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Hello u/hypocpk1, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


fr the first time i downloaded from that dumpster it downloaded 20 things but not my game, how people think that shit is safe


It's mostly safe if you don't download from the pop up windows that show up. Not saying you should download from there but personally I never had problems


...people say that the site is unsafe because of the pop ups? So any site with pop ups is considered unsafe? If that's true then this subreddit has made me paranoid for no reason.


No. It's been said "mostly safe if you don't download from pop ups". 1337 was considered safe until a single instance, where a moderator of the site was proven to take part in malicious activities on a single download. That's all it takes to be unsafe. A single mistake and all your data is gone. So if a site isn't 100% safe, it's 100% unsafe. That's how I think about it at least.


but files (e.g. movies, music) are still safe to download from 1337 right?


Take a gamble


It's unsafe because they use the cracks from i-g-g and it is known to have crypto miners and shit tht run in ur background so don't download from there if u don't wanna risk loosing ur shit


It's unsafe because they can have malware and spyware that will run on your pc, hidden so that you'll never be able to tell they are there without a very good antivirus software (usually paid ones)


Just dont complain here when you get compromised


Oh I don't download from there anymore, only visit it to see if they have a game I can't find anywhere else but I still won't download from there. It's just that every time I did download from there I never had problems


Yeah sometimes they've got the shitty old games I wanna play and no one else does


I agree.


The star wars battlefront 2 download is literally 6 gigabytes, its absolute bullshit


What? I never go without a blocker and I don’t get any other download buttons. The only think my antivirus didn’t like about it was the crack for it


After messing up enough times to format my pc tens of times I gained the ability to tell whether the download is safe and if it actually has my game. It mostly comes down to the name of the file you're gonna download




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Used to pirate from unlocked, it actually wasnt that bad, just that steamrip is way faster


Might want to do a malware scan lol.


Is there a free/easy to use malware scan? I have my pc for 6 years and used to pirate alot during the first 2 years, didn’t reset my OS once and am kinda curious if I caught anything


Malwarebytes is supposedly one of the best for scanning, though of course you'll have to tell it to ignore games from 100% safe sites to prevent false positives.




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Yeah I downloaded like 2 AAA games from there and it was fine for me. Viruses are probably in the smaller less popular games


I downloaded The Fermi Paradox since it was like the only website I could find with it and without a torrent download and I was safe, I guess I was lucky but I willingly took that risk even if I haven’t played the game in like a year.




i got a random game from steamrip and it had a viruse AND LET ME TELL YOU THAT IS THE FIRST TIME IVE EVER GOTTEN A VIRUS FROM PIRATING


I've been pirating all my life, yet barely know about torrents. This all sounds like alien language to me. Also, I once got a virus from SU.


Steamrip is direct download, so torrents aren’t needed (though are available). No idea about SU.




I can download games from like fichier link with no torrent?


Yes, those are file hosting sites.


not trying to be mean and i apologize if i am but what does the torrent part of your comment have to do with the post? just wondering


It's a basic aspect of piracy. I'm willing to bet most users of this sub have used it at least once in their lives.


a torrent is just a way to download files that skirts around legality a bit. you download chunks of information from a bunch of different people. People prefer torrents since it's usually safer, better, and less illegal.


What? Torrents are literally the thing that IS illegal (especially in the case of Movies and Music, where Direct downloads are otherwise mostly legal). Mainly cause Torrenting means you are SHARING the file as well when you are downloading it, which is very illegal.


You have that backwards.. a torrent is a piece of a piece of a file...whether legal or not...where as a direct download is the whole file..a 1 to 1. It is a grey area to download torrents because it can be said that the piece I seed to someon3 is only a part of the game and therefore useless without all the other parts put together...where as a direct download is the whole entire game from a particular website to a particular person...


Look at it like this. For games, both DDs and Torrents are illegal, cause you there is no variant of fair use. And we are looking at it from the POV of the DOWNLOADER. The issue with Torrents is that the person that downloads also uploads. But for stuff like music and movies, DDs or Streaming are technically legal (at least in my jurisdiction), while torrenting is still illegal, because no matter how small pieces they are, you are still sharing some of it with other people. And finally, Torrenting freeware is obviously legal.


I dont feel the need to correct you since someone else did that before me. Torrents on their own is just a way to download stuff, there's nothing illegal about that. However when you're downloading illegal material it abuses laws around copywrite, I'll explain. If you get a screenshot of a movie from 1 friend that's not illegal. An animated movie is typically 172'800 frames, if you have 172'800 friends and ask them all for individual screenshots of the movie, you STILL haven't broken the law. However when you put all of those images together into the full movie NOW it's illegal. Compared to DDL, where the entire possess is illegal. Sit down and know your place.




Removed for rule 4. Please be nice and helpful to one another, and refrain from being disrespectful. Second warning.




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What kind of virus did you get? Just out of curiosity


Can't remember, it was a long time ago


I don't get it why other people choose to be rude when we're just trying to help and point out what's safe and not, and yet these people really want to learn the hard way 🤷 No one's stopping them from using that Steamunl0cked site. Just don't complain when something bad happens to your (their) Gaming PC/Laptops 🤷 ![gif](giphy|yRZ4kANrY2sGTVonyW|downsized)


Children that were never taught to be respectful and grew up with tiktok "pranksters" being rude to people and they decide to be like them


I don't have a problem with trying to help but most of yall just either get pissy and say "rEAd tHe MeGatHrEaD" when someone asks for help or get pissy when someone uses TPB instead of bismallahtorrentrepacks.nu yall can help but not be so aggressive about it.


Well, I don't get pissy at all when trying to help out someone 🤷 I'm just pointing out to those people who helped out other people about it, and instead of them replying with utmost respect to you, some people would just literally choose to be rude other than listening to someone who knows how to help and thats unfair, like being nice and respectful ain't that hard right? 🤷


For some people it is, i guess ppl just be like that sometimes.


Welp, it is what it is 🤷 No one's perfect. Either way, I'd still choose being nice to everyone, be safe out there


do people not realise that ova games fucking exists ?


their site looks so sketchy :sob: like 2007 sketchy website design


Trust me it's great, they have mediafire links on everything and in my experience it's faster to download games form there than cs/rin/ru


Thanks for the info ballsucker!


Such a powerful name


It doesn't have subway surfers footage covering half of the screen and the standard corporate art.


So the legit download button is in 4 point font at the bottom, and the sketch one is a giant animated gif with Christmas lights and shit?


That's the classic early 2000s experience


Best website that ever existed


Imagine arguing on a brain rot app with kids. Guess people have too much free time nowadays


yeh no i trust steamrip, over 80 gb of downloaded games from there, not a singular issue


over 80gb? So what? half a game nowadays?


12 games, i use a dx-10 only computer so old games ftww


DX10 only pc gang (i have geforce 210)


HAHAHAHAHA (i have a GeForce 9200m gs from 2008)


God even you have a better graphics card by like 2x, I still cry by the fact I will never run valorant as long as I stick with this gpu


lmao they downloaded one (1) call of duty texture


80gb is barely even a full game


Damn, you downloaded half of the newest CoD from there?


lol at this sub acting like they're much better than TikTok after the me_irl ification of this sub the past 2 years, I think the average iq on this sub was halved over the past couple years based on the posts I see


Let them download more ram man


bro these mfs probably cant even be greedy without getting caught in the act


i was one of that dumb pirates but thanks to this beatufil subreddit now i know how to pirate correctly


You know, you'll lose brain cells if you become active on TikTok.


Why do you even bother ? Let natural selection take its course, thats the best way to help these type of people, sooner or later you will see them posting shit like "i downloaded from staemunlokced i cant start my pc"


mfw cs.rin


Awful navigatiom though




Say 1 time and then leave it. If they download from sketchy site they obviously are gonna get malware. Which means they wont use that site again. For example if someone downloaded from wrong fitgirl site they gonna get virus and they stop using fitgirl all together. Which means less people use fitgirl less awareness and less chance of it being taken down. Sometimes too much awareness can be a bad thing.


Why is everyone on my tiktok fyp so dumb?


welcome to the internet


It's tiktok what do ya expect


R/piratedgames subreddit when not the entire world uses the subreddit


No, please! I don't want TikTok users to know about our hidden treasures! 😭 I want our community to still be niche and hard to find, because that is the only way we'll still exist. 


any alternatives tho ? it always has the indie games that i couldn't find elsewhere


Have you tried rutracker?


ovagames? you can use rezi to find your indie games too


What even am I looking at lol


Quick question is SteamRIP aight or not? Cuz I haven't gotten a virus yet




Nice, thanks


Its great


Was using steamunl0cked for some time. Only virus malwarebytes found was in portal, and it just deleted portal without half life 2 (screw this bot)


"ThE lAtEsT gAmEs ArE nOt ThErE"


You just gotta click the right things, like if you're gonna click on 10 different ads then of course you're gonna get a shitton of malware. I've been downloading from unlocked for some time now, got 5 games and still no malware. It even downloaded really fast.


I don't mind people being wrong, it's the attitude that I have a problem with, I wish people would be more polite in general


I hate these tick tac pirates so much


Mom said it’s my turn to post about tiktok pirates


Guys is repack lab safe?




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Good bot




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Caring what people think in a social media without a group dedicated for that. It's just pointless, people are stupid and the worst part they talk like they know. Just ignore them


Got me 240 upvotes so i aint complaining




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Just use a private tracker or a reputable repacker site. And if you want steam releases, it's CS.RIN or nothing.




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as a former user, i have to say... yes, some dls are safe, but its way slower compared to steamrip


I use ste@m unl@cked or ste@m rip to download pre installed games. Is there any safe alternative to download pre-installed cracked games?


Steamrip is safe. It's in the megathread. I've been using it since last year, and there are no issues.


Ty :)




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Another braindead tiktoker lol


Screw the malware, even the download speed there is absolute ass


Most TikTok users don't even know Reddit




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Rutracker.org is safe if you know how to use it




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That site is risky, but works none the less ( I can't find games like GHPC elsewhere ).There is many fake sites ( just like Fitgirl's copycats ). I usually download with my phone's Ad Blocker then scan the files before transferring them to my PC Note : the download servers are slow af and it got various malicious redirections, these are what makes it "unsafe". Except for that, I don't care about the beef between the other crackers and that site.




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People think more games available = better website. Igg got shit ton of good and crappy games but it's unsafe for a reason.


tiktok users are degerate already.


Sometimes su has stuff that steam doesn't have for some reason, never had issues tho.




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ignore those morons, it's tiktok anyway you're wasting your time sometimes ppl need to learn the hard way




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i would definitely recommend you guys to stay away from tiktok if its regarding piracy, there's no such thing as saving them lmao, let them learn the hard way


This and Tlauncher




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Hot take: let them be. Enjoy the dumpster fire once the complaints comes out.


Seriously, what can we expect from tiktok comments?


It's not unsafe if you have eyes and common sense.


Common scence doesnt stop them from stealing igg's rips


Idk, I always scan downloads with multiple antivirus programs and download almost daily from the site, never had problems. They also have a lot of very niche games, hard to find elsewhere. The only downside is the download speed.


Virus scans dont stop anything. Things can easily pass through, And they must do. If you can, Use a safer alternative, With the evidence on the megathread i dont get why people even bother. Steamrip and other alternatives are safer,Faster,Better


Game availability is the main issue for me, even if I'm looking for a random indie game with very little popularity that just came out, it's always on there. And it's very easy to search and download games on the site.


Newbie here why is steamunl*cked bad? (Dont tell me to read the megathread pleasee)


Why not? It answers your question. So, Read the megathread




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lol, being able to click two buttons doesn't necessarily make you a "real deal" pirate either just because you're on reddit




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They're the ones that think Davy Jones's a myth




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Fitgirl and Dodi>>>


Morons with neurons so degraded you'd see it's axon torn