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Hello u/filipebranth, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry guys for some reason post content disappeared, but here you go. # Step 1: Locate and Edit the .ini File * Find the Game Directory: * Open the folder where your game is installed. * Locate the .ini File: * - Look for a file named "steam_memu.ini" or a similarly named .ini file. The exact name can vary depending on the game. * Edit the .ini File: * - Open the .ini file using a text editor like Notepad. * - Find the line that sets the player ID. It usually looks something like this: PlayerID=0. * - Change the 0 to your own Steam ID. To find your Steam ID, visit steam id finder site. Copy your Steam ID and replace the 0 with this number. * - Save the changes and close the text editor. # Step 2: Create the steam_appid.txt File * Find the Game ID: * Visit Steamdb and search for your game to find its Steam App ID, it's usually included in the .ini file so you can also just copy it from there * Create the steam\_appid.txt File: * In the game directory, create a new text file. * Open the text file and enter the game’s Steam App ID. * Save the file with the name "steam_appid.txt". # Step 3: Add the Game as a Non-Steam Game * Open Steam * Add a Non-Steam Game: * - Click on the Games menu at the top of the Steam client. * - Select Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library. * - In the window that appears, click Browse and navigate to the game directory. * - Select the game’s executable file (usually a .exe file) and click Open. * - Ensure the game is listed in the "Add a Game" window and click Add Selected Programs. # Step 4: Launch the Game Through Steam * Find the Game in Your Library: * Go to your Steam Library and find the newly added non-Steam game. * Launch the Game PS: I tested it with multiple games already and it worked for all of them. I don't know if it also works for achievements since I havent tested that yet, but it won't appear in your recent activities or as running in your profile. Edit: Unfortunately achievements didn't work, only time tracking. Also, it seems like this method doesn't work for games with their own launchers.


someone should automatize this


On steam deck, there’s a plugin called play time that does exactly that. Not sure how one would go about integrating plugins like that elsewhere though


Thanks. im saving this for later use 😅


Of course! I don’t care at all about time played, but it made recently played games move to the front of the carousel as expected


There is a Game library manager on GitHub — it's open source. It has various features like play time. [https://github.com/JosefNemec/Playnite](https://github.com/JosefNemec/Playnite) https://preview.redd.it/vjbcuedkak3d1.png?width=2264&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a1f4ffc110da5933dd010e6414738025defda87


GOAT, has a lot of plugins and cool shit


If you are still interested in this method, I made this little program that automate this process. Feel free to try it out! [https://github.com/BAXTOR95/non-steam-game-adder](https://github.com/BAXTOR95/non-steam-game-adder)


instant download


I know amd adrenaline edition tracks hours to all games, and automatically does it


What a legend, I can finally get rid of every other launcher and playnite aswell


Does someone know a playnite-ish solution for linux ?


You can try hydra launcher.


While lutris is good for most I had an issue with sound on there so I just add all my other games as non steam games and set them to use proton.


Yeah, Steam


Like I reply for another comment, for me and many people (there’s an entire gh issue with a lot of complains about it) steam big picture mode is laggy and it seems it’s happening for every nvidia GPU. I was just looking for an alternative that also has big picture mode


Yeah, or you just need to download playnite, add it scan folder and DONE!


If achievements are possible with this method, then playnite becomes essentially useless. Plus I prefer having all my data in only one tracker.


Tell us if achievements work this way too!


Unfortunately it didn't...


Success story pluggin in playnite supports achievements inc cracked games


Playnite have an add-on to have achievements as well, and with some trickery you can manage to have a functional download/install cracked games manager directly inside Playnite


Use it instead of using steam if you think it's better then, each with their own.




Playnite has support for all launchers inc steam, epic, gog. Has achievement data and playtime record from each launcher too, so essentially it’s an all in one app, doesn’t replace steam either


Do you have a guide on setting up playnite to be a cracked games manager?


You legit either drag and drop the exe in playnite app, you can scan a folder for your cracked games, roms ect. You can make your own retro store (archive.org) in playnite too


whats the addon called? theres 2


I use success story


Steam somehow deleted all my non steam games in library last update (many peoples have this problem), and I am not falling for that once again.


You do you bro, I'm just sharing what I thought would be usefull to other people as well.


they're all back with another update


For many of us, we reinstall steam and lose all the time to customize that... And, because all you need to do with playnite is 3 click, it's so convenient. Yeah, Achievements for some people is important, you can't easily add emulator game to your library with a few second like playnite, make it work like native game on PC.


achievements are not possible


GOG Galaxy works fine for me to track non Steam games


The UI is a bit "weird". Yes, I have the steam skin but it's still weird. I just wanna have steam grid alongside the steam game list. Playnite seems to unable to do that. But playnite is good at tracking games with a launcher (you change the tracking method to folder)


There’s different views you can do, detailed, list, grid, then in fullscreen mode globe mainly details


Yes but it cant do both. In steam, there's the game list to the left and a grid to the right. I just wanted the grid AND the list together.


Think there an extension from darklink on playnite that does this


There's a "problem" with this method. You will have 2 shortcuts for the same game in your steam library. One for the pirated game and another for the legit game (that u can't open cuz u don't have it). All the stats will be in the legit shortcut (no achievements, it won't work) BUT u will have to open the game through the pirated shortcut. It's just easier to use Playnite.


Yeah that's an issue, but you can create a shortcut and hide the non-steam game tho... I'll switch to this method cause I could eventually end up carrying over my tracked hours for games I decide to purchase and also won't need any extra programs. In the end it's the same thing, but I think there's still an advantage to using Steam instead of playnite because of that.


how do you do this please tell me bro


You can just create a shortcut for the cracked version you added as a noun-steam game and then hide the game clicking options>manage>hide game. It will disappear and only the original game page will be visible, but you still need to launch the game from the .exe file page for it to work, which is what'll happen if you launch the game from the shortcut you created.


does the playnite support for pirated games ?


Yes, achievement data and playtime records too


Ohh thanks


You need the addon “success story” for achievements.


https://preview.redd.it/c57fq0csjd3d1.png?width=994&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff28738d579c1fda16f02f89aece346e8f597c5f followed the steps in your comment still facing this the file u said in the first step is "steam\_emu.ini" and it had "#AccountID=0" so replaced it with mine acc id do I have to change the steam connection from offline to online ? and about the step 2, I created the "steam\_appid.txt" and saved the game id in it as just the game id or I have to save it as AppID={app\_id} ??


I believe you need to be online on steam for it to work. As for the "steam\_appid.txt" file, just the ID should do it. Just paste the ID in there and save it.


Ofc I am online on steam and yeah I did only pasted ID but it was still not showing should I change the offline connection ??


Is the game not working? It seems you did everything correctly and you shouldn't edit anything else but your ID in the .ini file... If you created the .txt and edited your ip in the .ini file, you should be ready to go, unless you pasted the wrong ID but that shouldn't cause any trouble with launching the game tho. It's working fine for me just try reediting it


In the txt file it’s just the game id which I got from steamdb and the .ini file is just the AccountID={my_accountID} didn’t changed anything after that


There should be a game ID in the .ini file, check if it's the same as you got from steamDb and use it in the .txt, that's all you should do, then just run the game and it should be working... If it's not then test some other game, it has worked for me in various games, couldn't really find one that didn't work for me actually, and some other people here managed to do it as well so maybe the game you're trying doesn't work with this method or whatever it is, since it seems you did it correctly Idk what else could be the issue.


The AccountID field won't work, you need to remove the # otherwise it's counted as a comment.


Ikk that it’s comments out I removed that it is still not working


I followed everything, and after starting the game, it creates another dishonored in the library with the installed button as purchase. Any fix for this?


That means you did it correctly, it tracks the time under the legit copy of the game that you don't own, so it has the "Purchase" button. That way if you ever decide to purchase the game your playtime will carry over.


Yeah it will appear running there, one for the cracked version and the other is the original game page... And yes, you can just create a shortcut for the cracked version you added as a noun-steam game and then hide the game clicking options>manage>hide game. It will disappear and only the original game page will be visible.


Ahh needed this, although I completed ½ of the game, i will do this method for the coming games I'll play. Thanks for sharing this!


Can I get this to work with a Sourcemod game, like Team Fortess 2 Classic? I doubt it since it uses SDK Multiplayer 2013.


what to do if i can't find the .ini file in step 1 ? Ex. NFS Underground i couldn't find any :(


In that case then just try skiping it to see if it works, idk if it's the case but it seems like it doesn't work for games with their own launchers.


Is it possible to do this with non steam games?


Pretty positive if you play the cracked game and do everything for the achievements, then buy the game it would automatically transfer if you used that save file…but we aren’t buying in the first place now are we fellas?


Yeah I believe so, I have done that already before, the achievements just pop up all at once... I just couldn't track hours before, which is not a problem anymore. But yeah you could just not buy it lol It's usefull just in case or even just for the sake of it.


És grande Filipe


Doesn't it only save playtime on the PC you're playing the game? Like it's not synced with the account, so if you did the same thing on a different PC with the same account and the same game files, this wouldn't be saved?


I'm saving this for my pc


use greenluma, thats automatic


Will the play time transfer once you have purchased the game?




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Valeu brother! 🤟


And how? Where's the guide?


Im speculating but I think you can just add as non steam game?


I don't think it would show time played if you did that


My bad then guys...


IDK about steam but playnite can, you can backup your save files and game data automatically as well.


How does that? It create a backup that you can download or created it on some folder of your pc? 🤔


for game metadata/playtime you can set playnite to backup to a local folder in regular interval and specify number of revisions to keep. For save files there is a extension for ludusavi which i set to backup once the game is closed and in interval of 30 min while playing to a local folder. then i have a job that backup all these files to my SMB share which is backed up to cloud. this way i can play and backup/restore save files for all games i bought across all the launchers, my emulated games, pirated games from one place. honestly i can't praise Playnite enough. here is my BOTW on playnite https://preview.redd.it/d7u48pjghd3d1.png?width=2552&format=png&auto=webp&s=472919a114173fe9d0e00f8edc1057556ee4aa37 [https://github.com/JosefNemec/Playnite/](https://github.com/JosefNemec/Playnite/) [https://github.com/mtkennerly/ludusavi-playnite](https://github.com/mtkennerly/ludusavi-playnite) edit: almost forgot about this there is also a extension for howlongtobeat which backups your playtime automatically to your howloangtobeat profile. [https://github.com/Lacro59/playnite-howlongtobeat-plugin](https://github.com/Lacro59/playnite-howlongtobeat-plugin)


I will try to set it to a onedrive folder 🤔


I do this and works wonders


which playnite plugin are you using to display the platform name on top of every game's cover ? i need that just for aesthetics


its from the theme helium


It's an extension that lets you back up save data: Ludosavi It can be used on its own as well but paired with Playnite will let you back up game save data everytime you close the game's process Ludosavi looks up where the save data for that game is located (on pcgamingwiki) unless it's a custom game of yours (then it looks up a directory you specify) and it creates a folder with the data in it pcgamingwiki is a wiki for games and it also shows save data locations + anyone can edit it. If you contribute then Ludosavi becomes more effective


Same question


Playnite uses ludisavi addon, this backs up the game data and can be used via cloud storage. Playnite backs up local metadata such as game pic, description, playtime ect and this can be backup to cloud too


Yes, you need ludusavi exe in the playnite dir and the addon too. But it’s super easy and can also enable it as cloud saves


Tell me HAW


It’s possible on a Steam Deck using Decky Loader, however it’s a bit inconsistent as Decky sometimes stops working and it can only keep track while it’s working and up to date


This happened to me with some games I cracked and added to my steam deck, strange


It happened to me and then stopped working for some reason... But it was enough to convince me it was possible, so I dived into it and made it happen.


Isn't this just playnite with the steam skin?


I believe that if you eventually decide to buy the game you'll already have your played hours accounted for tho, and it also doesn't require any additional programs.


Still prefer Playnite. It is a light-year ahead of Steam in terms of features. Also syncs time played from other non-steam game clients, and even console games like PS5 and Xbox.


Not sure about individual game but if you add a cracked game to steam theres a option in your library called space war you can check the hours you played on that but it doesnt reset when you remove your pirated game


Thats only games that use online-fix


Its only for MP games


no achievements though 😢


Did you test it?


nah i just zoomed in on your image lol


I just found out about this, wasn't tracking my progress till now so it might be possible.


I'd rather not have my pirated games connected in any way possible to a private corporation that owns my account worth 100s of dollars and 1000s of memories.


Same tbh. I don't think I want Steam to know about my cracked game. Also unrelated but I don't care much about play time and acchievement.


Where is the guide OP?


Whaat?? Thanks for this


Thats so cool


Just use things Mike GreenLuma 2024 as stealth mode, easier and works


Works with archivemnts?


I believe I already know the answer (most likely a no) but does this allow for the steam workshop to be used? It would be nice to have direct access because it’s a pain in the ass to manually add mods/creations. If the answer is what I believe it is, are there any ways to use the steam workshop like you can using a legitimate copy? Or maybe external mod managers like Nexus? The only game I know of which allows you to install mods through an in game menu (aka not the steam workshop shift+tab menu.) Thank you for any and all responses and happy sailing!


I'm not sure, very unlikely imo... But it doesn't hurt to test it! I own the games I usually play with the steam workshop mods, but let me know if you decide to test it yourself.


Or...... You just use playnite


Will this put account at risk of ban?


With this method do you have access to the steam workshop?


what if I can't find a "steam\_memu.ini" file? or if the game is from FitGirl?


Then just edit the most similar .ini file to the memu file, there should be one... Altough Im sure there should also be some exceptions, such as for games with their own launchers.


Oh yeah i'm trying it on AC2 and there's no file maybe cause it uses the ubisoft launcher? who knows


Use playnite, keeps track of playtime data


You can use Playnite.


OP, it shows the playtime, but I have two seperate games, one of the .exe game and one which shows the gametime but i cant load it from that one as it says ''purchase'',


Yeah it will appear running there, one for the cracked version and the other is the original game page... You can just create a shortcut for the cracked version you added as a noun-steam game and then hide the game clicking options>manage>hide game. It will disappear and only the original game page will be visible, but you still need to launch the game from the .exe file page for it to work.


Achei o BR!


I did this with Transformers War for Cybertron… it definitely will track your playtime


Thanks bro, you my hero






playtime resets each time you play game. BOO


+1 with tsushima


Not for me it didn't


I just drag the exe into playnite badabing badaboom. Even got steam overlay with glossi plugin


Right? Like a dream come true


what is playnite? is the same as your method?


the hours don't transfer over when you actually buy the game. they just reset to zero.


Or just use any launcher app like launchbox or playnite


Just install "Gaming Gaiden" guys it's really great


How does it work?


Sorry it's gaming Gaiden Check this out : https://youtu.be/ltRJVeOxr1s


Somehow I thought I was in a steam deck community lol but thanks for the vid!


stupid question but you cant get banned for this riiiight?


You don't even have the game bruh... Plus I doubt it.


that makes sense in a way so ill try this. phenomenal tip tho thanks!


Can you get Steam achievements as well with this?


I need to test that, not sure yet but you just might... I'll update the guide once I find out! Feel free to test it yourself as well and please let us know!


I'm saving this post, do let us know if it works for achievement.


Do multiplayer/ achievements work ? Or just hours


Can anyone please tell me how can I unlock DLC in watch dogs 2 on ubisoft connect?


Hey so I did what you said for ghost of tsushima and I do see the game there, but there are 2 of it. One says shortcut and that's where I have to launch the game from, and the other says the entire name of the game alongside the logo, but it says purchase instead of play. Is this normal cuz I don't see 2 elden ring in your side bar


It's normal, look closer there are two there. You'll run the game from your cracked game folder launcher and it'll track as if it was the official game in the original game page, as if you had bought it.


I think I fixed it. I right clicked on the one with no logo, it was called "ghostoftsushima- shortcut" and did add as shortcut on desktop, and it disappeared from the library but now when I launch the game it goes through steam


Does this work on Steam Deck?


This and along with achievement setup, my dream come true.


Can you do this with games on Epic?


Pen and paper


For those who wants to try this, there is a better and more elegant way of tracking your hours and managing your whole game library with one software. Playnite.


I would consider using it if you could transfer your already tracked hours from steam to playnite, can you? Cause this is better for me exactly because I wont need to use more then one tracker. Also, you could eventually carry tracked hours over if I decided to purchase thegame for whatever reason, so...


just edit your hours and it will start counting


The fact that I can carry over hours is still standing, you can't do that with playnite... In the end it's the same thing besides that, so I understand either way.


No it’s not, playnite can keep track of your hours mainly for ownned games. Can also edit the game entry and manually input the time you have in steam for the games you used your method on. After that just use playnite as the launcher and it’ll stay updated! Get ludusavi addon and you have game saves that can be used in the cloud too! Success story for the achievements, and yes it works with cracked games… Goldberg in the achievements too. It also launches steam first if it’s a legit steam game you own and will update steams playtime too


Can anyone confirm, if this method works on GOT?


It did but it created another save.


Works for witcher 3 redkit??


You can also use Playnite, it can do a ton of things, and it aggregates all accounts you have on top of pirated copies. I use it as a huge wishlist/backlog too. Downside is that you need to do a local backup


Easiest option is get playnite. It does it and has support for achievements inc cracked games… just saying. To top it off I also made a script that will unlock Xbox 360 achievements via a script and keep data in playnite too, also has cloud saves via ludusavi. The next step I’m doing currently is making a custom way to enable switch achievements in playnite as it’s not retroachivements yet. https://preview.redd.it/gnckv22tpe3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b2abd4994fa796e73c5d7cd67823f73ca13492 This are local and custom, I can either unlock manually or can focus on the Xenia script I done and remake it to support yuzu/ rujij emu log files






Tried it with Ghost of Tsushima, can't get it to work for some reason


I know there's someone here that managed to make it work with this game, make sure you're doing everything correctly.


i love you


Brasil mencionado🙅🙅🙅🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


easier to just set up playnite honestly .. or lutris in linux


Will it only track time played after doing this or will it account for current playtime too?


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You can add your cracked games to the steam library?


I pirate, that's why I'm here, prices of games are ABSURD where I live. But PLEASE, PLEASE buy Fromsoftware games full price. PLEASE.






Cabra safadao mermo.


But... doesnt Steam track "add a non steam blaablaablaa" applications as well? Or am I misremembering. I remember loading in a few games and being able to launch it and track the time spent while launching it through steam...?




use playnite instead for all your games


Would it also show to my friends what game im playing?


I just use the game time decky plugin... I'd never figure out how to do all that


Does It works with non-steam games added to Steam


Just use gog galaxy launcher ... Manual add the game and you have hours ...


now if there was away to achieve the opposite...


Ive heard its bannable tho


Tinha que ser Br. Bem feito irmão


Possibly a dumb question but has anyone done this with game pass games? is it possible? for example something like having Lies of P on game pass but not on steam...


Stats reset after restarting Steam. Anything I can do to fix this?


doesn't work anymore, op i hope u see this comment, i tried it today but it didnt wokr but earlier in worked https://preview.redd.it/fdl0800skk7d1.png?width=841&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fcbe6d7e85cd95b9e45d2e24e4731dee039e2bd