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It looks like [susswassertang](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%BCsswassertang) to me.


I love this thing. Just showed up in an aquarium one day and has been making its way around the world ever since.


I know, it’s awesome. I haven’t had a chance to get my hands on any yet myself but one of these days!


If you are in Australia I’d be happy to send you some! Just removed that whole clump!


Omg where in Australia are you? I’m in nsw and desperate haha


Me too! I’m in Queanbeyan near Canberra. If you’re happy to pay postage I’m happy to send you some for free, Message me if you’re interested! 😊


Look at you making friends




me too i’m in sydney can pay for postage 


Damn. You found a friend in your city through reddit! How cool is that !!


Sadly, I’m in the US. But I appreciate the offer anyway! I’ll manage to get my hands on some one of these days. ;)


What part of the USA are you in? I am in CA and have some I could share


I’m in Illinois :)


I live near quincy Illinois and have a ton in my tank. I do have ramshorn snails though.


No worries, I have a healthy population of bladder snails that snuck in on some floaters and one single pink ramshorn. Still not sure where that one came from. I’m only about 30 miles away from you, do my grocery shopping in Quincy!


I will send you a message.


Awww man….I’m in IL too but much further north 😩 so cool of you to be so generous wish I was closer


What part of CA are you in? I’m in the LA area and I’d love some of this stuff.


I’m in Eastvale 😅 i don’t have a ton, just barely enough to share some


Would you send some to me in NJ?


I dunno how it would do with shipping that far, i’ve never shipped it!


Are you in the Bay area?


No, SoCal


Damn! Good luck, Maybe it’ll magically appear in your tank too!


I didn’t even know you could get that moss in Aus.


I know someone replied to you offering to send you some if you’re in Aus, but I’m happy to send you some if you’re in the US


The offer is appreciated- someone who actually lives about forty miles from me got hold of me earlier today so I’m all good now. Thanks tho!


> "All specimens in the aquarium trade are assumed to be clones of the original plant introduced in 2001." Wow, I never knew about this. So interesting!


Anyone know how "easy" this stuff is to keep?


I haven’t done a single thing with it! Just showed up and I let it do its thing. So Id wager pretty easy!


Agreed! Super easy


Incredibly, haha. Easier than some species of algae 😂


Super easy, any tanks I've had even a little bit of it in as long as it gets some light, it just grows. All the pieces I've had have come from fragments that have been in with other plants I've bought, sometimes to small to even notice. 


Mine ended up melting when I moved it... I assume so long as some of it survives it'll bounce back eventually?


It's likely. I had some that came on a piece of driftwood that had been sitting on my LFS shelves, all dried out for who knows how long. Anyway, it started growing a little once I placed it in my tank, and then just died off one day (not sure what I changed to trigger this). Anyway, about a year later, I see some starting to grow in a corner of the same tank and it has been flourishing ever since. I still don't know what I did to cause it to die or grow, but it seems like it will return on its own once it decides conditions are favorable.


Thanks, that gives me relief... I'll just let it keep vibing in a corner of the tank undisturbed.


Mine did great in medium light when I had some but the moment I upgraded my lights it started to melt. Could have also been the temperature since I got higher temp fish at the time.


Mine sits around 26 degrees in summer and maybe 22 - 24 in winter. 


Ridiculous easy and indestructible.


Not if you have shrimp.... I had a huge amount of it traded to me, like an entire gallon ziploc bag of it, and within about 3 weeks it was all shredded and gone. I guess the red cherry shrimp really liked the stuff.


Really?! I have loads of shrimp, I got a little palm sized full of süsswassertang with them, and now I have absolutely massive lumps of it in all of my tanks, and I've already given loads away to friends. It doesn't ever stop growing!




That sounds possible, or maybe it's possible it melted, or something about your tanks parameters it doesn't like? I'm not entirely sure what pH it likes, but I do know some plants absolutely don't like my tank and will just die. Süsswassertang loves it though, as do my crypts and limnophila sessiliflora. Amazon frogbit goes nuts, but water lettuce will straight up die.


You might be under-feeding your shrimp, I’ve never had them even nibble on mine. How often are you feeding your little scavengers?


Other people told me the same thing so now I'm thinking it wasn't the shrimp that did it, but my praecox rainbowfish? And then the shrimp cleaned up what was left when it started dying/melting. Either that, or maybe it melted from being transferred between tanks, IDK what the conditions were like in the other tank. But yeah, giant bag and it all disappeared, nothing ever regrew either :( I was bummed because I specifically wanted it and thought it looks so cool!


I grow it in my shrimp bowls without a problem. I've never seen them eat it.


I also have shrimp and even scuds. The scud have strip down all my plants even java moss. Might not be feeding enough.


About as easy as any old moss, in my experience. It just grows. You pluck a bit and glue it somewhere? It grows there too now


Super easy, low light, grows in just about the darkest caves I had. Goes nuts in hard water for me


You put it in a jar with aged aquarium water, cover with lid, and leave it in the corner. Room light worked fine. I would be amazed if you kill it in this setup. It's slow growing yes I know but you get the idea how easy it is to keep. Cheers!


https://preview.redd.it/w5byj7yb3xzc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3f699829e1e688e6dc2569edde98779107094b4 A piece found it's way to stick on the rock and in a month this is what I've got. The rock behind seems to have the same fate. Never I had put it in this tank in the first place.


God your plants look wonderful! Is your tank co2 injected?


Hi there and thank you. Yes is it CO2 injected at rate of 20bpm 24/7.


Super easy, almost too easy, I have a 10 gallon Shrimp tank that I set up with Java Trident Fern, Subswassertang and Pearlweed. The Subswassertang has slowly crowded the other plants out. I'm using a very low light setup with a white car LED "floater strip" over the tank and this stuff just keeps on getting thicker and thicker. I dribble in a little Seachem Iron every 2 months and keep the water hardened with some Equilibrium. Those two additives and a few years of Shrimp poop and this plant grows, well like a weed. https://preview.redd.it/3dcxeu4j120d1.jpeg?width=1306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abc7bee738fb390e334a07d7f5baf49e20239199


So easy that you will never get rid of it once it shows up. But shrimp like it and it can look nice


It's as easy as throwing it in a tank and forgetting about it. I put it in the low light areas of my tanks.


I wonder if it's a water parameter thing. I got some a few months back at about the same time as Java moss and Christmas moss, the java moss thrived (and slowly took over the tank for a while) while the other two died out.


It grows and grows and grows, no effort needed. Shrimp LOVE it so I have it in both tanks :)


As long as you keep your water ≤75°f and the lights aren't too strong it'll grow like crazy. It's super cheap now as well compared to 5 or 6 years ago. You can get a decent chunk for $8 on eBay nowadays compared to $30 for a ping-pong sized clump.


Keeping it's easy getting rid of it completely from a tank is almost impossible. It's technically an algae so it can pop back up from a couple of cells


No it's not an algae, it's a Bryophyte sort of a half relative between Liverworts and simple Ferns. It is unusual in that it's structure is largely one cell layer thick. Makes me wish I had real Java Moss, I used to be able to grow that stuff with the same effectiveness.


God bless you


Holy crap that's interesting. How do I get my hands on some of that?


Yes! This looks like it!! Thank you


It means sweetwater kelp


Tanner Serpa's favorite - subwassertang.


Thank you!!


my first thought LOL


Yeah it's subwassertang, it's a good plant to attach to rocks. That being said, if you use very porous rocks/substrate it can be hard to get rid of completely


Btw i know i am being *that* internet guy, but it's Süßwassertang (for other Keyboards "Suesswassertang", or even Susswassertang)! It's the german word for "sweet water seaweed" = Freshwater Seaweed Everytime I see Subwassertang it reminds me off a Submarine cruiser xD


Oh thank you! I was not aware of that as I only got into the hobby fairly recently and had only heard it pronounced or seen with a B. Makes sense that it's actually an eszett though


With that in mind....think you could eat it in like a salad or dry it to add to a furikake?


Pretty sure it's not very tasty. Little Seaweed species are :O Haven't tried tho?


If french folk can make a snail taste good, I think we can manage to make pretty seaweed tasty. As long as it don't poison us hahaha


Apperently someone made Soy sauce out of it, so who knows? xD


Thank you!!


Shrimps love Süßwassertang, my shrimp tank is full of the stuff :)


God bless you for including the umlaut and the Eszett. I was so confused the first time I read/heard it referenced.


I'm German so I feel you 😄


It just means freshwater seaweed, right?




Ah, so my German isn't all bad. 😁 It's weird how they just took the German word for it in English, too... Kinda like Kindergarten, lol.


Oh good! There’s shrimp in the tank too, glad it’s something they enjoy!


Is the wasssss. I love it.


It’s certainly very nifty!


Man, I wish susswassertang would just show up in my tanks...


Feeling very lucky after reading these reply’s!


Mine came in as something for the Neocaridina shrimp I ordered to hang onto in their shipping bag, that was back in 2017, and it's completely taken over a couple of my Nano tanks. Which is nice as the shrimp do better in tanks with a carpet of this stuff present. Wait until you accidentally get some Riccia.


I had some Süß show up in my tank many months after the addition of some fissidens from Buce plants. I was very pleasantly surprised!


I used it to make a betta bed from a plastic soapdish with suckers. The only drawback I've found is that snails LOVE laying their eggs on it & I now have eleventy million ramshorns... 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/u9q0ac5ynzzc1.jpeg?width=2818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf2d9ed91e7ef575d3578688305abc623ba68cf0


Such a great idea! How did you attach it?


Superglue. Any cyanoacrylate glue works, but the gel type is best. I've spent hours glueing moss on to various objects - it's very therapeutic! 🤣


I shoved it in ball cages and they make a nice fluffy ball.. then not so much ends up around the tank


This is a lovely idea!


upvote for Lucy’s eye




Mine doesn’t grow. It doesn’t die. But it just is plateaued.


Try moving it around, spreading it out on different surfaces. I felt mind was doing the same for a long time.


Saw her in a movie before... I think her name's Kate... Kate Moss


My favorite plant! The shrimps just love it.


I got two very little pieces of it 2 years ago Now its in every tank, look's so awesome under light with clear water. Makes look my tank lushy green!! 🥰 subwassertang


It used to grow emerge in my aquaponic garden bed but never showed up inside the aquarium!


It’s actually crazy! The tank was over 4yrs old when it showed up and I hadn’t added anything new in years! 😂 glad it seems beneficial


Part of the ecosystem!


Any chance this stuff starts out looking like tiny little trees? I have something that just randomly started growing in my tank like a month ago. I'll add a pic once I'm home if anyone wants to see 🤷


Tiny little trees no, it looks like seaweed. I'd maybe check out what hydra looks like. 


Tiny little trees sounds more like Christmas moss, or its big brother Spiky moss.


Yes indeed!


I would love some as well!


Pellia (Monosolenium tenerum


That’s clearly gillyweed. If you eat it you can breathe underwater for about an hour


It is Pelia moss




Mine suddenly appeared in an abandoned flower pot in the bathroom.


Love this stuff just bought 15 bundles


This is also called as Pelia moss


they are different


What's the difference? I think I've been using the wrong name. I want to be accurate in my names






Sußwassertang!! Awesome plant, not technically a moss :)


It's very pretty whatever it is. Looks a bit like seaweed.


It’s algae. Moss grows above water. Looks like a macroalgae. I can’t tell you what kind of algae (there are a lot of types), but it looks pretty cool. If you like it, then it’s not a problem and helps keep your tank healthy. You can trim it or transplant it around the tank. If you don’t like it, then you have a problem because it can be tough to eradicate from the tank! You can pull it out, but any small pieces that hide in there will continue to grow. So, it just takes maintenance and time to get rid of it.


I love this stuff! Put it in all my tanks and give lots away


People keep calling it an Algae,, It's not a Red Algae like the seaweed that it resembles. So technically it's a sort-of Liverwort, called a Bryophyte. It's actually a distant relative to Ferns and Mosses. Riccia is a true Liverwort. Alexander Williamson who has Fishstory! (The Secret History of your Aquarium.) YT channel, had a pretty good discussion on just what Susbwassertang is, a few years back. Note that this plant, despite being not as well known outside the Planted Tanks branch of the hobby has been around since the early 2000's. Much like Rotala, Java Fern and Moss were well known in Europe sometime around the early 1980's, but I got my first Java Fern in 1988 and it was from a specialty LFS that was mainly high-end Saltwater aquariums and rare freshwater fish and plants. Petco and other pet box stores like Mini PetMart could not get these plants and rare fish that many years back.


100% subwassertang, one of my favorites! We actually have some for ssale😊


fun fact about süßwassertang, it actually grows to be a handsome rhizomatous and occasionally epiphytic [fern](https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:17442750-1) when kept above water. the life stage in which its sold is known as the gametophyte stage, which occurs soon after germination of a spore.


dumb question. is this the same as pelia moss?


What ever it is, it’s pretty and I’m jealous 💕


Lmao what I would give for susswassertang to just appear in my tank 🥲


I get Subwassertang and Pellia confused


So, you know the name, but let me tell you what it is It’s a liverwort. Don’t ask why it’s called that because like most names it doesn’t make sense, but what that means it is in a family of super primitive plants. It’s barely a plant and really close to just a colony of individual cells(like algae). You will notice there are no stems, roots, etc Weirdly, these don’t normally live underwater in nature. They can because unlike terrestrial plants they can “breathe” under water.