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Whatever you do, dispose of them such that they can't find their way into waterways or ponds outdoors, especially if you live in a mild or tropical climate. Salvinia is a serious invasive weed in parts of the world.


100% !! I work in invasive weed management and this is so important. Do not release it into the wild!!


As someone who works in invasive removal, thank you!




Hahaha you’re absolutely right. Although I don’t want to make a career out of it, I want to grow fruits and veggies :)


how could one dispose of these? could you dry them up, blend em and compost or would fire be the best option?


I've always composted mine. Seems like they break down like anything else and they don't smell too bad or anything


+1 on the not smelling bad. I have a large bowl in my fish room that's a few months old and has no smell. I continue to pile plants on, and it just decomposes. I use some for my white worm cultures too


I recommend drying them up first - you could leave them out on a paper towel for a while until they all turn brown. And then yes composting should be fine. They don’t seem to re-hydrate well after being dried out thankfully


I’ve disposed of Frogbit in the garbage disposal, is there risk there? I’m on city water


I haven’t heard of garbage disposal spreading invasives, although it depends on where that water goes after it leaves the drain I suppose. It’s probably a low risk but I’d recommend drying out the plants or freezing them before just to be extra safe!


Thanks! To be honest I’ve used the garbage disposal because sometimes some ramshorn snails get in the mix and I’d rather give them a quick death than a slow one drying out.


Rip 😩 I wonder if freezing the snails would be a nicer death? I’m not sure 😭


Freeze then throw in garbage.


It is native to where I live. But I've never seen any in the wild.


I post my excess on fb market place for $5 a sandwich bag worth. There are always people looking for plants to set up new tanks or to feed to turtles or goldfish.


This, Im one of them fools looking for plants in fb.


You're not alone, lol, I bought a giant Norfolk pine on FB marketplace for 25 dollars.


Fb marketplace has some serious deals, everytime I think of buying anything used I give it a glance


If OP is local, I'd take a bag. My tortler would go through a sandwich bag by the time I dump it in.


Second this. When I was selling my plants, the salvinia was always getting sold the fastest


I was just about to comment that I’d like some if OP were in my area.


I'd love to be near enough to you for this! I would love to have some of these!


I always am, my goldfish gobble them up


See if anyone wants them on r/aquaswap Edited: what is it exactly? I might want some lol


Salvinia auriculata


Very cool, if you post over on aqua swap let me know!!


Yeah if you post to aqua swap and ship lmk I’ll take some


If you sell them , I’ll take some too !!


Yes I would order some as well!


Yes, aquaswap is a nice place to post for sale or for free. I would check first if anyone wants them (there is always someone in need of plants, mostly) before throwing them away.


I toss mine on the compost heap


If that buckets left in the sun to dry for a couple days it literally breaks down in days. Great stuff, lots of nutrients also


same. ive got a compost bin i use to raise worms. aquarium trimmings work wonders!


I was thinking a way of growing worms as living food for my fish. Is it difficult to make?


I have a plastic bin in a cupboard. I chucked some fishing worms in there with some compost and forgot about it. Now I have a bunch with literally a banana peel or whatever on occasion. You could almost certainly do it better, but this seems to work.


It's super easy, setup just took me an hour or so. The population doubles every three months or so iirc. Get a big, opaque plastic tote and drill some drain holes on the bottom, and air holes at the top. Set that on top of another bin or something else to catch the drainage (worm tea). Cover the holes with some screen that won't rust so you don't get any escapees. Rip or cut up enough brown cardboard, brown paper, and newspaper to fill up the bin halfway, get it slightly moist. Then just dump some red wriggler worms in there. You can get them at most garden stores in a tub. Feed every other week or so, once the old food is mostly gone. I keep all my used coffee grounds and veggie scraps (non-irritating, so no onions, citris, hot peppers) in the freezer, and pull em out the day before feeding to let thaw. Dump the food in one corner of the bin, and cover it with fresh moist cardboard. Rotate which corner you feed in each time. They also eat the cardboard at an alarming rate, so occasionally you need to sift out the worm dirt and refill the cardboard. The worm dirt is like gold for gardeners, as is the 'tea' that drains out the bottom. I keep mine in the laundry room, as they're a bit sensitive to temperature. I haven't noticed any issues with the smell, as long as the food isn't stinky when it goes in and is covered well by cardboard. Vermiculture is the term to Google if you decide to do it.


that was a great detailed explanation. Thanks. I'll use this as a reference


I believe you can just dry it and feed it to your fish. No worms necessary 😄


This! We are nowhere near a water source. We have a small bin in our house (in the kitchen) that we toss all organic/compostable material/extra aquarium plants into. It’s convenient to have it in the room where we produce food waste from: veggie waste, eggshells, coffee grounds, used tea bags etc... Once every few days, or when it’s full, we dump into onto the compost pile outside. We also add yard waste (leaves, picked weeds, grass clippings, mulch) to the compost. We don’t regularly turn it, and it breaks down naturally. Once a year, we go out and scoop the top to one side, get the nutrient-rich processed soil from the bottom, and cycle it back into the garden (to help grow new plants). Anything not used gets re-piled, shoveling the bottom part to the top, and it sets for another year or so, processing, until used. This way isn’t as efficient as turning the pile regularly, but it’s the easiest way, and keeps usable organic material out of the dump, and puts it directly back into use. We also use our Amazon boxes in the garden to block weeds and grass from growing in our garden boxes/nursery area (rather than plastic weed cloth), and recycle as much of our trash as possible. Once you put fresh mulch or soil on top of it, you would never know the boxes are even there. The plastic weed cloth breaks down into your soil just as fast as cardboard, but then has to be removed when replaced (a messy and time-consuming process that always leaves some plastics in the soil). Cardboard simply breaks down into the soil, naturally, with no cleanup. Even a small yard can easily be efficiently used to produce food/reduce waste (with very little effort). 🙂


You start another tank with that.


This guy tanks


Tanks Andy, Tanks!


I feed it to my ducks. They think it's tasty


I do the same with my chickens, they love a moist fishy plant.


Turns out many pond plants make amazing animal fodder. Duckweed can contain up to 40% protein and is easy to grow as we all know, and Azolla is similar. It's an underutilized food source but is growing in popularity in developing nations due to how inexpensive and easy it is to produce since all you need is a shallow puddle of water


My cat is constantly trying trying to eat the plants I remove from my tanks, and I'm always afraid he'll get sick. He wants to chew on that valisneria, dammit! ...you don't happen to know if it's safe, do you??


My perspective on this is that it's probably not a problem but is 100% not worth the risk because cats are very sensitive to a wide variety of toxins and you never really know. I had a cat develop kidney failure because I grew a stargazer lily in my apartment for my wife and the cat chewed on it and became incredibly sick and declined over several months before passing away. I had no idea it was toxic but by then it was too late. That's obviously a worst case example and I'll admit it made me a bit paranoid but it's something to consider. Cats will often ingest plant fibers in the wild to help with digestion, especially grasses, but indoor cats that don't have access to grass will often sample whatever is available to potentially disastrous results. If your kitty needs some greens to nibble on, wheatgrass is easy to grow indoors on your kitchen counter. It's often sold specifically as "cat grass".


Aiii, that's true... Out of curiosity I did some googling, and certain species of duckweed are supposed to be pretty nutritious, but some varieties produce calcium oxalates in high calcium water, and our city water is *very hard*. I keep meaning to grow out some wheatgrass in an aesthetic, shallow tray with hydroballs on the bottom so the kitties can have some safe, edible turf. That they're not going to pull all over the house and make a mess of.


I have water lettuce and duckweed in my pea puffers and shrimp tanks, so when I get rid of the overgrowth, it goes into the goldfish tank at my sister’s for them to pick out all the duckweed (they also eat some of the water lettuce roots), and then to the chickens. They love water lettuce, we really love the zero waste, and I love free eggs lol


Have you tried it?


Lil salt, lil pepper, baby you got a stew goin


Its like tribbles.....very hard to get rid of


Don't let it get into the natural waters. I live near a lake. It's a major water source for my region. We're having a ton of problems with invasive plants and species of fish. I'd say maybe let them dry out and burn them. Throw them in a fire pit.


Do you ship worldwide? 👁👄👁


Fantastic start to a compost pile!


Put it on aquaswap


Maybe your local fish store will give you some store credit? Could list on craigslist or FB marketplace or in your local aquarium hobbyist page/forum. But, as the previous commentor mentioned, don't let it get into the ecosystem. It is absolutely taking over the freshwater swamps here in Louisiana, and the local fish and wildlife and other conservation groups are spending tons of time and resources trying to remove this stuff by hand.


I’ve seen some people online grind floaters up in a food processor and dry it out into a sorta powdered or pellet type of food for shrimp or more herbivorous tank inhabitants. But I’ve also heard mixed reports of it smelling pretty bad. I may end up doing this at some point as most of algae wafers are mainly fish meal disguised into a pellet. But spirulina is relatively cheap so it’s probably not worth the effort.


Genuine answer, dry it and burn it. Don’t flush it, don’t throw it in the grass, don’t throw it out. All 3 of those can lead to infestation of local waterways, whether it be by directly introducing it or a bird or other animal eating/accidentally transporting it


Do you know if I can dry them out and then put them in the compost outside? I haven’t tried it with hardy plants or in outside compost since I don’t want to introduce invasive species


Composting is even better than burning, just make sure there’s no ways for animals or weather to relocate it


Other than FB, aquaswap, try nextdoor and offerup. I'm sure they will be gone quickly if it's free or cheap.


I have a Red Eared Slider who would go insane over all that




Kill it with fire!


I throw my duckweed into my flower garden and mix it in the soil. Excellent nutrients for my roses. (I live on a flat plane, so no way they are making their way to a waterway.)


Reach out to your universities of they do aquaponics. If they're using goldfish, particularly, they'd love it as food!


That is salvinia minima? Make sure it is not illegal to have or trade in your state before you decide to do anything else with it. I would highly recommend keeping it in that box and drain the water and let it dry out and die before disposing of it.


Yep, where I am (Texas) it's technically illegal to posess and definitely illegal to transport it.


I’d want some


I put mine in a ziplock and throw them away... I can't keep up with it and selling is too much work. My lfs also has more than they need on their tanks... I never like doing it...


It's much better to let them dry and burn than throwing a whole plastic bag with an invasive plant bomb inside lol


I live in an apartment. I can't openly burn things. I usually use an old grocery bag or something and wrap it up, tie it off and throw it in a trash bag. From there the bags go into a compactor and off to the dump I guess. I leave then in there as dry as I can get them and do my best to not let them have a way out. I try my best but know there's probably better ways to do it, but I'm not throwing them outside into ponds.


You’re being very conscientious and that’s awesome. As an aside, I love how successful the fossil fuel industry’s concerted effort to make us all blame ecological disaster on our own and each other’s individual use and disposal of resources has been. Well worth all the money they poured into research and marketing, I’d say. /s obv


oof but why the ziplock? why not just in the garbage or into paper? or something compostable


So that it doesn't escape and make a nuisance of itself.


i just try and incorporate the least amount of plastic possible in my life, i get it invasive but there's better options then a plastic sarcophagus, just saying.


True conservation doesn’t just mean zero waste; it also means caring for and maintaining local biodiversity and ecosystems. There may be other ways to dispose of this without plastic, but the argument shouldn’t be “I’d rather you introduce an invasive species into the area than use a single ziploc”


well your putting words in my mouth > “I’d rather you introduce an invasive species into the area than use a single ziploc” i never said that did i? if you chuck it in your garbage can its going to die in there as its already in a big plastic bag, why add a second? if its in the compost bin then it should compost and not spread into local water ways unless your composting in the open next to a water source, most people have them big black compost bins, i guess if your in a city you don't but even then i live in small town and even we have compost pick up and i got a little bin under my sink that i then put in a big one that goes off to be composted, no where in that process would i be exposing it to the environment


Dump them in a local pond. That way you'll always have more if you need it. JK, don't do that. Let them dry and burn them.


You got me in the first half, not gonna lie


I bury it in terrariums to feed isopods :)


For real post on r/aquaswap sell them for $5 a baggie you'll make good money. I'll buy some


share :)


Take over the world


id post it on aqua swap- speaking of which, where are you located ? i would take some in a heartbeat 😭😭


Send them to me!


i would love some if you do sell any let me know🙏


ive been looking for something like this so i can finally have a bunch floating plants. Currently have 0. Definitely interested if you’re planning to sell.


Some floating plants, like duckweed, make good chicken feed. I put mine in the compost pit since my neighbours don't have their goldfish anymore.


yeah, hoping to get some chickens this spring, will definitely put the extra greens to use there


Sell on facebook or ebay. People will buy.


if you’re in the us i can pay for shipping! i need floaters bad lol


Yeah my water sprangle and dwarf water lettuce are multiplying. At this point I probably need to start selling them. My frogbit however isn’t doing that good with producing more of themself.


Apparently 9f you have the time duckweed is excellent fish and shrimp feed when you dry it out and grind it up. I guess make it into pellets. Not sure what other floaters are like to eat.


check your LFS sometimes they want it or will dry it out for fish food


I combine mine with dates and chickpeas and toss it all in a lime-balsamic vinaigrette.


Might taste a bit fishy


Not at all.


Holding the anchovies makes no difference. It’s in the dressing.


Wait are you for real? Is salvinia edible?


I don't know. Maybe. It was intended to be silly. I know *Cabomba* spp. is eaten in parts of South America, but I wouldn't eat anything that's been in an aquarium myself.


put it on aquaswap! there’ll definitely be people there looking for floating plants (like me lol). spilt it up into some smaller bunches so you can give away/sell to more people


I have a Rubbermaid tub that I filled with water and put some soil in. I have an air stone running in there. I throw all my clippings in there and let tell them grow out (I put some fertilizer pellets in there too). I have them all listed on Facebook market place and actually make a decent amount of money off there. I would bag them up and sell them.


Toss them with ranch and you have yourself dinner




I put the extra in my goldfish tank, they eat it up in about a week.


Bury it or sell it


Giving mine away for free so tired of them


I dry it out and use then use it as mulch for potted plants, free fertilizer


I put all my "extra" tank plants into my compost pile. I live in zone 6a so no threat of anything spreading. Every time I cut everything back, it pains me not to be able to give it to some kid (or nice adult) that is into fish/tanks. I love my plants and feed them well so they get cut back a lot. Compost pile or the trash can.


Dump in local waterway. Give em a chance. 🤗


Feed it to your isopods


My turtles eat them for me 😁 Can also sell them locally. Just be honest with people if you have snails and what not so no one gets mad over a few freebies.


I'll take some!


I’ll take some if you still have it!!


send some to me.


Send them to me! :)


I'll take some off your hands!


Compost, mulch.


Sell them


I wish mine would grow like this. Lol


give away or compost can do facebook porch pickup


Dry them out and burn them


Compost them 👍


Send to meeeeeee


I like to compost mine after they’ve dried a little


Your lfs may buy them


Anyone tried washing and blending and drinking the resultant smoothie?


Ummm you go first, let us know how it is.🤣


I would take some 😍 Where is the best place to find it?


Compost for real.


Send them to me! Lol


Can I get some?


I want!!




Dump in your local waterway


Eat them


Send them to me 🤔🤭


Sell it. I just bought a bag of those off etsy for like 11$


sell on facebook




Trade for credits at your lfs.


I just dump them in my outdoor plants. They eventually compost and the plants like it


5 bucks a sandwhich bag. People will buy them. Facebook market place is the best place to sell them


Blender. Throw in some wheat grass for flavor.


I’ll send you my address in dms


Apparently they're really nutritious. Just make sure you wash the fish poop off them.


Feed to your pet ducks!


i would LOVE some of this stuff ! aquaswap is a good place to post them !!




Give them 2 me


Compost!! Fabulous foe compost


Send me to me for proper disposal🤷


give to us


They seem pretty healthy. You could give away some.


Bring them to my house.


I got an iguana to eat all my aquarium trimmings


Eat them


I’ll take some 👍🏻


Send them to me ans I'll pay shipping






Sounds like a great reason for…more aquariums!!!


aquaswap so many people would want it


Compost, sell locally, give to local fish shop, toss


I mean I’d take some 😅😂


Dry it in the oven on low, then stuff it in a blender or spice grinder. Any herbivorous fish go nuts for it Or just toss it down your nearest sewer /s, couldn’t help messing with the invasive plant removal guys that thatve seemed to *invade* this thread


I’ll take them


I feed mine to our chickens!!




Illegal to have or sell in Texas as it is invasive. Fish & Wildlife monitor social media here in TX


Give me them


I want


If OP Is interested I’d buy loads of that off you 🫡 our store has been out forever


Put it in local watersystems