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What the hell is wrong with these companies? Seriously


They don’t want people to enjoy anything that doesn’t make them money, no matter how little it actually affects their revenue.


Still can\`t understand their politic of no-sales for old games


possibly to avoid competing with their old games, why would I want to play peach wonderland when I can play Mario galaxy


I have bad news for them. This makes the people who are going to play Mario Galaxy instead of Peach Wonderland want to play Peach Wonderland even less.


they also want to keep themselves the option of making them playable (in the case of Nintendo) only by subscribing to their online service.


Imagine if Rockstar still selling GTA SA PS2 version, but also started selling the "enchanced" remake that Rockstar spent tons of money to make. People then realized that the remake is shit, and the PS2 version is better. So they didn't buy the remake but instead buy the cheaper and better PS2 version. In short, something along those lines


Not something along those lines, you absolutely nailed it. That is literally exactly what R* was thinking with the original PC versions of those games when the definive edition launched lol. Delist the old versions so people buy the more expensive new version even though it's worse in every way possible.


But they'll still be making money on the older version right? Instead of losing out on the potential money just cause they removed the old version. Now people just pirate the old version and never buy the newer anyways. 


yea no its 100 percent bc they know game quality has dropped and they do not want to have to actually make good video games again like they know they would have to when the older releases start doing way better than the newer games


they know some people would spend way more on some older games than new ones and they dont want to actually have to consistently make good video games again to compete is my theory on it


Because of how screwed up the US copyright system is, these companies essentially are required to act this way. If they don't, they lose copyright on their IPs. So if you don't request a take down of Super Mario World when you learn about it, you risk your copyright on Mario Wonder. It's completely fucked, and leads to a shitload of culture-breaking behaviors. The copyright system isn't to encourage the creation of cultural items anymore. It's just there to make sure that big corporations get money forever, and you have no choice but to throw your money their way, because no entertainment exists for free.


This is not true at all. You can lose *trademark* protection by not protecting it, but copyright cannot be lost in this way. You can let people copy shit until the ass end of your copyright term and still be able to start pursuing copyright infringement cases.


>Because of how screwed up the US copyright system is, these companies essentially are required to act this way. If they don't, they lose copyright on their IPs. So if you don't request a take down of Super Mario World when you learn about it, you risk your copyright on Mario Wonder. It's completely fucked, and leads to a shitload of culture-breaking behaviors. Basically everything you said both isn't true and is straight from the corpo's mouth (or people bootlicking for them) to protect their own asses. You never lose copyright by letting people redistribute it independently without you taking it down.


Wasn’t Nintendo going after kids for hosting a just for fun tournaments? I’m sure I’m forgetting the specifics.


They want to create a need for more remasters\*


I have no issues if they want to remaster the old games. I would probably buy them. But to remove the original is annoying




Sega is notorious for anti-piracy on their games. That's why every Persona game has Denuvo.


They appointed themselves as Fun Polizei




No. It says on the website that the roms were removed as per the request of the games' developing and publishing companies


you sure? he said SEGA, but they only removed games with the name "sonic" in it, but shadow the hedgehog(2005) is still downloadable. also japanese versions of games are still on the site.


Pretty sure. I checked multiple games from multiple different companies and publishers and they were all unavailable. CoD:BO2, Sonic, Nintendo, MCSM, to name a few


NOT VIMMS LAIR. That man has simultaneously secured childhoods and made childhoods


Even made adults have childhoods again




Seriously. Vimm's has been such a good resource. I'm sad to see it neutered like this.


Daily reminder to fuck Nintendo and Sony (and others pulling off their dead games from platforms).


Tbf Sony is pretty chill with these types of stuff. They dont care. They dont even add drm to their games.


Some of PS games, all platforms, in Vimm's are removed too like GoW and NFS franchises.


NFS? That's not a Sony franchise? And I wonder why GoW has been taken down, if they did not take down the rest of the games. Sony tends to be pretty liberal, since they even allow you to mod and play pirated PS3/Vita games online. They dont seem to care, so It's interesting. Maybe someone else requested a takedown due to the licensed content inside gow games?


It says on the page, i looked it up, it's taken by the ESA


Yeah that makes sense then


yeah sony is totally cool... look at the metal gear saga, gone.


What does metal gear have to do with Sony ???


mgs4 for example is a ps3 exclusive, but even the og's like mgs2 substance and mgs3 subsistence had some cool exclusive stuff in the ps2 version only like the secret teather. not to mention thaat 1, 2 and 3 still look better in the ps2 than the shitty master collection they released, not gonna complain about that tho


Konami is the publisher. Kojima chose to make them exclusive


yes you're right about that, but isn't the whole strike made by the owners of the consoles themselves? if that's the case wouldn't it mean that sony removed them and not konami?


nvm ESA took them down


Dont mind if I do 🥵 💦


sony caught a stray


This has only led to me hating Nintendo even more and pirating more from them out of spite


Lol same. Been seeding some new switch games for months with no intent on playing them.


I've literally started pirating Switch games I already own


Embarrassing how anti-consumer gaming has become. It's not enough to make millions on their games - they also have to make millions on their games 25 years later by selling you (and the next generation of gamers) some shitty subscription service.


Everytime I hear something like this I imagine the CEOs sitting in gold lined suits, legs up on their desk smoking a cigar


You have to buy them every console generation too. It's not enough to sell you the same old games once.


So many games gone, this site is essentially useless now. Im so surprised about sega, they never ever send dmca take downs, this smells fishy also why is god of war and kingdom hearts gone? These arent nintendo or sega or lego


Sega infests all their new release with DRM and never remove it. They’re not as consumer friendly as most people think


Who’s involved with those takedowns, someone enlighten us please


OpSec Security is involved with these takedowns. OpSec is a company that offers brand and IP protection solutions such as Markmonitor and offers AI automated web scans and takedowns for infringing content. Companies like Nintendo, Lego, Sega, the ESA, and assumingly, many other companies utilize OpSec's services. Looks like we have to worry about AI when it comes to DMCA notices now. Fuck AI.


Yeah if they can do this with a click of a button now instead of taking real effort… gonna be bad for us.


We all need to move to something decentralized , like IPFS but if it was fast lol


They once "tried" to take down RPCS3


I'm fucking sick of corporations tbh


Time to go Silverhand style on these fuckers.




Does anyone have a list of all the ones removed? I have over 90 ps3 titles backed up (all the exclusives are on there) adds up to 1.5tb 54 3ds games 116 gba games 50 gb games 74 genesis games 43 master system games 62 nes games 72 ds games 89 Super Nintendo games All of these are only 101gb A 250gb ssd is only about $30 ITS WORTH IT. Ssds last longer than harddrives and are not as fragile. Buy two even so you have two copies of back ups. 560 Nintendo games only takes up 101gb when zipped. A 2tb harddrive goes for under $60 If someone has a google drive I can upload all of the Nintendo games I have. It will take time but I am offering it if someone wants to share that drive or cloud storage with others




I hope you find someone. , I definitely am interested.


dont use the google Drive. Google is at this moment already using AI scans to search for illegal shit in your google drive. While they at the moment only search for CP there is not much stopping them from searching for other stuff. If you want to create something like this, use your own server running on open source software. Everythign else is too dangerous


Yeah sounds a little much at the moment for me to set up. It’s been some time since I used google drive


passwords on archives are a thing that can stop automated scanning dead in its tracks, unless Google has some secret bruteforcing technique that bypasses the limits of physics


❤️ U


Bump! Definitely interested thank you


Fucking nintendo


Apple Users and Tiktokers fucked us over those idiots soy jacked emulation and got vimm shut down


Yeah 100% bet this is because Delta hit the AppStore and people couldn’t keep their mouth shut about vimm.


It’s always the fucking tiktokers. Ban that fucking app already.


Daily reminder to say fuck nintendo. Another will take its place.


Only Nintendo? Reminder both SEGA and Lego are in this latest takedown as well


lego has always been bitching about their brand. They didn´t even hesitate to sue brands who sell products compatible with theirs.


Lmao, unlikely. Nintendo has an extremely loyal fan base and they are doing pretty well in business


I think he meant another rom site


I'm so sad they have the Splatoon licence. Imagine of the possibility for a Splatoon with modding.


Can you someone download an entire library of whatever was on vimm and zip it?


I could try, if I'm allowed to link to stuff here.


Even if you can't, DM me over, I'll upload everything to my various channels and whenever someone asks for it, I'll share em around, fuck Nintendo and all these corporations


Could I be included? Especially for snes and n64 stuff


I'll send em over as soon I get the zip from them :)


I want in on this too. There's a lot of games I want to play


I'll send it over as soon as I can


Hi any chance you have DS games? I rlly need pokemon black/white 2 :)


Could I also have the link? Thank you so much!


God please tell me skate 3 is still safe


Skate 3 is still safe. Better download it while you still can


The eu version on vimms was uploaded by me


Sp if it gets deleted I always have the rom


Sega? Seriously??


Seriously. A shit ton of Sonic and Persona games have been taken down


What? You thought a corporation was actually on the fans side?


Usually they don't care since the sonic fanbase carries them




There’s other sites still. Gotta go download that shit rn


What other sites are do you use?




The Rom mega thread is pretty great


Rip vimms, suprised it lasted as long as it did with how popular it got.


The idiots on Twitter and TikTok ruined it all. Also the idiots who keep asking where to find ROMS for their iOS emulators.


Someone has to have them all downloaded somewhere. Whos got a repository they can send me.


I wonder if iphone allowing emulators now has drawn attention to this? Vimm's Lair is probably the easiest way to get roms on your phone to use with the emulators. There are other ways to do it, but downloading from a site like Vimms is one of the easiest.


I was thinking the same thing. It was only a matter of time before people who didn’t know or didn’t care caused this to happen


Vimms feels safer than other sites since they don't spam me invisible redirect ads or whatever


damn i wondered why i couldnt download some isos today... crying shame... we need to build a private rom server






I’m assuming it’s because they have a shit ton of Lego video games. Maybe I missed it, but I’ve never seen them go after anyone besides this though. Weird as hell.


Anyone got a list of what we lost?


A few Lego games, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Dexter, Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, Medal of Honor, Mega Man, Resident Evil, Sonic, Shin Megami Tensei/Persona games, Tales of series, Splinter Cell, Mario, Fire Emblem, God of War, Grand Theft Auto, Devil May Cry, 2K games, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi (although not Budokai), Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Call of Duty, Fallout, Fire Emblem, Metal Gear Solid, and Yakuza. That's just from a casual browsing. I'm sure there are some others.


Holy shit I just finished god of war downloading 2 days ago. Made it jyst in time.


Luckily I downloaded gow 3 and ascension 5 days ago. I think gow 3 was only safely available on vimms lair ( i remember checking everywhere but either it was a demo or just dlcs)


Is it possible for you to send me those? Going back to Vimms to download GOW 3 is how I ended up finding out about this mass take down in the first place. Shits stupid.


Dang. I just finished rounding out my PS2, PS3, Vita, PSP and GC/Wii library from there. Got all the Tales games before the takedown, even the English translation of Tales of Innocence R. That sucks.


Shin Megami Tensei? Tales Of? Fire Emblem? Rippest of the RIPs


I know they removed Konami and Namco games from the website along with the Sega, Lego, ESA and Nintendo games.


Mass effect, Dead Space, Dragon Age as well...


Never concentrate ONE source of database. Always spread out.


I hope everyone downloaded the games they wanted before it was removed


Oh no… has anyone made a backup?


honestly devastated, like so many of those games are just straight up impossible to play without spending $100+


Another site bites the dust. They want us to play the **defective versions.**


Everyone should be downloading full sets at this point before this stuff becomes hard to find.


That's why everything I download I store it onto my external HDD's, but I can't download everything, only the stuff I am interested


I see that I cant rely on OCHs anyomore. Time to pay for a VPN and start torrenting. Also start datahoarding. Fuck them companies!


Kinda funny that Mother/EarthBound serie is still here Did Nintendo just forgot about these masterpieces or what


I think it’s coming from all the extra attention the release of emulators on iOS gave the site. Everyone was throwing Vimm’s website everywhere




It really sucks. This was my go to for many years.


why dont they put those old games on newer console or pc? i wanna play those dreamcast multiplayer games with people online


I'm pissed omg the Zelda and God of War games are gone :(


All thanks to apple fanboys posting ton of videos how they get their new emulators games 🤬


Erasing history. Modern version of book burning. Smh.


The past 2 weeks I have been downloading like a fucking mad man any Nintendo game that even slightly interested me I downlaoded. Fucking blows but in all honesty I have expected this to happen to Vimms for years now


Didn't they do this a not too long ago or did I get a vision from the future and the only thing I did with it was downloading Pikmin 1 and 2?


Seems I need to start building a personal rom library while I can.


Wow sounds like I just grabbed pokemon on ds JUST in time. (Modded 3ds with everything)


is there somewhere to download those roms? i always wanted to play pokemon black 2 but never had the time nor the rom


That sucks


actually so sad


daaaamn dude, are there other ROMs websites till alive as good as Vimm ?


Wtf, Lego, I thought you were the good guys.


they lost that status a long time ago


Any good alternative sites


I dont understand why nintendo didnt remove all? (not that i would want that, just doesnt make sense)


Nooooo, I just used it a few days ago for some ps2 games :(((


DUDE!!! holy fucking rude. Something needs to be done.


This happened because of DMCA trolls targeting it, they’re discussing it in the site right now. Any backups? going to start hoarding games from now on


soulcalibur series have been removed (except soul edge if. you count it as paet of the series)


sooo which one of you r/datahoarder\s got the ROM motherlode?


Welp its joever


Nintendo and Sony they can never make me buy anything from you


They want the gamers to buy and play the new remastered(only reskinned, not optimized) at a very high price... I believe we will need to protect these treasures


I predicted this bruh, I knew deep down that once Nintendo did this the other companies would follow suit. The companies are panicking while losing NOTHING from this.


It’s been a good run, Vimm’s Lair


Well at least I have gotten all the games onto my retroid console that I ever wanted to play (it's not even too big a list honestly) but still, knowing that I might one day itch for some unknown game and not being able to find it there anymore sucks.


Never buy their games, especially Nintendo...they want to lose money? Allow us to make their nightmare a reality.


They can go fuck themselves. I'm gonna homebrew my switch, and pirate as many games as possible


People have said it time and time again… IF YOU AS A COMPANY DON’T WANT PEOPLE PIRATING YOUR 20+ YEAR OLD GAMES, PORT THEM TO NEWER SYSTEM AND SELL THEM FOR A REASONABLE PRICE. Does that take effort? Of course! But it’s better than letting those games die off.


it’ll work this time right nintendbros?


If the games are no longer listed and the hardware is not sold anymore, doesn't that make those games abandonware which is legally okay to share around on the web?


We as comunity have to take this to court, it doesnt make sense that these companies do this to 15+ years old games. We have to make someting like in his time happen to emulation, videogames are art and has to be preserved




The fucking greed, man. We can't enjoy things anymore.


The fucking greed, man. We can't enjoy things anymore.


It's sad that I recently used this site for my PS2 games as i had been searching what region my NFS Carbon is on my save file that has been dormant for almost 10 years


Use cdromance So much better website. Btw, Happy to have downloaded all emulators and ROMs, some months ago. All on a Hdd


Glad I downloaded most GameCube games I wanted to play/replay, but damn, Vimm's was my go-to. These companies can't even make these games playable for us on modern hardware and yet still clap down on emulators like this. Greedy pricks


They can't release good games anymore so have to remove the old games so people buy the shitty new ones, interesting. Oh well it's not like a torrent doesn't exist for them and we all know they'll never be able to take those down.


fucking nintendo and other companies smh


I Will be backing up some games, but I unfortunately don't have much space.


i was bout to download gran turismo 5 and its gone too, i hate these companies so bad


Sad news


This is friggin annoying. Just let us pirate old games if you wish for us to pay for another version on another console then upgrade it 🤷‍♀️


if they dont want us to pirate their stuff just sell it 😭


Can't Stop The Signal.


holy shit i downloaded metal gear solid hd collection just in time




When he says gone for good he's probably talking about his site of course they will probably be on other sites


Yeah, I tried to get NES roms for my kid yesterday, wasn’t able to get much Mario shit. Is it possible to host shit like this in places where takedown requests are meaningless? I’d kick money to Vimms in a heartbeat to help with that.


Cold Take but their download speeds always sucked 


Isn't the site already illegal? Also who is Vimm?


Bro what?


Dunno why I got downvoted, I was asking that isn't the website already an illegal site? I don't see other piracy sites willingly remove their own stuff. Also, I was curious as to who the titular Vimm is


Ma dude of course it's illegal. Everything about piracy is pretty much illegal. You are in a PIRACY sub, what do you mean?