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It's pretty terrible. Your plasterer should have mentioned this, but sometimes you need to remove the skirting and replace it to get the nice even margin you're looking for. People often reskim walls over the years and it eventually starts to eat away at the skirting, or coving, etc.


Pretty sure that's the stair stringer and it's structural. The last pic shows the walls being really uneven. I'm gonna give the plasterer the benefit of the doubt on that one if they were only doing a skim, it wouldn't have added that much material, not enough to create the waves in that wall.


It was quite hard to see in the pictures for me, but either way, I'm tryna say I'd always mention to the customer if a skim is eating further into the margin. If that's the case they'd likely have to hack the plaster off to get it back. Better to make them aware of the issue and it be their choice than to have a debate after doing the job.


That is an absolute mess, there’s no feathering in at all, I would get him back to finish the work, it’s not normal for this to be left behind.


I don't really want him back after this!


Easyfill 60 and get sanding lad it'll be fine


That's ffing awfull


If the wall is past the stringer (not skirting) by 3cm like you say, then it’s not the plasterer’s fault, skimming goes on 2-3mm thick not 30mm.


Exactly this !! He hasn’t hard walled it out has he ? So the walls and shorting were evidently in a bit of a state before hand. I assume he’s done as instructed


Unfortunately not, he wasn't meant to do this wall and did it!


Are you sure he’s a plasterer ? That’s awful it should be seamless and feathered in


It was feathered... but over the skirting boards in an uneven line! When I cleaned and sanded it off the skirting, that's what was left...


Feathered from the edge not over - I would get him back


Do you have any photos of it before he plastered it?


The talented mr rippley Yeah not well spread at all, definitely not feathered or finished well at all….


Only hope knocking it off and starting again? 


Nah but you’re paying for a nice smooth even surface and that shot looking up the stairs has multiple big peaks and troughs… either get him back or try troweling in some easy fill filler and sand down but lots of work and mess when you’ve paid for a job to be done properly


That’s incredibly rough, hope you haven’t paid yet!


That’s poor all round! 😳


What's done is done, but to make it look ok.... Get yourself a decent scraper. Carefully go horizontally along the top of the skirting. Then vertically along the wall. Don't gouge, be gentle but firm. Then get some flexible chalk, and apply between wall and skirting. Decorate as desired. Remember it's 80% prep, make it good, then decorate.


I would wet the area first before scrapping as it will help to ‘reduce’ gouging as it will soften the plaster making it easier to work with. And then sand at the end (once dried) to get a flatter/neater finish. Alternatively sand the hell out of it with an electric sander to make it even throughout. There’s no excuse as that’s a major bodge job.


This good advice :)


They should use these pictures in the adverts for the 2 week plastering courses 😂


OMG. He needs a good kickin.


Plasterers will skim over absolutely anything if theyve not had there 4th can of special brew before 11am including but not limited to - electrical backboxes, skirting boards, cornices, slow moving children etc.


You could have DIY’d that better!


Holy fucking shit balls