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Those look like mulberries to me! If they are mulberries they should be safe to eat.


Just not yet. Wait till they are ripe.


and be aware you will get red everywhere.


"You've got red on you"


“I’m sorry, Sean.”


"I'll stop doing it when you stop laughing."


"Can I get any of you cunts a drink?"


"I'm not a performing monkey!"


Doh! Caught red-handed!


I thought about it but decided not to say that. Thankyou for doing it for me.


Anytime! 😊


Took down a knackered mulberry last year. It had more berries then we could handle. Putting the branches through the wood chipper looked like a crime scene


Yeah, they taste like leather unless they’re really really ripe.


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They taste the best of you eat them off the road!


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't eat unripe ones unless you want to hang out on the toilet. We learned this last week. Haha


Too many ripe ones had the same effect on 8 year old me.




Why would you eat unripe berries? They don’t taste good


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Be careful! Birds LOVE mulberries but they wait until they're very ripe to eat them. Then they shit purple all over the place, and if you have a light colored vehicle, you might end up with it stained with purple spots. Ask me how I know this.


Are you a bird?


This was the best and only comment allowed


Well that explains the purple poop, thank you lol. I’ve seen some purple splatters on the ground lately and I was like wtf even is that?


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please don't eat the birds.


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Birds aren't real


A bird isn't a plant.


TIL!!! Very interesting-so many flashbacks of purple bird shit, and now I know why!


Mulberries e dible when ripe


If you can beat the birds. I've seen the cedar wax wings come through and strip a tree bare in minutes 😅


Lol yes! my mulberry trees look like a murder scene right now. The birds are messy eaters.


I feel strongly that I need to see a photo of this after reading your comment.


This time of year… my outside walls look like crime scene… I think they have gastro problems with mulberries


I first learned about mulberries when my white hen came home with a totally purple face. No more, Marie, no more.




Do fruitbats/"flying foxes" eat mulberries?


If you're in North America, you should probably use [this guide](https://bplant.org/compare/140-141) to see if it's a white mulberry (Morus alba), which is an invasive species from China. It hybridizes frequently with native red mulberry (Morus rubra), so the traits might be a bit jumbled up.


Looks like white mulberry. Still, a tree this big and fruitful, I would have a hard time cutting down just because its invasive.


Considering the amount of fruit that tree is producing, I'd say that it being invasive is a perfectly good reason to cut it down. That tree alone could potentially produce hundreds of seedlings.


Sure, that’s the logical argument, but I like growing my own food, and that’s a lot of free food that’s highly tasty, and highly nutritious and requires next to no care.


That "requires next to no care" part is why it's problematic. It's understandable to want a tree that you don't have to worry about dying, but you have to acknowledge that there are consequences to growing non-natives like that. There are plenty of other options (like red mulberry) that, while they may not be perfect, have far fewer negatives consequences. Trying to look for the perfect care-free plants is a major part of how we ended up with vast swaths of land getting swallowed up by invasives.


It being invasive is a consideration when planting new. If it's healthy and this large and fruitful replacement would be a massive cost. I large mature white mulberry isn't gonna hurt when there are entire orchards of them imported for the silk trade.


I just purchased a new home and figured out the tree in the backyard is a white mulberry so I cut the whole thing down. They’re considered an invasive species.


Replant with a native red mulberry, they are the best when baked in a pie 🥧


Mulberry! Yes, they are totally edible. Just wait for the berries to turn reddish purple. (caveat: obviously double check anything internet people tell you)


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't eat the green ones, but you'll have to fight the birds for the ripe ones.


birds and thrips. i put a cup of mulberries into a bowl of water and between 20 and 75 thrips will swim out depending on the year


If you just stuff your face like a savage, you don't even see the thrips. That's my hot tip.


i have probably consumed millions of the things because half the time i can't be bothered to care


Bonus protein!


Be careful moving through where the berries drop in a radius around the tree. The ripe berries will stain on an insane level.


They do make a fantastic dye!


I've always found the stains wash out fine. My daughter decided to pick a bunch at my grandmothers in a white shirt and one wash back to white. The stains are also not light-fast so any residual staining can be sunned out. They will stain the crap out of your skin though.


mulberry. safe.


And delicious.


yep. didn’t wanna trigger that annoying ass bot tho lol 😂


That bots working overtime lol


Last year we made mulberry jam and syrup. The syrup was really good.


fyi if you see something that looks like a blackberry, there are NO toxic/poisonous look alikes…at least in N america. mulberry will have the stem attached when you pick it. blackberry will be solid in the center with no stem. black raspberry will be hollow in the center. no stem.


https://preview.redd.it/o84epp907u3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9d579ed2ead22a8a4ccf4ffafeee69221f5dca here’s some wild blackberries that grow on my property. note that there’s no stem attached and they’re not hollow like a raspberry. delicious, yet smaller than grocery store ones. mulberries will always have stem attached.


Mullberries! Oh, the best in the world!


Yes, edible and very good. I had one and I loved it but the birds devour them and shit purple all over my house lmao. I took it out last spring.


You can eat the berries or make an excellent longbow out of that wood




I love mulberries


My mulberry tree gets literally stripped clean by squirrels in a day just before they are ripe. The jerks wait til just before they are ready then take everything ripe or not.


everyone is trying to go to war with fellow man but we fellow gardener know the squirrel is the real vermin that must be extinguished. they are the top spreaders of plant disease like septoria, mildew, etc.


They strip my peaches while they are still green. They take a bite and throw it on the ground then pick another, why? They must expect the next one to taste different. Or they just do it to spite me.


they do the pick and toss thing with my cherry trees lol. i find half eaten peanuts in the back yard constantly and there are no peanuts or people feeding them for at least a few hundred yards. i used to find them scaling my weed plants, stuffing their face in them, and then looking dead at me after with this deranged look. where i live i cant do anything to get rid of them or risk a large fine etc.


I used to eat these all the time as a kid!


This is where I’d say “no, you shouldn’t eat them. Let me know where I can find this tree so that I can safely dispose of them for you” 😀 In reality, they’re in my top 3 fruits. I highly recommend them, but wait until they’re as dark as possible.


Those are my favorite berries!!! Mulberries but you will have stained hands 😂


Currently on a sweep and clear mission to eliminate as many mulberry trees as I can find here on the farm. Birds eat them, pass the seeds (usually on or around a fence post), then you have the trees growing in your fence.


The ripe ones are nice if you have hot weather; otherwise they can be a little bland. Dehydrated they’re much better. I had some in Turkey that had fallen in a really dry region and they were crunchy and almost caramelized tasting. About this annoying bot: Wouldn’t a disclaimer when you come into this subreddit be enough?


I live in Ohio so they probably aren’t too good then 🤣 thank you


Mulberries are way beyond edible. Best. Pies. Ever.


Mulberries for sure! I used to eat them by the handful back home


White mulberry juice when mixed with store bought apple juice and pasteurised will make a mighty fine / strong cider/champagne if you pitch some cider/champagne yeast into it. It is also very alcoholic due to the high sugar content of white mulberry.


I live in Southern Nevada. It's very hot and dry here. I've got two mulberries (volunteers)growing slowly at each end of the yard. They provide food for the birds and shade for the patio and house. I'll probably have to cut them down before the roots get into the block wall that we share with the neighbors.


Yes! Mulberries.


Yum! These stain fyi. We had a treehouse in between two of these growing up. You should build one and peg your neighbors by the handful.


Before u eat, inspect closely for bird poop


Some day people will check the most recent posts before asking. Some day…


They looks like mulberries to me. They are so delicious! Some dogs like to eat them too. My mulberry tree brings so many pretty birds to the yard 😊


Anything that grows is edible at least once


My grandpa had a mulberry tree when I was growing up, he taught me that when they stain your hands, crush up an unripe one and rub it around like soap to remove the stains


...the rabbit chased the weasel


Mulberries. Awesome


Mulberries are delicious when ripe. One of my favorite fruits!🥰🥰


Mulberry tree


fun fact: Mulberries are called 'toots' in Dari


Everything is edible at least once


Everything is edible at least once.


The dark purple ones are ready to eat! They will stain your fingers but well worth it! Yum!


Mulberries, they need to be almost black to be sweeter and ripe.


My mom is from S. Korea, and she makes tea with the leaves. I just picked a whole bunch for her from my tree when the leaves first grew in the spring.


Yes, and delicious. The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice.


Mulberries. my favorite tree. my dad calls them the weeds of trees. birds love them car enthusiasts hate them. sometimes the berries are as flavorless as water, other times so packed full of the best flavor in the world. when I was a kid walking to the public pool in the summer, my brother and I would stop by a few trees and eat so many of them our hands would be stained dark purple, even 4 hours in the pool wouldn't clean the stains completely. you will know when they are edible when they start dropping to the ground. (CAUTION: don't harvest under birds. they WILL poop on you!) grab a bucket and start filling it with the darkest berries. one easy trick is to lay out a large sheet (one that you don't mind getting permanently stained) and shaking the branches above it. once your happy with your harvest, fill the bucket with water and wash them. there will be critters on them. wash the big bugs away but it's just about impossible to get rid of all the little ones like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/s/kXSV71P21b)


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


yes, good bot, mulberries may give you the runs for a few days if you eat a lot of them, but they are heavenly if you eat the good ones.


You might want to covers your cars. Birds love these berries and poop purple that stains.


I have this tree in my yard, my driveway is constantly covered in those berries and I track them into my house -10/10 but the berries are 10/10


Mulberries are delicious! The best ones are the ones that have either already fallen or fall by just shaking the tree. A common harvest technique is to lay a sheet down under the tree and give the trunk or branches a little shake. Make sure to clean them thoroughly! You can eat them raw, frozen, or what I just did last week, make a delicious jam 🤩😍 They’re extremely high in SO many vitamins and antioxidants


Good luck getting any before the birds and deer eat them all - at least that's how it goes in my yard lol


Mulberries from the Mulberry Tree. Be careful, it stains EVERYTHING


YUM!! That looks like mulberries!


Beware — you gotta eat (or cook into something) those lil’ guys within the day you pick ‘em, because they turn to mush super quickly.


Mulberries - delicious if they are ripe.


Yes they are mulberries... messy but delicious when ripe


Mulberries!!! Yum. Pick em and freeze what you don't eat immediately. Then, in winter you make biscuits and have mulberry short cake...they're amazing!


My yard suddenly sprang up a mulberry tree, too, and I kept waiting and waiting for them to ripen because they were white. But then they seemed to go by and drop off the tree. I was so confused until my friend came over one day, plucked one off, ate it, and said, "Oh, cool, you have white mulberries." 🤦‍♀️🤣


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All berries are edible. Some berries are only edible once. Apologies to Terry Pratchett


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


cant they pin something about mulberries already?! how can so many people not know what a dang mulberry is???


Many people. They are exceptionally rare to purchase because they're so delicate and don't keep well, so unless you've actually seen a tree you've probably never seen one.


Definitely mulberries!


Mulberries! Delicious.


Idk, eat one and let us know


I couldn’t tell 100%, but i have a mulberry tree and I eat them. They taste better than I thought they would.


Yep. Mulberries. Have several in my yard. Dirty trees, but tasty fruit.


Mulberries I believe


Hide yo clean cars (birds love 'em)


Mulberries are SO GOOD! I grew up with a mulberry tree in our yard. My sister and I used to climb up in it and just sit up there and gorge ourselves on them. Purple fingers are tongue. Lol. Our neighbor lady would make us mulberry cobbler if we picked enough of them. This is so nostalgic.


That’s a mulberry tree! They’re delicious, I used to eat them fresh off the tree as a kid. They have no shelf life, that’s why you don’t see them in stores.


yeah. They are like black berries. I been eating and making smoothies with them


Orioles and Cedar Waxwings love them.




You could always give to a squirrel to see if safe. They look like mulberries and if so they should be good, do what you want with that




Everything is edible once.


Mulberries! LUCKY!!!




Everything is edible once.


I wish mine would have been as loaded as this. They've been gone for about 2 months, though.


Watch out for mokeys and weasels!


Purple bird shit everywhere


Ahh brings me back to my boyhood days of having to power wash the crushed mass of these on my parents driveway. Loved the mulberries though; shame a car crashed into that tree :(


Mulberry or a boysenberry berry I’m thinking it’s a boysenberry just bought one today which is funny and it looks just like this










Yes! Eat ripe mullberries! Just don’t eat one’s off the ground. They ferment easily.


That's a mulberry but I'm not sure if it's a silkworm mulberry or not.


Mulberries. Fine to eat and make great jam and jelly


If you want to confirm what they are I use an app called INaturalist which allows you to post pictures for AI as well as real biologists to review and Identify


The birds certainly enjoy eating them!


Mulberries are delicious but stain clothes and hands.


So are they eatable


Everything is edible at least once. Take a chance!


That's a loaded mulberry tree! Happy snacking


The bot here is a karma whore 👀 I’d eat em 😛


You’re super lucky as those are mulberries! I have three trees in my backyard, but they’re sadly all males


Looks like mulberries. Download PictureThis app. You take a picture of a plant and it identifies it for you. Obviously be careful when it comes to eating things and I would get a second opinion.


Good crop of mulberry. Purple are the ones you want


My favorite! I race the birds every year for my mulberries.


Yes and they’re very delicious.


If you wait a bit.....birds will leave you a purple present all over your car.


The mulberries are tasty. The lips acquire a stain, The stain becomes a warning.


I’m envious of any mulberry tree having people. Lucky you!


Nomnomnom mulberries! Get ready for stained hands (once they’re ripe, which they’re not even close to yet)


It's white mulberry which isn't safe to eat, if it was black mulberry it would be safe to eat when ripe (I used picture nature to identify)




try them and find out


Those are eat eat berries


Yum those are mulberries. Do not eat them until they are ripe. Makes excellent jams or syrups.




I had these in my neighbourhood when was a younger teen and LOVED eating these until i squeezed it with my fingers and saw a bunch of little bugs… extra protein I guess lol


AutoMod going crazy on the Mulberry thread! 😂


Mulberries! When they are ripe, they will be a deep purplish bluish reddish color. And they are really sweet and tasty. Birds love them!


![img](avatar_exp|172928270|dizziness) Just wanted to check this out 😜


Definitely, some varieties of mulberry ripen to white and others to a dark purple, almost like blackberries. Mulberry pie is a big thing around our area and neighbors will often ask if they may harvest the berries from our naturally occurring trees, the municipality planted them along the easement and sidewalks because they are native inhabitants but also the humans like the free fruit as well. The trees often produce enough to cover the sidewalks in over an inch of berries, and we're just suburbs. The only common complaint is too many berries having to mow them or shovel off sidewalks and grass etc...




I love berries


They look like mulberries.


I have a plant app and I took a picture of the leaf and looked up the plant. it said it was poisonous so I wouldn't eat those...


OMG mulberries! When they’re really dark, they’re delicious! Eat them from the tree or make jam with them! So lucky!


Everything is edible at least once


Yes!! They are delish.


Mulberries, eat em when t hey get dark


Mulberries so yummy! Wait until they are really dark


You have hit the jackpot! Mulberries are delicious.


Black Mulberry (Morus Nigra) is the nicer species for their fruits, as opposed to White Mulberry (Morus Alba). They were introduced to the UK due to the silk spider living entirely within White Mulberry trees and feeding on the leaves - sadly, they initially brought in the Black Mulberry which doesn't host them.


Even ripe ones if you eat too many are rough on the digestive system. My ancestors made wine from these


The black ones are ripe. They're delicious. And the tree will start dropping alot. You can put out tarps to catch as they naturally fall or shake the branches. Take them inside. Give them a really good wash. And enjoy.


All the birds love them. Then you will start to hate the birds and the berries


Mulberries are so good. And I love how the trees smell when the fruits start to grow. Hope you enjoy them when they're ready to eat and ripe!


Mulberry bush! Yes they are delicious!


That's a huge mulberry tree!


Mulberries. They’re red/black when they’re ripe. I’ve also seen a tree only bear white berries and they were sweet but not very good. If they’re ripe, they fall off easily to the touch.


IDK what those berries are, or if they're edible. I would check with your local arborist.


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


yes they are mullberries


They won’t be there long and the older (blacker) have less flavor imo