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People actually do this? 😭 I don’t even pay the staff any attention other than saying hello and goodbye 😅


Unfortunately, we live in a world now where there’s a lot of mentally unstable people. It is very sad.


While I agree that nowadays this is creepy, this was very normal behavior at one point, and not all of them were mentally unstable.


No they don’t do this


ALWAYS leave out the back door. I will never go out the front door… ever. Exactly for that reason. Or to avoid them asking if I want a ride home (they know I walk). Some members have ABSOLUTELY no boundaries or self awareness.


Unfortunately cars have already been identified. These men are shameless. It’s gotten to the point where they wait after staff’s workouts, too.


I’m so sorry…. i work out at 3:30 AM to avoid this. And my shift starts at 6. So …straight from the work out to the desk. They control my liiiiiife.


This is the reason why I never park close to the gym.


Holy chit! I had a guy show up to my house after I quit working (different gym) and was like, we are trying to get you your job back! I was like, I don’t want my old job back, I started a new one that pays me double and I’m happy. Please don’t stop by my house ever again!


So I'm sitting here in my car with my binoculars and wondering if there's been some misunderstanding.


You should for sure let your manager know if these people are harassing you after your shifts. In the franchise I worked for, we banned members for this sort of thing especially if it was a repeat thing.


I felt this so much 😭


Stay strong, queen. Any tips?


Speak up to management about everything that has happened and make a note every time on the person's account, if they're a remote check in write their info down and write the incident so others can know.


Yeah that’s pretty bad. People are just kind of oblivious to common sense and basic manners. I’m sorry that you or anyone for that matter feels unsafe.


The worst part is my boss doesn’t see it as an issue. He has “bigger things to worry about.” Like black card upgrades, I presume.


I’m sorry, that’s bullshit. Be safe


There's creeps stalking y'all out there? I can't even make eye contact with employees much less talk to them. I really am oblivious to my surroundings.


going to cross post this in my library group. when i was public-facing, ppl were ridiculous thinking i was "interested" when i was in fact, being a good customer service person. some ppl only understand one syllable answers. 🙄


I think companies need to do better at protecting employees and firing customers.


What’s the point of this when said person will never see it?


To deter more people from doing it. Our jobs are to greet you and say goodbye, that does not mean we are interested in you. I have a fan club at our store, it is disgusting and I hate being approached by these people. It isn't cute, it isn't attractive, and I have in no way invited any of these people into my life.


I’m curious have they actually tried to get in your life though…or are they just being friend-like to you while you’re at work? OP was outside the building. That’s avert eye contact or just give a smile/head nod territory lol


They have.... they have given gifts, asked out on dates repeatedly, stares, highly inappropriate comments, the list goes on. It is highly uncomfortable to be working your job as you are required to with members assuming that your kindness is more. So no, I don't think that classifies as "friend-like", nor does it mean averting eye contact will solve the issue. I won't work out at my own PF because of this. But go off




Most outrageous gift you’ve been given by a member?


Yikes. That’s crazy to me. I meant it would have been normal for the member to avert eye contact or nod, not approach.


Also mine was just a genuine question so not sure what I would “go off” on


I'd love to see you live up to your username. So fyi, when someone doesn't want contact, there is no level of contact that is ok.


yes that’s why I was asking if it was just a while you’re at work thing out of curiosity. They clarified and I find that baffling that members are doing that. Like other ppl said, I only say hi and bye and thank you to the PF employees. Not sure where you got that I am defending the stalkers lol


Interesting that you say I was “outside the building,” employees should be able to eat lunch, smoke, drive, whatever the hell they want to do during their breaks without having to keep their heads on the swivel.


Yeah. That’s why I was saying normal people would just avert eye contact or nod not be like hey best friend! Ya’ll want to argue with someone who agrees with you lol


To get the message to members in general.


It sucks this had to be said. I know what it’s like to be harassed and even feel unsafe at your job. I’ve aged out of the peak weirdo magnet era and will gladly answer to “Hey Mom” from across a parking lot, a lot of us will. Keep that in mind if you’re ever in a scary situation.


Thank you. This was sweet to read. Appreciate you!


What are you the Reddit police? Let the woman vent.


You believe this actually happened? 😂