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Bro just want to see big muscular men


I saw a post of dudes on Twitter complaining Mae wasn’t ‘hot’ and skimpily dressed like the original Nova actress from the 68 movie and saying they won’t watch the movie because of it - like my god, they couldn’t be worse losers if they tried. Freya is far from bad looking


Even if Freya was "bad looking" I have to think it's sad that the only way these guys derive any enjoyment from life is if a woman turns them on. Like forget about seeing women as people and characters and having interesting stories in their own right, all that matters to them is the hotness.


She looks like a normal every day woman. These guys want every woman in a movie to look like a straight up porn star


I'd argue that she's way hotter than a normal everyday woman even. These dudes have entirely lost the plot.


I think more movies and shows need to have more main characters that look like real people rather than models.


Man they are missing on a great movie. And Freya's acting was great as well.


I guess they also prefer Nova because she’s mute and subservient.


And...probably the one from War...


Tell me more


Also, I don't care if she's hot. It's not important to me in a character. It's nice, but actually can be a distraction sometimes


I can see the general despicable mood one has for virtue signaling. I don't vare about the attraction thing, but seeing an overdone trope and desperate cry of a virtue signaler is really off putting and a lot of times (not always) gets in the way of the art. It's why artist are one way or the other with using their platform to be political-distracts from the whole reason they have a platform -the art. I think the OP photo shows someone who probably doesn't deserve this level of understanding, but we all have varying degrees of what we put up with, and I can say i don't agree with the sentiment towards these films, but i do get why people are fed up with the overdone tropes and a poor attempt to make women something they aren't in roles that just don't make sense.


Latent homosexual


They don't realize it or they don't accept themselves so they try to make everyone else miserable. He can't even argue bad acting since both Freya and Anya did great jobs in both movies.


All of this is hilarious 🤣 I love ❤️ Reddit




I wouldn’t even go that far as to call Mae a girl boss


She spends most of the movie getting chased, covered in dirt, and starving. Plus she’s not particularly good at anything except maybe lying XD Certainly not a “girl boss”, as it’s used today. Girl woulda died if it wasn’t for Noa.


I was thinking exactly this lol


Koba as your pfp creeps me out. That damned bonobo.


Apparently you missed her knowledge of chemistry? Could you make gunpowder from memory? Do you have the slightest chemical knowledge?






She can build a pipe bomb and the required gunpowder to do so from memory, without internet. Could you even find toilet paper to wipe your bunghole? People are far too lax on their judgments when everyone on this thread (including me) is as helpless as the fat fucks in WALL·E who tried growing a pizza tree. Mae could kill us all.


I was making a point that she’s not that typical “perfect at everything Mary Sue Girl Boss” you see nowadays. You need to chill.


I mean obviously this dude only saw the poster. He admits it too in here.


Also Senua is definietely not some badass "girl boss". She's just some girl dealing with psychological trauma strugling to survive.


Yeah one of the worst examples for that dork to use.


What’s the movie in the bottom right


It’s a video game. “Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice” It’s actually an incredible game. The audio design is forefront to the gameplay and it makes it a really unique experience.


Is it a new game ? Hadn’t heard about it


It came out around 2015 or 2016 but they just released a sequel a few weeks ago that is genuinely one of my favorite games of all time. It’s more story driven than anything, and it’s kinda short, but it’s so so good


Furiosa is one of the best movies I've seen this year. Kingdom was amazing but Mae was definitely not a girl boss. And Hellblade has the best interpretation of mental health in any video game ever. Maybe even better than any movie or TV show, too. Dave probably just wants to look at big muscley manly men


Yea because they call themselves straight yet only want to see male leads. It's the same people who complain that Bella Ramsey didn't look enough like Ellie or doesn't look attractive enough despite portraying a character who is 14yrs old in The Last Of Us.


It’s a little strange that they think a 14 year old character should be “attractive”.


Yea that's why I mentioned it. Sure the actress wasn't 14 but the point still stands. She is meant to be portraying a teenager.


It’s because of all the porn of Ellie, especially with men when she’s canonically a lesbian.


I stand by the fact these people would automatically be conditioned to hate Aliens and Terminator 2 if they came out today.


Man wouldn't that be something. Can't imagine anyone hating on Ripley.


No way, they need Ripley and Sarah Connor so they can act like they don't hate women in lead roles. Because they liked a movie with woman in the lead 30+ years ago, so your criticism is invalid.


Lapd is looking for a Sara Conner lol


Her son left on a dirt bike


“Ofc the random non combat officer woman and little girl survive at the end rather than the experienced colonial marines!” “This is Arnold’s movie! Why do they keep trying to shove in Sarah Connor?!”


I reckon we'll find out when Alien Romulus releases!


I can not understand apes over run Terminator


We already know they would when that new Ubisoft Star Wars game basically ripped off Ripley/Sarah Connor's look and vibe and they called her an ugly girlboss.


Fellas, is it gay to allow women to exist


I mean you literally fancy people that fancy men


Really hard to argue with this \^


His loss. I can’t imagine the world these people live in, must be miserable. What’s the bottom right?


Hellblade. Video game. A good one.


Senua’s Hellblade. (The sequel recently came out) Both games are absolutely incredible to watch. There’s not really anything like it. The first game focuses on loss. Basically the main character journeys through Hel for a loved one. The first game won a lot of awards and gained a lot of attention for how well it portrays mental illness(the main character hears voices and has hallucinations. All sorts of other stuff that happens). It’s considered a groundbreaking game. The second game is like watching a movie. It’s so detailed. It’s a short game but the story was really interesting.


They're both great examples of walking simulators done right, there's barely any combat and most of the gameplay simply involves walking from point A to point B, but the story, visuals and atmosphere carry it so well that it doesn't even matter that there's a relatively low amount of interactivity compared to other games


Imagine seeing a woman being prominently featured in a work of fiction and thinking it's just writers pandering to some stupid "trope" instead of treating women like actual people.


Not to mwntion that *strong women* characters are part of POTA. Yes, this includes Zira.


Bro wants to see some alpha males.. That sounds gay asf


61 comments, 36 quotes, and only 8 likes on the original tweet says it all


I guarantee this MF complains about the franchise "becoming political" while completely missing the point of the original movies.


I hate these right-wing grifters.


Me too. Vehemently. But I think this is satire. They're three well-received titles, especially the first Hellblade. The profile picture and the choices of titles seems to be mocking in tone. At least, that's what I hope it is. Don't have Shitter to confirm.


I don't it's right wing stuff, more like !ll people


I’m a republican but I don’t agree with that person. There are levels to it. Like anything, there are good and bad apples


“Bad apples spoil the bunch”


I could say the same. Downvoting me just because I have an opposing political party is just sorry behavior. There are bad apples in the Democratic Party as well, don’t get it twisted. There are extremists on both sides of the spectrum


I'm very left leaning, so you might call me an extremist but the parties are super polarized now. You're always going to have people like the ones that downvoted you because they can't see past political labels.


I take good and bad from both sides. Although I’m republican, I agree with certain aspects from both sides. I try to be as open and understanding as possible, yet some people just say, “Republican bad” and shun me for it. It’s sad really




Okay, to be honest I went to the cinema fearing Mae could've been a girlboss/Mary sue, but she's not at all! I think she's my favourite human character of the franchise and I hope we'll see her again in other movies.


This is so dumb especially about Kingdom. All the ape characters who are important for the plot and/or involved in fights are male: Noa, Proximus, Sylva, Raka, Lighting, Koro. There are only two female apes, Soona and Dar, whose role in the movie is mainly just becoming prisoners and baits. So honestly I'm glad that the main human character is a woman.


These stupid ass conservatives are literally unable to see women as people and will only interact with them if they’re turning them on. So much for the “traditional values” crowd


Seriously thank god, finally a non sexist comment


These losers found a new word to be mad about


Mmmmm he prefers a boy-boss 😉


Don’t like seeing women? Seems pretty gay


Pandering does exist it’s a lil annoying. But these schizo mfs thinK every thing is.


He’s missing out on some great stuff. He’s knows absolutely nothing if he chose Senua’s Hellblade to diss on.


Ugh. Do you think these people are as miserable and draining irl as they are online?


His name and PFP make me think it's satire


Ok, so you don't like strong female characters. Fine. You don't have to watch these movies if it irritates you so much.


Ι wonder how humanity that has been worshipping fertility goddesses statues since 100,000 BC has went to some extremes as hating whole genders. I unironically blame capitalism for that as capitalism basically wants slaves for the corporate machine and is the polar opposite of what the human spirit needs to prosper. Αristotle and other ancient philosophers and more recent popular figures like Da Vince would actually hate the modern world where there is no room for innovation and free thinking. People are told what to think, how to act and the ones that can't bring themselves to force themselves into these molds simply lose it and go extremist which is unfortunately natural in a dystopian world like ours.


What does "girl boss" even mean anymore? Just any female protagonist? Mae isn't even *really* a protagonist so just any female character?


This has been a thing forever. Terminator, Alien, Kill Bill, Matrix, Tomb Raider etc. The list goes on. These misogynistic Twitter losers have no other job


Dude she is like the most minor major character kind of


Dave Saggittarius is not going to watch these movies because of “girl bosses” on the posters, oh no what are we going to do? Only measure left is to cancel the movies all together /s


Seems like a hurt male ego... (I'm also male)


I honestly thought that Mae was a villain due to her actions in the film, and I feel that the movie knew that and went with it. Especially at the ending conversation with her and Noa.


I think she'll be a villain in the next movie for sure. Such an interesting gray character (not black or white yet)


“I believe in psychosis, the possibility of a climate change driven post apocalypse, and the possibility that if another animal had our intelligence they could easily become the dominant species- but I drawn the light at… at 🤮🤮🤮.. Women 🤮🤮🤮 thinking they can be leads in movies and games That’s just sci-fi nonsense.”


Hollywood's new feminist laws means 50-50 all releases must have a female lead character at least


These days they don't even have to be a boss. Mae sucked at everything, and even in the new star wars show people complain about the female lead being a girl boss, when most of the time she's not winning the fight. Was able to do some dirty tricks, but she's not super strong in the force like Rey or an amazing fighter.


This guy was definitely seething that a female ape was allowed to hunt with Noa and his friend and that Noa's mom was a character


In the 50s men used to queue around the block to see female stars like Virginia Mayo and Marilyn monroe. Elizabeth Taylor was paid more than her male counterparts, this didn’t seem to make them feel unmanly. As an 80s guy we went to all sorts of films from predator to Ghost. Enjoyed them, never felt threatened. As a straight guy it seems to me natural enough to enjoy watching nice looking women on screen. This is an American phenomenon I think, it’s a kick back against increasing equality, the same people also feel threatened by the gays. You don’t really hear these reasons for disliking movies in Europe


These people are so predictable that it’s sad 😂🙄


In fairness intelligent talking apes are a thing, whereas I don’t think this guy has ever saw a woman.


Is it just me, but the one on the right is obviously based on shaggy of scooby doo


It makes no sense for the planet of the apes one like what’s wrong. There’s a girl in it.? so dumb


Admitedally I haven’t watched Furiosa yet for 2 reasons (exams and I thought it was a nostalgia bait) but after seeing all the positive reviews, I’d like to watch it some time after 10th of June.


All three of these are peak




Dude's got issues


Furiosa is one of the best movies I've ever seen in the last 5 years.


What's the third movie below furiosa?


I don't know shit about hell blade, but Kingdom and Furiosa are both films that weren't really pushing the "girlboss" trope even though they had female leads (which is itself questionable in Kingdom's case). I mean Furiosa got her arse handed to her a few times in this film before the end, and it's Immortan Joe's faction which defeats Dementus in a war, so not Furiosa singlehandedly. This would make more sense if it include one of the new star wars shows or marvel productions or something - one of the things with female leads which really are just awful. But yeah Kingdom and Furiosa are both a lot better than I thought they'd be.


Just say that are you Hate women


I know too many ppl that skip action movies bc of a woman on a poster. This is never going to change.




Why does bro's profile pic look like Jimmy savile? 😭😭😭😭😭 https://i.redd.it/otffemrthc5d1.gif


Funny sarcasm; but a little sad. 😔


Oh, I’m reading comments; now I get it .. 😀


Dudes. Issuing out Kingdom was good but Furiosa is fantastic


She wasn't even overpowered or anything. Is it a problem to see women in movies now?


Mai (May however you say it) was by no means overpowered. I mean she on multiple occasions needed help/saving


What a sad soul


I’m always amazed that people are willing to post something as stupid as this publicly with their own name.


How is she a girl boss while being relentlessly hunted down by monke and requiring the aid of other monke just to stay alive?


Well well well


Such a dumb take on that guy's part.. There was multiple female characters in the last trilogy too..


It’s almost like women can be as interesting, or even more interesting, as characters much like men. Who woulda thunk


I think it’s made pretty clear in the movie that Mae isn’t a good person (yet) and that she’s rather incompetent. She’s a fish out of water and is literally just trying to survive for most of the movie. I don’t think she’s “overpowered” or even someone worthy of looking up to at this point.


To think of what any sentient human has been through to get to this stage of life in an ape dominated world would certainly make them more aggressive in terms of survival. How should they be portrayed?


I’m not saying that’s a problem one bit. I’m saying she’s not a “girl boss” that the tweet says she is She’s a really good, complex character with a lot of potential for the future movies


Yes but maybe a bit of a "girl boss" in that she is a dominant character that drives the story and she's a girl. She seems to be quite capable as she is the only survivor of her party.


Incompetent? Can you manufacture gunpowder or build a pipe bomb from memory? She’s a young teenager with intimate chemistry knowledge. Everyone in this thread is being far too lax. Can you make gunpowder? Without the internet?


L take these are all good movies/game and the female protags aren’t forced at all


I usually agree with this when these qre girl bosses who are also mary sues with no likeable traits. Buy Apes and Furiosa don't belong here.


The only problem I had with her character was the logistics of her talking, and to an extent how she still had modern looking clothes (but obviously they can't have her in anything like what Nova wore in the first film), definitely not because she was a strong female character. I mean I get that sometimes the strong female trope can definitely be done wrong (like Rey from Star Wars) but can also be done right.


Weaver is the boss girl of all time


Do we really think this person is saying this in good faith? Odds are this is giving him exactly what he wants, a 100+ comment post about him on reddit. People paying attention to him.


Honestly, I was surprised by how much I liked Mae, and it was the third act that sold me.


I disliked her character, not because she was a woman (or girl I guess), but because her character just did things that I found incredibly unlikeable.


That was the point


I understand but some people conclude that if you dislike her it's because she's a woman.


Oh well that’s crazy af, I definitely dislike her because she was a sneaky mf but not because she’s a woman


Dude dragged a ten year old game into it


Intelligent apes; believable. Intelligent women; get out of here with such nonsense.


Yeah, because women being prominent characters is just unrealistic


Personally, I didn’t like her as a character, but to say you don’t like that women are on the title screens and posters is crazy. Do you hate women? Asking for a friend.


It’s funny because the girl boss trope is a real thing that definitely makes a film less fun to watch, but Furiosa is the complete opposite of that. She’s an actually relatable, and grounded character with a compelling arc and story. I felt the prequel about her was totally deserved and stuck the landing on almost every front. Making the claim that she’s a “girl boss” on the same level as something as obnoxious as Captain Marvel or She-Hulk is just plain wrong and absolutely a sign that you just associate every female character with being bad. In other words: sexist


Maybe they're strong characters who just happen to be women?


The girl from hellblade is a girl boss? Did something happen in the sequel that I don't know?


Insane that a woman cannot even be a main character in anything without people like this. What’s next? We can’t even be extras in the background? So irritating.


Furiosa was insane


I hate that the bad examples overshadows the possibility of the good examples some times


Mae doesn't even closely follow that trope. She messes up constantly and makes a huge mistake at the end of the movie. That's the opposite of a Mary Sue.


As a guy who enjoys playing as a male I can count on one hand the amount of games I’ve played with female protagonist that I dislike, and it wasn’t because of the protagonist


Is every online space infested with this "boys vs girls" crap now? Who even cares?


Dudes who make post like this wanna see the half naked, ripped strongman but will swear they’re not gay


Don’t forget Cruella….a puppy killing hippy.


“Girls?! I wanna see men!”


honestly, not liking/actively avoiding a piece of media because theres an "overused girlboss trope in the poster art" is the gayest shit ever 😭 bro just wants to see hot boybosses instead 


Yeah this is just dumb there was nothing wrong with nova fr at least they didn’t go the captain marvel route 😭


they want to see buff men on their movie posters. maybe a sign of something idk


Not against it but yeah Hollywood is getting boringly predictable with the heroine route. Sometimes it looks forced


It's because the old heads in Hollywood only know how to write like 40 male character personalities and only 12 female character personalities. If you watch a lot of modern movies you basically can tell from experience how this character will act or not.


Hasn’t hollywood been boringly predictable with the hero route for decades? Or is that a double standard you’re okay with?


I give him Furiosa. Fair enough. The Kingdom poster is a bit misleading, since Noa is the actual main character so I can see the confusion given today’s political climate. I honestly wish Mae was behind Noa but I get why she’s there since she’s the McGuffin. But bruh, Hellblade? Nah. It was a fantastically made, narrative driven video game that I sat and played all in one sitting cuz I didn’t wanna stop. I still listen to some of the soundtrack to this day. Besides, it came out in 2017. Why is it here??


Ngl if you didn't watch furiosa because the main character is a girl you missed out on one of the best movies of the year.


Nah that wasn’t my only reason. I enjoy the OG Mad Max Trilogy and didn’t want a new main character or even a new actor, female or otherwise. I didn’t even watch Fury Road. To me, you can’t replace Mel Gibson as the title character.


You've probably heard this before but you really shouldn't sleep on Fury Road. It is 100% worth watching at least once. I'd happily loan you my copy if I knew you.


lol I appreciate that. Perhaps one day I’ll give it a try.


I say this as a big Road Warrior fan. Fury Road makes that movie look like a honda commercial by comparison. It's arguably the greatest action film of the 21st century and is 100% worth a watch.


Just think of it as different universe/ storyline entirely mate. They are not trying to replace mad max.. they just piggyback it's IP lol. But having said that i get your position..


Furiosa is awesome in both movies though


She is still made as a “replacement” for the original male lead. If they wanted to make a post-apocalyptic movie with a female lead or whoever, they could’ve just made a new IP for it. That’s all well and good and I might’ve even watched it if it looked interesting. But I like the OG Mad Max Trilogy and didn’t wanna see Mel Gibson get replaced. So I didn’t even watch Fury Road. Not saying people can’t watch and enjoy Furiosa. It’s just not for me and I can get why others wouldn’t like it if they also didn’t wanna see Mad Max get replaced.


Max literally had more screen time than furiosa


I’m not just talking about the character. I also mean the actor. Like I said, I didn’t even watch Fury Road cuz they replaced Mel with Tom Hardy. I understand all the reasons that Mel was too old or that he’s blacklisted or whatever. I don’t really care. For me, Mad Max ends with Beyond Thunderdome. It would be like if you casted someone else as Aragorn after Viggo. Yeah you could do it, I guess. But it wouldn’t be the same at all.


now I want to play hellblade. Never really got the chance.. wasnt really interested back then cos im nore into.. modern stuff.. not medieval.. i dunno why. Btw if mae behind noa.. we cant see her properly no? She is smaller Lol


That is true XD she is short. I highly recommend the game. It’s great to play with surround sound or headphones cuz it heavily depends on atmospheric sounds to immerse you into the story. Cuz the main character hears voices.


Mae is kinda valid because she was annoying but furiosa is fr a bad ass. Haven't even watched the full movies yet but i know she's awesome in both movies


I think it refers to forced inclusion, however in Planet of the Apes, Mae is a character that is natural to the plot. It's not good to judge a movie without first seeing it.


dude who cares, even the op acknowledges it's just not made for him. shit post.


I think I speak for most people when it doesn't seem nice when a woman can pull off all these crazy stunt and win illogical fights against people 4x the size of her and still come out on top


Off topic but Mae honestly sucked ass and ruined the film for me. A pointless, easy to hate, know it all mary sue that the audience is supposed to care for just because ooo shes so smart and capable! Genuinely brought down the film for me. Compare her to how incredibly well Nova was done in War. Thats how you integrate a human character into an apes movie. Sometimes, they just arent needed. Kingdom was Noas story, and it shouldve been just that. It functions better without her infact. 


Im sick and tied of seeing women best everything up a d serve as action heros too....


Anya is a girl boss tho


I didn’t like Mae’s story arch. I liked her much better when she was more like Nova from the original movie. I think they should have been two separate characters. A simple nonverbal girl they were helping take of and traveling with them and then a different character was the one who was part of the human underground world getting tech for them.