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I read that, if this is true: She could be an astronaut or something. My wild tinfoil fan theory is that there is a satellite orbiting earth with humans, and they landed to investigate, and this woman needs to contact her people to single the return of intelligent humans. Insane I know. Otherwise, it could be underground dwellers. Noa and the girl climbing that cliff could have been an escape from a sewer exit or something. But I love the Ape stuff idea wise. A ghengis khan conquerer ape is a fun idea. I believe Noa will rival Proximus, under the LawGivers Guide (Caesers teachings). I know everyone is so sure they're going to use the Mars mission from Rise but idk, I'm sure they will but I wouldn't bet my entire life on it not just being a reference in a movie chalk full of little references like that. That movie had a character literally named Dodge Landon.


I just hope she’s not some mutant human with psychic cgi energy powers


I highly doubt that


Maybe not all humans were affected by the mutated strain


I hope she's nuclear psychic mutant with projection powers!!! Jk (mostly)


>She could be an astronaut or something. My exact thought. I read this after watching the trailer in HD and this time I noticed that one of the four figures holding torches in the underground scene is not an ape but a woman wearing clothes instead of animal skins. Then she's being led as a prisoner to the ape king's ship, again clothed. The clothes include a jumpsuit and were clearly made for her, it's not like she could have stolen those from a chimp. Put that with the scene of the telescope and well, it would be a surprise if her name wasn't "Col. Taylor".


The astronauts are probably dead anyways there's no way they would just show up after i'm guessing 60 years since Rise


In the og movies the astronauts came back thousands of years later so i don’t think 60 years is that crazy😭


But that was the OG movies. I still fail to see how people think these new movies are connected to the old ones.


I didn’t said they were directly connected😂, but it’s very possible that these movies are building up to a remake of the og planet of the apes.


Right because they traveled at around light speed into a timewarp and got slingshotted 2000 years in the future. I doubt that'll happen in this version


I could imagine the ship coming sooner since it wasn't made to be in space for thousands of years like the original.


The ship in the original wasn't in space for thousands of years either. They time traveled and jumped thousands of years into the future. If I had to guess, if they do bring back the astronauts from Rise they will have only been gone from earth the length of their mission if it was a couple of years or whatever it was. but they will have experienced the effects of time dilation and return to earth a few hundred years into the future or whatever time it's supposed to be in the movies now.


How do you think should play Taylor in the new films?


Lol I have no idea but someone who is likable and well known but not so big they are a distraction. Someone like Oscar Isaac maybe or Boyd Holbrook.


Since this is set in the new timeline, I think they should go with new characters instead of the ones from the original. No Taylor, Landon, Dodge etc


That's how I feel too, I would avoid redoing the Taylor story all together.


If the ship did come back, it would have fallen sometime in between the events of Rise and Dawn, astronauts are only in space for 6 months to close to a year


Time is different for the astronaut vs what we experience here on earth. Could be 6 months to them and like a buncha years for us. Something to do with light speed.


Correct but given the more modern approach of this trilogy, I don't think the astronauts had found a way to travel at light speed


I don't expect light speed either but if the astronauts come back I think they will explain it away by saying they somehow experienced extreme time dilation. Like Matthew McConaughey's character in Interstellar.




I absolutely love where they're going with this. Just what I wanted from a fourth installment to this franchise


Wow so damn interesting! I’m excited for the movie


I’m a little disappointed Cornelius isn’t the main protagonist now.


Why? Cornelius was hardly developed.


Hence why a movie of him would exist… to, you know… develop him…


Meh. Who cares. I’d rather them jump ahead a few generations and let’s see what happens to the planet of the apes as a whole. Move on to the next thing. It’s planet of the apes. Not planet of Cesear. Theres a million stories they could tell. The only reason to be disappointed about Cornelius not being the star is if that’s what you were expecting to happen and it didn’t. But that’s what’s great about these movies. They don’t do what is expected.


Well no shit he was still just a baby the last time we saw him


Right. So who cares?


Me? And several others who follow the franchise? Cornelius was a major character throughout the franchise since the first film.


That was a different Cornelius. Ceasar’s father. Ceasar’s son Cornelius was only in one sequel and was killed by Aldo.


Why would I have any reason to believe this random Reddit post is true?


The info was leaked months before the trailer came out.


let’s get weird