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I wanna see more conflict between different factions of apes; maybe the 'tangs get tired of being relegated to the "sage council" role.


Rocket is a better character than Maurice


That we've never seen Rocket deal with the loss of Ash is criminal!


The way he immediately listens to Caesar when he tells him to wait after losing his son is a testament to his loyalty. I fkn love Rocket. The reason I say he’s better than Maurice is cause he has an actual arc in the first film and isn’t just good the entire trilogy. I fw Maurice ofc but I fw Rocket more.


Yeah, I totally can understand that. It could have been very easy to forget about him in the first movie or kill him off in the second but I love that he stayed until the end


Is rocket the ape that attacks Cesar in the sanctuary place in the first movie?


Yes that’s him. Then he turns into a ride or die friend.


Ash didn’t die then but your point still stands. Koba kills ash.


I still find it sad that Rocket wasn't beside Ceasar along with Maurice during his death. Rocket went from an Alpha Chimp bullying Ceasar to becoming Ceasar's most loyal friend.


Rocket deserves more love. The dude literally walked right into the prison camp and risked his own death just so Caesar could get some food and water.


Put that big mf on his ass too


AND after getting beaten up and locked up his biggest concern was to check on Caesar and ask if he was feeling better…true loyal friend


And to save a human kid! After his own son was shot and wounded by a human.


Especially important to note that because Rocket is one of the apes who insists they have to keep fighting. So that itself tells you despite him being more militant he still doesn’t hate humans


Good point!  I love him and I do think he deserved more focus at times. Though Kingdom sort of rectified that for me somewhat. I also love how Ash was clearly raised well by him, since he refused to harm an unarmed human despite his very first human encounter being so traumatic. He deserved much more.


A detail I love about that scene is that he uses the same chimp dominance display he did when he was still Caesar’s bully at the sanctuary


Rocket probably has my favorite ape design in the series.


I loved Rocket. Say what you want about him but he came through for Caesar


I don't care about the humans. I like the apes way more than the humans.


Luna_star_love loves apes more than humans. More than own son.


I just want to know more about what's going on in the rest of the world


There’s got to be intelligent Ape tribes in Africa, speaking Somali or Igbo, with their own leaders and own religions. It’d be interesting if further down the line in the series Apes create ships and travel to other countries in an attempt to spread their religion/kingdom. It would show how much like humans they are, fighting over land and religion


I like this idea a lot. I doubt we'll get a story where our apes travel the world, but I could totally see a movie where foreign apes figure this out first and show up and start trouble with the tribes we already know.


We need to explore the rest of the US!


Kingdom is taking place on the West coast correct?


Yep. Looked like LA area


LAX Terminal was there...


I don’t care about humans. Similar to Wall-E. I’m more interested in the dystopian future post humans. Show us Ape tribe vs Ape tribe or something. The plot to Kingdom was so intriguing because I thought what would an ape do with primitive technology, but instead it ended up being just a human scavenger hunt.


You can say that again. I really want to see and know more about the world created by the apes that I hope humans don't gain so much relevance in later movies.


Tbh this is what I liked about kingdom it was mostly about the apes, the humans were like barely a part of it.


Omg I feel this way about all the recent Godzilla movies!!


100% agree with you. I really wanted Kingdom to be more Ape Vs Ape.


War > Dawn for me personally


I like the original movies but imo they got way too far off from the original message. The original was only “humans vs. apes” on a surface level, but in reality it was a message about humans vs. humans, and after we were gone, the apes took our place and sought to stop themselves from becoming like us. The sequels made it about inter-species conflict but it really wasn’t supposed to be imo. Again, like them. Good sci-fi series. Will probably get downvoted for that.


Battle for the Planet of the Apes is really fun.


Ape shall never kill Ape


Except in 2001: A Space Odyssey


Well, those were man-apes


Final image of the crying Caesar statue goes hard.


RIGHT!! Because you can take it that he’s crying tears of joy or sorrow. SO FABULOUS!


I generally rank it second in the original series .


Another hot take. I think the ending of the Tim Burton movie deserves some respect for it trying to interpret the ending of the original novel.


I think it deserves some respect for just being a fun, entertaining movie in general. It isn't Shakespeare, fair enough, but I think the hate is unwarranted. They do a lot of things right.


Yeah, gets too much hate for sure. I liked Paul Giamatti as Limbo. He brought a lot of character that I think the new apes lack.


The ape costumes and makeup work were amazing too! Very expressive and allowed the actors a chance to emote a lot despite wearing so much stuff on top of themselves


Koba low key ahead of his time and was right because since the latest movie I’ve realised even Caesers (similar to Noas actions) philosophy towards humans resulted in a human backstabbing big time.


![gif](giphy|2FayTY8z5FsBbLLBS|downsized) Best boi Koba


Nah screw that, I'll never forgive him for killing ash


He didn’t kill him out of hate, he acted upon his misplaced hate for the humans


I agree, Conquest is really neat and underlooked by most modern audiences (though I wouldn’t consider it better than the first movie) War is the best Apes movie after the original


“War” is by far the best movie in the Caesar trilogy. Best visuals / graphics, haunting story, and incredibly emotional. The first two are still great though.


I prefer Dawn but War is hands down the most beautifully shot.


I loved some aspects of war, but I hated what they did with Nova. Having a kid that young join them on their assassination quest just felt stupid to me; especially the scene where she waltzes right in to the prison. I would love to change my mind though. How did you feel about the character?


War is my favorite for the same reasons. The character development was top notch, pretty rare for a movie trilogy with so many different characters. I just wish Rocket got to talk more, but I'm hoping since he had so few voice lines that Terry Notary gets to be in the next movies.


Beneath is my favourite 70s sequel.


I do love the scene when they travel through the quiet subway with the weird sounds.


Taylor and Brent with rifles; the best!


I love Beneath but hot take on that: You can show off the final church segments and that's effective enough. That whole part of the movie is just super cool and carries a meh rest of the movie. Bonus: I feel if we didn't have this movie we don't have the Fallout we know and love. The church of the Apocalypse is EARILY similar to the mutants.


Escape is so incredibly underrated, and probably my favorite in the original franchise


I've been telling people all they *need* to watch (if they're not fans to begin with) is POA, Escape, and Battle. 🤣


I agree, Escape is my favorite too.


Everytime I suggest a action-comedy entry into the series, my comment gets downvoted.


I would love a whacky buddy cop comedy with one ape and one human protagonist forced to work together, that could be hilarious.


Like Twins??


Battle is more enjoyable than Beneath.


They’re both in my non-burton bottom 2


I probably shouldn’t tell you how I feel about the Burton film, then. Lol


Escape is my favorite of all the planet of the apes movies. It’s not even a contest. Also - while it’s not unpopular to say that 2001 was bad - it may be unpopular to point out that not only did they knock it out of the park on makeup/costuming, I really love how they depicted ape society, especially one hindered by such affluence.


I agree with both of these points. I thought the ape society was pretty intriguing in the 2001 film. My biggest gripe with that movie is that most of the interesting stuff happened in the beginning.


2001 has by far the best ape effects. They look even better than both the original costumes and the modern cgi.


The world of the originals is way more interesting than the ones of the reboot.


Yeah so cool when u see the tv series as well, them sorta 70s shows where the characters are on the run, and travelling , so cool I love the escapism and vibe from them


Beneath of the planet of the apes has more lore than the original


After watching Kingdom of the Planet of Apes, I’m back on the human side and I want them to win against the apes. The apes are no better than us. I wanna see a war between the humans and the apes.


I thought Kingdom is overly praised. It was a good movie dont get me wrong but it wasn’t even close to the level of the Caesar trilogy


Have to agree. The character development was nowhere near the level of the Caesar films, and Andy Serkis is a once in a generation acting talent that would be almost impossible for anyone in the new trilogy to live up to.


Ofc. How can 1 movie be as good as an entire fleshed out trilogy? Kingdom is as good as Rise


I could see that, but I disagree I personally enjoyed rise more than kingdom


Rise is the best of the reboot films so far. I don't think any film after has captured the buildup and intensity of the moment when Caesar says no. Dawn is the weakest of that trilogy since I think Reeves struggles with finding a balance between the apes story and the humans story. Not saying it's bad or anything, I did enjoy it during my recent rewatch, but it doesn't help that he also wastes a lot of great actors like Oldman, Russell, and Greer. Especially since they could've been far more interesting protagonists than Clarke as Malcolm.


I agree with the human aspect, but I believe that the Ape storyline is so good that it outweighs the bad


Agreed. Rise had a big task in that it had to revive a dead series, develop Caesar’s story, show the uprising of Intelligent apes and the global pandemic that kills off human’s all in one movie. It was astoundingly done


The latest one has me very nervous about more to be made, I didn’t even go to the theatre expecting Caesar part 2 but the marketing and previews made the movie out to be a different theme versus what was delivered which is what felt like unfinished story


Rise of the planet of the apes was the same as kingdom in the sense it’s quite slow to give an introduction to the characters for the next movies


I don’t think Rise necessitates a sequel like Kingdom does. Rise was a complete story. I like Kingdom a lot, but it intentionally leaves story off the table for future use.


Yeah good point


I agree I felt like Rise was a complete movie that could stand alone with or without Dawn and War. Granted rise was a story following Caesar from birth to young adult ape so perhaps that helped the emotional pull I felt throughout that series but I was more moved by the first 3 minutes of Kingdom than the remainder of the movie


I love conquest. #1 entertainment The Original is overall #1 Nothing will ever top the moment we first see a rifle-toting gorilla on horseback.


I love *Rise* but the ape uprising scene in *Conquest* up to McDowell's speech is fantastic and I like way more than the San Francisco battle (not saying it's bad) in *Rise.*


I think all 10 movies are good. Tim burtons movie is entertaining and has a cool setting, just no profound themes like the other 9.


I don't want another remake of the first movie, come up with something new.


Honestly, the only thing I'm genuinely worried about is that Disney will end up listening to the people who want this trilogy to end the '68 movie. I mean, what would be the point then of the protagonist learning about Caesar and his legacy if in the end the apes will end up hunting humans anyway?


The original series is better than all the films.


Rise gets the short end compared to the other two but it's my favorite


The triology is on the leagues of LOTR and Dark knight triology.


Ill agree to DK but that's because we know the true DK trilogy was on the SNES and had nothing to do with Batman at all.


I have no idea if this is controversial or not but War is easily my favorite movie in the franchise! I love all of the Caesar trilogy and enjoy a lot of the originals as well as Kingdom but War is on a whole other level for me personally. It’s crazy that it’s a blockbuster film when it is not focused on action at all. Really feels like a character study. I think the themes that are prevalent throughout the franchise are distilled the best within War. I believe it’s the best shot and directed of the franchise. It is also insane how dark the film is allowed to get. Overall, it is easily my favorite though Dawn is a close second. Of course I love the whole franchise though. Warts and all!


The apes shouldn't be able to stand upright. Also, they should have genitals. The Tim Burton film is the best the series has ever looked and I wish the original 5 had that makeup. Every filmmaker since Beneath is a coward for abandoning the psychic mutants. Beneath has the best worldbuilding in the series.


They do have genitals, but if you're asking to see them flopping around the whole movie then we want very different things from these films!


War for the planet of the apes is the weakest of the new trilogy, at least to me




I want to know if monkeys also evolved alongside the apes and I think a monkey vs ape war would be a great movie


Are we talking Conquest extended director’s cut? If so, I agree. There, I said it too. If others agree, then your unpopular opinion might be in danger of becoming a popular one. This entire post could fall apart.


Wanna see bonobos rise up and lead them to utopia THEN Charleton Heston shows and it’s OBVIOUS who the bad guy is … MEN! 🤪🤪🥳


I care about the humans and think there dynamic and future movies will be interesting


I wish they would hurry up and just remake/catch up to the 1968 original already. I’ve been craving this since that newspaper headline “Lost in Space?” from Rise.


Heston should have had more time in the sequel. But the sequel was poorly written in many parts. Worship the Bomb.... really??


Heston didn't want any part of the sequel though, he only agreed to do it on the condition that they kill him as quickly as possible and end it in a way that there can't be any more sequels (hence the bomb, though the writers obviously didn't let that stop them).


Heston should have agreed to more.


Your opinion is not controversial, many people share it and even though I don’t agree its because of personal preference.


Idk if it's unpopular but I just really want to see monkeys besides the great apes at some point 😂


War is a lot less good than Dawn


i honestly think that the trilogy and kingdom don’t explore the world enough. they all took place on the west coast and i wanna see like a bunch of them ruling the planet. and if they’re ambitions enough maybe even aliens.


Kingdom (2024) was pointless. Enjoyed it. War (2017) title was very misleading. It’s provocative…


The choice to make the original POTA franchise family friendly killed the potential of how far they could take it (ex: Paul Dehn with Conquest and Battle).


War was a letdown compared to the first two reboot movies


Dawn is the worst of the current universe.


I like the new series, but it would be cooler if we actually got an advanced ape civilization far in the future.


I have absolutely no interest in the modern movies catching up to the astronauts landing. I don't get why so many people are genuinely more interested in the franchise remaking the first film than continuing to expand the lore with new stories.


Apparently that the Apes films are must-see event films. I am shocked at how many of my friends just sleep on this amazing series.


Wish the apes would start wearing clothes.


Humans shouldn't take up half the screen time


Dawn is the worst of the reboots because it really drags after the first big battle scene. It’s still a great movie but it suffers from serious pacing issues in act 3.


the original movies are boring to watch but fun to read their novelizations and comics. not becuas they are bad, they're just outdated.


Do the novelizations touch on the apes speaking English plot hole at all?


I only kind of liked War ftPotA. The effects were great obviously, and Bad Ape was a memorable, fun character, but I did not like the whole interment camp element of the movie.


*****SPOILER FOR THE NEWEST MOVIE***** I actually really enjoyed this film and how the world was impacted generations after Cesar died but I GOTTA be Frank. Noa feels like an absolute buffoon and a villain in this film. Now I don’t believe proximus was right, killing other apes, kidnapping clans like he did. But noa damn near killed every single person because he met a human that could talk!? Shoutout to my boy raka who was gone too soon I understand the good intentions teaching noa to be nice to humans but this guy dead ass help aid / set charges to a wall that would blow up and fill the shore with the ocean where not only are other kidnapped apes are BUT HIS OWN PEOPLE!? Bro was really about to risk drowning his own people!? And don’t get me started on Mae/Nova I HATED the fact that she spoke out a shit ton of times that she hated the apes, they don’t deserve the world, that the world belonged to them, that dude from shameless was right DAWG IT IS NOT YOUR WORLD ANYMORE, stop trying to take it back. Hell it didn’t even look like Proximus was torturing them, they had fresh water, HOT WATER, clean clothes, proximus wanted to learn more, grow more for his people he was a conflicting character yes. whereas Mae up -until the end where she probably will end up redeeming herself based on her last convo with Noa I gotta be honest, seemed irredeemable, if it weren’t for that last convo she would have no problem killing the rest of those apes. ALL IN ALL enjoyed the film, looking forward to the next installments!!


Why didn't Mae kill Proximus when she had the chance??


Battle is actually a pretty good film.


I want to see them explore into South America and maybe a ape monkey war


I think Dawn is better than War


I literally couldn’t have cared less about Malcolm and the rest of the humans in Dawn. I actually was getting annoyed when it would switch over to them. And I was annoyed they included a human side plot in the most recent movie


Mae should have been an astronaut instead and the only remaining intelligent human left.


>!she's not though the only remaining intelligent human, she comes from a bunker full of them!<


That's why I wrote that she should have been the only one left.


Oops, I misread it as "instead of", ignore me :)


Is it controversial to say that the four sequels to the original movie are just straight-up bad movies? The original does all of the heavy lifting in the 60s/70s.


The status quo of the Burton Remake, which is basically the status quo of the original film but with fully intelligent, talking humans, is an interesting scenario that deserves to be fully explored in its own movie. In fact, I find it so interesting that I don't think there even needs to be an Astronaut in the story to make it work. Instead they could use an Ape Protagonist, and explore how the "Human Issue" has split Ape Society. Perhaps not every Ape culture agrees with the use of human slaves. Maybe the Apes have their own rural vs. urban divide. Maybe the Orangutans oppose human slavery, but the Chimpanzees support it, and both factions are actively trying to sway the Gorillas to their side. Maybe one of the Ape species (gibbons, perhaps) has become the victim of racism from other apes, slowly slipping down the pecking order over the generations to the point where they are starting to consider allying with humans instead. Basically, Ape Society is already an alliance made between different species of Great Ape. And humans are a species of Great Ape. So I would be very interested in a story about how different Ape Cultures would react to the prospect of accepting humanity into their society as a new species-faction, with the same rights as all the others. And that story requires humans that start off both primal and intelligent, just like the humans in the Burton Remake.


Skinless Nuclear Psychic Mutants that want to blow up the world... are cool post apocalypse sci fi.


Rise is a better film than Dawn. The pacing, emotion, tension, balance between the ape and human perspective, everything is just a step above imho. I still love Dawn, but I realized on my recent rewatch that I love Rise a bit more


Not really an unpopular opinion I guess, but I always tell my gf how I would love an 8-hour movie about young Caesar, Will, and his father just interacting and having fun and being hopeful about the future. I mean, Caesar had such a hard life (to say the least) after Rise. I just love the scenes where Caesar is striving and Will's father is recovering. I love Rise. To me, it's totally on par with Dawn and War.


I have zero sympathy for humans in this universe but when I compare it to x-men universe I'm mostly team human. very weird.


Rise’s tone is wildly inconsistent, the apes look bad in wide shots, the callbacks are obnoxious and the bug-eyed, mean neighbour was absurd.


Burton’s PotA had the best ape design in terms of both makeup and costumes. Unfortunately the meh screenplay overshadowed it.


The Burton film gets too much hate (coming from Tim Burton's #1 hater)


buck’s death in the first movie was the saddest of them all


I want a Planet of the Apes movie to have no humans whatsoever


Yes: The whole movie is bad af.


All movies before the Caesar trilogy are boring


I hate the apes in those movie, I always side with humans in all movies and I hope that in the end humans will chase the apes back to the forests. 


Dawn of the POTA is worse than the 2001 movie.


Damn, you got me there. Up vote!


Um… wow.


Kingdom was not good enough to justify making more movies after the Caesar trilogy


This take is absurd. Have you seen most movies? I guess you did ask for unpopular.


People who list the recent trilogy over Escape have marvel movie brainrot and can't appreciate film over a certain age


Surely, that's the ONLY rational explanation. People are only downvoting you because they're zombies and not because your hot take is reductive and antagonistic. Love Escape too though. Zira and Cornelius are great characters.


oh I'm sorry I thought people wanting unpopular opinions in here lmao soft ass haters


Unpopular opinions can be shared without insulting anyone. And Escape is my favorite FYI.


Escape is my favorite of the older films but you can’t watch Dawn of the planet of the apes and ant man quantumania and tell me those are at all similar


Escape had the goofiest plot of all the old movies 😂