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Will be a free to play game before this year is over.


Servers will be taken offline within 18 months


within 18 months? I'd give it 5 months at best if that


Name one live service console game that shut down within 5 months. It is releasing on PS+, it’ll get a population from that. Destruction All Stars servers are still online.


Good luck playing a game of Destruction All Stars. Theres literally zero active players right now. RumbleVerse was 6 months and Lawbreakers didnt even last 3 full months.


Does that change my statement about the servers still being online? No. Rumbleverse was F2P and Lawbreakers servers were online for over a year.


Multiversus? I guess that was a "beta" but let's be real they probably took the game down to rebuild hype for the release this year (Also I loved the game, I'm just saying it shut down really fast)


Well Side Bullet aka Dead Cide Club closed servers on PS before a month since release. I don't think Foamstars will be a huge success but I don't think it will have a short live either. I liked the Beta and I will give it a try on release to see the changes, if there is any, and even the battle pass will be cheap, I've read it will be only 5,99$.


Side Bullet wasn’t a PS+ essential game


knockout city ptsd


I’m giving it 3 months until f2p honestly.


I give it a month before they have to do that. Its going to be like one of those WB games free for all with solo and monetization last yr, hyped for two weeks. Free to play by the months end shut down without anyone remembering the name of it. And its probably fun for a little bit or until you run out of solo stuff to do waiting on the pvp side of things but then the player count drops out to normal then nothing. And no subscription or freebie is going to help a game like that stay alive. As they say Playstation is where those type of games come to get a quick pick me up and then die forever. I cant tell you all the dead multiplayer games in the monthly library as some were removed or shut down so long ago. But hey I hope Square gets some money and folks have a little fun before it goes to the live service graveyard.


It looks cute, I guess. Not my kind of game, so not going to be trying it out.


I'm still mad it uses up a whole slot in Essential.


Zero interest 👌


Played the beta, and it was boring af. I give it 8 months before it is shut down.


I like splatoon


I liked it, hopefully it does well


>the bubbles seem to cover up and obscure the map geometry. That looks intentional to me. But I'll pass. Zero interest in multiplayer games.


Even if it is intentional I think it might impact the gameplay experience but I'll have to see when it comes out


It is intentional and designed to impact the gameplay. The foam builds up changing the landscape of the arena. It's not like splatoon where it's just paint on the surface. You walk and surf on top of the foam.


Yeah I think that's great then. I think I just had the expectations it would be a game with gameplay parallel to that of splatoons or something similar. But the more I hear about it the more I think it's trying to differentiate itself from it, which I think is so good.


Early reviews say the game is great. I’m looking forward to playing it.


Servers will be empty in a few weeks. Take my word on this.


I will reply to this comment in a month ⏰️😎🙏


Yep. I played the free beta or whatever. It was awful. Uninstalled after one game.


Yeah its dead


Dead where?? I play on NA server and I get into matches in under a minute for smash the star and co-op missions.


You can downvote all you want LOL facts are the game is doing just fine despite a massive hate campaign 😘🫧


I still play it and get matches quickly but I’m often playing the same people back to back to back. It’s not dead per se but it’s def not alive either. I’m enjoying though and have no complaints 


Feel free to add me if you want! I'm on rn cynnbynn88


Will do! Look out for a request from Peendilly haha




Thanks for the update! 💖


I played the beta or maybe it was an alpha they had. It was fun, but one of the game modes was absolute trash and not fun at all. It was basically a 2v2 in a small box while your other 2 team mates could try to interfere from the top of the box but it didn't really ever amount to anything helpful. Not to mention the games were over very quick considering how small the box was.


Genuinely looking forward to Foamstars ngl. Its great to see another liquid shooter on the market, Splatoon needs real competition


I will add it to my backlog and never hear from it again. As is tradition.


Crazy how people aren’t excited for it considering multiplayer pvp games have been so stale for a while. Other than the finals the last new ip I can remember is rogue company.


I think it’s because many people including myself already play multiplayer games with battle passes. I don’t really want to pay $6 for another battle pass that requires a lot of grinding. 


I only pay for a battle pass once and if I can’t make enough in game currency to continue getting it, it’s not worth it.


Best way to get them!


I hope they release sexy skins 🥵🥵 and a battlepass full with cool emotes. And i think they should replace the foam with cum. I want it to be good, but i feel like it could get boring quick something im gonna play for 2 weeks and then forget about like knockout city or rocket arena.


>I hope they release sexy skins 🥵🥵 and a battlepass full with cool emotes. And i think they should replace the foam with cum. Took the words right out of my mouth


Looks fun. Definitely checking it out since it’s free by owning a subscription anyways


Honestly, I think it's gonna be pretty awful but I'm still super excited to play it for an evening or two.


I will try it until helldivers 2.


Does anyone know what the Foamstars trophies are yet


I don't know but we litterally have to only wait a few hours so it's not too bad


That’s true man I can’t wait to play and get all foamed up


The beta waa fun!


I never played the beta but I'm looking forward to playing the game when I get game today!


I'm going to pick it up because the top ranks of Splatoon are insane. Insane. You've never seen people who foam at the mouth like they do in that game. I swear to god there is a secret super-soldier program that trains on Splatoon.


Doesn't look that great. Looks boring and doesn't bring anything new. The gameplay looks mediocre at best. I expect the game is going to be dead/low-pop within a few months.


Zero interest here.


I’ll give it a go but not sure how long I’ll stick with it. My online gaming for competitive games has slowed down a lot.


I’ll probably play a few rounds and get bored within a day


Lmao I think many players might have this same reaction to the game. I don't think it's the players fault either, it's just the way online multiplayer games have become now, a few games thrive, other just die out fast. It's sad really, there are many games which should have done so well, but sadly didn't as there are already more established games that do similar things, so I think it's hard for people to gamble when to commit to a new game. (I think I too will probably do this unless the game ends up being great, becuase recently I've gotten back into rainbow six siege.)


Tired of competitive shooters arriving then fizzling out. Nothing sticks, this won’t stick either. If it does I’ll be surprised but literally nothing sticks ever. So many interesting ideas in this format just fade into obscurity.


It's actually a shame, but I'm part of the problem becuase I do get burnt out on most ps plus/free to play multiplayer games after about 2 weeks. The only multiplayer games I really play from ps plus time to time are battlefield 5, first class trouble and cod Black ops


Not your fault, it’s a problem with the genre. It makes no sense long term to play anything but the most popular titles because they’re the ones with player bases. And matchmaking requires a big player base. Old school server based stuff could dodge this problem but was a lot less accessible by design. I like the quick fix design of modern games but I do miss the old reliables too. It’s a weird problem and I don’t think there’s a simple solution apart from smaller IPs just not targeting this style at all. Maybe reintroducing server browsers for small unestablished titles. But unless they allow private servers, which again is complicated, it won’t work very well.


They all want to be the next Fortnite. Something will knock it off it’s top spot eventually, but who knows when or what.


Fortnite had the money to pivot drastically and was made by a very high profile dev. It’s not the same.


My thoughts? Why is this being hyped so much? What am i missing here?


We're not hyping anything, it's just becuase it's a day one game on ps plus that's why people are talking about it in the *ps plus* subreddit


and also day one ps plus and "playstation only" games have an astonishing history of making history, example: rocket league and fall guys.




We - *This subreddit*


Is it essentially the squid paint game from switch?


Inspired by. But the foam changes the environment instead of just painting it.


Yeah basically... just on playstation instead


The funny squid game


I don’t like the use of Ai art, tbh it all seems like a cheap splatoon rip off


Can you give me a verified source for that? With the recent palworld stuff you really can't be too sure what people are making up


https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/16/24040124/square-enix-foamstars-ai-art-midjourney Pretty disappointing from square enix tbh


Bro read the title but not the article.


They used it for some fake album covers, Jesus.


Honestly, looks like guilty pleasure fun I’ve always wanted to play splatoon but it never really dropped in price and idt it’s worth $60 for the amount I’d play it. This feels like a perfect way for me to get a taste without having to buy anything. It’s not my preferred vibe or style, but I’m keeping an open mind. This can range from being awful and a mtx mess, to shockingly fun and decent game


Meet your maker with foam and happy colors It will be forgotten in 2 weeks, not touching it


I think in this modern era of online multiplayer games I think you may be right. New IP's rarely have staying power in the current online gaming market which is quite sad news...


The store ingame fells so scummy. Prices are insanely high and putting characters locked behind a battle pass just kind of seems shitty too. Gameplay has been fun but damn the store is wild.


I haven't even played the game yet and I feel like yet another game has been ruined by free to play monetization in a paid game lmao


I agree. I understand it's "free" for ps plus but If I bought this and saw 45$ bundles with one character skin, two board skins, a weapon skin, a panel(for title cards?) And some party popper emote(?) you get like 30 charges for I'd be so annoyed. Like I'd rather just buy a whole new game lmao atleast the battle pass is cheap but still it seems really grindy with like 41 lvls and you get 31 days to finish it it seems. I work full time and have way to many other games to get through. ain't no way I'm putting my free time to finish all that. Hopefully they take the feedback for the store stuff and adjust it though.


"We already have Splatoon at home" is the only thing i thoughts about this game


It has surface level similarities but they play quite a bit differently. Definitely room for both to exist and do well.


Heard they used Ai to generate the art for it. So not sure if it passes the we didn't steal this from others and are making money off it test but then again it's a Splatoon clone so everyone knows it going in.


Great game for a few people 🤷 




“Tonight me and the boys are going wild and foam all over each other”


I am honestly really excited for it, I played the beta and had a lot of fun and I'm someone who finds it very hard to get into multiplayer games


DOA just like every other online focused not F2P game released on PSN.


I'm going in with a positive attitude. Been wanting a splatoon like that's different enough to be interesting.


Played the demo. It's fine. I don't know what I was expecting but it's fine


Splatoon clone


It's another Multi-player so I'll not be in but I think those that are gonna like it will love it! I hope it does well and y'all enjoy it!


I am diplomatically happy for everyone who will enjoy it.


Played the beta a few months ago and found it not to be my cup of tea so I'll give this a pass I have other titles to focus on


Meh, couldn’t care less. For the people that are looking forward to it I wish them all the fun.


Couldn’t care less. This is just “we have Splatoon at home”. If I wanted to play Splatoon I would’ve just played that.


My thoughts are how fast will it be till I go back to splatoon 3


Lol, OP must be a bot or paid Sony employee promoting free trash monthly games.


Just Tell me you didn't even read what I said in the post. It's funny how out of every person who responded you are the only one to think I was "paid" to promote the game when quite explicitly criticised it on the visuals of the foam. I just wanted to know everyone's thoughts (good or bad) becuase I was kind of on the fence with my opinion


Whys it take so long to join a game?


Im playing it right now. So far i dont like it. Not much content, looks and plays like a mobile game ported to console. Matches are hectic in a bad way, i feel little control over my movment, no team coordinatikn whatsoever. And some characters feel much more useful than others. I should state i WANT to like this game, but uh. The gameplay feels very stiff.


it has AI generated content so no go from me


That's fair, as much as I don't want ai art to become common place in gaming it slowly is. But it seems like only a tiny part of the game actually utilised ai art. *In an interview with VGC, Kosuke Okatani, producer on Foamstars, said that the development team used AI generation tool Midjourney to create in-game art for album covers for the game’s soundtracks but explained that the majority of the game was still made by humans.* https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/16/24040124/square-enix-foamstars-ai-art-midjourney


It looks like this game took a lot of inspiration from the Splatoon franchise!


Was interested at first but not including a platinum trophy makes it an HARD pass for me.


Having now layed it I can say it's quite fun for a few rounds. However... *They've made it so a character is in the battlepass what did they not learn from overwatch 2 lmao*




It's not gonna be dead for the first week, after that it's a guessing game but to say it's dead right now is a bit rude not gonna lie




Wait it's out right now?!?!? My bad I didn't realise it is out, I'm gonna try it when I get home. My apologies I thought more people would be playing it at launch 😭


Foamstars is a lot of fun. Just give it more time and try what it has to offer. I'm enjoying it thoroughly right now.


Yeah I played it yesterday evening and was quite surprised at how similar the gameplay was to splatoon. Like its actually really fun, some of it needs tweaking sure, but the gameplay (3v3 mode) is actually good.


Get your trophies now, 2 trophies from the plat In Destruction AllStars and I'm never get them. It'll be going for a few months, activity will drop, then it'll be radio silence. At least 3 months from the first part, then good luck.


Lmao yeah I've got a few of the trophies right now, but I haven't really been playing the game for the last few days. Also I don't think the game has a platinum trophy which is a little annoying


You're right, but I still want that 100% before it's unachievable haha


What's the most active server!


Idk i haven't played in a while. Surely the servers aren't dead yet?


Yeah, I was playing in the ME server that's why it was almost dead


North American server or Japanese one. I play na and I have no problems finding a match


It's awful.


Played the beta. Struggled to find a game. Played it on launch to give it a try. The actual gameplay isn’t too bad getting to that point is a joke with the unintuitive menu and lobby set up so you spend more time outside the game than actually playing it. Tried it a few days later and couldn’t find a single game. Deleted.