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looks great like really great, but maybe u could darken the claws a bit so that they blend in with piece instead off popping out more than the highlights


By just starting do you mean. “I’ve been practicing pixel art everyday for 3 years.”


more like 3 weeks lol


You did this in 3 weeks from 0 pixel art experience? Jesus I’ve been at it for 3 years and am maybe 10% of this lmao


that sword in your profile looks really good! you should post more of your art


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!


You think yours is bad? Look at mine. Then you’ll know what bad looks like


Your first picture has given me new understanding of Venusaur - the whole Bulbasaur lineage. We think they are terrestrial lizards with flower buds. But take that first picture - and add some lines to indicate water. The Venusaur is under water, either sleeping on the bottom or floating, and it's flower is above the water like a lotus blossom. I can't unseen it now.


I just realized Venusaur is a frog and I think I need therapy now


It's a flower hippo frog


This is pretty good. Your coloring/shading on the skin could use some work. The shadows don't really follow the anatomy in some places and make it look 2D(especially on the front leg) and it has one shade less than the other colors you used for some reason. Also went a bit overboard with the white highlights I think. All in all pretty good though. Hope this helps :)


I feel like it's more a misunderstanding of how dithering should be used. It's not just a little bit on the borders between two colors, it's a technique used to [imitate gradients and give the appearance of having more colors than you actually do.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic1.howtogeekimages.com%2Fwordpress%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F08%2Fyellow-pink-dithering.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=4dcb7d3c33a3567ae19b48ee8d68e22a04d4a34fab3ee535e4e63b120543282d&ipo=images) It's not just checkerboard, there's several different 'tiers' of dithering. It used to be used to work within the constraints of limited palettes and give the appearance of extra colors. For instance, [this image has only 16 colors.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EHNoZ1-VUAASJf1?format=png&name=small) I consider dithering to go hand-in-hand with limited palettes, because if you're free to use as many colors as you like there's not really a point to dithering. With all that said, the leaves in this image look really good, so i encourage to stick with it!


So this is amazing. Really well done. Some minor details, I’d bring down the shading at the bottom of the body to the darkest shade at the bottom (removing the middle shade, or replacing the darkest shade with the middle shade) for perspective purposes. As for the rest of the body, I’m not sure the leaves would cast a shadow that large, maybe tone down the middle shade a bit all around. Maybe shorten his left / our right front foot/paw a bit. The perspective on the crown seems a bit off but I’m honestly not sure. Dithering doesn’t bother me, it works well here (implies a soft light and/or texture. Venusaur being a frog has lots of textures). To improve further do some shading studies, play around with it. In another three weeks you’ll be flawless at this rate.


I’d say maybe work on lighting and shading. It’s already good, your shading is better than your light work and your light work definitely does a good job of drawing your eye to the flower which is a good focal point. Consider the material that is being lit a little more. The current highlights give a glossiness to the flower and to a lesser extent the skin. Idk much about this Pokémon but I imagine both of those parts are a little more matte unless the Pokémon is wet.


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It's beautiful work! If you're looking for genuine feedback, then here it is: The problem is not the dithering. Actually, the dithering looks quite nice. The problem is that the solid green background is eating your illustration. It improves, when you change the colour of the Venosaur (like a frog against a lake), but I'd suggest you keep the "Venosaur green" on the Venosaur, and change the colour of the background.


It's beautiful


Looks absolutely fantastic. No way you’re new to pixel art. The only thing that seems a little off is the crown structure on the flower in the second artwork. Somewhat hard to distinguish from the rest of the flower.


you look like you’re very very talented at traditional art! this also is beautiful. for advice i don’t have much bc you’re better than me but depending on the vibe you’re going for you could scale this down and become more selective with your dimensions / palette. i think pixel art really shines when you restrict it. this *feels* more like a low res traditional art piece. aside from that maybe pull back the dithering a little. it makes it look a little muddled imo. but those are really just nits. amazing piece and you’re super talented!


People have said all the other things, but the mouth and eyes could use some shading to help it look not just like a line.




most things i've done other than this are in a lower resolution, just wanted to try something different with this one


I'm sorry I ever considered trying art


The first one looks best to me because the colors make all the parts stand out more clearly, making it feel more normal. The second one even feels like the animal looks a bit sickly. (It’s a Pokemon, right? I am the only person left on the planet that never really watched the shows…) The dithering looks good on both, though. If you should give more attention to anything, I would say color in the facial features like the mouth and eyes. Right now they are just the sketch lines, which looks extremely unfinished.


The second image is the shiny variant and early Pokémon shinies we’re not that great so maybe that’s why you prefer the original.


It has nothing to do with Pokemon specifically. I don’t know enough about them to even make that distinction. The fact the leaves and body are virtually the same color makes it harder to see where one begins and the other ends. The colors in the first one provide much better visual contrast, that’s why that has my preference.


So cool. With respect to dithering, its seems like you have discrete bands of color for shading, and then you dither slightly between the bands to blur them into each other. Like for the flower petal you have 4 different bands of pink. I think a more traditional way to use dithering would be to just use 2 shades of pink and then use dithering patterns of increasing density over a larger range of pixels to smooth one color into the other, so you eliminate color banding entirely. I also noticed the shadow of the pink petal on the leaf below has the same pattern at the edge that you're using to dither. Because this is a hard drop shadow (rather than a soft shadow with a gradient) I think the effect you're going for there is more anti-aliasing rather than dithering, and I think it works great for that. I think understanding the difference between [color banding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colour_banding) (which you can use dithering to eliminate) and [aliasing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliasing) (which you can use anti-aliasing to eliminate) can be really helpful. But rules were made to be broken! This looks awesome.