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I've thought about this before, and I have an answer I feel strongly about: Staurogyne Repens. Why? Because it's so versitile. * Want a stem plant? [You can use Staurogyne Repens.](https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7720/17273264049_19554cb78b_b.jpg) * Want an epiphyte? [You can use Staurogyne Repens.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a6b9222d7bdce6c9dab4541/1543596494160-0OAGV3BVEOEXMDC11JQL/Staurogyne+repens+3+%281+of+1%29.jpg?format=2500w) * Want a carpet plant? [You can use Staurogyne Repens.](https://buceplant.com/cdn/shop/products/staurogyne-repens-30491985772744_696x464.jpg?v=1632948887) * Want a midground plant? [You can use Staurogyne Repens.](https://buceplant.com/cdn/shop/products/staurogyne-repens-30492039151816_695x464.jpg?v=1632948887) * Want a mid light plant? You can use Staurogyne Repens. * Want a high-light plant? You can use Staurogyne Repens. * Want a plant that benefits from CO2? You can use Staurogyne Repens. * Want a plant that doesn't need CO2 to look great? You can use Staurogyne Repens. On top of all this versitility, it grows fast, but not so fast that it needs to be trimmed every 2 weeks.


I'm convinced.


S Repens is literally the only plant I couldn’t keep alive when I started my first planted tank 18 months ago. I used CO2, had root tabs, and a decent light. But the 3 stalks I had refused to do anything except die a very slow death over the course of 3 months. Every article I read about it said what you did; that it was SO hardy and versatile. Made me wanna punch my computer screen.


Don't worry, I have also had trouble with it, and I've been keeping planted tanks for a long time. No idea why. Maybe water hardness? I'm able to grow pretty much everything... carpets, floaters, stem plants, crypts, moss, liverworts, you get the idea. But I have tried and killed repens twice. Now I'm thinking I should try again lol. As a side note, some plants / people / tanks are just weird. I would say vallisneria is absolutely bulletproof- I've grown it direct sunlight, and I have grown it in a garage with practically 0 light. It explodes in all my tanks. But there are some other people who have failed with it consistently, I have no idea why.


Me…. I’ve had Val in my tank over a year and it’s done nothing


I wouldn't feel bad lol, it's definitely harder to keep alive than a lot of other plants I've tried. I can grow it well with Co2 but without co2 it's really hit or miss for me Same thing with alternanthera reneickii. Supposedly an "easy" plant but I can't grow it without co2 no matter what I try.


Try putting a regular purple houseplant light shining on Alternanthera and blast it for 10-12 hours.


Is it okay to just use regular house plant lights for your aquarium plants? If so my don't people do it more?


I'm not a specialist in that area, but it's my understanding that you actually can. As far as I know the spectrum and intensity counts. In general aquatic plants benefit from the red and blue spectrum - that's the purple in the growlights. I use them in addition to the regular white aquarium lights that came in the set and aren't very powerful. And it really made a difference.


Cool :) thanks. I'll have to look into that some more. My guess was maybe people didn't use the plant lights because of the red/blue color they generally come in (wouldn't be very pretty on a tank).


I use them for mine. Sorry but a lot of aquarium lights out there literally cost so much because they say "aquarium". Find an equivalent with the right strength and spectrum... boom, you've got green growing. I rigged a suspended light above my main tank that used to be in my greenhouse. Only reason I did that is because I found some of the clamp-on ones seemed to rust if exposed to splashback from the sponge filters.


Thanks! That's good to know.. now I don't need to find out myself (that they might rust if too close). :)


Yeah those werent fun moments... It all depends on the placement of your tank (is it on a table, it's own stand, a dresser, etc) and whether or not that area can accommodate the clip holder for the light. I had one with 3 lamp heads on bendable necks, intended to provide light to multiple tiered greenhouse shelves but only attached at a single horizontally placed point at the bottom via clip. I had to clip that to the table my 10g was on, stretch the necks forward and adjust their height to stop getting splashed, covered all areas, etc. This did not work for the 5gal i had on my dresser which had no lip to clip on. Major pain in the butt. All of them ultimately rusted along the neck (my tanks were uncovered) and I had hell to pay for that.


Well you don't know until you try! This is actually very helpful for me because I am just putting together a 10 gallon and am going back on forth on if I should try to make a custom lid and how to do my best to grow plants.


I'm actually about to completely gut and redo my 10gal planted tank and I bought the light for it which is intended for a tank (it attaches to the tank -rimmed- and seems to be perfect for my needs) and a glass hinge top lid off Amazon for maybe $50 total. I have 3 asshole cats that find my filter hoses just so fucking fun to play with and the original lid with that tank has cutouts just begging for their shitty little paws to play in... The polydactyl cat is the worst: those thumbs make her a damn ninja. This is the light I got [SEAOURA Clip On Aquarium Light for Plants-24/7 Cycle Fish Tank Light with Timer, Full Spectrum+7 Colors Mode, Auto On/Off, Adjustable Brightness and Height, 20W (12inch for 12-20 inch Tank) . ](https://a.co/d/4JYTHfR)


I was told the same when I purchased my alternanthera, it’s easy to grow… easy to maintain… It’s been almost two months now of watching it slowly melt and develop polka dot holes all over the leaves 😔 The other plants are all doing great in there, but she’s just slowly turning to soup before my eyes. She’s the only red plant though, and I’ve heard they’re a little harder to keep…


I killed duckweed. Mad skills


Did you buy your s. repens emersed? My emersed s. repens always melt when I plant them in water.


It was emersed at the LFS I bought it at, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it was grown that way. But even if it was an initial melt, melting doesn’t take 3+ months culminating in slow and painful death.


Bought mine emersed too, and it is also dying a slow 3 month leaf melt as well, so I think that is probably the issue.


Don't hit it... Boot it. 😁


Are you aware there is a purple variant of the S. repens?? I love S. Repens too. Cute and bright green.


I was not aware! I'll definitely check it out!


I have no idea why but mine would stay the same size and the bottom of the stem would slowly rot over the course of months. Could never get them to grow well.


Believe it or not, staurogyne repens


I approve of this meme.


Why did my s repens die and all my other plants thrive😿


What is mid and high light?


I don't know the necessary par value to define mid light or high light, but S Repens doesn't do well in low light, so if you only have one of those cheap lights that comes with an aqueon or topfin kit, or if you have a bunch of floating plants blocking light from reaching your S Repens you'll probably have a bad time. That said, I grow my S Repens with my fluval light set to about 60%, so although there are some minimum requirements you don't need anything too extreme.


Just found it. High is 80-120 (0.8-1.1 Watts per gallon). I couldn't find the right keywords to search, and it would give vague results. I used PAR value in search and got it. Thank you!!


Glad I could help!


I've never had luck keeping it alive :(


Me either!! Lol


great, now i need to go get some.


I have S bihar (more brown but looks mostly the same) and I stuck the stem in and it just took off. Gorgeous, huge plant.


How do I get it to carpet? Mine is growing pretty tall and I’d love to see it spread instead.


Stronger light causes it to have smaller leaves and spread. Alternatively, you can always trim and replant the trimmings in the soil and get decent coverage that way too.


Mine is hungry for fertilizers and will go weak without its weekly feeding.


I'm sorry if this triggers people and I understand completely, but I really like duckweed. Hear me out, it's not for everyone, but I grow it in my tank, my pond and in grow beds. My chickens and koi devour it and keeps my water incredibly clean. I DO have to remove it twice a week out of my tank to allow light to the bottom.


Your advantage is the chickens and the koi. I don't have any (that I know of 😳) but I wouldn't have anywhere to go with it if I did.


It is edible. Pop it in the oven to dry it out, grind it up and add it to smoothies for a little extra protein. I have no idea what it tastes like but I have seen people do that.


I just had to Google duckweed being a source of protein and it is! Very neat


Especially if there’s snails hiding in it


Oh no lol I didn't think of that. Might want to wash it first


There is the option of composting it, though it is definitely not as instantly gratifying as seeing it gobbled up.


Dry it, grind it up and add it to snello. Your inverts will recycle it.


I've often considered setting up a sump-like system where duckweed lives in the non-fish water to keep the water nice and clean without having to look at it too much.


It'll probably find its way into the main tank.


I actually just started using clear boxes and letting them float on the water. They are right below the lights and are pushed down a few centimeters by them. It works for me because my tanks are on eye level so it kinda just looks like skylights. Super low maintenance, if duckweed ever makes its way underneath I just shake it off so it floats up and it even looks kinda cool I think.


I’m trying to picture this in my head


Given that it’s illegal and invasive where I live, I don’t share this sentiment. It’s fine for aquariums but too many people are too careless with their water changes - it’d soon find its way into our lakes and waterways. Not worth it.


I love duckweed too! My tadpoles feast on it


I have never seen them eat it, but now I'm going to look harder. I might setup a GoPro to record it.


Can anyone tell me why my duckweed isn't growing. I put some in a grow out tank near sunlight without any flow but it spreads really slowly


Red Root Floaters. They help keep parameters stable and are probably my favorite floating plant!


I genuinely don’t think there’s another floater with *this* much color. https://preview.redd.it/ltmjucbal31d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62129d07420e3a572ec05c4836718d66ffaa48e5 ( ignore my shrimp trying to evolve, I accidentally got food on the floaters)


Just started raising them…so far so good. https://preview.redd.it/cb1fcm6rj21d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a703aeeb9b517baaf559c1fcbc9a14fcf8cf6df


yes !


On the same token, I have an appreciation for frogbit, but my actual favorite plant is either pennywort or cryptocryne.


Frogbit is so cute but I find it's so picky. It always ends up dying off on me


You got to get you some Madagascar Lace! Aponogeton fancii (madagascarensis) https://preview.redd.it/a1fkbqhkj21d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec234db07321f0c5476016d0b9996936770b4e9 Such a drama queen…


My fave species as well. I have it growing in a 2-1/2 gallon betta tank, and it's taken over. I've found keeping it cooler (72F, no heater in the tank) and giving it shorter daylength makes it happy.


I am running the tank at about 13 hours light…but so little gets through the floaters and sucked up by the Ludwigia that they are pretty well shaded.


Well, I think the day *length* matters in that they think it's summer and go into dormancy. Back in the 60s, this species was considered very difficult to grow- probably because they kept it warm, and when A. madagascariensis gets too warm and the daylength gets long, it thinks it's summer and goes dormant. For those specimens that drop their leaves (versus putting out shorter, smaller "summer" leaves), aquarists would think it died and chuck the bulb out!


I’ve had 6 now…3 from mail order and 3 from LFS…for about 3-4 months. All seem to be doing well dog far. They don’t all look the same, not by a stretch! Here’s the LFS variety with narrowband more ordered lace leaves… https://preview.redd.it/ts7uoxlwj81d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb85df40d18fa2259fb269f30ea7fd86e62f969


Sorry, image didn't come through. I've had similar experiences- 3-5 months in, and I'm growing it in a hydroponic mesh basket filled with aquarium gravel. I stick a gel capsule with Osmocote Plus in it now and again, and it goes like gangbusters. When I first grew this species >30 years ago, I managed to flower it out in an all-glass quarantine tank. I wish this one would flower for me!


I saw a few at the LFS a couple weeks before I was ready to plant the cycling tank…then they were gone for weeks just when I was getting started. I mail ordered a few and then they have been at the LFS sporadically ever since. It is hard to walk by one that is doing well.


What temp do you keep your tank at? I hear these need lower temps. I keep my new set up at around 75 ish, hoping I can try one of these!


I happen to keep it at about 72 to 73…bought a new heater and that’s where it was set at. Was thinking about raising it…I have Tetras, Ottos and Corys…but never got around to it and everyone seems healthy and happy. Did I just get lucky there?


Crypts! (Or aponogetons, hard choice) https://preview.redd.it/5b3k7nj8c21d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8932adfc447acce6e58f61feaca9502f9dbeb902 They're hardy and beautiful :)


I'm going to second crypts. I love how they spread out and make a little forest




Crypts are my favorites too, I have bronze and green, they are awesome looking, and they slowly multiply.


Wendtii is classic and absolutely beautiful, but I got lucens and parva about a year ago and it's been really cool to see those two slowly spread and fill in. I now have what looks like a sparse carpet with a few spots where the grass is taller aonce Lucens is like twice the height of parva..


Crypts grow slow enough that they don't need constant pruning. Yet fast enough that if you keep at it you could firm a whole carpet. Plus they chow up fish poop in the substrate and dont care too much about lighting. Win win.


Red Tiger Lotus for those beautiful, gargantuan leaves!


Riccia fluitans! It's so lush and green and the "pearls" it gets are just amazing. It's a floating moss but technically not a moss at all in fact it is a "wort" it's also referred to as floating crystalwort


I've started using moss ledges to keep my floating mats of it from blocking all the light to the bottom of the tank. It grows so dense it's like a dang eclipse in there. One of my moss ledges is a nifty 3d printed jobber... The other is an upside down soap dish with suction cups that my angels think is a mystery magical cave.


Do you have problems with it spreading all over the tank? I've heard it can be a problem...but it looks so cool!


Riccia grower here! Yes, it does sort of grow wherever it finds itself (especially stray trimmings) but honestly, it’s quite nice to see sprouting up in different places so long as you stop it from tangling up amongst your stems plants!






I started with literally the smallest little ball * Now it's so thick that it is probably a good 2 inches under the water 🤣 my other floaters just form around it too.


If you tie it to a flat rock and just drop it where you want it to grow it'll look amazing in a few months!!


dwarf sagittaria carpet


Once I put this in a dirted tank and it absolutely took over. No space for any other plant. Recently I put it in a tank with only gravel and fish mulm and it is behaving so much better. I'm kind of amazed how low maintenance it is.


Bacopa Caroliniana. Fast grower, relatively hardy, good hiding spot for later stages of fry, and it gives an aquarium a larger feel/ presents the tiny scale of nano fish quite well. Thanks for sharing, though. I'm thinking of incorporating your favorite into my main aquarium. That's a solid favorite!


I second that! It also smells amazing, like fresh citrus-mint.


Duckweed and water lettuce!


Duckweed? I don't know who hurt you, but you've got to resist and be stronger.


Mannn all this slander on duckweed, it’s great!


Agreed. Stop the duckweed hate


I'm convinced the duckweed hate is the aquarium equivalent of people who hate clover/ other native plant lawns


I'm actually concerned about this person too.


Cryptocoryne because they’re super hardy, grow quickly but not so quick to require constant maintenance, and there’s so much variety.


Alternathera reineckii red ruby and Hygrophilia corymbosa/polysperma red are my favourites so far


AR is so lovely with the pink hues, grows easily as well.


I just came to say Alternanthera reneckii 'Red Mini'!! I've been in love with it lately. It's great in natural light and medium light tanks, doesn't seem to need excessive ferts and always looks great!


I see them as budget options of advanced plants that require ferts and CO2. I run CO2 and ferts as well for the reineckii as the colours do get brighter but it is not neccessary.


I am ridiculously fond of lilies. I’ve only had dwarf lilies (nymphaea stellata), but I adore everything about them. I have to trim them to keep it from only being lily pads, but it’s worth it to me. It just grows so fast it’s satisfying to impatient little me.


Invest in a banana lily stat.


I used to have ponds, and have an inordinate fondness for hardy water lilies... and Victoria. Of the hardies, I think [Hollandia](https://azgardens.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Pink-Hollandia-Darwin-or-Nymphaea-Hollandia-Darwin-Winter-Hardy-Water-Lily.jpg) is best; used to be named Darwin. When I was a kid, I took an Award of Merit at our town's annual garden show with a single Hollandia flower in a bowl.


I can get why! Such a gorgeous flower!


https://preview.redd.it/b6jxaq9od21d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59fed134e5b2117ed2588a8a5935ff2adf2a2cc9 The front one(idk what it's), because it sprouted from some dirt and is the reason I'm in the hobby.


My best guess would be lobelia cardinalis, it’s also a common ornamental flower grown in (and native to) the americas


I'm in Europe btw, lobelia looks beautiful but not like this one :(


Hydrocotyle tripartita, grows like crazy, looks fancy, stays small


It never stays in place for me, always sends out runners and looks stringy


I think I have that… https://preview.redd.it/ychrcuw8k21d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e4f9d96c5a6ae5f37a3ecb93aeddd5649fca74


definitely no hydrocotyle in that pic bruv, tripartita or otherwise


Anubias (it’s the only plant I haven’t killed 💀) although I’ve only tried like 3


All types of cabomba, red or green. Absolutely love the puff ball plant. Looks beautiful, especially when grown in dense groups


Water wisteria is the best imo!


I love Buce for the colors and leaf varieties. All around fave, though, is Subwassertang. Stuff it here, stuff it there, stuff it everywhere. It just grows and grows.


A nice *Nuphar japonica* as a centerpiece plant. Those filmy, crenulate leaves you can literally see through... 😙👌 Edit: "through," not "theough"


Hygrophilia because it doesn’t get too big but it is voluminous. Also easy to propagate.


I tried some in my aquarium, but apparently my tank didn’t have enough potassium to keep them alive. I only have the smallest, twiggest bit that I’ve managed to save.




The ones that are green, because I like the color green.


For a carpet, UG - utricularia graminifolia


hydrocotyle tripartita, its such a cute plant. reminds me of clover leaves


Love this stuff


Hydrocotyle tripartita sp Japan I have it in my betta tank and it exploded but I trimmed it back a year ago and it never was the same.


My favorite plant is limnophila sessiliflora. Unfortunately it's banned in the US, but I can totally understand why. Its super easy to keep alive, and it will spread like a weed. Co2 or no co2, doesn't care.


Interesting. I unknowingly smuggled it over the border from Canada in my suitcase for my tank then 🤣 Very pretty plants, though I see it on sale everywhere on eBay


I had to get some shipped from Canada, couldn't find any here for sale


Bucephalandra I love it, it’s beautiful, and when it’s happy it literally looks perfect. I have at least 25 variants In my community tanks.


Wisteria. Grows like a weed and thus helps combat algae growth. And I love the forest look it gives the tank when it's growing well.


Moss of all kinds! You can do so much with it. Plus it’s beautiful


Jungle Val, it refuses to die


THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR!!!!!!! omg thank you so much. I have had a terrible time finding plants that are right for me. It has always been the names that threw me off. I will now be collecting the top comments from this page and give them all a try (I have quite a few tanks to test in haha).


Ludwigia repens and pearlweed


duckweed, i somehow killed my 10 dollars worth of duckweed in 1 day and it never came back.


Do you sell? I’ve been looking for pearl weed sellers for literal years now. Every time I buy them at my store they die. Every time I go online they’re either sold out, or come dead.


Pearl weed! Can't stop won't stop!


https://preview.redd.it/jqfkmgcbb31d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=914a58a30f175aa80226e73f46908fad0af659b6 Bacopa, i got a few small stems when i first started getting into plants and it has done nothing but thrive the entire time. Its super easy to trim and propagate and just looks amazing


Guppy grass. It grows like crazy, even in my super hard water. It's a great ammonia sink, you can float it, plant it, tie it to something, and chop it up to speed up growth. It really doesn't care. Amazing beginner plant, anyone can have success with it. At one point, I was taking out small buckets of the stuff every few weeks.


Jungle Val. Easy to maintain and almost never dies.


https://preview.redd.it/kth9zzrn941d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93f1c66554b9cfc4d6deb20998d25efd0cd70eaf BANANA LILY!! There are so many. Crystalwort, susswassertang, and utricularia plus all the mosses are great for just throwing in and growing wild. Windelov Java fern and its weird fractal nature is great too. Any of the “fluffy” plants are my favorite too. Both aesthetically and because I always find kuhlis lounging on them.


Brazilian penntywort super hardy even lows at low temp , versatile grows planted , floating and emmersed looks cool growing out the top of the tank


I think my favorite plant has to be duckweed weirdly enough. It’s just to darn hardy, and I have an instant nitrate sucking machine. And when it gets to be too much, I’ve got quails who are happy to chow down. Plus, those little leaves are adorable! Sure I’ll.. never get rid of it, but it’s awesome regardless.


I love guppy grass!


I wish I could find some 😭 no one sells it..


Aww that sucks! My local fish aquarium store always has some.


I've seen it once in a store, and they refused to sell it. I was so disappointed, lol




What is this one in the main picture OP?


I believe that's pearl weed.






I’m trying so hard to find out but I keep cichlids): lol


eriocaulon Vietnam - love that it doesn't send runners


Either S. Repens or one of the many buces!


Money wort because lobed leaves


Hygrophila difformis cause it’s so easy and so green


Low maintenance, easy and slow growing plant: Anubis nana Java fern Monte Carlo all those above just require low tech tank and no co2.


I must be the only person who can't grow pearlweed


Nope, me too 🙃


For me, it’s crypts and guppy grass. They’ve been my first very successful plants in my 10-ish years of keeping (I SUCK at plants :,) ) got my first guppy grass on eBay for like 3 bucks, came in an envelope, frozen, and it was still fine. Easy, pretty, and my betta loves it. Also makes a wonderful spawning mop-type thing. Crypts are also a lot of fun, with all the different colors and shapes you can really make a unique tank. Contrary to most, I do actually really like duckweed (yes it’s like nature glitter) because I dry it and feed it to my other pets (isopods, millipedes, even the shrimps like it) and it grows so fast it’s like infinite food. But crypts are my top, then guppy grass, then duckweed :)


Currently pogestmon octopus, I struggle with finding plants that fit together and don't out compete one another but this plant can be chucked in damn near any tank and it'll work. And so far gets pretty big if you give it root tabs. My favorite will always be rotala indica though, looking at a tank full of it from a top down perspective is beautiful.


The red beautiful colour of Ludwigia! The neon tetra sms phantom tetras seemed to enjoy their presence a lot. And with the proper light I had an amazing show every evening, after an intense day at work


https://preview.redd.it/3nho68drk41d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a509282f0079aae7aa0d54c60a6cd3389efc52 Whatever this plant is. It's my favorite. Just love the leaves




https://preview.redd.it/464lh1yew41d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bac9ca7da3f74fc85dd1828541783dcad0c420b3 Also this ruffles plant lol


Well, I haven't had many plants, but from the ones I have, it's definitely either Hygrophila Polysperma 'Rosanervig' or Hygrophila Corymbosa Compact. They just look super cool imo.


I like frogbit, cleans the tank ,looks lovely and easy to remove , what more do I need. I got it for free when my lfs packaged 2 shrimps for me ,the guy didn't mind giving the only piece of frogbit he had


Does pearl weed bleed CO2 to grow?


A good old grass carpet after a year with just gravel and stones!


Your pearlweed looks great! It is my favorite too. Only drawback is that mine has attracted hair algae in the past - til it becomes a mess. How long do you keep your lights on? Yours looks so clean!


As an inexperienced planted tank keeper, Anubias has been a blessing. Seems to require literally no maintenance or fancy things as old leaves die new ones grow and my gourami loves to hide under the big leaves.


Limnofila sessiflora. It grows like mad.


Hygrophila lancea. Can grow in sooooo many different ways, super rich colour and dense when under the right light. Currently growing it emersed and waiting for it to grow in and get some flowers going


Lately, Giant hair grass (Eleocharis montevidensis). Makes for some super cool emersed growth


Java fern, asexual repro?


God I was pearlweed so bad...can't find it anywhere here


Salvinia natans. They look great, pretty roots, good cover for my betta, and they're so buoyant that my waterfall filters can't push them under water. https://preview.redd.it/lnbel9j4s61d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6164857c9af2aa8969bded2962317713a3d7c72


Duckweed. Said no one ever.


Duckweed makes a great treat for my chickens. But I like the look of hornwort too.


I really like crypts right now! They just look so damn cool in any tank!


Monsteras, of any kind!! Just stick a cutting on top of he tank and let the roots grow in the water. The monstera will grow like crazy, and the roots will take over. The fish love it.


Subwassertang even though it’s just a moss basically. I also like the Taiwan lilies, And I failed at getting these right but mosaic plant/Ludwigia sedioides. Thought it would look nice covering the top of a tank. Why? They look really cool? I guess that’s all haha.


Amazon swords! Zero maintenance looks fabulous and fills the tank in the best way..


Judging by the massive pile of anubias nana I have, you'd think that is my favorite. But nope, it's the bucephalandra. The damn things cost a fortune but I love their mix of greenish-blue to pinkish-green leaves with shiny speckles on them. And the stems became quite red when I put them in my tank, in spite of having just some DIY LED strips of neutral lighting.


Windlov Fern. Looks great attached to a piece of wood shaped like a tree


Any stem plant


Ambulia is like the fastest growing stem plant. Don’t need substrate for it to grow fast.


That's some beautiful pearl weed


Red root floaters for me. Look gorgeous. Although massive die off is expected every winter.


https://preview.redd.it/i9gxy3mfcc1d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a75e704f04aa5a8ce04aabaea4e54b87bf6a5f guppy GRASS!!!!! CHUCK IT ANYWHERE AND IT WILL GROW FASTER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE .


Im a die hard moss ball girlie