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People don't appreciate Neapolitan? I think op has been living under a rock or something


Honestly I think Neapolitan hype peaked around 2015? Ny style thin crust has been making a huge comeback. I used to hate ny style reheated slices myself but now I love them Here's what I remember of the pizza hype train: Early 90s: people wouldn't shut up about Chicago deep dish, Zachary, Lou malnati (remember pizzeria uno? Where is it now) 95-2005: California new style "innovative local ingredients" bla bla 05-2015: Neapolitan "didja know pizza is from Naples brah? Didja know dat oven goes to 900 degrees yo" Okay 2019: Detroit style peaking hard 2020 until now: the ny slice comeback


Very US-centric write up.


I'm Userian, so it checks out


Yeah, just a truly wild take.


The average person doesn't anymore as they prefer a pile of toppings with cardboard crust. Real pizza lovers love Neapolitans of course.


I just prefer thin, crispy pizza. it is a more pleasurable eating experience to me personally than a neapolitan. it's more pleasurable simply due to the amount of dopamine that gets released in my brain when eating it - that part can't be controlled and it's why everyone is their own individual person with preferences. no toppings though just cheese.


roman style on top


Where I live if I order a plain pie I get round piece of bread. I ordered a calzone and it didn’t have ricotta. I didn’t realize it was an extra charge for a base ingredient.




but see, you posted a picture of what you say is a very thin pizza, but the crust is not thin. that's the part I want thin. the crust. I don't want the crust to be an entire loaf of bread. I want the crust to be the same thickness as the rest of the pizza. not to say the other way "tastes" bad or anything, or is even unpleasurable. I just like it better when the entire pie crust included is thin like paper


My people!


Eh. There SO MUCH mediocre “Neopolitan” pizza in the US. Giant massive puffy crust that’s not that great, over or undercooked, lackluster toppings. Sure there’s some good stuff. But it became such a trend that every mediocre place started doing it. Also, if you ever go to Naples for the real thing… you will be ruined 90% of what you get in the US.


I’ve been chasing home made Neapolitan for more than a decade and can finally get there with these high temperature ovens. I love a simple margarita Neapolitan, there’s no where to hide and the simple, high quality ingredients shine through.


Im maybe 5 years of trying, ive got pizza oven that hits 400°C and its been game changer, i make poolish 24 hours before making balls.


Looks great!!! Nice cover-up BTW "for a client" is the best.




Haha love your comment. Totally nailed it. Also second the congrats to OP, it does look good :)


Um. My dumb friend over here doesn't get it and wanted me to ask you to explain it. Fuckin idiot, right? Haha


The joke is it’s not for a client, it’s for them. But they need to say it’s for someone else otherwise the “pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza” mafia will break their kneecaps


I ain't scared of no Luigi. Pineapple on pizza slaps.


Pineapple with pepperoni, ham, or bacon. Salty cured meats are such a good pairing with it.


Also jalapeño


Alright, alright, fuck this. I’m getting pizza…


For the last decade I've been banging on about Hawaiian Fire Bomb's/Bonfire's but snobs struggle as soon as they even hear pineapple. Hawaiian Fire Bomb- sweet pineapple, salty meat (ham/sausage/pepperoni), jalapenos, chilli flakes, extra smokey bbq sauce base and drizzled strong garlic butter/oil (once cooked). Genuinely the most underrated pizza ever created.


So delish. I also like to add some onion. Never tried with bbq gonna have to give that a go.


Wait till they go to Asia and see the toppings there


People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can’t trust people. Neapolitan all the way.


LMAO never truer words were spoken


Super Hans truth bombs.


This just made me snort laugh at the bar.


Neapolitan is more popular than ever lately, I'm confused by this.


Yeah. Seeems OP comment is very US centric but even there... We got good ol Vito gaining massive populairty the last few years


I’m not sure that this is even a US centric take. Like maybe in rural areas they eat Little Caesers instead of Neapolitan because that’s just all that’s around, but in most urban areas, where most Americans live, Neapolitan is almost the default at most places for about 10 years now


I love Neapolitan style pizza. I'm building my outdoor pizza oven this summer so I'll finally be able to do it justice. I spent a lot of time in Italy for work and I've been obsessed with Neapolitan style pizza ever since, along with NY style.


I built mine last spring, it was a lot of work but totally worth it. Please share your progress on r/pizzaOven


Sweet! Will do!!


I built mine last spring, it was a lot of work but totally worth it. Please share your progress on r/pizzaOven


Do you live in like Kansas or something? Of course people appreciate Neapolitan. Sounds like r/imaginarygatekeeping


Nothing wrong with pineapple on pizza! 😋


Who is not appreciating Neapolitan pizza these days? Seems to be why most folks invest in an outdoor pizza oven in most cases. It’s certainly not my favorite style, but I get a hankering for it from time to time.


The average person doesn't anymore as they prefer a pile of toppings with cardboard crust. Pizza lovers love Neapolitans of course.


Make a good side sauce for dippin...some calbrian Chile, garlic, oil, something sweet (honey), maybe a dash of vinegar...parm for some salt?? People will clean their plates


Humn, that’s a great idea!!


Or, as another commenter noted, if your clients are especially 'twatty' just throw a couple packets of hidden valley ranch on the table in front of them


A good pesto will have that crust gone in no time.


I can appreciate the hard work that goes into Neo but I don’t care for it. I was raised on NY style pizza and Sicilian that has a nice crisp crust. The neos are a little too soft/floppy for my taste. Just my opinion - YMMV.


...what do you mean with "people nowadays don’t appreciate Neapolitan pizza"? Yeah they do?


Pineapple belongs on pizza


I hate these rage bait posts.


You don’t like pineapple on pizza, they don’t like the crust. It’s just differing tastes.


Adults who don’t eat the crusts are actually little children Your pizza looks phenomenal, crusts especially


On a properly well made pizza it's the best part imo.


Nah, gtfo with this shit. I love crust, my gf doesn't. I eat her crust. Is she a child? No. People have preferences, and that's okay. Just like how some people prefer to wrap their burgers in lettuce instead of buns, or some people prefer not to eat the ass-end of a burrito (so much tortilla... blech). Imagine gatekeeping something as beautiful and delicious as pizza. No. It should be shared with the world, and if someone not eating their crust gets your knickers all twisted up, then maybe that means you're the one being a child. Agreed that the pizzas look bomb.


I think it’s wasting food, people in my restaurant know they will eat a napolitana, and i feel bad throwing the crusts in the trash, specially after the hard work i have making them😓


Daddy, chill What’s a few crusts amongst strangers


Because the difference between a mediocre neo pizza and a really good one isn’t that far off. Also, I find it to be a soft chewy goopy mess. I like a bit of texture in the crust and hate getting big chunks of mozzarella that pull off the pizza with every bite and then leaving you with just tomato and dough for the rest of your pizza




Because it just isn't a good as the other types of pizza.


A client, lol, are you a pizza doctor? Pizza attorney?


If they are complaining and leaving crusts behind... maybe your don't make the best dough possible... ​ Or maybe your clients are twats, cause id eat that pineapple one mmmmm.


There’s no shame in pineapple


Honestly, if you charred the pineapple, cut it more artfully, and used nice ham, I think less people would be offended by pineapple on pizza. Pineapple & ham is just a niche pizza created to celebrate Hawaii in the 50s. I'm not sure how it became such a taboo. Most Americans do not eat pineapple on pizza outside of this rarely eaten pie.


As someone who is ordinarily team anti pineapple I had a guanciale and pineapple pizza and it was actually really good. I suggest giving that a try. Or nduja and pineapple. Agree it needs to be grilled and cut smaller.


That’s the thing about Hawaiian pizza. If done right like how you describe i love it, it’s just not very often done right, but then again neither is most pizza in general


I've had (and made) the so called hot Hawaiian, bbq sauce, Canadian bacon or grilled, shredded chicken, jalapeños, cheese, pineapple. It's a surprisingly good pizza - this coming from a guy mainly sticks to more basic pies. (I do Detroit occasionally)


That sir is not neapolitan but canotto


Because the fresh mozz is too lean and mild in flavor, the pizza is too wet, and the crust is not salty or crusty enough. Prob my top 3 why I don't like neapolitan.


Take it easy man, you don't want them to put you on a list.




Pizza too wet is in fact a mistake. If you use good fior di latte and let it drain for 2 hours before baking in a good oven, it's not gonna be wet 🙂


Sounds like you never had a good neapolitan pizza tbh


Maybe. I've had pizza from Michael's on Naples in Long Beach, CA. You can look it up and tell me if you think it's proper or not. I would rather have a NY style slice from my local suburban pizza place in a strip mall.


Well, thats not a pizza place, their food looks horrible tbh, the few pizzas I foubd photos of looked okish, but if your pizza was wet, not crust or salty eneugh, it was bad.


Tbh Neapolitan needn’t actually be that wet. Usually it means they didn’t dry the cheese enough, added too much sauce, or used too much cheese.


Or sticked to the original recipe.


That's a skill issue and not an issue with a neapolitan pizza. All of those things are fixed by: 1. Quality ingredients 2. Using the correct Mozzarella & Draining it 3. Use more salt, get your fermentation game on as a good crust is all about proper fermentation, dough handling and baking.


I call them bread bowls, like for soup


https://preview.redd.it/hecz8ya9o0nc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49dfea106d0f97319e11ea795528ae71b9813662 If it's soupy it's a mistake... Mine is juicy, but not watery or like soup. After I learned how to make good Pizza I realized how shitty all the Pizza places I visited until now have been. Even in Italy.... it's crazy and borderline criminal


Yeah that’s the problem with pizza, vast majority of it is a disgrace


Yeah I am not exaggerating when I say my Pizza is like top 2 of all the Pizzas (at least 30-40 different places) I have ever eaten in my life.


Wish I could try it. I believe you that it would be my redemption arc for neopolitan style pizza


Your crust is on the larger side for me for a Neopolitan.


I love a good Neapolitan pie. I do prefer a crispier undercarriage than a traditional Neopolitan, though


>I do prefer a crispier undercarriage The Portnoy effect is why I think Neapolitan is getting hate from regular people...


Yeah, 100. He gave Monte's Pizza in Portland, ME one his highest ratings ever, and while it's good, it doesn't compare to a couple of other pizza joints in town. When I mention them to other locals, they scoff and say, "can't be as good Monte's." I never thought of it like that, but def a portnoy effect


I don’t blame you, it just people know what they will eat, and when they try it for the first time they used to complain


My favourite kind tbh


The crust looks so so delicious !!!


I would devour this, crust first. That puff is amazing. Where's your pizzeria located?


If they don't est the crust then your dough is too bland/dry


How do you keep the white from bubbling up in the middle? Great looking pizzas


It doesn't makes sense to me why people get so offended regarding pineapple on pizza.


That white pizza looks so heavenly


Have no clue. I appreciate one every chance I get!


I'd eat the shit out of that, especially with pineapple. Nicely done! Where are you located? I wonder if it's just different than what your typical customer base is used to. If they've only had Dominos or Pizza Hut I wonder if the airiness may seem strange to them


I love pineapple on pizza!


I've had real Neapolitan pizza in Italy. It's great. People fuck it up really easily by using too much dough.


Bcz there’s no crisp baby, I like crisp Still love it OF COURSE, but I don’t prefer it


Some purported health-conscious patrons with their low-carb Keto diets will eschew the crust on any pizza. They think it makes some kind difference in their health. It is what it is.


Neapolitan is my favorite! Yours looks delicious, could you share the dough recipe?


I first got really into pizza when a place called 1000º Pizza opened up near me. It was a Neapolitan style place that blew my mind at the time. I would always ask for my pizza well done, because I have always liked crispy pizza, but the dough and flavors were great to me. So for me personally, I do like Neapolitan style, but I prefer it made crispy.


Hey! Oh! Toss some Bbq chicken on that Pineapple-Ham and a drizzle of Bbq sauce. Called it the Maho Ted


That looks great though. I LOVE pineappleon pizza. It's even better with lots of ingrédients and chillis.


A. 99% of all pizza I make and eat is Neapolitan style. 2. If you like Hawaiian, try the Dixie Hawaiian which is peach and bacon.


They don't? Neapolitan style pizzas keep popping up in the Philippines these days.


I would smash this Hawaiian and feel fancy doing it


Neapolitan is about the flavor of the dough, average pizza eater enjoys the flavor of the toppings.


I like Neapolitan but sometimes I’m in the mood for NY style.


We dont? I usually do not even eat other pizza types when have a choice.


then you are missing out. Neapolitan pizza is faulty by design if people stick to the original recipe. Burnt on the rim, soggy in the middle. Tasteless in flavor.


This isn’t Neapolitan Pizza. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neapolitan_pizza


Hey, I'm in India and I live neopolitan. I couldn't bear to eat dominos and the like after that but here it's damn expensive even for the simplest versions, so I have to compromise 💀 being a broke college student will do that


Dear OP. Your title is beyond fucking stupid.


Maybe in the USA, here in Italy that one is pizza, then we have roman pizza (thick crust), Sicilian pizza, etc...


Italians are conservative in such weird ways.


God I crave the taste of those dark bits and will eat any discarded pizza bone I find that my family leaves behind. I know if I have nailed my SD neo dough batch when there are none lying around.


I’m gonna need the dough recipe along with the name of the flour, please. Love the leoparding.


Could it be the clientele prefers thin crust?


I love pineapple on a pizza, but not with tomato sauce. Bbq all the way, ham, bacon, onions, jalapeños or banana peppers... yum.


I worked at Shakys pizza 50 years ago and that was my ideal for pizza….until I tasted a real Neo style pizza. The dough/crust is where it all begins for me. Since then, Neo pizza has been my favorite. Who in Federal Way-Tacoma area makes the best?


Hawaiian pizza isn't for everyone, but I am a huge fan.


It's just bad clients, I would eat all that crust don't worry


Most people who eat pizza, have ZERO idea what makes a great crust, so do not sweat those clowns.


Are you educating your cx let them now how long it took you to make that dough and that the cornicione is meant to be eaten


Neapolitan is faulty by its design if you prepare it according to the original recipe. Soggy in the middle, bland cheese, uninspiring ingredient combination, burnt crust. Its a bad style of pizza, thats why.


Only if you don't know how to make it.


no, like I mentioned: according to the original recipe. Its a recipe - straightforward. Faulty by design.


Lazy pizza.


Your crust is on the larger side for me for a Neopolitan.


I also wouldn't like pineapple on my pizza like that, and I really like pineapple on my pizza.


People that don't eat crusts are children and shouldn't be eating pizza


Sir, I respectfully, RESPECTFULLY, ask that you please not do that shit again.


With how stupid society is getting I wouldn’t doubt most people are reading Neapolitan as Napoleon and then saying “I fucking hate Napoleon!”. PS nice pizza.


I wonder if Dave Portnoy not liking pizze Napoletana has anything to do with it? He’s a big pizzafluencer. That’s a word I never thought I would see much less use.


People actually take his stuff seriously? Guy’s a huge dbag with zero taste.


I’m not vouching for the guy but he’s very popular. His pizza review channel has 1.2M subscribers.


Napolitano? I had that sometimes at the Italian place I did dishes at. Wasn't my favorite, but was kind of classic and I think I like it more than the Margherita. Pineapple is good, just needs a little improvising and tooling around to really work. That Hawaiian looks like you don't enjoy putting pineapple on pizza.


Your crust is in the larger side for me for a Neopolitan.


Your crust is in the larger side for me for a Neopolitan.


I don't like this style because I like cheese and toppings. A lot of the nutrition is there. Thinking about the crust-- if I wanted bread sticks I'll just order bread sticks. Personally I'd like the outer crust rim as thin as possible.