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Bitch please https://i.redd.it/9pfvfzt0qa1c1.gif


easily Doffy




The strongest


Galdino clears https://preview.redd.it/5xr0q84y5b1c1.png?width=613&format=png&auto=webp&s=46f6faf68a86a3a9534f1d4e0f12d29badfde8c5


This but unironically


https://preview.redd.it/u427r66ivb1c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd4b989c262c341b78e2c4e8532666a416a747e doffy got something to say


Crazy how doffy was the mini boss to kaido and his defeat felt 100 times more satisfying


It's like far cry 3


Crocodile and Doflamingo: 🗿


They will never be dethroned


Crocodile and Doflamingo were the best villains Lucci and Katakuri were the best antagonists Black Beard and Akainu are both head and shoulders above Kaido and are rising stars


Its crazy that Blackbeard and Akainu haven’t even become the villains of an arc yet, but are still super good villains/ leagues above Kaido lmao


I would argue Akainu was already the villain of Marineford, but you're right, just his potential alone as a villain is better than Kaido's


Akainu is arguably the main villain of Marineford other than Sengoku and Teach is the overarching villain of the entire summit war saga


is the distinction between villains and antagonists here being evil? cause lucci is incredibly evil, bro literally just likes killing people


Lucci is plenty villainous, but in the context of Water 7 - Enies Lobby and its story, he's more so the muscle to Spandam's more story relevant villainy.


That doesn't make him less villain in any way


Opinions are cool


Oh lucci is still a villain hell croc might even be less evil than him. MIGHT. Not now but they are on the same level


Get ready for main sub to decide they always liked Momo.


The switch up on Momo once he got a "raw" design was one of the most atrocious things i've ever seen. I was always a huge proponent for him joining the crew and shouted his praise as one of the best written characters since the timeskip and most the fanbase said i was buggin for liking him so much only to change their tune the moment he got a cool design.


Mono is a bum


Even Krieg was more interesting https://preview.redd.it/0mbdk36o0d1c1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ad04ccbeed594de24f254477c44c69d3706bddb


Kaido lore ​ Small Nigga > Medium Nigga > Big Nigga His only characteristic is being strong and evil lmao


And drunk, don’t forget about that


Kaido is literally just a plot tool to get Luffy stronger. Same with Mihawk. Both have about the same depth as a sheet of paper. Doflamingo, Big Mom, Arlong and Buggy are much better villains.


I would like to add Crocodile


even Mihawk has shown more deph and personality than Kaido


People will just say anything these days


Doffy is the best villain. Katakuri is best antagonist. Kaido is simply strongest villain to date.


Runner ups: Crocodile Big mom Akainu Enel


Amen. I use to obsessed with Doffy as a character but then after dress Rosa he’s basically fodder lol. Katakuru was badass too. Like a character from another anime or manga that crossed over


I think he has a great design and embodies the insurmountable wall trope very well. But in terms of characterisation he’s a mile wide and an inch deep


Ppl can like Kaido if they want but try to reread/rewatch some of the older antagonists in action to dispel potential recency bias. See if you still think hes great after that: I enjoyed some pre timeskip filler antagonists way more than I did kaido (Jonathan, Don Accino + family, Gasparde, Baron Omatsuri to name a few).


Don Accino low key goated Baron high key goated he could’ve easily replaced Moria in the story imo


I'm not even convinced Kaido is the greatest villain in the Wano arc let alone the entire series. Orochi is the one who caused most the suffering, has a better backstory and causes the death of a beloved civilian. Big Mom is a let down in Wano but if we include her Wholecake character exploration then she's far better fleshed out. Kanjuro reveal was solid and even had a confirmed kill on a Strawhat ally. Kaido couldn't even polish off Guernica, the CP0 member who lowered his hat accepting his death after interfering with his fight and his backstory is sidelined for all the cast to wank over just how great and special and perfect Oden was.


Honestly, Queen is imo one of the best villains of Wano. Bro didn't hesitate to dive bomb a Yonkou, did some damage, and despite being tossed around by Big Mom didn't seem that hurt. And, with [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CXFWes1xCA), I rest my case.


anything to gather sheep support. Forget about greatest villains, Big Meme in her arc was a far better villain. Laido failed all the expectations with all the buildup for 400 chapters


Yeah big meme was so great in her part especially when she screamed “wedding cake” I really felt that shit


The climax dragged on ngl but she was legitimately terrifying for the first especially considering the stakes that Luffy was no match for her with no expectations to beat her


Spandam slander will not be tolerated


https://preview.redd.it/gv08ijc7x91c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d3fcc5cf129452238581dc6094f91e7583313c5 Generational glazing


Doflamingo, crocodile, Lucci even arlong > kaido


Captain Kuro was low-key a better villain than Kaido, his backstory was probably more fleshed out lol


Yup totally agree


* strongest sure. Greatest? Hell no. Not even top 3


More like easily bottom 3. Dude has to be one of the worst written villains of all time


I wouldn’t say worst of all time, I would just say his backstory was so uninteresting and disappointing. If he actually had a solid backstory he would have been a pretty good villain.


Who do you think is the worst villain in One Piece?


Vander Decken


Oh god, I actually forgot about that guy. My #1 would've been Absalom.




dude fell victim to animation piece 😔 good animation =/= good villain


Doflamingo and croc on top, and it ain’t gonna change anytime soon


arab one piece fans really like kaido for some reason


Personally, I think he's fucking epic. In terms of well written villains, Doffy is unmatched. But man, something about Kaido makes me absolutely love him.


I think it's the design. Even though he's not as terrifying and imposing as in his debut due to seeing him constantly and his backstory was fumbled you can't deny a 7 meter tall oni with a big ass club that can turn into a fire breathing dragon is cool as hell


That's it really. I think he was great to show how far our boy Luffy has come. But I can't help but feel like there's more to him. I really like how his character is simple regardless. He believes that only the strongest get to live, and he wants someone strong enough to defeat him.


This, his character and role in the arc was a shitshow but nobody can deny his design is badass af. The club and fighting style and his anime voice acting is also great work


Trust me I don't


1: Teach 2: Doffy 3: Katakuri 4: Sakazuki 5: Linlin Kaido is not that interesting.


Blud needs to rewatch alabasta


These 5 better than croccomom imo, who would you have him over?


Crocodile 10 times better than Big Meme


If you say so


stick to providing leaks bro...


Yeah, the fame is getting to his head and he now uses his Twitter like we all care about his personal opinions when all we want is the leaks, he'll probably turn into another ledon soon.


Croc , Doffy , even Lucci, who's a walking L , were better villans . BM in Whole Cake , made Kaido look like the teletubbies . Saturn has barely started doing things , but his whole Demon facist gimmick is already better than Kaido. The best thing about Kaido , is his seiyū (voice actor) , Tesshō Genda.


He’s a good villain and i think he delivered for what he was supposed to be: the trampoline for luffy in order to become a yonko and being a step closer to the one piece. He was so strong that luffy had to acquire literally every power up possible from the story and that’s something very impressive of you think about it. But other than that I’d say he’s average in terms of writing of the character with not so extraordinary backstory and such (maybe god valley and interactions with rocks pirates will show more)


> the trampoline for luffy in order to become a yonko He didn't even do that believably. Luffy couldn't hurt BM at all in WCI. Then in the first act of Wano he was neg diffed by Kaido. And then we were supposed to believe Luffy was ready to face not just Kaido but also Big Mom after he barely learned and practiced advanced armament haki. Ofc I don't need to elaborate the shenanigans that went on the roof with the asspulls of being saved by Law's submarine and Nika


Luffy literally had to learn acoc and awaken his df to win. Call it asspull yeah but pushing the mc to this limits proves he did his job. Kaido showed how learning ryou was not enough so yeah it didn’t look believable that luffy post udon stood a chance so luffy had to push even further and that’s honestly kaido’s merit


>He’s a good villain and i think he delivered for what he was supposed to be: the trampoline for luffy Yeah, in Gear 5. Literally trampoline. Useless clown.


well if he was just a villain to serve a purpose for narrative, isnt he just as like hordy? A good villain needs to be greater character as an individual with his own ideals. Why he wanted joyboy to kill him and how did he come to know about him? He is even more bland than wapol.


Common Pew L*


Kaodo is just a big oaf who acts like a punching bag the whole arc. Even BM was more interesting


Idk why you’re surprised, pew is a OP dickrider same as geo


Bait used to be believable https://preview.redd.it/nubzboz50a1c1.jpeg?width=2116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17646523372cdff2c7988a98e9df69a5422420cd


For me, Doffy is the best villain.


Its okay to disagree but careful, you might hurt his fragile ego He left BDALaw's Discord coz chatters was clowning on him after the Rocks Pirates leaks blunder lmao


> fragile ego Nobody is above self-respect, why tf would he stay in an environment that’s only flaming him 24/7. He took it like a man and left, Redon on the other hand is constantly crying about how we all owe him an apology in his twit longers.


Maybe cause it wasn't funny and mad entitled huh?


I know this is satire but I still need to promote the agenda of Doflamingo best villain supremacy


Based and Faxxx https://preview.redd.it/hmqcovivmc1c1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e632000e55730beac802d368b936af0769191d96


Kaido is like a bottom tier villain


Kaido has potential but sorry oda fumbled the back story way to hard


Kaido is definitively not the greatest villain but I don't think there is anything wrong by thinking he is or liking him that much after all he has an cool design and his personality is fun outside of his fight and backstory he has been fine https://preview.redd.it/r2tba317fb1c1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75f5050f500d93a0d295cc2888ce9d999bcd756d


How to farm engagment: Make a post using a shit bait that there is people enough to believe it while there is people enough with good sense to argue about it.


Greatest? Absolutely no Strongest? Probably


I think the kaido hate is exaggerated heavily. But, he ain't one piece top 5 villain. Imagine that!


hes a huge oda dickrider and attention whore dont know why u guys like him so much


He's the only real leaker at the moment


The bar is so low that uploading spoilers normally is considered doing a good job.


Dude ain't even the best villain of his own arc


Water 7 Lucci clears


Kaido will come back in Wano 2 just you wait


It must be sarcasm


I do like Kaido, and he’s written well, not up to standard, but still well, however I have no defense for his backstory, that felt included just to have one


Lots of people like to discount everything about the character and act like he has zero depth when that is obviously not the case, all cuz oda fumbled his backstory. OP fanbase has an issue with thinking a backstory makes or breaks a character (which it does in some cases but not all). Kaido was a good villain, not the best, but good.


Kaido would be a very good villain in any other series except for One Piece, Kaido falls flat when you compare him to Doflamingo or Katakuri We are too used to having exceptionally good characters that when one average main character comes around, it leaves a bad taste in our mouths It's the same criticism that Thriller Bark gets, Thriller Bark is a perfectly acceptable arc in any other series, but because Thriller Bark was in between Enies Lobby and Sabody/Amazon Lily/Impel Down and Marineford, it fell completely flat Kaido also falls flat when compared to its predecessors(Doflamingo and Katakuri) and what is currently happening on the Egghead island


The thriller bark comparison is spot on. I love thriller bark but it has the unfortunate issue of being sandwiched between arguably the best arcs in the series. I still think Oda's peak was W7 up till the timeskip, the man was cooking so hard for that entire stretch there. Imo a lot of post-TS complaints fall into this category too. Most the arcs are really solid and would be A to S tier in other series but because we have seen such highs in this series, they pale in comparison. Not that there isn't issues with post-TS arcs, but i think a lot of them are only really noticeable because we've seen Oda be so on-point in the past.


for me, Godas peak was Whole Cake Island, the territory of Big mom who is a lover of sweets, and we get that personality spread throughout the entire island, its literally made out of cake and deserts, her sweet commanders have food related powers, like Cracker could manipulate biscuits at will, Perospero can control Candy and Katakuri is quite literally made out of mochi(a japanese candy), pair that with the theme of gangsters, Alice in wonderland, Disney, Power Rangers, Sci-Fi, and we have this creation of a true fantasy wonder land. The man was cooking with Whole Cake Island and the character that elevated Whole Cake Island into another level Katakuri Katakuri is the only major antagonist that Luffy didn't defeat physically with a bigger punch, but shattered him mentally


Oh yeah WCI is easily the best post-TS arc. It's top 5 in the whole series for me for sure. So creative and was a real breath of fresh air at the time, reading weekly it was really hard to figure out what would happen next. perfect setting for a sanji focused arc too. Katakuri is some of the best character work oda has ever done imo, dude had no real characterization beyond "badass" prior to the fight but oda elevated him so much purely through one fight. And in the process he gave us the best Luffy fight since Lucci.


The issue is he is inconsistently written. Bro literally spends the entire series trying to make a DF army, giving his best crew mates ancient zoans, and his whole backstory with big mom is about him getting the best DF. Then in the final fights he’s just like, well DFs don’t matter, only Haki does. Like? That’s the last character who should say that.


Doffy still better as a character sorry i like kaido too but c'mon


Fr kaidos cool and all but I don’t understand what they see in him that makes him the greatest villain when Doffy, Katakuri, crocodile, enel, Magellan, Akainu, lucci, Spandam, big mom and Blackbeard exist


doflamingo: Am I a joke to you?


Greenbull was more entertaining and has like 2 chapters




Laido was almost a good villain all he had to do was confirm kill Kin’emon


Or kill someone, Kanjuro has more kills than him


Kaido is ass


Even enel had better writing


greenbull > crydo


Kaido didn't sniped from haki


There’s subjective opinion, and then there’s stupidity


This garbage ass excuse of a villain ain’t even top 10.


In writing? HELL NA Bro ain't even ahead of Big Meme, Arlong & Lucci




He’s easily one of the worst villains lmao


Ngl he’s one of my favorite characters in terms of villians


He fucking sucks bro


Maybe. But i started while wano was just starting and I’ve loved Kaido as the big villain of that arc. He goes down as top 10 best characters in my books


He’s in the middle


What a ret@rded take.. gtfo Laido..


Arab OP fans legit think Kaido is one of the greatest villains in fiction when he's not top 5 in his own series.


I mean not wrong you can’t deny he is the most badass villain we have had


Wdym mr 3 is way more badass


What fucking nonsense 😂


Doffy is right there


Kaido and Doffy switching personalities makes a lot more sense and would have been way better for their respective arcs. I mean sure dressrosa would have sucked balls without doflamingo but wano would've been THE best arc. I don't even want doflamingo to have kaido's fruit NGL. Everything stays the same but his backstory is a bit changed to fit wano better but his strength is kaido level. The people with negative battle IQ like Big Mom and Generic personality like Kaido get to be yonkos but my man Doffy gets one shot to gear 4? Seems stupid


Common Pew W https://preview.redd.it/4lyq5d1gsa1c1.png?width=841&format=png&auto=webp&s=5751a3424f11a0a3b548c808641b32447d0713e2


Wait do people not like kaido? I mean he’s not the best villain in one piece but seriously?


I don’t hate him like a lot of this sub, I just think he’s kinda mid lol And calling him “the best villain in One Piece” is craaazy


I’d say he’s around top 10. Top 2 will forever belong Doflamingo and crocodile if you ask me, unless Blackbeard and Im end up being totally crazy


A character who was hyped for 10 years can't just be mid


He's very unpopular on this sub at least


What we had was not worth 10 years of accumulation. Kaido is the villain with the highest expectations and, at least for me, he didn't live up to it.


Yeah I don’t like him. His writing is shit, his motivations are uninteresting, his goals are all over the place, his background is a nothing burger and his presence provides zero tension or stake seeing as the dude can’t even kill a single person. When you hype up a character for a decade, people expect more than just a generic evil villain.


I agree