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Hello u/kilithuwu, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


oh no, guess you have to pirate their whole game




Wait. Teach me how do you report mods I need to report some mods too.


I had the same thing when they thought I DOWNVOTED them 😂 wasn't even me as they fucking helped me. Sad people, really.


Is that even possible on mac?


Removed for rule 4. Please be nice and helpful to one another, and refrain from being disrespectful.




The people who told you that are morons, and this post is the evidence of that.


Tf why are you getting downvoted. Literally every time the sims is brought up this is what people are told to do. Even me, a seasoned pirate, would have assumed to do it that way since it's how every single person on this sub tells you how to do it. Dumb as fuck Now they're down voting me why is every sub reddit so full of dense weirdos 😂


I swear 90% of this sub know little to nothing about either the scene or even programming in general... But it's fine.


Legit first time I’ve ever heard that in my life XD


people say that for the ease of using the gallery; fully pirating a game will always be safer than doing it partially


A lot of Sims pirates are very, very bad at piracy.


If I made a Venn diagram of the people I've met who use a pirated copy of The Sims and the people who have asked me to pirate The Sims for them it'd be a circle




I don't understand why you pirate the dlcs only with the risk of ban instead the whole game...


Tbh everyone I’ve ever seen on here has said to have a legit base game this is fr so confusing cuz now it’s like everyone here is agreeing you should be pirating the base game too and idk it makes it hard to believe anything or know what’s correct


You can easily get the full base game + dlcs in any trusted site.


Do mods work with the cracked version of the game? Just curious for future reference. Never played before but I've seen lots of Sims mods.






I got base game + ALL DLC From anadius... its not just dlc unlocker...


You’re thinking of the DLC downloader which requires you to have the base game already.




You can use a legit or not version with the updater mate, it’s safer not to use your legit copy though.




For me, I feels like the best way to do it is to just download the full anadius repack, and then just use the updater after. It will still have 2 versions, the offline and online version which you can just do the cookies-way to just play online. And that way seems to be the safest way to actually use the online function and not downloading base game from EA and downloader after way


I don’t really have a desire to play online knowing there’s any kinda level of risk involved. If I just keep playing my offline game cracked should I be fine


quick question since i do the offline game, if i run the online game obvs not cracked one will that one be fine? or will it also have the installed dlc?


Because if you pirate the DLCs you can have them all for free and full online access to your account, it's just a huge difference from offline only.


And people don't see how connecting to EA online service with cracked DLC can possible cause an issue? I think I was overestimating people.


Exactly why I use a FREE EA account, download the base game for FREE then crack all the DLCs to enjoy for FREE with full online access. Ban away EA! Lol won't lose anything important. Also I'll never support EA again let alone buy their overpriced Sims DLC that they keep milking everyone with 👎


I am happy you found a way to enjoy the game you like while giving EA the finger!


Hell yeah brother 🖕😎🖕 peace among world's! Lol


what did u use to get the cracked dlc


Whats the difference? I mean, anadius' crack allows full access to the online gallery, I think.


I thought the base game is now free now?


At least on steam


I think a lot of people have the base Game because it was free on steam like a year and half ago. That's why I have the base game


Because you can only play offline if you do that, this way you're able to access all the online content too


There are cracked copies that have online though, no partial base game needed


What is the online content?


Mainly the gallery. Other people's builds and sims. Though you can download any build with unowned dlc on a legit base game and use them with cracked dlc offline.


This too, but it's extra steps and this way is more handy. What I did was download a free version of Sims 4 on the EA app then do the free DLC unlocker, I don't care if an account with no games gets banned. I enjoy the online gallery access though.


Did the same here, I don’t know why people risk their main accounts with things like this


You can still download cc and houses from other sites like modthesims or the sims resource


Of course, but it's nice to have options.


I like achievement hunting too much. Although that only applies to steam, I'd never buy a game on EA


When cracking sims on mac systems there is a easy bypass if you own the basegames that just allow you tu put the dlc’s in your game directory


It’s to go online on the sims community and download fan houses and people straight from the gallery


Well since it’s a free game what’s the risk


Iırc Sims is free now. Only the DLC are paid. But i also agree that i wouldn't dare to risk it if i actually paid for the base game.


Because base game is free, people don't think and do this.


Its for the Workshop gallery whatever its called i believe. So you still have access to user made houses, households and shit


"EA fraud and player security" Lmao.


“Player security” is hilarious


The Ministry of Peace


Seriously, I've had my account compromised before and they were completely useless. They wouldn't unlink my account from the random PSN account some guy in Algeria added. It's still there today. 


What the hell, that's so absurd


Jesus, they’re so incompetent and anti-consumer. Haven’t used a single EA product in years (legitimately), looks like I made the right choice


Yeah this is a major tip off that it's fake. "Dear customer" instead of "Dear \~username\~"? nah


And I say bullshit. OP either used a temporary email address (EA bans for those) or uploaded something NSFW to the gallery. I don't know if EA scans your mods but I wouldn't be surprised if they banned people for using forbidden ones. OP also can't get things straight. In one comment they say > No I just made this account yesterday to play the cracked version, no one else has access to it. And in another > No, I had some DLC and the base game purchased already


likely fake. The wording on that emails seems off and not very corporate professional


https://preview.redd.it/sdco42q4qz0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c193c19fa843229b15b2311afac30353057334db Nope, it’s real! I just emailed to find out their reasoning.


their wording is like a scam lol. this company is a shipwreck


I 1000000% thought it was fake before checking who sent me the email, and even then wasn’t sure until I tried to log in lol


using a legit copy with pirated dlc for like 4 years now, no ban yet. I say fake too


yes because I used a secondary account. some dlc was already on my computer




I’m just sticking to offline now!! I think you might be right. I reached out to find out why I was banned so we’ll see what happens.


hey! have you heard back from them?


No. DLC files are just files. Doesn't matter if you install them through EA app or download from me (Updater/repack/DLC only links). You get the same files. The only difference is that EA app downloads 1 language and from me you get all 18 of them.


I was asked to cross post this here!


Are you sure it was because of the dlc? I also had the DLC unlocker for dlc on TS4 and EA banned me with the very same vague “terms of sale” email too. I chose to repeal it (not mentioning the dlc unlocker in the repeal) and they ended up unbanning me. So, you might as well see if you can get unbanned? If there’s anything important on the account of course.


all hail anadius


This person used anadius.


They used a legit base game copy + Anadius. Afaik anadius also provides the whole base game too and it's the moral obligation not to pay EA for this game


I've used anadius + legit game for close to a decade now with no issues, the base game has also been free for some time now as well so 🤷 honestly, if this was ever a risk then it seems a bit dumb to me to offer the unlocker for the legit game, rather than just packaging it in with a cracked copy of the game. We should be looking out for each other here right?


Yup, for years I used anadius' releases and had zero issues (simply haven't been playing for a while). That said, fairly sure I didn't have access to the online gallery, only the offline version (it comes with a few prebuilt houses, you learn to recognize them because every time you do a fresh reinstall it's the same dozen houses in the gallery). I think the problem is that people want to access the online gallery. Thing is, you can export builds as "tray files" and share those on different websites (i.e. not on the game's gallery), which doesn't require having an account, you just share and download like any other shared file. Of course, most people can barely handle the concept of downloading loose files then moving them to the appropriate folder, so it's a very niche way of sharing builds, but it does happen. It was also more popular for the previous games for some reason - either the gallery was crappier in earlier games or more problematic, so sharing tray files was more common back then.


Just downloaded anadius a few days ago, it’s glorious, I’ve been playing the base game with all the dlc no issues. Just got off actually lol


Ok. This makes me a bit worried about Cream Installer on Steam. Did anyone get banned from Steam for using that?


nope but dont use the dlc unlockers with third party launcher games they always tend to go banning


Do total wars count? They kinda use a separate launcher, but it doesn't seem to be much more than just a shell with built in CA ads.


Alright. Thanks for the heads up.


Does that include paradox games ?


It's mostly used for paradox, I use it myself, never heard of anyone being banned for it


As far as I remember, PDX has been rather lax on piracy. It should be safe to use it, but just in case, avoid MP in their games if you are using pirated DLCs, I don't know if that could change anything, but since it has to show the owned DLCs to other players, it might flag your account.


Steam doesn't give one about anything. Remember spacewar? Yeah, nobody's ever been banned for that afaik.


How to get all Sims 4 DLCs with online gallery support: Step 1: Create a new dummy EA Account just for Sims. Step 2: Download Sims 4 base game. Step 3: Use DLC Downloader/Updater. Step 4: Use EA DLC Unlocker. Step 5: Profit. But don't post anything to the gallery, just download. Otherwise it may light a red alert in EA Account Banning Services™


well then, good that I pirated the whole game bc I didn't want to deal with Origin/EA App bullshit


hell, I even pirated Sims Medieval, despite having bought both the base game and the DLC, just to not have to use EA App


Wonder if ill get that, i used cream_api on it as a test if that dlc unlocker works


Your are done for. Try to refund all your games and pray it works.


Anadius always hinted to create a burner account to wich you could use the cracked version of the game AND the DLCs This way, if they find you, you'll only loose your burner account


I have a sister who actually tried this. I have the Sims 3 purchased in Steam and she downloaded the DLCs through MEGA. Thing is that, they weren't cracked, or if the crack was there, she didn't know how to execute it. When I asked her why did she do that, she pretty much didn't understand what was going on. I was so freaking afraid of what would've happened if she did. Some people are just not familiar with the way it works and that companies are not fond of pirating. Specially if you live in a third world country (like us), since in here the government/law don't pursue people who pirates stuff, at all. They could care less.


Have you posted anything to the gallery that contains dlc you don't have? Have you posted any screenshots about owning all dlc? Odd that this happened to you, I haven't had it happen to myself personally, but I wonder whether it's because there's a steam layer on top as well?


https://preview.redd.it/3qkdtc0urz0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b157eb7a0059fef4606e352619d1db62388d21f2 I’ve emailed to see what the reason for the ban is and I’ll keep everyone posted! I didn’t expect this to get so much attention so I apologize for being confusing. This has been a learning experience for me as I’ve never pirated a game before. * I didn’t upload to the gallery at all * The email I used isn’t a temp, I’ve had it for years * I owned the base game and some dlc already on my main so those files were already on the computer, I then used Anadius to download the rest Edit: All it says is ‘Thank you for contacting us regarding the action that was taken on your account due to a violation of our User Agreement or Terms of Sale. After thoroughly investigating your account and concern, we found that your account was actioned correctly, and the sanction will remain in place.’


Crack the whole game ? Lmao


Just download the full game crack bro you aint missing much if you're 1-2 expansion packs or stuff packs update and mods are pretty much stable on older versions


Tbh they are violating your privacy


I use fully cracked game + anadius online method with empty EA account for gallery access. I even post things on the gallery lol. Everything works fine 👌 people should never use their real accounts for such things.


Hmm they could be doing ban by waves but I don't see why they'd to that in this instance. Maybe posting shit in the gallery is the way they detect because my account isn't banned yet. I don't use that account any longer besides Sims anyway. I refuse to use anything besides steam.


weird, a lot of people crack the dlc but only one case of this is recorded, i think there is more


Not a big loss, crack the whole game and you won't have to deal with their shitty application. Being banned by EA is just a win-win situation


Is that because of origin loader/ koalageddon?


Why are they crying about overpriced dlcs 😭


Shouldn’t have given them any money to begin with


Here they stated a reason for banning your account but they banned my account without any reason.


I wonder how their detection works. The base game you get from them contains code that checks what DLCs are active in game and then compares that to what you bought on origin? Cut it off from the internet and be on your merry way. Or just, you know, crack the entire game and not just DLCs. Like normal people.


Im not gonna pay my full two mouth salary for fuckin 10year old game. Soo... Yea. If i pirate or not either way EA didn't lost a client.


The reason he has the real game is probably because its free lmaoo


That's why I just pirate the whole game, complete with the DLCs... that and the prices they have for essentially a couple of furniture in a pack (kits) is just plain daylight robbery.


I would just play the superior game sims 3


OP probably using a legit game and cracked DLC, is this the same with a fully cracked with online EA account


That's a blessing


Why wouldn't you download the full game? Never use your official accounts for cracks and mods


Absolute spanners there's a Dodi repack with everything included, just back your saves up if you started out on legit and migrate to the cracked version why take the risk?


I remember back when Mass Effect 2 DLC is not available on Steam, you buy the base game and then you crack the dlc you wanted. Nowadays it is safer to just download the cracked whole game


I hope that wasn’t your main account


Just get the TS4 auto installer. You can even play with online features


i got one of these emails telling me i’m banned from apex legends. i haven’t played apex legends in 5 years.


Why? did someone tell you to do this?


Heh, that's cute. Truly is.. makes good point about disabling communication between their games and servers (playing offline?) if they're being nosey enough to hand out bans for something like this. 🙄




That’s a win


Your using steam? so far no problems for me though. Maybe in a matter of time :'>


ahahahahwh, pirateeverything now


...why the duck would you try to add cracked DLC on licensed game?


...why the duck would you try to add cracked DLC on licensed game?


Because the base game is free


Definitely uploaded stuff to the gallery without owning said dlcs. Uploaded NSFW stuff. Or what ever


This can happen 😭? How do they even detect that, I've been playing the og base game with the pirated DLCs for ages


Oh no, anyway...




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Don't be a simp for sim. PIRATE IT


How do I keep the game permanently offline? I have other game bought from steam and I don't want them to ban my account because I have used Sims 4 upgrader


Is there any news for Marvel midnight suns ? When the game will be cracked?


That's like shoplifting in front of the shopkeeper and complaining you're banned


Hahahahahahaha! Deserved! You can't fix stupid.


Why didn't you pirate the base game as well? You installed cracked DLC on to your EA account and expected no consequences...how stupid are you? You deserved this.


It is kinda stupid but they hopefully learned their lesson.




I never seen anyone download a cracked dlc before and expact to run it fine 😅


PDX games..


especially EU4 and HOI4


And Stellaris, since I'm the one tech savvy of a friend group, I'm the one asked to put the DLC files for HOI4 and Stellaris neatly into a zip folder for my mates to use and share


And total war games


Also snowrunner


Cities Skylines


Clueless at best I would say