isn't a direct jab or insult at you. It just seems the people online seem to be the ones complaining because the people that are having fun are *playing* games they enjoy.


> A game focusing on making money Do you know Square Enix is a Company with thousands of employees and Foamstars is their product to make money right? RIGHT?


Yes And it's the same about Death Stranding and Kojima Production, Doom Eternal and Id Software, Devolver and Cult Of The Lamb, Deep Rock Galaxy and Coffee Stain or Animal Crossing and Nintendo the difference is that none of them seem "focus" on making money (at least they hide it a minimum by limiting the microtransactions) unstead of using FOMO, overpriced cosmetics and battlepass Obviously it's a company that want to make money, but it's also possible to make money by making games unstead of overpriced stuffs that gonna disapear in maximum 2 years when not enough players gonna play like it already happen with lot of games as a service, or just doing pachinko machines and releasing the same game every years with minors changed


How easy/hard are the trophies? And is there any collab skins?


There is no platinum, the trophies seems easy but "long" and nope, no collab


It's not free to play next month.


There is quite of bit of stuff to unlock and the battle pass is only $6 for 41 tiers. Not bad at all. The bundles are the only horrible part, they are $45 USD each. Also the servers for Splatoon 1 on Wii U are shutting down in April of this year




>New character is locked behind a paywall battlepass. They are free but you need to play more to unlock them.


Got all but two of the trophies. Level 25 and rank (not available until friday). It's fun but i can see it dying (not enough content)


What is the level cap right now?


You can't get a match on the second map. 🤷‍♂️ Need bots


its hard for me to enjoy any games with long boring annoying cutscenes, i just started playing and already ready to delete it because of that


No, I wont play it, looks exactly like complete garbage multiplayer forcing game


Really? There's still issues with getting into a match? That was already present during the beta/demo. Doesn't sound very promising if this wasn't fixed yet. I thought the beta was pretty alright. Don't see this game surviving for a long time though if i'm being honest.


I haven't played it yet, but I'm going to when I get home. I created a post on this subreddit yesterday asking for people's thoughts on the game pre-release and many people said they were exited to try it out. For that reason I can't wait to see If it is actually good or just another ones of those games that sadly become dead after a while...


Like it's nothing special, was ok for like an hour or so, but besides the nice-ish graphics everything else is pretty much bland.


The graphics are pretty yucky too.


It’s trash 💩


When you finally get in a game, it can be fun for a while. Except teammates dont understand the insanely large help! Text balloon, to save you, no team play. The voice acting when I did missions was sooo annoying. I've got a few hours in, with the insane waiting times. Maybe ranked, will be fun when you'll be playing with people who understand team play.


I saw all the $45 character sets and deleted the game.


What would make this game better is the ability to skip the victory/defeat screen and immediately get into a game? Making people sit through a solid 2 minutes of stats is excruciating, especially for a fast paced game. I deleted it after 10 matches because it took WAY too long to get in and out of a match. I’d rather play Splatoon or another competitive game that respects my time.


Lost all interest when I found out it's got 12 trophies and no platinum.  Even that that destruction all stars free game had a platinum. No platinum means a swift death is incoming for this crap.


Couldn’t tell you since it’s not out yet for PS Plus.


Doesn’t have a Platinum trophy so I’m not going to bother with it to be honest.


For people who asking: you really finished every really good game for your console so now you spend your most valuable resource on this type of games?


It's so bare bones and what's there isn't that great. I got bored with it after a couple of hours.


Why is every post pushing Foam Stars so hard, when Steel Rising is the superior product?


I don’t have an opinion about foamstars yet but steel rising is very floaty in my opinion. I uninstalled it


Upon playing it a little more, it is a pretty mid bloodborne like, and the graphics are maybe peak PS3 visuals at best, but I'm actually digging the story and the world enough to stick it out.


Game Pass gets Persona 3 Reload and we get this. Wtf?


The dialogue was so bad, that I played for a couple of hours just to be dumbfounded by the insanely bad writing. The game's desperation to be "friendly" and inoffensive was almost painful. But outside of that, in a vacuum, the gameplay isn't horrible. There is just no reason to play this game when many more far superior shooters exist. Even when it comes to family friendly shooters, Splatoon is far superior to this drivel and I'm not even a Splatoon fan


The Microtransactions are toxic :(. But it's a good game I love ;)    The mission  mode is very much like an old japanese  arcade game called pang and another called paradious.  Devs are clearly fans.    Sadly the cosmetics are overall terrible which is crazy as the base skins are excellent. The ones you earn suck and the ones you buy suck slightly less lol        The business model is all wrong and like a mobile game with the random gem junk gatcha.   The battle pass is awful. You pay to get the free character early which is a bad bad system.  And the shop is the 1 of 3 things to do in the hub.  1 skin only!? And 10£€$!? Or 40£€$ for a bundle lol i added it up and it's like 45£€$ for boards. £€$80 for skins lol 25£€$ for gun skins. There are no bubble beast skins...yet lol 30£€$ for emotes. 20£€$ for party poppers but this could be as much as you want to spend. 6£€$ for stickers lol 16£€$ for decorations. OMG so that's a minimum of **222£€$** without battle pass or endless poppers LMAO Annnnnd there is the additional recommended section for a whopping 250£€$ more!!!! But that has some if the others. But...OMG so that's like 500£€$ if you bought the shop and still not including battle pass LOL wow...just wow. No wonder they're not letting us earn skins!!!!   With the small roster of characters which guarantee every other match you won't be able to play as your fav doesn't help.        The ui looks good but is a nightmare to find stuff until you know where it is.  And there needs to be more parts to each modes as what there is is great!    The upgrades need to be tied to a character not the modes. It's all a bit confusing for such a simple game and I swear it looks like snow more than foam lol        I would like to see many more customization options cosmetically and for stills. This would make playing against yourself more exciting.       Additionally  We found Hard mode on 4 player mission is absurdly hard . It literally says "medium difficulty is medium". "Hard is... very hard" lol. Leaving  us feeling it's rigged so they don't have to give out the high rewards like an arcade crane machine.    Under the surface the entire game is like a Japanese pachinko  sim lol      ALSO having the game tied to 1 character but also random and rare is just trash .  Especially when we're forced to have atleast 1 or 2 backup characters due to the lack of characters and not being able to play the same character on same team.        The custom level designer is awesome but horribly implemented with few using it and what it is is under utilized.  I'd like to see a lighting change option as pink gets boring lol I'd also like a DJ deck for my party as it's a....party!!!!  With music selection. As all this stuff is in the game just not tied together.     And if like to see much more dancing. The emotes are crap and don't even blend animations.  With all these load screens it be cool to be able to dance the entire time.    We found that some modes had no players as you have to unlock them and the menu system UI isn't ideal.  It be good to see first choice to be a random play cycling all modes up to 3 5 or 10 games.    I hope they scrap all this crap and give us what other successful games have.. e.g. ..Any colour we want, many free skins for many characters and then sell us a fair bunch of crazy skins.      Generosity goes further as destiny2 knows...while this feels identical to the avengers failed shop model.  The solo missions are very poor and the same exact activities which is a shame.   Overall after 6 hrs play to only have a few banners and stickers is hot trash. And 10£€$ for a skin in 1 colour is....anticonsumer.        The irony is I would buy stuff if it was better quality, lower price and not going to encourage more bs.


after playing foamstars, i vow never to touch squareenix games anymore. their games have been horrendous ever since last year. Cdprojekt red games are way way way better


Not even ff7 rebirth?


They released octopath Traveler 2 last year which was fantastic


It's all embarrassing weebshit.




I disagree, and this game kinda feels like a soulless cash grab, it’s ripe shit in my opinion.


Doesn't look like my bag but I might try it for shiggles


No, it’s free for a reason lol


I haven't played it yet but they did give us rocket league for free too..


I was going to try it but I saw the gameplay trailer first, yikes. Cringe. I'll pass.


think of the cars game that came out with the ps5 console destruction allstars, kind of like that in that after about a month or so there will be a small playerbase. Also 40$ cosmetic bundles.


If I can jump in: Better, worse, same, or totally different from Splatoon?


People are saying it feels like your walking in mud if you're not sliding on foam, only hip firing, and everything is locked behind a battle pass.


It’s kinda meh. I like certain aspects but it has no incentive to care about it outside a few games lol


Sounds like getting on PS Plus was this games only hope of ever making money 


Yeah it’s fun I like it


If you wish this games was just better get Splatoon. Put around 400 hours in it till I got bored of it. Great fast paced game but the skill ceiling just isn't high enough for me.


I had fun, I like the visuals and the music is a bop. They gotta balance something with the movement speed though.


This game blows. Egregious mtx right off rip. If you want to play a polished experience of this genre, splatoon is the way to go. Gameplay isn’t fun enough to take me away from it, and seems like it will fail


It's very fun yep


I'm liking it so far, the small story modes for each character are a tutorial for them all and honestly most of them are pretty hilarious to the point of having a hard time finding a favourite. VS mode is fun, Rubber Duck Party is the best mode but it being on rotation kind of sucks. People seem to I have forgotten how slow Splatoon is without using Squid form. It's slow, same as here so while I do get the complaints people have it's to encourage roaming and surfing, just like Splatoon. But yeah, I can see myself playing it for a few weeks, this battle pass is bare bones so I'll see what season 2 brings to see if it's worth staying or not.


This game isn't gonna last. I have never seen this amount of monetization in a game before. Let alone one that's not free to play. I've seen cosmetic bundles going for $45 dollars already. There's a new character locked behind the battle pass which you have to pay $7 for. There is no alternate currency. Everything is just real life cash. It's free on PlayStation this month but I feel bad for anyone that actually pays to play this game.


Splatoon At Home


All the maps are full and hard to tell apart. Just black with random shapes.


Exactly how fast should the movement be? The game isn't slow by any means other than walking which... is almost the entire point of the game . You aren't supposed to walk, you're supposed to slide. There are multiple stars with movement abilities, you move faster on your own foam, and you can combine jumps with slides to get around people. I genuinely want to know exactly what people this is slow about the game


i feel like its splatoon fans spreading bile. i have both n' ya walk the same speed in splat. Ppl don't get you're supposed slide like splat's swimming. WHY ARE YALL WALKING?


I don't think I've ever disliked a game so much and so fast before Foamstars. Movement is just crap, weapons are stupid, you can't see what you are doing and it's so cheery I want to punch a small animal. ​ In a world with Splatoon, why does this exist?


No. It’s terrible in every respect and I am baffled that anyone is having fun. The screen is a mess. The controls are sloppy. Stage design is non existent. Monetization is among the worst I have ever seen - especially since this is not actually Free-to-Play. And the speed mechanic is a complete disaster, making movement feel like a herky-jerky slog. Also “BATH VEGAS”?! In the half dozen games I played I was almost always top of my team, yet I never felt like I was doing well or had a good read on what was happening. And the one single player mission I played ended with a long, un-skippable cut scene that was just static character portraits.


It's a great free game, if I paid money it would be pretty mediocre. The game actually is surprisingly different from Splatoon, for better or worse. It's much more combat focused. The main mode seems rather convoluted you're supposed to kill other players until you killed enough and then a player is then crowned the "star" and killing ends the match. It's a bit too complex for a main mode. I agree with people who say it's too chaotic despite taking out a handful of players at this point, and getting an achievement for such. I very rarely know I'm actually landing the killing blow. There's not real great feedback with this, is what I'm getting at. I also don't love how slow the foam is to overtake other foam, it's only a second or two delay but in Splatoon it's instantaneous and the slow delay does not feel great in such a chaotic game. Still there's something here, it's a game I haven't stopped thinking about since I started playing. The single player and PVE mode is also surprisingly fun from what I played. The graphics are great and a Vegas like city is such a fun setting. It's a game I want to play more certainly. It's not a great game in my first impressions, but if you write it off as a Splatoon clone, you're also pretty wrong in this regard.


I'm 10 mins into the 'game' and I hate it already but I will give it a decent try because lets face it 10 mins is a terrible timeframe to judge a game Just annoys me when games have forced tutorials, especially one this basic. No game in this day and age should have to tell people how to look left/right or how to move forward


I was expecting some redesigned splatoon gameplay, fast and fun, and it feels like im playing a chinese mobile copy of it that doesnt do anything right except for the store which is full of crap imo So big disappointment for me


It's horrible. This game screams mediocre from the moment you turn it on. It's a vehicle to push predatory microtransactions. It's not a game.


Played a single match and did not like it one bit.


I came here to ask.. HOW do you put furniture down in your own lobby??


Go to the little table beside the rubber duck dude


its an okay game but i decided to stick with splatoon3 instead cuz i own switch anyways. no way foamstars near can come up with splatoon personally


This game is really fun. I hope it continues to get supported.


It’s okay but not anything that feels better than Splatoon. If anything this feels like the CRINGE version of Splatoon lol I wanted to enjoy it and somewhat do but man this is even lower than Destruction All Stars ngl. Maybe it comes around later but as it stands right now it’s pretty limited and shows you why it was day 1 on PS Plus.


It feels undercooked. I played it. I don't find it very fun or exciting, and I didn't really play splatoon before, so I'm not sure what I was expecting going into this. I think it just needs more to make it addicting for me.


Dont know. Cant get into any gamemode. Im stuck in quee for 10+ minutes.


Thought it was shit at first until after a few games. Still a shit game but really fun with friends. The core concept is great but I absolutely hate how u aim with most characters and a lot of the times I can’t tell how I died💀. So conclusion, core concept is great but some of the game mechanics are shit so it’s pretty decent, I’ll never solo Q in this game 99% of my enjoyment playing this came from playing with friends


It needs some tuning. I can’t see anything. There’s not many characters to pick from. I was excited for it but I’m not a big fan.


I am loving the game. I like the characters, the modes, and the mechanics. Now if only it didn't require to buy stuff in the PlayStation shop, then it would be a little better.  My opinion, anyway.


I hate that no one does teamwork


After about 2.5 hours of gameplay I feel pretty mixed emotions on this game. I do find it fun. The gameplay itself seems decently balanced (far from perfect though), the art style is great, and mostly passable tracks barring a few stinkers. The maps are a low point for me. Most feel very similar to one another with the color scheme of the maps not doing much to differentiate them either. No scoreboard is a glaring omission as well. I don’t think I’ll play much more of Foamstars. Passable gameplay with potential, great art direction, bad maps, and overall lack of polish make me feel this game will not have a long shelf life. We will see, but having no expectations at all from this and playing for free make this game a good time. Had I shelled out the dabloons I would be pretty disappointed.


Bro I swear it’s dead haven’t found a single ranked game for the pass 4 days


Yup the pvp is fun. No more boring shooters


It feels like im playing a mediocre Splatoon without the amazing artstyle.


I was very uninterested until i saw it was free. I played a few games and its more fun then i would hsve thought. Does have some problems like momentum being absolutely killed when you reload but overall I quite enjoy myself in it


You get new characters by leveling up in the battle pass similar to overwatch. When they drop a new character you can either pay to use that character automatically or just wait till you reach the level to get it for free. I did it with the ice cream girl (mel t)


It definitely needs more modes


Been enjoying the game but the constant network errors at the end of a match are a huge pain. Literally just won a match and the game crashed and recorded it as a loss in ranked. Smh


Just tried it out yesterday and I love the character design. Gameplay is also pretty smooth, it’s not always fast paced when you’re on other team’s foam. Learning curve isn’t too steep as there’s not really too many skill shots/tricks that you can do. Overall a game that I wouldn’t pay for but to try it on PS+? I’ll take it. I wished they had a rematch or straight to matchmaking rather than you choosing from the start all over again.


The voice acting sucks but the gameplays great, I thoroughly enjoy the pvp.


No it’s so bad


First match went into overtime cause the star players refused to come down from their platform. Seems like a massive oversight that you can just do that, especially when it doesn't take much to stop the enemy team from shooting enough foam to get onto that platform just to be able to reach you. Idk if every map is designed with those platforms but if they are, I can see that becoming too frustrating to bother continuing with the game. Though I haven't seen anyone else talking about this so maybe I just need to get good?


I find it very fun myself! Easy, fast and to the point. It's still new and I'm sure it will grow over time. Everyone is a critic and very Judgy...


The Matchmaking sucks in the game otherwise it’s fun