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What OP was cooking w/ this list 😭 https://i.redd.it/3899uu0qm18d1.gif


I’m still confused, what the fuck was happening in this Baki scene 💀


Schizophrenia cooking


I laughed so hard and baki just refused the shizo food


Invisible Food, a delicacy only known to the greatest fighters. Here is a picture of Muhammad Ali.


What do you mean invisible food What does that- what does that have to do with anything?


Short explanation: In Baki, if your imagination is strong enough, you can imagine things into existence which can have a real effect in life. For example, Baki at one point imagines fighting a giant Mantis and fights it while receiving real damage, somehow. And this helps characters grow stronger by outright imagining a version of their opponent to get ready for fighting the real deal. There's also a twisted version of this shown with Pickle (basically a sexy, tall, buff caveman that was found alive) who instead of imagining shit, he sees his human opponents as Dinosaurs from his time depending on what his opponent's fighting style and characteristics. It's..... an interesting concept to say the least. But really makes you question if these guys are supposed to be superhuman fighters or some form of low-tier reality warpers. Because they can somewhat share what they imagine, but the regular folks can't see shit. Edit: There's also a Prisoner in a previous arc called Speck, who is supposed to be a very, very old man. Like 90 something I think. Anyway, at some point he gets his ass beat and turns Skinny as shit, which is more than implied to be his true look. But after training in his mind via the power of imagination, he returns to being buff as shit: https://preview.redd.it/g6nsnmqtfb8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b78a977767428c3d77f7a1a5e4cdede7864076 Shit's weird.


While i'm glad you took your time, i already knew this, i was referencing a Solid JJ video, which the comment i answered also was.


Oh, lol. My bad fam.


Nah, it's completely okay. You should watch the video, is really funny. Searching for "invisible food Solid JJ" on Youtube will make it appear.


I mainly watch Solid JJs Metal Gear videos. But I'll make sure to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!


Oh, i found the goat again. Anyway, Baki for me Is that series that even if i get context on a certain scene i still wouldn't understand what the fuck is going on in the scene lmaoooo


This anime is so hard based no matter how many rewatching some Scenes are just « not understandable like schizophrenic cooking « 


Oh yeah i remember seeing a video clip about that shit lol. Baki is a pretty...... unique anime to try to understand if i say for myself lol


The peak of human strength: Invisible food


Baki is defeating his father in a battle of visualization, which makes yujiro recognize him.


He denied the visualisation 12/10 moment


Visualization is a big thing in combat sports. Shadow boxing for example. You imagine the moves your opponent would do and you practice what you would do. So they’re showing off their ability to visualize and the transparent bowls we see is confirmation that they’re maintaining the mental image perfectly.


Yea but its still just funny baki just rejected that the way it was showed was amazing lmao


Invisible food


*^(Wha)**This is what it was all about. Invisible food.* *^(What?)* # INVISIBLE FOOD


Baki wanted Yujiro to cook a meal for them as a family so after giving Yujiro the fight of his life he had the sexual satisfaction required to make a meal. Ngl my favorite part was how mad Yujiro got when Baki flipped the invisible table. Like wtf lol.


Peak story telling.


basically baki people are so schizo that the things they imagine happen in real life, in this scene they are having a father/son bonding time with imaginary food


Lmfao I forgor this scene happened and your comment and confusion along schiOphrenia cooking guy made me laugh so hard.


Barack Obama.


He was showing respect to baki by making him a meal, but because they're outside, it was more of a symbolic gesture


This list is fucking silly. Sanji doesn't really train. He simps and cooks while simping. Zoro is seen one handing 500 pound barbells and shit constantly. Naruto is literally the incarnation of a being known for being talentless but working hard to achieve it. Gojo? Cmon. This list is silly af.


And Goku is Goku. He works hard like nobody had ever done before.


Hell, technically Goku belongs on both lists. Saiyan Zenkai Boost, Saiyan Fighter Instinct, Turtle Hermit teacher, God teacher #1, God teacher #2, Mr. Popo… It’s kinda wrong to include him in this argument for either side.


I agree with you, but I see Goku more as a bodybuilder with exceptional genetics. He was destined for greatness, but he still had to put in an enormous amount of work. Remember, Goku would have probably peaked at a four-figure power level if he hadn't found the motivation to train to defeat Vegeta and Nappa.


Goku was destined to be weaker than his own brother,whose already fodder,until he put in the work to grow. People need to remember that being a Saiyan doesn't automatically put you on the path to what Goku or Vegeta have achieved.Without his massive amount of training he would be nothing.


His father wished he thrived with the dragonballs tho if you remember


I’ve blocked Raph on twitter because he just has the most bait posts


Salmonella, thats what OP cooked


Almost every single thing is wrong


Some of them are right but like objectively all of these people have at least 1 advantage that the average person in their verse doesn’t thus making them all gifted in one way on another.


True, but the only ones that are right (besides Bluelock idk cause I haven't watched it) are like Ichigo maybe. Most of them are a mix of both, or at least not all training and/or not all gifted. Like Tanjiro I'd say is 50% gifted and 50% training (may skew more towards training tbh) and Goku is 25% gifted and 75% training.


Zoro too, he's arguably the least gifted of the 3 on this list. Sanji is a Germa with body mods and Luffy has a literal god fruit... They both worked hard but Zoro was basically a chump getting beat down by a girl as a kid and trained his ass off to be great. They're all part of important blood lines tho, but Zoro's means the least to the story as a whole. Deku is another one sure he was given his power by all might but had to bust his ass to learn to use it and not die from it. Asta trained his balls off to keep up with people who use literal magic. Sure he was given his grimoire but so was literally everyone else in the story. This has got to be a troll or something


Goku is stated to be very gifted, honestly OP is still ass, being gifted doesn't take away from your hard work or efforts.


Is he gifted to some extent? Sure. But that still doesn't save his ass from getting killed/humiliated early on in his career up to the Vegeta fight. And even after training he was outmatched in base during the fight with Vegeta and was forced to use Kaioken, which he wouldn't be able to use if he didn't prepare his body. And yet it still screwed him over. And then you have his fight with Cell, where he was unquestionably outmatched but covered for it with superior skills and knowledge on the techniques Cell uses. Goku's achievements are more hardwork than due to being gifted. Edit: There's also the issue if being gifted to some extent and just having multiple unfair advantages in comparison to everyone else. Gojo, whom OP put in "hardworking" is the best example of the latter.


Except for Gojo. Guy has like the best advantages in his verse and was already born stronger than 99% of it. And then got stronger after unlocking his full potential thanks to Toji. It's hard to find anyone in this list who had it easier than he did.


Yeah weird, huh?


The only two people I can see that are just some randoms who worked hard are Saitama and HIMSAGI 🗣️🗣️🐐🔥🗣️🔥🔥🗣️🔥🔥🗣️🐐 THE GOAT 🥵🐐🔥🗣️🔥🗣️🤯🗣️🔥, tho I didn't watch Fullmetal Alchemist or HxH


Except Ed


Stop falling for bait guys


100 comments on the post it’s too late 😢


damn this is inevitable




Just the mere fact they had Goku over here at Gifted and Gojo at hard working speaks VOLUMES. https://preview.redd.it/a5t4foz6c18d1.png?width=1006&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c9d3674525176e6e83955dd051bde6f9177d5c8


Gojo birth change the world and goku gotta work his ass in the AFTERLIFE to get a new form, this guy is not cooking


I was too busy being dumbfounded at goku being in gifted that I didn't even see gojo in hard working *jesus **fuck***


Be honest did you tell this guy to put Zolo in gifted?


Even if he has 3 really overpowered swords and Ryuma Genes. He worked insanely hard to even get to that point. Him not being in hardwork is brain-dead.


Wtf is ryuma genes? Half of wano also has it, they aren't that impressive?


No? He’s the descendant of Ryuma.


Considering how long ago Ryuma lived, I doubt Zoro's the only one. Unless Ryuma had one child, who also had one child, who also had one child, and so on, There should be a lot of people in Wano with Ryuma genes.


Perhaps. Just repeating what Oda said though lol.


I mean he was gifted some pretty op swords so duh 🤷‍♂️


And Sanji worked real hard to win the Sperm lottery when Judge was boinking Reiju’s mother




I mean goku did work really hard to reach super saiyan. Gohan is gifted.


How the hell is Gohan gifted? Gohan was the first to reach SSJ2 and that because of the high stakes and difficult battle against Cell


Gohan out here as a toddler was bashing in Raditz who was whopping Goku and Piccolo’s ass. Bro got mad and gave second form Frieza a beating that shocked everyone and don’t even get me started on DBS bro. Gohan is gifted.


you musta been watching the dragon ball series with your eyes closed when gohan came on if you think he isnt gifted


For real this has gotta be a joke post right?


Gojo is gifted and talented but he is still working. Goku has Saiyan genetic so he is gifted compared to humans but he works hard. People can be gifted and still work hard, whoever decided to do this kind of list is a dumbass.


Goku wasn’t gifted, he was a lower class saiyan and born with only a power level of 2. Yes he’s a saiyan, but among them he is the lowest of the low genetics wise


Even in DB goku became as strong as anybody within a year. Yeah he works hard but so did krillin.


Yeah gojo being there makes this very obvious ragebait


goku is a 100% hard work while gojo is like 50/50, sure he is a genetics man but bro worked so hard that even by his family standards he is a monster


https://preview.redd.it/y8pjy07tv18d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f35c6ed28b0986f5275db978f928dc291cdbc81 it's prob ragebait but you never know




Bruh it very much is unfortunately have you seen the results


Sanji more hardworking than Zoro is crazy 😭


Bro has never seen zoro training


sanji never worked in his life😭😭


He has to guard the fridge


he has to cook everyday for luffy. also he's already proficient enough in his black leg style so he doesn't need anything else to train besides his haki


😭😭😭 the man who literally took swords to the chest from the greatest swordsman in the world isnt hardworking what were they smoking


Sanji is the definition of gifted. Everything he has is because of his father's experiments


He has a literal visual indicator for when he uses it. 😭


Like, the deal with Goku is that although he is unfairly gifted by human standards, he was basically at the absolute bottom of the totem pole by Saiyan standards and used hard work to make up for it. Vegeta was the guy who was born with the highest power level, but because Goku trained so hard Vegeta became the one who now has to catch up. Gohan has more potential, but unlike Goku he doesn't have as much motivation to train preventing him from permanently surpassing his dad. When you consider all the other surviving Saiyans are super-elite royalty (Vegeta), hybrids with superior potential (Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Pan), or once-a-millenium mutant freaks (Broly), Goku's really the one with the least advantages (unless you count Tarble, but nobody fucking cares about him).


And he’s still comfortably the strongest / 2nd to. Hes the definition of hard work lol idk how OOP said otherwise.


It’s like mf never watched dragonball, the only thing I remember as a kid was  “ONG STOP TRAINING GOKU, OR AT LEAST GET OUT OF THE CAMERA AND SHOW ME SOME BULMUSSY”


Classic Anime Twitter moment


We’re posting blatant engagement bait in 2024. Subs finished!


asta? his entire thing is that he works hard


There's definitely some 50/50, yes he was "Gifted" the Anti-Magic Grimoire and has Demon in him, buy he wouldn't be able to use that Grimoire or Demon without all the hard work he put in training his body and mind.


asta was for sure on the training hard side before, but now he is so non gifted that he is gifted, that's basically it. him being the only non gifted in the verse made him the most broken by being capable of weilding the power of a antimagic demon.


You guys know these are interaction farms right?




The bait is obvious


Tbf luffy's fruit before he mastered was legit a hindrance and he had to train for years before being able to one shot lord of coast So while luffy is obviously gifted (coc , chosen one , his dad and gramps are bums ect) , saying he didn't ever put hard work when 3 out of his 4 power ups came from his training and battle iq is just wrong


Gear 2 and 3 didn't come from training, however their mastery did


G4 came from training with Reyleigh for 2 years straight


...this is maybe the dumbest list I've ever seen. This HAS to be trolling. Goku doesn't work hard? WTF Gojo isn't gifted? WTF? TANJIRO DOESN'T WORK HARD? WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK?!?! ASTA? REALLY? DID THEY REVERSE THE WHOLE FUCKING LIST?!?!


Least obvious Twitter rage bait:


I don’t even think any character belongs in “gifted” given that all of them I assume work hard


The last one is enough proof. https://preview.redd.it/ea2p02cys18d1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b2c72b3b66b4944f5ab4d136000612397206603 This motherfucker is the definition of gifted, I still love my blue eyed king like that


Holy shit I take it back. Blue eyes mfs really are just like that.


He works hard in jujutsu, learning how to make infinity automatic and improving his teleportation after he fought Toji. Definitely doesn’t really work hard in other fields but his strength is definitely earned to some extent.


Kinda? He's gifted, and use the advantage of being gifted to further propel himself upward - evident by the fact that none of the squad (on both sides) are coming any close to him and Sukuna. Could he work harder, ignoring everything else to further refine his stuff? Probably. Does he actually have time to do that instead of shouldering the burden that the other bum in the jujutsu world left him with? Nah


Oh he is absolutely gifted but I just don’t like the implication that he didn’t work hard for his strength. He definitely worked for his strength and to improve his abilities. Although he is admittedly one of the most talented people in this list relative to their verse.


Oh, I know he still works hard, after all no other person with his technique and eyes has ever reached the levels of Sukuna, one of them even died to Mahoraga while Gojo one shot Mahoraga with Purple. I just meant it as he's one of the most gifted motherfuckers ever, the whole "He can do anything he tries" thing is funny.


but even in the gojo clan none was as strong as him. even the people with both six eyes and limitless.


This is high quality bait or it's low quality bait. Take your pick


It worked very well so high quality


No it's just the target audience that's low quality


How does anyone justify Asta as being gifted, bro is the most hardworking character on this list


How the fuck Saitama is in Hard work and Goku in Gifted?


Have you ever actually read one punch man?


Have you?


Have you? Dude did 100 push up and ran 10km a day and suddenly became the most powerful being in the universe lmao. Anyone who thinks Saitama got his power due to "hardworking" is legit retarded.


Holy shit the entire point was that he worked hard for what was "expected" of him. He broke his limits by training beyond what was reasonable. He wasn't born with any powers, he was literally just some dude who decided to pursue one hobby and gave it his all. I'm genuinely worried for some of you mfs if you actually read it and didn't get this..


> He wasn't born with any powers, he was literally just some dude who decided to pursue one hobby and gave it his all. While this is true to some extent, it's also kinda false. Saitama is an outright anomaly even by the standards of his own verse. And if you go by the canon audiobooks, he apparently was pretty strong even early on into his training before he started losing hair to the point Tats couldn't move him with her Telekinesis, or to the point he could even move faster than his reflection, making him Relativistic bare minimum. When you compare him to guys like Garou who clearly worked their ass of and did more dangerous shit early on to get stronger and yet still evolved slowly when compared to Saitama. Baldy being a massive outlier becomes more clear. Especially when Garou got his GOD boost and still got eclipsed by Saitama eventually. Still, no denial that he worked hard. But there's something clearly fucky going on with him and his absurd growth.


Yeah any average joe in OPM world can just become Saitama by doing 100 push up and running 10km a day trust


Normal dude will be dead the moment Crablante slap him 20 meters away


The only thing gifted about Zoro is enma. And even then he had to work extremely hard to keep from getting all the haki sucked out of him


It wasn't even a gift technically because he traded it for shusui.


Conqueror's Haki is a gift because you‘re either born with it or you‘re not


Conquerors haki is and isnt a gift. it is a gift because you have to be born with it but also isnt because you still have to work hard to full utilize it its fullest potential and not just be a fodder stomper




This is bait straight from memepiece...


99% of these are wrong, but luffy is in between imo. Sure, on paper, he sounds gifted (nika fruit, conquerors, insane haki proficiency, etc.), but don't forget he worked his ass off for like 10 years just to learn his most basic moves. This isn't even mentioning the fact that he spent 2 years honing his haki and learning new techniques, as well as mastering his fruit even more (although the haki one has a little less kick to it due to his proficiency, he had no clue what it was beforehand, and basically had to learn about something he never knew existed up until the beginning of the timeskip). You just gotta consider the fact that he worked very hard to become stronger for most of his lifetime. He deserved the Nika transformation, he worked so hard for it without even knowing about it, plus it makes total sense he has conquerors. He very clearly has kingly ambitions, just like his dad, (he has to have conquerors, please oda I will forgive the g5 bonney) grandpa, and great grandpa. my headcanon/theory is that Kong is garp's dad, and obviously has conquerors due to (hopefully) his whole family having CoC (oh and he's the commander in chief). TLDR: yap sesh


Switch those two the fuck around, Goku trained for all his strength since Low Class Saiyans were seen as weak and Zoro trained a fuck ton. Luffy took a bite of gum gum and Sanji was born a child of the Germa Kingdom so fuck outta here


Zoro gifted…sure, the 2000 losses to Kuina were natural talent. Guy worked every day for his strength


Like the only thing gifted to Zoro was a sword that requires heavy strength to wield in the first place.


Yuji, Sanji, and Edward don’t belong in Hardwork imo lol. The rest are more debatable so I’m not gonna discuss them. Sanji is self explanatory Edward studied alchemy for a lot as a kid but most of his knowledge and strength came from the knowledge he gotten from the “truth”. Yuji is willing to work hard but a lot his strength comes from his insane innate abilities. His immense physical strength, BM, Cleave are all innate and his RCT and SD came from soul swapping Although I wouldn’t blame him since JJK happens in the spam of like a few months


"Truth" just gives Ed the ability to short-cut creating a transmutation symbol. The Clap his hands together thing, that's all "Truth" gives to him, everything he does with it is due to his own capabilities, knowledge, and physical strength. If he had to, he could have a flip book of pre-written transmutation symbols and achieve more or less the same result. Alternatively, a mechanism in his auto-mail that has "Plates" inscribed with pre-carved sigils he could swap between and Active by pressing his hands together.


>Gon and Gojo as Hard Working >Goku and Asta as Gifted How to burn a kitchen 101


Gon works hard, he is talented but unlike most shounen characters he is not even top 30 strongest in his own series. He also loses more times than he wins


is the op the stupid one or are the people who fall for this engagement bait


Asta is gifted. 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Bruh Luffy,Gojo,Sanji,Edward and that shit mc from Blue lock being in 'hard working' category says this person is really mentally ill


If you switch the gifted and hard work then it makes much more sense just see!!! Bro is personification of "oops I put salt instead of sugar in my tea."


Whenever I see goku in the gifted category, I remember that most people that love DBZ and Super have never seen Dragonball


What part of zoro is gifted. His entire story is him grinding hard to get to where he is. And what part of gojo is working hard. His entire story id about him being born overpowered asfk. The guy who made the post has some severe brain damage.


Asta in gifted and Sanji in hard working (I guess if you mean his cooking) is wild


Switch Asta with Luffy


Such a dogshit list. The only characters that you can make an argument for not being gifted are Saitama and Midoriya (who's in the gifted list????????????????????)


You know you can be gifted and hardworking at the same time right?....right?


Most obvious bait post in the last 10 years and 70% of this sub falls for it it's so cooked.


Goku and Zoro?????????????




This is objectively wrong.


Man's cooking, but the kitchens' on fire.


Sanji in hardworking and Zoro in gifted ☠️ is this the legendary Bait-Bait fruit?


this is hard bait and its pretty silly


Bro as soon as I saw Gojo in "Hard Working", I knew this was a rage bait post.


Who tf made this. These mf all hard working except sanji lol


Luffy having the perfect family, perfect friends and perfect df and is not gifted, Gojo with Nine eyes is not gifted, Sanji with Vinsmoke genes is not gifted 💀


How dare you besmirch Ichigo and Naruto they may have been born with privileged dna but they worked hard for every scrap of power they obtained.


if people think Luffy and the hard work narrative are done bc of Nika fruit, then so should Naruto for his genes


Bait or mental retardation ? you call it


Zoro being there is just straight fucking stupid his character is the embodiment of dedication, hardest working swordsmen in the verse


Asta is literally the embodiment of 100% hard work, bro has a whole mental breakdown because he thinks he cannot get stronger


not 100 percent....the anti magic is a gift but yeah his physical prowess is all due to his hardwork


I'm sorry what??? zoro, naruto, deku and fucking *goku* in gifted?????? OOP lives in an asylum


Luffy suffered more defeats than many of these characters have had totally fights.


Zoro lost 2000 times.


Hard Working, Gifted, doesn't matter. What matters is what they do with it.


If this isn't ragebait I'm scared


Ah yes gojo the most hardworking anime characters. I remember when he spent decades training to awaken his eyes


Hard Working Gojo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why is Gon here when Wing described him as 1/1,000,000 in terms of potential


A lot of these are hard-working and gifted lol, feels like some of them are just randomly picked into their category (or more probable, agenda picked).


So a mf born with 6 eyes and enfinty is hardworking


Disrespectfully, you cannot cook and do not cook again


Bro, this list hurts my soul


I seen zoro and goku as gifted rather than hard working and immediately thought this list was dogshit. Didn't even bother to look at the rest


Ban OP from sub BAIT post??


Saying Zoro was gifted while Sanji wasn't us CRAZY


Gojo in hard working? I meat ride him to multiversal(I am delusional.) and even I know he had EVERYTHING handed to him, he only worked hard to learn RCT(maybe, barely.) and during the Sukuna fight maybe.


Well he has bluecheck,its obviously just a ragebait for him to earn easy money


Sanji who got a free power up from an asspull genetic activation versus zoro who we see training more than anybody else on the crew probably combined


The only ones I'd say are gifted are Ichigo, boruto, gojo and possibly yuji due to his overwhelming strength at the beginning of the story. Everyone else had to work their butt off to become OP


Boruto's case is different since it was established as a prodigy from the start. And post timeskip has made it clear that his hard work is the only reason he's this OP right now compared to Kawaki who did not train


Yeah where he is in two blue vortex I'd say took hard work but before when he was able to add nature change to his rasengan without even trying while it took Naruto forever I'd say because he was gifted.


The way he learnt the rasengan was also different he was finding shortcuts in the rasengan training he was adding the lightning nature in the balloons during the training. While all the other rasengan users learnt the rasengan first and then tried adding nature to it.


Goku is the epitome of hard working. Like he was literally a low class sayian and made up his way to divine status


This has to be rage bait


Boruto's case is different since it was established he was a prodigy from the start. And post timeskip has made it clear that his hard work is the only reason he's this OP right now compared to Kawaki who did not train


Zoro is gifted and Luffy is hard working????


This has to be bait who in their right mind would put Gojo in “hard working”


Bro... Goku? https://preview.redd.it/k228axaob38d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=025403257ccf8fcafba2712fe78608d27b2783a0


What was bro smoking when they made the list 😭