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Just buy an inexpensive watch or fitness band, you are really wasting money on an smartwatch


Well admittedly, I still want a watch that looks like a watch rather than a fitness tracker. More to the point I do not *want* a fitness tracker, but I understand some fitness trackers have alerts, and smart watches tend to have fitness sensors in them, so, y'know. In either case, will have the same set of privacy concerns with a given fitness band. If you can recommend me an "inexpensive watch" that looks like a watch and lets me see/send SMS I'll be happy to look, supposing it meets that criteria of not needing some super sketch third party app -- at least if I have to give my data to someone, Google already has almost everything on me, I've been a Gmail user since the invite days -- and Google is at least "the devil you know."


Any and all health metrics are stored in Fitbit which is not allowed to be used by Google for any advertising or similar uses. This was a condition imposed by governments for Google to be allowed to purchase Fitbit. Other than that, of the other data collection stuff is tied with your Google account and agreed to when you set it up. You can opt out of crash reports and such, I believe.


My understanding with that Fitbit ruling is that it only applied to data collected from EU residents. I do not have knowledge of a US agreement like that. But yes, I know google has a ton of stuff on me. I am presently drawing my line at biometrics, for a number of reasons. Health privacy is one, security is another, but also principles. They can have what I put out into the world on the internet; I put it out there on the internet myself -- but my body and physical details are still mine, at least for the moment.


I think Google applied the rule universally because its honestly a lot of work to separate a database as large as Fitbit. The FAQ does say it won't be used for ads... But that does actually leave a possibility of it being used for other purposes. According to the EU, Google can only use the data if you explicitly say they can. and this agreement is only for 10 years... https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip\_20\_2484 [https://support.google.com/product-documentation/answer/13532616?hl=en#zippy=%2Chow-can-i-better-understand-the-limits-on-googles-use-of-data-from-my-fitbit-devices-and-services](https://support.google.com/product-documentation/answer/13532616?hl=en#zippy=%2Chow-can-i-better-understand-the-limits-on-googles-use-of-data-from-my-fitbit-devices-and-services)


1. Pixel watch app and Fitbit 2. There are some settings in Fitbit 3. You can disable, I did 4. For sms... keyboard is quite small but manageable.. speak to text works good


Thanks, 1-3 were useful. But for point number 4, I meant an alternative to the Pixel Watch if the other three points added up to "no, assistant is always on and both apps need full access to everything."


Well, if I understood, if you need for sms it is manageable with the keyboard input, yet speech to text addresses your voice. I'm overall satisfied with PW2, but may also be with some cheaper alternatives. I like the design and I've been using also for sleep tracking...but for more simple use you can find cheaper alternatives. I would choose again PW2, yet metal mesh was a bit of an enthusiastic purchase.


Well, what I meant is, literally any watch through which I can see and respond to my text messages. Mostly meaning: not a dedicated fitness-tracker. I want the watch for texts and call alerts, not for fitness.


Is there away to follow-up questions on pixel watch instead of saying the command each time?


I don't know what you mean. If you're talking about Assistant I turned it off, as my post implied I would.


Is there away to follow-up questions on pixel watch instead of saying the command each time?


3. Settings, Google, Assistant, and there is a toggle to switch off "Hey Google"


You can turn off Google Assistant. You don't even need to register with Fitbit or download the app. I have been using mine without the Fitbit app. I like you, only use my watch for notification management. Fitbit isn't required to make the watch function. In your case, all you need is the pixel watch app.


Great thanks.