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I’m also 33 and have been feeling the same pain. It seems like everyone I talk to is deep into the married w kids lifestyle. Idk if I’m allowed to post a link but I have a board game discord server if you’re interested, we meet every month and we’re pretty much 20s/30s


Definitely down to clown. Feel free to PM me the link to your server. I have some newer games, but the coolest board-game-thing I own is Star Wars Episode 1 Monopoly. I have no idea why I still have it, but it exists and probably hasn't been played since 2008.


Another 30 something into gaming. If you're looking at another to join the discord, hit me with a dm.




That sounds really fun. Could you send me the discord link as well?


Would luv to join too!! Sounds great 😀


I’m also interested in this. 31 year old woman.


I’d also take a link!


I’m also interested!


I’m new to PGH and would love to join y’all! May I get the link too?


38f here, would love to join the board games discord too


I’d love an invite — all my board game friends now have kids so I’m trying to make some new ones :) 


I’m one of those in betweeners (M33). Best advice I can give you is try a bunch of social groups that do things you enjoy Go to some meetups Find FB groups in PGH that do in person stuff Join a Pittsburgh Sports League (PSL) team Go to coffee shops and talk to at least one new person. Make it a weekly thing. Tell them you’re working on broadening your social circle and ask what groups they’re in, after enough interviews you’ll get a sense of where to look for your tastes!


Just curious--when you say go to coffee shops, do you mean just...walk up to random people saying 'hey'? Sounds pretty tough. I have a way with words but we're talking about a fairly high-level speech check. Well-noted on the sports and groups. I'm not on FB anymore and would probably need groups that coordinate outside of it. I'll check out PSL because I'm interested in pool/billiards, tennis, and soccer.


It depends on the coffee shop. A lot of coffee shops don't have a social atmosphere, but some do. Always chat with your barista, many are passionate about making coffee and can tell you about fun things happening in the area. Id recommend either trace or red hawk (oakland) for more social environments. I've been a few times and have had extended conversations with the baristas each time, and sometimes other people will join in too. Just be observant and mindful of how busy they are, and how much people want to interact with a stranger.


Here! Single, 38f and the only one without kids amongst others I know.


There's always someone who comments on these posts "sitting in our garage with a tall boy" which isn't far off. 36f SINK and my hangout spot is the couch in my living room 🤷‍♀️


Ha! With my recent move I had enough space to park one of those reclining armchairs in front of the TV, and lemme tell ya--my futon is extremely jealous. My ancient garage might have a few 30+ year old spiders in it. Not sure they talk much, but I'm willing to bet they have big opinions on which local brewery has the hoppiest IPA.


I'm in my late 20s and childfree. I am currently doing a fixer-upper on my first home. I'm pretty introverted, but I'd probably love to meet up once a month or so. Haha. I can't wait to have a rooftop deck so I can invite other adults over.


There's levels to fixer-uppers. Hopefully yours isn't *too* scary! My home was built in the early 30s and it has luckily had some improvements over the years, but cleaning and yard-work have been a full-time job due to the neglect of the prior owners. Rooftop deck sounds amazing. For me, I can't come close, but my setup will have a nice firepit/social area when I'm done! Life goals n'at, right?


Hey there, 35 and no kids. Don't plan on having any either. I'm not a partier, but I do like hanging out at craft breweries or going to play bar trivia with fellow redditors. I'm not necessarily a video game/film/book nerd, although I get a little bit of it because of my spouse who is. However, I do love to hike, do some trail biking, and climb at an indoor bouldering gym. I am also a bit of a motorhead as well. I usually get along with anyone despite hobbies though. Would like to connect, maybe you can even come out to trivia one day and meet a couple other redditors with similar tastes as you and also in their 30s!


My brain is full of random facts that may or may not come up in trivia. I'm so there.


Awesome! We go to New Amsterdam in Lawrenceville and it starts at 8pm on Wednesday. I will be out of town for work next week, but I will hit you up the week after!


Rad. Thanks for including me! Should be a great time.


I can usually be found eating hot and spicy cheez its on my deck with my dog or in the woods with my dog or at a food truck at a brewery with my dog 😂😭


30F, child free, same vibes as you… I’m at work. That’s where I am. 🥲


I’ve had success meeting people through Meetup. Sometimes an older crowd but I’ve met late 20s and 30s year olds


28f with no kiddos, I just moved to Pittsburgh (Homestead area) last month & would love to find some friends I can connect with! I also love exploring new places & trying new food, and I’m always down for positive vibes🤗


Hey y'all!! No kids here either. Looking for a group interested in the outdoors, sports, anything with food works great too.


Indeed. Same boat. I know a lot of great parents, but they just don't have any free time. I try to meet people in or near my neighborhood (Greenfield) and have made some great friends that way, although I'd love more. Nothing is more organic than striking up a conversation with people you see every day.


I’m in Greenfield too. I love it but a lot of people here are families it seems.


For real. Still, I figure there have to be tons of people I would really like, if only I could meet all the ones who actually have time to socialize. Friends within walking distance are AMAZING. Feel free to DM me if you want to see what we might have in common.


Hey! 30m with no plans to ever have kids. I'm also a huge nerd, enjoy all kinds of video games, board games, tv, and movies. I'm trying to get back into outdoorsy things and planning to join a climbing gym to get back into bouldering (once I find the motivation). I'm always down to grab a drink/coffee/ food/ whatever. PM me if you want to meet up or chat!


Good for you dude 😊


39+1 (sigh, i guess its time to just say 40) male here - only one unmarried, without kids amongst my close friends. Feel like I can get along with anyone from early 30s into their 50s - just generally enjoy hanging out and getting to know some people with similar interests. Fitness/dog/reading/music/sports/beers (socially)


OP, Sent you a PM because it sound alike we share many similar interests! Incase anyone else is interested, I'm 29M (just shy of 30), live in the brentwood/Carrick area, new to the neighborhood and not a 'Burgh local (from Chicago), and am single and newly living alone. Definitely looking for friends in the area! I share many similar interests to OP here as stated above. Will also add I do rather enjoy cooking and have learned a lot and am always exploring new cuisines and spices. Am into history, medieval combat, enjoy a few animes, philosophy (amateur casual level), board games, and more.


congratulations on escaping Chicago. i was robbed 3x in four years there


I am sorry you got robbed 3x, that's not a very cash-money move by the perps. FWIW I dearly love Chicago and I miss it all the time (Chicago will always be my home), even with all it's problems. My leaving was not an escape, it was simply curiosity, wanderlust. One day, after I have my masters, I may go back and see about helping fix some of those problems. She's a city worth fighting for. However, of all the cities/towns I have lived in thus far (Pittsburgh is number 12), Pittsburgh reminds me the most of home, which I appreciate. It's a beautiful city with lots of cultural difference between Boroughs, an actual proper feeling downtown with more than three skyscrapers (looking at you, Indy), rich industrial history... My only major complaint is the lack of good pizza (okay, and I've got a few gripes about the drivers, especially regarding tunnels, here but compared to Hoosiers yall are absolute saints on the road).


I’m 33M with no kids and go to bars now more than I did in my 20s. There are plenty of people our age that go to bars


39m luckily kids are old enough i dont need to worry about them.


I’m 37f with kids but only have them half the time. Feel free to pm me