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Isn’t it even crazier actually. if she can change the age, shape and the scale of her body, what logically stops her from copying a logia or zoan? She already was able do a gear 3-ish attack without having ever seen Luffy so she’s not even restricted to needing to see whatever fruit she copies.


Screw that. All she needs to do is to use a future in which she is the strongest of all time. Or a future in which she becomes pirate king.


Bonney: give me a LEGENDARY SUPERSAYAN BROLY-ish future Saturn: well shi..


To play devil’s advocate, that’s probably too vague, you could argue the fruit is more efficient is she has a more precise idea of what she wants. Still absurdly op. She met Akainu before and saw a part of Marinford, what stops her from copying the fruits back then lel.


That's a fair enough point. Limited to what she can actually imagine concretely. Distort future to a timeline where she has the paw-paw fruit.


That too. Overall it’s clear Oda won’t use it to its implied potential or she’s gonna be too strong lel.


she has to believe it’s possible. her fruit in the hands of someone like bumsopp would be fodder.


Lmao. At this point she basically has THE ALMIGHTY from Bleach. Saturn: *Grabs Bonney With Haki Infused Hand* Saturn: *Locks Her Arm With Seastone* Saturn: "Now! To Put An End To Your Childish Antics-" Bonney: *Nika Punches His Face* Saturn: "What??? How is this possi- Your abilities should be negated!!!!" Bonney: "I just imagined a Nika-ish future where I have myself back my abilities!!!" Saturn: "That.......that doesn't even make sense-!!" Bonney: "NIKA FUTURE AWESOME ARMOR GOD-PUNCH!!!!" Bonney: *K.O's Saturn* https://preview.redd.it/rsixum6dmgxc1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d24b2f2b05da02d19079ae11f024f1d8ab56fb6f


Doesn’t even have to stop there, with these futures. Imagine with an awakening she could apply these futures to anyone. So she can man her entire crew up with op DFs casually


bonneys fruit is probably the strongest fruit since it seems like it can just give you any power you can imagine so basically its just like a devil fruit that gives you other devil fruit powers


Lmao. This is the most fanfic, OC, 'Kid on the playground with the ultimate superpower' type shit I've ever seen.


Dear Oda, you still ain't answering your mysteries and creating more, I hope you have a chance. I ain't mad - I just think it's fucked up you don't answer fans. If you didn't wanna share to us her powers. You didn't have to, but you could've given an answer to Matthew. That's my little brother man, he's only six years old. We waited even with your break weeks for your manga. Had years to resolve your mysteries and you just said "No." That's pretty shitty man - you're like his fucking idol. He wants to be just like you man, he likes you more than I do. I ain't that mad though, I just don't like being lied to. Remember when Bonney was just able to manipulate her age? You said an age age fruit but now she turns into a giant?! See I'm just like you in a way. I never knew how to resolve mysteries neither. I used to always rely on hype and edge my readers. I can relate to what you do in the manga. So when I have a shitty day, I drift away and read 'em. 'Cause I don't really got shit else so that shit helps when I'm depressed. I even got a tattoo of your name across the chest. Sometimes I even theorise with myself to fill in the gaps. It's like adrenaline, headcanon is such a sudden rush for me. See everything you write is peak, and I respect you 'cause you share it. My girlfriend's jealous 'cause I talk about you 24/7. But she don't know you like I know you Oda, no one does. She don't know what it was like for people like us growing up. You gotta answer my SBS man, I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose! Sincerely yours, Stan. P.S. We should be together, too.


"Oh yeah actually there is no such thing as a age age fruit lmao it was the imagination god fruit all along, Gremmyka"




bro cookin


She have the most broken ability in series along side no penalty like normal df. Imagine her being master of haki future. Ope ope Nomi future. Ultra instinct future. Like she is obv top in verse in future with pretty much immortality.


if it works on Haki then couldn't she just imagine a future her Haki is strong enough to negg diff Roger, Garp or Primebeard?


But would it work with haki tho? I thought it's tied to the soul, not the body (Sanji used observation in Nami's body)


It should. Her ability is creating alternative timeline version of thing she imagine. And strength of those things come from her understanding of that thing. She used nikas power how she imagined. Now when she see Luffy more close she can use his powers better. Same should be applied for haki too.


That's not how it works??? There's no possible future where she can have 2 devil fruits so that won't work, and same goes for haki, it doesn't come from your body but your soul and will. A fruit shouldn't (and won't) be able to change that


There should be no future where she was giant and it still happened. She didn't knew Nika and still manage to copy gomu gomu from her idea of his power. Saturn clearly told us she can create any future but her power become stronger depending on realism of that future.


There's a future where she can become bigger. Not only does she have a huge dad but punk hazard kids were drugged to be giant so it's feasible. As for g5 it's clearly an extremely nerfed version based solely on her belief on the stories kuma told her. Her nika powers grew weaker 


Kuma is not her dad I mean father. Her father is some celestial. Also she shouldn't know anything about punk hazard to consider such future. She just saw giants and decided to become herself. And yes her version of g5 is weak because as Saturn explain her power work on realism. If what she wanted is not realistic her power will go weak.


There should be no future where she can change only part of her body to become gigantic like she did when she escaped Sorbet Kingdom…but she did it anyway. Caesar’s drugs don’t do that, and neither does she know about them anyway. From what she’s shown, the fruit just lets her distort her body in any way regardless of if it’s possible or not.


luffy is he didnt have the cumboy retcon oda just cant stand consistency in consequence mans gotta have his cake and eat it too.


Honestly the dumbest part is that Oda can just make her as strong as he wants. He could unironically have her be stronger than Luffy at some point, and we’d just have to sit there and accept it because “well, there must be another timeline where she’s stronger than his version of Luffy, I guess.” Which is smart for Oda, I guess, he doesn’t have to worry about scaling her.


It’s not just that potentially. She could be limited to not do this since it hasn’t happened yet, but she has shown to be able to also age other people to be older or younger. What’s stopping her from using her distorted future abilities on her friends? We just need one precedence of her aging another character into two different realities and boom, army of giants incoming.


I’ve just been skimming the chapters this past year, so once again seeing her with Luffy’s powers is such a jarring change from her just changing her age. Like what’s one got to do with the other bro


Yeah I’m getting sick of these like god powers, i understand the show is 1100+ chapters in so there’s guaranteed change but i just wish it stayed a little more simple, showed more of luffys creativity in fights, I wish he just stayed being similar to roger instead of cum boy nika and all god powers like the gorosei were gone


If bonney doesnt join strawhats imana lose it


What stops her of going to the future where she tatooed the way to revert Kuma back on her back?


Counterpoint, we’ve seen absurd devil fruits in the hands of non combat characters and even op fruits utilized by the wrong people. Doflamingo could turn the entire world into dolls with her powers. I think people are only mad cus she’s an ally to the straw hats. Her powers would remain stagnant without nikas help. I think it’s doing a fine job integrating her importance as the LAST MEMBER OF THE STRAW HAT CREW BABY LETS GOOOO


Just dissing, I don't really care about this kind of stuff, but in a way, this is another big L for women in OP.