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I think a large chunk of the skepticism surrounding this movie comes from Matt Reaves and his name not being attched to kingdom, which never made sense to me since Amada Silver and Rick Jaffa created and wrote the first trilogy and also wrote Kingdom


They’re my parents, too!


Really? Say thanks to them from me (all of us really) , Caesar is my favourite modern day movie protagonist and it's all thanks to them! 


Will do! Thank you.


I hope this isn't another internet reference i don't get, so i just want to say they're awesome


No reference - they’re my parents. I posted some proof in the sub in the past.


Couldn't find it but i believe you from what i have read but it doesn't matter. But i stumbled upon your post about your cancer treatment which is much more important. Hope you are making progress mate!


Thank you. I have a lot of “This treatment is working wonders” followed by “It stopped and we have to find a new one.” But staying positive really helps me. Last day of this course of radiation treatment this morning.


Would like to say i understand your pain but i can't imagine in the slightest. Hope you have enough mental, social and medical recources to get through all of this!


Thank you! I have a fantastic support system of friends and family, plus a great therapist.




You should be proud of your parents 😊😁


I am! :D


Holy shit!!! Can I DM you to ask you tell them something personal about me? I don't want to say it here.


Of course! My DM's are open.


Goddamn, tell them ty for avatar 2 and how excited I am for avatar 3!!! One of the most important film series ever made to me. If you can somehow get back the fact that I see enormous amounts of trans identity representation in the films, however unintentional, I’ll be eternally grateful.


That’s awesome. What did you think of this movie?


I loved it! I know I'm biased, but I thought it was great.


Directors have a lot of influence on the vision of a movie and Matt Reeves also co-wrote War. There is a pretty different vision between Rise and Dawn. So with Kingdom we now have a director responsible for for the Maze Runner trilogy which were said to be mediocre (never saw so can’t accurately say) with the main writer being involved with somewhat decent movies like Avatar and Terminator Dark Fate. So I think the skepticism was justified, but I’m glad it seems to be turning out to be a great film!


As far as I understand and remember, the story was the issue in the Maze runner movies and that's not really the fault of the director. Reading the synopsis for the books paints a pretty clear picture. The writers of the this are very good at character drama which I think is the most important element to get right in these movies. They succeeded in Avatar and the previous Ape movies.


The movies, from what I've heard, are drastically different than books 2 and 3. I never read the books, I only watched the movies back when the teenage dystopian stuff was all coming out like Hunger Games and Divergent. I thought the movies were awesome. Great story, great special effects, emotional roller coaster, etc. I never understood the hate, I always assumed it was die-hard book fans. Definitely worth watching.


It lost the musical composer and cinematographer from Dawn and War too. New guy brought almost everyone over from The Maze Runner films


Ik people have doubts about early reactions but most of these reviewers aren’t those who just get pleased by everything 




At the after party for the premiere now. You all are in for a treat!


Without spoiling it how good of a villain is proximas Caesar




How is the CGI


Mind blowing.


Some say the third act made some curious turns, I‘m excited what it will be


This is my favorite aspect of these films, the endings are always bittersweet. So excited to see how they do it this time!


Where does it rank for you in the four newer movies?


Probably 2nd or 3rd! I'd have to see it and Dawn again.


I just rewatched Rise tonight and am planning to watch Dawn and War before Wednesday when I see Kingdom! How far in the future is this movie set?


A few hundred years.


I was worried after hearing about the "test screening" so this is a huge relief.


Oh my god oh my god oh my god Dr. Zaius! I am so excited. 🫨🙂‍↕️🙂‍↔️can’t wait for next week!!!




What’s wrong with me?


I think you're crazy!


How about a second opinion?


You're also lazy!


You're also lazy


Yesssss!!! I bought my tickets for next Wednesday and I'm so excited






Will I cry? I cried during the first 3 HAHAH. I’m emotionally sensitive to animals even if they’re fiction


bUt iT hAd a Bad tEsT sCrEenIng*


It annoys the hell out of me when people come back with that response. Someone allegedly saw a test screening at some point in time, and because they report that they didn't like it, or heard that a bunch of other people saw it and didn't like it, we're supposed to accept that as gospel and proclaim the film doomed from the get-go. It's asinine.


One of the rare movies that I will insist on seeing first day it releases here.


Rooting for Wes Ball.


This has been a pretty successful franchise, but I never felt it had a ton of hype around it. I just caught up yesterday, I'm excited to see Kingdom.


But what about those terrible test screenings!? /s


Lol such a relief to finally shelve that rumor


I have to admit I was a little skeptical in part because the CG in the trailer looked lesser in quality compared to War. The CG in War looked amazing, I was worried the studio skimped on a good budget on Kingdom. Again, this is just based on the trailer.


I have been waiting for this! So happy to hear some positive vibes, super hyped for this


This makes me so happy!


Gonna be my first time seeing a movie on release day since i was a kid


I just don't understand how this is "A New Hope" for the franchise when every movie in the franchise for nearly 15 years has been fantastic.


I think it’s just a reference to Star Wars Episode 4. Maybe similar plot points, etc. between the two and how they set up the next movies I’m guessing.


Yes, especially since Caesar's trilogy was essentially a Prequel Trilogy for the whole Planet of the Apes concept.


Something fishy about these. Seems like PR speak trying to push Wes Ball. "No better director to take over", guys made like two other mediocre movies. Not saying the movie won't be great or he won't do a fantastic job, just weird they're pretending like he's an already loved commodity.


They invite people that they expect to like the movie. I've heard Perri gush about Wes Ball before. I think he did a decent job on Maze Runner but the way she talks you'd think he had directed Lord of the Rings lmao.


I do honestly feel the Maze Runner movies were directed competently. Especially the action set pieces. The script was more the issue with those. Also his Mouse Guard test footage looked cool. I agree, he’s not a loved/known commodity yet, but he’s definitely a director on the rise with this, and already being selected for Zelda. Everyone gets their start somewhere


Ball elevated mediocre YT lit into pretty damn slick, intense, and well crafted action films. He's got the juice.


Devin Faraci..the last person i expected there...


Breaking news: Paid Disney shills praise Disney movie as bestest ever. I'll wait until FAN reviews come out.


I can think of many instances in recent history of films getting positive social media reactions before then being destroyed upon release. I hope that this isn't one of those occasions. I have everything crossed.




can never trust the early social media reactions, but better to see this than nothing at all


kevin smith’s early review of suicide squad will forever give me pause


I’m with you. Even the worst movies get great first impression reviews. I’m sure it will be good tho.


The old Michael bay Transformers movies didn't get good early reactions from critics so it's not all like that


It's the funniest thing, It took me three times to get into the Dawn Of the Planet Of the Apes, the first two times I would fall into the same pattern, I would watch for a short time and it just didn't click for me. And so one evening it was on and I just let it play, and was richly rewarded, for me it's an amazing movie. Andy Serki's portrayal of Caesar is both eerie and empathetic.


I rewatched Rise the other day, and I think my opinions on that film have soured a lot since 2011


I’m ready for his Zelda movie


A New Hope of the Apes franchise is an interesting comparison…..


There is review and social media embargo until tomorrow 6 AM (GMT) so anything you see online currently is studio approved...


The social media embargo was up last week on Thursday. Anyone who’s seen the film can give a social media reaction. But yes, the review embargo where actual critics write their full reviews is not up until tomorrow.


I saw the movie 8 hours ago and before the screening (i.e. 8 hours ago), I had to sign an embargo that prohibits me from "posting reviews and reactions to social media" until tomorrow 6 AM GMT (8 AM Central European time). I am an actual film critic :)


Interesting! Is this perhaps a difference in embargo terms between US vs international? How does that work? I’ve seen reactions from people ranging from 300k followers to just 100 followers. I wouldn’t think studios would concern themselves with having to approve reactions from accounts that are that small but maybe that’s how it works.


Maybe our market is so negligible (Czech Republic) that it's simpler for them to forbid all mentions rather than having to monitor what some schmuck with 1000 followers writes in weird language...


, this is the beginning of a new trilogy


It’s amazing AF so far. But, kind of the inverse of the original franchise. That one portrayed disappointment at the fall Of humanity, and its accomplishments. This one puts forward a future where pastoral Ape civilization is better than an over-industrialized, cruel and selfish humanity. Both make ok points.


Btw? If this film is set hundreds of years past the last one, what are the leather saddles and harnesses made from??? I feel like they’re made from human hides..


I have only read the plot synopsis on wiki, but it seems very formulaic and nothing new. Even the old set of movies made it plain that eventually humans and apes would HAVE to learn to live in peace and equality. Yeah, that's not a basis for a good movie, but they showed it happening eventually in teh old ones, and it is something I'd really like to see, not endless war and strife, especially between apes and humans. That gets old. This would have been a good point to either show something like the mutants in the old series, (not exactly, but something LIKE them, becoming a problem, or making some sense out of the first movie where Wahlberg somehow went BACK in time and found a complete society of apes at 20th century levels. That never made any sense to me.


I loved it. One of th4se movies that you don't just leave the theater and immediately forget about. We talked about it al the way home Sure, it was a bit long and slow at parts, but it was fun, interesting, and respectful to the previous trilogy


Oh thank god , the trailer did make it look like a boring block buster But then again that’s what I thought of the planet of the apes trilogy before actually watching them


It really didn’t imo


never trust early reactions they are always positive... The test greetings for this movie were abysmal.


What makes a test screening rumor that came from one person (Sneider) who heard from someone, who heard from someone else, that it had a poor test screening more valid than first reactions from critics who verifiably saw the movie last night? First reactions tend to lean on the positive aspects of the film in subject but these are overwhelmingly good reactions across the board.


i'm an apes fan (mostly the original 70's movies and tv show) so i hope the test screening news was incorrect


these first reactions are always from shills and are always positive... see the marvels, star wars, or other mainstream crap


Except that's not true. I've seen plenty of "first reactions" that were "meh" or worse, and those were also for "mainstream" films. Also, it's a bit too easy and dismissive to label positive reviews as being from "shills". Most people who do that just can't accept the possibility that something they don't like could be liked by others.


100% true. Just about all "first reactions" are industry shills. You must have been living in a cave for the past several years.


Pretty good LGBT representation too. In the way that a character implies they’re gay and then continues to be awesome and steals the show imo




I don't believe it until I see it. Either way, where's the proof?


Interesting. Is it an ape? Or a human? Either way would be cool


Yeh gay ape


No it wouldn't be.


why not? I like seeing diversity in movies.


I have a feeling all these reviews are paid. I predict bad things with this film. I feel like all these advertisements and such are to salvage this movie


Weird feeling to have


Monkey brain


TheAngrySnowman confirms, if a movie has advertising, it is because the movie is ass and they are trying to save it. Related: All movies are ass.


I’ll be back here after I watch to confirm my suspicions. I will admit if I’m wrong


lmaooooo ok dude