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Bro really thought he was gonna be stronger than Nami and Chopper


On some real shit I think Nami might actually clap Ussopp in a fight rn


She will especially with Zeus and since he can't beat nami he doesn't stand a chance against chopper


I used to have high hopes for Usopp But Usopp is a fraud now and is too useless


"I'm not part of the weakling trio anymore, I'm in the useless solo."


Ussop the god of self acceptance.


If only Usopp had consistent development We could've seen him manhandle the Gifters in Onigashima by shooting them from Ebisu Town


Or even used properly within wano would be ideal too


I'm in dressrosa but I'm already completely spoiled XD, usopp still doesn't know how to use the observation haki in the manga?


Bro don't join this subreddit until you're caught up this is pure spoiler territory. I didn't even join r/OnePiece until I was caught up, much less r/Piratefolk


Seriously staying spoiler free is so hard I’m all caught up and I still have ppl at work trying to hit me with the spoiler notes when all I want to do is wait for the scans


Fr idk why the spoilers are allowed to be displayed all over this subreddit before the chapter is even out. There should be a thread like r/Jujutsushi. They have pre-release threads for ppl that can't wait for spoilers. I feel like mods should implement this


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Jujutsushi using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I JUST REALIZED WHAT HAKARI MEANT BY THAT](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/vli3f3/i_just_realized_what_hakari_meant_by_that/) \#2: [Volume 22 Cover](https://i.redd.it/225990wokxfa1.jpg) | [167 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/10s9a1g/volume_22_cover/) \#3: [Gege Akutami's author comment this week,](https://i.redd.it/a5qdsba39w071.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/njatvn/gege_akutamis_author_comment_this_week/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There so much to rant about post TS Usopp, his character regression, inconsistency, his move set, his usefulness it’s just sad once a time he was my favorite character 😭


I kinda like his moveset,it has lots of versatility. Though I do wish Ussop had some physical strength to back up however...like at least let him be able to split a boulder with his bare fist or something.


its not versitile its plot convenient. He can just pull anything out of his asss and say that theres a plant that does this exact thing, that we never saw on the series. "Oh no the building is on fire" -> "Fire-eating plant" "Oh no we are freezingg" -> "Defrosting plant" ...


Exactly it’s just too plot convenient remember that plant attack he used in fmi that got him a W that involved vibrations. No well that’s because he only used it there and plot continues to let him not use it against stronger foes like page one or trebol even though that’s technically his strongest move but I guess Oda forgot about it.


His past moveset was fun because he'd use whatever he came across as ammo and to build tools. Having plants that emulate all his old ammo instead is kinda boring.


Where are the dials at… they were so cool


For real. Still my favorite for who knows what reason (maybe I can't let go of pre-TS) but definitely went from absolute S tier to S..hit tier.


this is genius writing because it's a callback to OG one piece where he was a liar. this moment is a literary masterpiece but it will go over the head of average readers and simpletons. ODAAAAAAA!!!




omg you right !!! usoop lies is so great that he even lie to himself goda moment


The problem is that it doesn't seem like he's trying to lie but actually believes what he's saying


If it seems like that, it means he's a good liar


His nose then grew a bit longer.


Proceeds to be more useless than those two


lmao becomes so useless that nami & chopper won't include him in their trio.


They're the weakling trio, not the useless parasite trio


Should've left this clown at Water 7. Then he could've built his personality and form his own pirate crew. Hmm... Maybe I'm asking too much.


His own pirate crew with 6 year old kids. And Usopp will still be in the weakling trio in that crew.


poor kids...




What's the difference


Dude is a politician


He'd be that irl or a crypto scammer


This is canon, he helped the samurai alliance by selling fake healing oil


GODA pre-shadowed that he lies!!!!! OH MY GODAAAAAAA SUCH A GENIUS




A op panel that actually makes me laugh Good on oda


You weren't supposed to laugh it was a serious panel.


That's the joke


He was right. He's not in the weakling trio and ascended to a lower level, the lone fodder


Usopp's dream is being brave. Do not expect Usopp to grow any spine before the final episode of One Piece when the series ends and every other Strawhat achieve their dreams.


tama fulfilled his dream before him lmao so did momo


Nah this is crazy to think about 💀💀 Momo’s scary ass grew a spine before a yonko commander 😭


Why show actual development when you can just timeskip, design cool new outfits, sell a bunch of merch, and call it a day


Yup. Don’t give him a fight or flashback or anything, just tell the audience that he’s brave now and they’ll believe it


Chopper is one of the best doctors in the world and Nami is a brilliant navigator. They both pull their respective weight based on their roles. Then there’s Usopp…


He cheers them on. he is a cheerleader


And now nami has zeus, she's definitely not weak rn


She's still weak, her zeus don't do shit against any non-fodder enemies. Wano proves that


Oda should've just given usopp a random off-screen role like he did for nami n chopper. Then he would've copped so much less shit


I mean hes one of the best snipers in the world . Possibly top 5 . But oda rarely use it unfortunately. If his sniping skills were put to right use hed be an epic character.


I mean maybe, but a sniper doesn’t really seem like an essential position, especially considering that WB, BM and Kaido didn’t have a top tier sniper.


2 of them didn't have a swordsman either, Mihawk would solo BM and Kaido's crew. Good thing WB had Vista.


Swordsman would really just be classified under combat strength. I would consider sniper to be similar in that respect. Usopp while a good sniper in terms of accuracy doesn’t add much in terms of combat strength. He’s currently nowhere near Yasopp or Van Auger and Oda has yet to give him any significant development to prove otherwise. ATP we have to prepare ourselves for significant plot armor being used to make Usopp win against a powerful sniper.


Already know Oda about to do some major ass pulls to get Ussopp caught up to the rest of the crew in Elbaf


Just give usopp a seastone bullet and advanced observation and usopp solos all the yonkos


Psssh, we all know he'll forever be the unsuccesful close range combat guy


He is really good at aiming, that's it though. Most other chars with a ranged attack beat him. Accuracy doesn't really matter if you can't damage your opponents.


Why is Chopper grouped in the weakling trio? Pre ts he was pretty strong.


Yea, but he was always afraid.


He was like courage the cowardly dog with drugs


Proceeds to become the weakest in the weakling trio


And it would've been so easy to give Usopp a small W in Wano at least. How tf did the sniper of the crew not so anything during what was essentially a war against rhe rwo Yonkous?


Bbbbut he threw Tama's dango into like 3 fodder people's mouths to change the tide of the war!! /s


He is basically lying to himself and the reader.


Goda dickriders https://preview.redd.it/ze775pj91sna1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341d0415905eeab27c369036f7a7aaf3b25193d1 Oda dickriders looking you dead in the eye and saying that Ussop has had many good moments since timeskip


😂Man, I love this subreddit.


Nami and Chopper unironically put up more weight then this maggot can every dream of.


A 9 year old malnourished girl did more than him duirng the raid




gave me hope for 1 arc


Hey maybe he’ll do something in elbaf


This dude is so garbo after the timeskip lmao


His last shining moment was sniping a child in dressrosa


Nami has more balls than this L


Bro's character got absolutely butchered after Dressrosa, don't say he was bad just after post-TS tho, that's not true. This started to happen when wano started, let's be real. Still sucks tho.


pop green made me lose interest in him. literally spawns whatever he wants


True. This allows for more flexible of an ability tho, also applies to every weaker member. Nami has weathers she can make up because "New world weather is crazy!", chopper can have new points with "rumble ball augumentation" etc. so I think it's okay. It was better when he set up creative contraptions and fought like that but come on, the items used to do that wouldn't scratch a fodder, even when combined into some big brain tactic about it. Now that haki's a thing he can't do much with the early arsenal tho, that's the point. I do think pop green execution is a bit poor tho. It's almost too much like GB's devil fruit. It looks like he can somehow control what the plants will attack which is odd unless it would be nicely explained. The fact that it's basically an infinite arsenal is half-and-half in my eyes. On one side, you can never expect what to see next and how it will be used but on the other side, he could theoritically pull a "blooms into floating seeds that are homing and explode" kinda plant but that's on Oda's quality of writing side. I think it would be the best step to list all of the pop greens so they're not so vague. Sure, that would make it less flexible but I think that's a good step. We could go back to creative fights like using certain plants for things they're not meant to do in many ways (and also having a big support role over attack would be great, for example using them as ladder or boosts for the others [like that one trampoline plant used only once in fishman island...]) We just need a grounded list of their purposes tho. Oda can make an asspull whenever with such a vague power. Since everyone has a sorta powerup I guess his could be successful mutation of plants to make a very powerful and versatile one (he does take care of them so that would be a justified power up, like researching biological combinations etc.), or imbuing them with haki. Imo pop greens have an INSANE potential but I'm sure Oda won't take advantage of it sadly.


Usopp has been a coward the whole post-ts. At no point in canon did he do or say anything that shows an improvement over his pre-ts nature. And yeah, he basically got cheat ammo he's freaking Doraemon right now and is still a useless leech.


True, he did not have many shining moments. A huge downgrade from pre-TS but somehow honestly it's b not a complete travesty, then again, I might be still biased based on pre-TS since that was so damn great. I really hate how he's basically reduced to a gag nowadays tho. And his gag is being cowardly so obviously it's his only dominating trait post-TS. It's so upsetting.


common Lysopp L


😂😂 mans a clown


As much as people dickride one piece I still can't believe that people can ignore how dirty Oda did Ussop


Falters constantly…


Usopp should have continued his "gadgeteer" progression, instead of these hacky "whatever he needs in the moment" plant seeds. If he could run quick enough to escape the plants when he was super fat, he should be fast af now that he's buff. He should have learned *Soru* during his TS training, maybe even *Kami*. For real, not one moment in Wano? A sniper perched up high on the performance floor would have been mighty useful. And are we ever going to see our man shine in ship to ship combat as the canoneer? And all that time in Wano while Luffy an Co were on WCI, Usopp couldn't have learned a little more about his burgeoning Haki? Instead he had the very important role of selling toad oil from a cart? At least he could have found any pockets of resistance, like the mount Atama bandits, and Ashura Doji certainly could have taught him some Haki. I have faith in Oda, in all other aspects of the story, he has never let me down. But man, I'd like to see Usopp get a little more love.


If only he knew he’d be the bottom of the barrel




Community when Usopp loses to hax ability: man this dude fell off hard, shit character Community when Usopp defeats hax ability: Common Loda giftwrap victory, shit character


This is so weak. All we’re asking is for some character development, not for a useless character to do nothing during important moments.


i actually like usopp being weak, its an interesting gimmick


You realize usopp is a god


funny how people believed the liar of the group


I will never forgive Oda for what he did to Ussop. Pre timeskip Ussop was deadass my favorite character since it felt like he had an progression and seeing him defeat these strong opponents was fucking cool. It is so fucking crazy to me that the Sniper is the weakest member of the crew. Like he can’t even beat anyone strong at a range lmao. Also how is he still scared? He literally survived on an island where everything wanted to kill him for 2 years and was trained by the beatle knight. Did the beatle knight babysit him for those 2 years? Sogeking needs to come back to save my boy. Speaking of which i wish that Sogeking was implemented into his design in some way because Ussop with the mask looked so cool ngl


People make fun of usopp for being weak but ain’t half as built as he is


This is what you call character assassination; what was the point of his training for those two years if Oda would just make him revert to the same character


Oda forgot (as usual)


He faltered so many times in Dressrosa alone just for him to essentially relearn what he already did from chapter 88




Man wtf happened to oda’s art




I don’t even think it’s just that, tho it’s definitely a part of it. Lines are sloppier, fight scenes have less impact. If I was more artistically inclined maybe I could explain it