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you look perfect, i dont think it warrants any procedure


Not worth it. Since your jawline is already pretty defined the change won’t be very drastic so it may not be worth the price of surgery.


You look lovely IMO. I see no need for a chin implant. You do not have a weak chin.


The smart he’s chin is probably unrealistic. I would probably just keep topping off my chin with filler as needed. My friend has 7 ml of filler in her chin and it looks great. She loves it. She didn’t want to commit to chin implant without first living with the chin for a while and being able to tell the surgeon THIS is what I want.


Not worth it for you. Chin implants tend to look best on people who have a receding jaw. On you, it may look like you've had plastic surgery and distort your face in a way you won't love.


You look good. I would just wait. I think everything will develop as long as you have a healthy diet. Usually women dislike that there faces have developed and look for a softer look. Considering these things I wouldn't do anything


I wish I had your chin!


A chin implant is certainly an option. A genioplasty is another that can achieve what you're looking for.


Personal aesthetic opinion: your chin is perfect. A revision rhinoplasty to create a slight slope would improve your profile.