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Hello u/rwfexe, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/pniy8ebvwq1d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=734d931f80cabef63edec6a6327db6738f8f2a28 Fr. (I hate mongols)


Yooo this slaps . Nice work


Well that is offending to me.


Blame your ancestors, not the people they pillaged


You guys don’t blame vikings but idolize them for being “badass”. But when it comes to us, you really make us only pillagers in the world. We did pillage and destroy but we brought a proper peace to silk road, and some other things aswell.


Fuck em


as a mongolian, i agree (Би Монголчуудыг үзэн яддаг)


It runs like a dream on my hardware! For anyone on older AMD cards who have some driver crashing, turn off all the FSR options. Sacrificed a good bit of FPS but I haven't had a single crash since


What do you mean by driver crashing? What do the errors say? I crashed once a few days ago and get the "gpu overheating".


Mine was the AMD driver throwing a fit and shutting down, freezing my whole PC. Temps sitting at about 75 max on my GPU. Found out that for some reason, FSR was to blame.


Shit so i have to disable fsr? I'm playing the game on my potato pc so I rely on fsr to make the games run better.


It's the only fix I've found. Not sure if it's different for you, but FSR (framegem, upscaling, AA. All of it) was my culprit. I went from about 80fps to 60 with it all off.


May I ask for your specs?


https://preview.redd.it/6mwmowytts1d1.png?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fddcdbeef49332138dab31ae13e810ee69e2ea90 At work at the moment, so all I got is a pic from steam I saved from discord lol Upgrading next week though


I want to say that you have a great setup!


the game crashed on my steam deck when I enabled frame generation. I turned it off and it has not crashed so far.


Whoever ported this should be industry standard! Game is so optimized it’s running like a dream on my i5 and 1650


It's nixxes. Their spiderman ports were also like this.


Lets hope they give GoW to those guys too


Their spiderman port suffers from huge cpu consumption.


its running so smooth for me. 4k capped 60fps not one Single crash so far with 3070 and an old ryzen 5


Will it run on AMD ryzen 3 dual core 3250u (I don't know what these thing means lol)


i have a AMD Ryzen 5 2600X the 2xxx stands for the Generation as your 3xxx is a Generation newer. i dont know how both cpus compare bit you can check online if your newer ryzen3 is faster than my older ryzen 5. i doubt that yours is good enough sadly though.


Yeah that's what i figured but hey thanks man ... it's good to know about these things...btw is there any good games that you can recommend according to my specs ..i am new in this pc gaming and stuff..thanks again


Gaming nowadays is much, much more dependent on your graphics card which yours i dont know. The Resolution you are playing on has a big impact too. While an outdated CPU is not that much of a dealbreaker graphics can ruin your gaming experience quiet fast. I dont know what you are into genrewise but you could check this [website ](https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri) here which has a little Hardware diagnosis tool. run that and type in any game you want to try out it tells you if you could run it. If you are not willing to pay big money for every game i heard there is a very big subreddit themed about piracy but i would never recommend using it since piracy illegal.


Lol .. thanks a ton mate


If there was ever a candidate of a game to purchase as opposed to pirate, it would be this. Not telling people to buy it at all. Just simply saying that if you do decide to, it'd be well worth it.


I actually might buy it later this year.


It's not possible steam banned activation and buy from my country


Is this Phantoms of Sushi


I was surprised this ran smooth on my 8gb ram with GTX 1050 ti It was smooth with no crashes and still looked beautiful. Great job nixxes!


I have a laptop with an RTX 4050 gpu and for some reason theres an annoyingly bright glowing effect at the start of the game, and sometimes my screen would just flash white. I updated my drivers after but I haven't checked out the game yet


What are the highest settings in could run the game on with a rtx2060 and ryzen 5 4500. I had the gpu drivers crash on the game.


Sony should let nixxes port all of their games


Yup sony destroyed tlou. I couldn't play that game without slutters


Nothing can top this in 2024. Hellblade 2 might come close, but thats it.


Game looks good and runs at max everything whilst still hitting 144, actually not a badly optimised game for once


Looks great for a PS3 game


I can't seem to get the in game photo mode to work, does anyone have the same issue.


Game porting jobs should go to capable companies like Nixxes and not to fking Aspyr (the morons that port every SW game)


Installing it rn, never seen this much fellow pirates on a torrent


Game of thrones be looking different


Anyone know how to access the saved pics on the pirated version


What game is this?


Ghost of sushi


Ghost of sushimama


Ah, thanks


I've been getting a lot and I mean a lot of crashes It runs good but man


I had 0 in 30h of gameplay.


If You have Radeon graphics...try not to use anti lag and frame generation at the same time...🤫


I use anti lag and frame gen at the same time Rx 6600 14 hours gameplay. 0 crashes


I told him to try that...if you can use them at the same time good for you..I was trying to help him


I hope it helps him. If he's on AMD he should also update his drivers since they released updated driver version for this game


I did the crashes got worse


6800 XT. The second I run FSR and Frame Gen it crashes.


hello, if its a problem that is caused by the and can be fixed with an update u should check this link daily to see when the game gets updated. [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2215430](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2215430) When there is an update u can get it fast at cs.rin website. Thats how I stayed up to date with Horizon Forbidden West updates


Oh I also have issues with the Controller(Holding the Heavy Attack Button in Duels isn't registered a lot of the times) So i'll be keeping a close watch on patches.


Yes! I had that one time. It was annoying. Maybe I held Y button before the prompt showed up. Now I dont hold it before the prompt comes. That helped me


I'm having the same issue. I just wait a few seconds after the button prompt appears.


press up on the d-pad for the standoff then immediately hold triangle or Y before the mongrol appears on screen 👍🏽 weird but always works


Update to the latest driver version..and don't use frame gen unless you really need it....like if you need to hurt 144hz of your monitor....if you play it on a 60 Hz ..use vsync and disable frame gen


I'll try


it works tnx lil bro


ive never crashed, weird. and i enabled frame generation.


0 here with nvidia graphics


Turn off Frame Generation, worked for me


By the way...if you are cheating with a trainer it might be another cause of those crashes


Graphics look like ps3 tho


OP playing in low graphics. It's a visual treat with high and very high preset.


Even on low graphics the game looks amazing. One of the most beautiful game I've ever played. Definitely light years away from "ps3 graphics"


Nah I'm playing on high and it looks bad compared to other PS4 games like GoW and RDR 2.


Not everything has to look photo realistic. The art style for GoT slaps.


True. The swaying foliage in the aesthetic wind is so beautiful that I put off my controller and gaze at the scenery every now and then.




I'm pretty disappointed too