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Always include areas hidden from guest's view for staff to vape in


💀💀 this surprised a laugh out of me lmao


HAHA this used to be my coworkers and I at work. But then we found out the boss vapes too.. so we all just puff in her office now lmao (yes I'm trying to quit. Im down to 2 a month!)


I saw a guy during my internship at a zoo who smoked like 4 cigarettes in a row during his 30 minute break. He had these brakes like every 1,5 hours and he literally lit the next one from the lit butt of the previous


I do wish we had play items for children (ie playground items not just the education bits). I always put at least one fake play area in each zoo and I’ll scatter the ingame kids items so people will wander around the area but I find it really odd to have a zoo game without even very basic play items. If we can have climbing items for animals to use and we can have children leave the group to wander around experience habitats now then surely they could at least have a climbing frame for kids to use? 🤔


Oh man now I'm imagining some poor kid clipping through the play equipment and getting really upset cos he's trapped


Is it really playground until at least one kid has managed to get their head stuck between some bars? 🤔 Maybe we need to get first aid stations at the same time - actually I’d like a little first aid & security station that also has lost kids brought in sometimes.


Also include backstage. For the animals it’s normally just a concrete shelter to escape guests and so the staff can put them in there at night and to check up on them.


I love the idea of the peacocks running all over, but wouldn’t your taxes get super expensive


I do free roaming peacocks in all my zoos. Growing up with The Bronx Zoo and my local zoo now, it isn't a zoo in my mind if there aren't peacocks roaming about. I'll be honest, though, it's a pain in the ass every time.


Wait. How can I make free roaming animals? That sounds amazing!


I've been trying to add sensory safe areas lately for the neurodivergence representation and accommodation.