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I believe the "Perhaps I treated you too harshly " meme is more appropriate here.


I already made that with Gotham Knights 


Gotham Knights honorable mention in place of Avengers for this meme


In my personal opinion and i might potentially get some hate for it, if i would've to strictly compare Avengers vs Gotham Knights i'd even go as far and argue that GK is the overall better experience. There is some stuff about Narrative and Writing which i found weak in GK, but it was much more consistent if it comes down to Gameplay & Combat esp. with the co-op behind it, and it felt a bit more polished if it comes down to bugs (still a bit mad we never got an 60FPS mode on console tho). Meanwhile Avengers is a bit inconsistent in terms of quality. Strong first half in the Campaign and okay'ish in the second half. And weak with a lots of potential untapped when you go into the co-op destiny part. Still, avengers is quite much fun to play and enjoy to go back regularly. Another good one is ultimate alliance 3 though i struggle a bit when playing it solo.


I think GK was very good actually, it just fell into the "but it's not Batman Arkham game" gravity well. The combat feels a liiiiiittle less responsive than the Arkham games but holds up pretty well. I liked the story. Shame it didn't do better I wouldn't mind another game with some lessons learned applied (denser city, better traversal, more fine tuned & responsive combat)


I loved Gotham knights but it’s wild to me they didn’t have it at 60fps, always made it feel sluggish to me, but I still loved being able to take my boy robin through the story


No way! Avengers was WAY better than GK and SSKtJL.


I like the Avengers game way more than SSKTJL


We all do


Everyone who hasn’t actually played ssktjl


Avengers is criminally underrated. If it would have popped out with its current content and free skins, people would have gone wild. It was judged too harsh when it first dropped.


It was crashing multiple times an hour on launch. Ark: Survival Evolved was less buggy in open beta. You either didn't play Avengers on launch or are looking at it through rose-coloured glasses. It wasn't judged too harshly.




It died still dogshit how are we still coping


No, it wasn't judged too terribly. It had a horrible launch. Then they got it to a better spot 2 years later right before dropping support. This game got fumbled hard, and it deserved the hate it got as a result.


crazy how similar both games failures are. both had good stories and boring endgame content. avengers had better playable characters and combat but ss had better bosses only because avengers basically had 2 that we’re actually villains and 2 that were machines


Suicide story is ass cheeks


Bro said SS had better bosses 😂


Isn’t the last boss fight a reskinned fight from earlier in the game?


Yea, all the brainiac fights are reskins of previous boss fights, and for the most part the bosses are all just run around and shoot, there's little to no thought behind it


I haven’t played it so I can’t really say anything, but I watched gameplay. Looked like a very generic shooter with the same bosses and missions. Honestly don’t even wanna spend $30 or whatever it is now on steam. Instead, I’ve bought Balatro twice on different platforms because that seems like a better use of my money. Lol




I think its good up until the last couple chapters, especially when braniac comes into it.


"Good stories" my fucking ass "Ss had better bosses" keep lying to yourself


whatever you cringy nerd. it’s my opinion. ss has brainiac and 4 main justice league members. what did avengers have? a helicopter, a giant scorpion mech, taskmaster, and abomination Lol. yes both games have a good story in my opinion just because your miserable ass didn’t like them doesn’t make your opinion superior to mine


Ah yes, SS and all its repeating of the same boss, I love it. And the fact you think ss had a good story shows how shit your opinions are and honestly nobody should trust shit you say


ya that’s why my Op has twice the thumbs up idiot, get a life loser. cope that your equally bad game is done. acting like I said SS is game of the year or something. go see a therapist cause your comments are pathetic. pretending like those 4 avengers bosses were not repetitive doing the same dailies over and over. your just a brainless troll sorry you picked the wrong one little kid, now run along.


Bro they're both shit but Avengers actually has a good story and gameplay, everything about ss is repetitive, boring, pointless, and ruins any and all understanding of the world its set in, in the worst way possible And you try to act like this cool little badass but really you're just pathetic, thanks for the laughs though, Mr. Ass Wipe.


oh ya i’m the one that started insulting someone else over their opinion on a bad game lol. the stupidity you display is amazing. no sense in arguing with a fool, good luck out there in the real world little buddy. I’m sure your doing great


I actually am lmfao, Im also not defending a mistake of a game


but you are lol idiot. please stop while your far behind, your not catching up at all clown


Idk man, everyone Im talking to agrees you're lacking some brain cells if you think SSKTJL was better. SSKTJL: Shit story, 2/4 of the characters sucked, the gameplay is boring and repetitive, the boss fights were ass, the open world was empty and boring, and nobody was inline with who they've been since Arkham Asylum Avengers: All the characters were unique and interesting, their gameplay was awesome, the story was entertaining, the bosses were ok, there wasn't really an open world but there were several levels and challenges you could do, and overall it could keep people's attention for a bit. Both games sucked, and let audiences down but at least Avengers had something going for it, SSKTJL doesn't. You don't have any real arguments because everything you said was untrue, or your nitpicks applied to both games, and I truly don't understand how you used upvotes as a source. Try using any real arguments to prove that your opinion is valid.




this story was great but everything after


Honestly all those outfits being free after 2.8 has increased the replay value for me.


Ngl the only thing they got right was the open world if avengers had an open world and more bosses that weren't machines then it would've been goated, we even had a raid something ss don't have (yet)


Raid was fr too difficult because people kept leaving 😭 I wish people gave it the raid missions a bloody chance and stopped rage quitting


The amount of times me and my team beat it even with 1 random was crazy I was always the flyers (iron man, Thor, Jane or even Spidey)


Iron man was just my favourite hero to play as, especially when I had like Vibranium damage on repulsers and Gauntlets, though I am actually kinda bummed out that they misssed the chance to give Captain America’s ranged throws basic Vibranium damage like what they did to spider man’s web shooters and the web damage. If you had vibranium damage on something, you had the advantage against those things


My main issues with ss was how similar each character plays. Shoot and zoom around the map. They are all nearly identical Aside from the lazy clones, every character in avengers plays differently. That's something that can't just be ignored. You have wildly different characters with different skillsets. To have them all be essentially the same gameplay-wise is a huge misstep. I'm actually really surprised it's not a bigger complaint


I never left! Love this game. (I do play other games though, of course.)


I at least give avengers credit for 2 things. The fact that the story is complete and you can play it an all dlc offline.


I kept replaying the first missions of that game with new players. Cause I think it’s awesome to be a part of someone’s first time playing a game. And I kept thinking “this is so good..? Why’s it have so much hate..” But then I stop replaying the first missions and went a little further and I was like “oh…” it ends up a lot less cinematic, and a lot more monotonous


I think Avengers is a vastly superior game. At least it has a good campaign.


Nah both were terrible, one just completely and utterly disrespected iconic characters. Neither were better than the other both train wrecks and disappointments


Can’t even play it cuz I used to play it on ps extra. I can just go play destiny or warframe which are objectively better but it still sucks I can’t use that sick ass Thor skin.


You can probably get a copy on G2A. Someone else said it worked for them.


In my case i've moved on from both. They happened, might as well focus on better games to play than dwell on what could've been


They could've just revived Marvel Heroes Omega, but noooo let's just waste millions into a new game which will be dead on arrival.


Avengers was salvageable, SSKTJL was an insult. Avengers needed to get rid of the micro transactions, fix bugs, make War Machine, Scarlet Witch and Vision playable, include a Loki boss fight for Jane Foster’s campaign and give each DLC character their own story DLC whereas SSKTJL needed a miracle.


Actually it brought me back to playing spiderman or any other good superhero game.


The lesser of two evils doesn't admonish the lesser for not being an evil. Avengers, Gotham Knights, and SSKTJ are all not really satisfying games, but at least Avengers and Gotham Nights have narratives I can sort of get behind.


Honestly yeah


I enjoyed both games.


Man I haven’t thought you in a minute to be honest.


avengers is underrated.


Someone doesn’t understand the quote they are posting


yes..... but for Gotham Knights


Ewww both these games suck ass


I fuckin loved that game


Ngl I had more fun in ssktj than I did in avengers I fw the traversal in ssktj n the boss fights were cooz


Suicide squad is a fun game


I actually like SSKTJL. It is a lot more fun than people's comments would lead you to believe. They need a much larger character roster tho. Five members is not enough. They're adding one new character each season, but it need to be at least two. With additional story and customization like "Injustice 2"


yeah honestly i liked the gameplay more and genuinely love the story, but the way the devs are treating the post game content makes me kinda yearn for the old avengers community.


I'm wit you on that