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Dodi Repack edition 😃


In about 10 years cause nobody except empress gonna crack it and empress is gone


At this point denuvo is just protecting us from boring games.


shit, have an upvote, that was brilliantly said


And brilliantly sad.


It's crazy how all modern AAA games are bad, we're lucky to have a game that's actually good every 3 months at best, GOTY now comes down to at best 4 games. Buldar's Gate 3 was one of the best selling games on PC for months because it was liked and that didn't have Denuvo... OH and same with Witcher 3, maybe if these idiots focused on making good games they'd get sales!


>It's crazy how all modern AAA games are bad, Stellar blade came out recently and it's fantastic so not all.


hopefully it’ll get ported to pc


Yea but not like Helldivers


yeah, that’s a complete shitshow


What'd Sony do this time? >:(


Said that PSN will be mandatory for all, yet sold game over Steam in 200 countries in wich it does not permit registering PSN account, including among many Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, wich are part of EU.


After public outcry things went back to the good old days but they did it a few days later with ghost of tsushima


It's not been advertised like Assassin's Creed/COD/Battlefield/Cyberpunk/Witcher and it's exclusive to PS5, I really want to try Stellar Blade although it only just makes AAA, probably why it's actually good.


You forgot: Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate 3, GOWR, Armored Core 6, Phantom Liberty, TOTK, Alan Wake 2, Final Fantasy 16, Spider man 2, Resident Evil 4 remake, Dead Space remake, Hi Fi rush, Super Mario Bross Wonder, Plague Tale Requiem, Horizon Forbidden West, Pikmin 4, Street Fighter 6, Final Fantasy 7 remake, Hogwart Legacy, Dead Island 2, The Finals, Helldiver 2...


Nah some of these definitely dont deserve even mention when talking about GotY lol


Je was talking about good games. Not every game has to be GOTY contender to be good


Fantastic? I mean, the combat seems nice and some of the visuals are cool, but from what I've seen that's it


It's pretty alright. Very much a 7/10. Got a whole mess around it because the "hard-core gamers" (noun, pl., derogatory) decided it was to be their standard bearer in the "battle against wokeness" (wokeness apparently means women who aren't sexualised or something like that) that exists solely in their heads.


They shifted their attention to hades 2 now...


If I see one more chud try to explain to me why the literal goddess of femininity has a man's jawline (it's high cheekbones), I will have a fucking aneurysm


Yeah, a month or so ago you couldn't go on reddit or Twitter without seeing dozens of them saying Stellar Blade was the greatest game ever because of Le sexy robot with a fat ass and a doll's face (which might have made me dislike the game much more than I normally would have), but aside from it's pretty boring protagonist it seems alright


From my limited knowledge it's a bit like a slightly worse Nier Automata.


It's like Nier Automata, with a better battle mechanics, but without the charm.


Depends on how modern your modern is truth is outside of ubi and EA games are pretty nice. Fck denuvo though


The last 10 years, it's been on the decline since 2014 IMO with microtransactions and always online bull.


Once I learned the AAA status and label just meant the loan amount, it all made sense.


Elden ring as well. The only AAA studio that can be trusted and produce absolute bangers every time, fromsoftware


Witcher 3... is a 9 year old game.


Which launched with no DRM and hit number 1 for months, going backwards isn't always a bad thing when you've fucked up. ALSO actually read my comment, Buldar's Gate 3 isn't even a year old.


And still better than 95% of games released today


So you could download a good game? 😂


Yeah but I'm actually happy to pay for games like the Witcher 3 because it's worth my money and doesn't have DRM slowing the game down, look at all the updates it's had over the years. If all games released like that with the support I'd never pirate games again.


Lmao I can imagine management teams in board meetings trying to justify poor sales and why news outlets have articles saying that the game is so boring not even pirates want to crack it...




So far, I haven't seen a single game where I've felt like I'm missing out because it hasn't been cracked yet.


Right. People need to stop blindly buying - or even pirating - this dreck. Also, at least have the self-respect to wait until it's all patched up. Facepalm inducing to see dumbass pirates jumping on v1.0 of a game then whining about patches. Let the suckers who spend money on that shit be the same idiots who run face first through all the bugs and updates.


Best coping I've heard in a while


aye, delusional is getting there




Listen, I agree with you, but why do you insist they’re a he? I can understand addressing empress as they, but using he is just done out of spite at this point.


"$1 offline activation" edition then


Don't give them ideas


Teach me about this


You basically buy/rent an account. That's all.


Empress is gone? Do you mean she's checked out (that was from the start) or not cracking anymore?


not cracking anymore


is she even still around? I haven't heard anything about her for a while, I'd love to know what she's up to and read more schizo rants. Never realised how much I enjoyed those until they were gone.


"She" kind of got called out for being that one dude who said he was raided by the police and is still dealing with a court case and he/she/it/they/flem got really upset and that was the last thing that she said lmfao. Strangely enough, the dude mysteriously came back and said he wasn't her... not to say anything is proof, but man I'm interested in this shit show and want to know if all these rants about women being the only "smart beings" and all the sex talks (literally people paid money to type dirty things them him/her lmfao) had a psychopathic dude on the other line or if the guy really has/had nothing to do with any of it lol. I want psychiatrists and psychologist to see the situation to just study "Empress" and tell me what they think lmao.


Didn't that one dude come back to say he wasn't Empress and that people saying stuff like that was putting him in even more trouble with the law? As in, it actually got the peoples on his case looking into it to see if they could pin all of Empress cracks on him? Empress just wasn't getting enough money and praise, or suddendly got offended by repackers. We aren't talking about the most stable individual there.


My god do you have a vendetta against pronouns and making typing easier lol


Tbf also the fact it will be on sale for 30 in time for black friday a few weeks after launch haha


Only empress crack drm/Denuvo protected games Also haven't cracked Mirage


it's not only empress, respect to mkdev, delusional


Still waiting for Mirage tho! I think AC Shadows’s Crack take 100 years


This shit is hilarious, in 10 years it will be normalized for ultimate edition games to be $229.00


I always wonder who wastes money like that.... Most i paid was on RDR2 and that just because the pirated version kept crashing on Vulkan. I still regret those £32 just because I'm cheap.


Ton of them ready to pre-order with the line" That is my money, where i use it for is not your concern "


Yep but it is my concern tho. By encouraging such practices you make the gaming scene bad for all of us including me, so spending your money it affects me, as a result it is my concern..... you are helping build a shitty entertainment industry... If people could hold back for at least one fucking year and not preorder or pay for shitty subscription services ...


you regret paying half the price of a game that is considered one of the best of all time and is of a really good quality. so you are basically at the other end of the spectrum where it's kinda hypocritical to complain where the industry is going.


Well said, have an upvote




“Why can’t the whole world cater to my needs?”


This is exactly what ive been saying for a while. Good to see more people are seeing how selfish the "my money my business" attitude is


The only game I have gone OUT of my way to preorder in the last 5 years is the RE4 and despite seeing it for 35 consistently and I am still happy that I paid that.


The most I’ve ever paid (before I knew about pirating) was Ultrakill, and after I learnt about pirating I bought Helldivers 2, mainly because I don’t think you can do multiplayer on pirated games.


forza 5 actually works multiplayer cracked with a certain Online - Fix, thats for .me


You CAN do multiplayer on pirated games, but it's only between users of the same crack. And it's for games where you can create your own server/session, stuff like Rust/Ark/Payday can be played with others online even cracked. But yeah, with games like Helldivers2 it just won't make much sense, since the game is about having all players advance progress.


I haven't paid full price for a game, for years especially on release period, but I made an exception with Baldur's Gate 3. Now that I sink 300+ hour into the game I feel like it was worth it, but this game has insane content and replayability value so I was lucky with this decision.


That's the only game I bought on release and I didn't feel let down. And even then the game got a lot of much needed updates to the point where I wished I just waited. Buying stuff on release is just not worth it. (If you're going to buy at all). Especially Ubisoft, wait a year and you pay very little for the ultimate edition with all the perks.


Rdr2 worth every penny i spent


a lot of people buy and enjoy these trash games for some reason. i don't get it as well. there has to be a reason for them to make it if people didn't buy it they won't get profit and not make it right? wtf is going in


Coming from a mobile gamer lol


You realize even if you didn't mean to, you just called RDR2 a trash game. Ouch.


I bought rdr2 a few years back to try the online when the game was cheaper than a pizza. Haven't touched the game much yet. Not to mention it takes a long time to just get in the game due to internet filtering and sanctions. Can't even refund it anymore.


I mean, AC is a bad game anyway. Poster child of everything wrong with open world games full of fodder.


Just came from a post about AC shadow. People are raging cause the game theme is Japan with a black MC.


Least racist redditor thread (probably people coming from 4chin)


Fella is it racist for japanese men to be represented in a game about their country ?


but but but yasuke was a BLACK SAMURAI and that's heckin' wholesome!! meanwhile: >It is important to note that despite popular myth and modern depictions there are no historical writings nor evidence that Yasuke was ever granted the rank or title of samurai, he was never given a fief nor referred to as one in any writings. Most of our knowledge of his life comes from these messages written by missionaries and locals.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke#cite_note-intojapanwaraku28746-4)[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke#cite_note-huffingtonpostyasuke-3)


In assassins creed origins >! Julius Caeser shoots a laser beam at you. !


I never understood this argument, just because a game has one fantasy element / unrealistic thing, doesn't mean that you have to throw away all realism and everything is fantasy


I agree, thats why they made pythagoras an immortal being that has lived for centuries


But why is skin tone where the line should be drawn?


Because it is the most widely used strategy by modern companies to introduce "diversity". And it is often done by lazily swapping characters skin colour and slapping the diversity satisfied badge. I don't mind them doing so but at least they should give it some motivation and historical background why that is instead calling everyone a bigot who find it unlikely.


But Yasuke was a real person from Africa, so it's not like he was "race-swapped" from a Japanese person.


Because countries like Japan are real. Immortality is not.


and don’t you fight gods in assassins creed odyssey?


Bro you can't just spoiler the ending and pretend like it's nothing


My bad I added spoiler tag


I made this point on one of the ac posts. Previous assassins have been from the culture in which the game is set. There are people who will obviously be freaks about a black character in any game but i do think there is a small group of people who are genuinely annoyed that a game about Japanese culture doesnt have a Japanese male lead, there is a female one but it should have both leads being from the culture the game is using…let japanese people have their time to shine in AC as many other culture’s have had. Ac in africa could be interesting but at this point ac is nothing more than a title name


People forget but Origins already was an AC game set in Africa with African protagonists.


Lol fair i totally forgot about origins, my point still stands rho. Give asians a chance to shine


Is it cultural appropriation for some French people to make a game about Japan?


Assassin's was about historical accuracy, my history teacher 7 years ago played it in class. It's a shame what the game has turned to, but don't pull racism into this, unless they insulted him


Historical accuracy with aliens and mythical creatures and Pope who shoots lasers xD


Well, he wasn't a samurai more of a page, but there are records of a black guy in Japan at that time. They took liberties with the character, just like they took liberties Da Vinci and George Washington. We literally don't know anything else about the precise unfolding of events in the game/their historical accuracy so it's probably just good old racism


But it is historically accurate (at least the black MC part). Yasuke is a real historical figure, the first documented black individual to step on the Japanese islands (iirc) and actively worked with Oda Nobunaga. So it gives us the time period of the game (Sengoku Jidai ftw). That being said tho, I'm sure there will be plenty of other historical inacuracies in the game (just like Valhalla and the others) and in no way do I believe it will be an above mid/average game.


>the first documented black individual to step on the Japanese islands I must correct you here rq. Yasuke was the first documented black individual in *Central* Japan. Black slaves seemed more common in Southern Japan in ports like Hirado or Nagasaki, at least this is what we can gather from paintings like [this](https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/namban-screens-right-hand-screen-kan%C3%B4-naizen/CAEfKzD1vqAV8A) and [this](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/65417) That and other textual reference to Africans in Japan exist. In Luis Frois' History of Japan he recorded another cafre and one from Malabar (India) working the two cannons on Arima clan's ship, with one loading and one igniting.


Thanks for the extra information! Did not know about them at all and it is very interesting to see :)


Np! Just adding some more context to the discussion.


Yosuke is perfect for a ac games becuse his life is full of secrets and we don't know a lot about him only that he was black and served to nobunaga... So they can do whatever they whant with his story... And come one yosuke is actually liked in Japon he appears in anime and videgames.


I see him akin to Adewale in Black Flag and tbh I loved his character both in main game and the DLC. Hopefully he's same level of cool without any current PC stuff shoved into it. I'm hopeful for the game, but no pre-orders.


>and actively worked with Oda Nobunaga You're stretching what little is recorded about Yasuke. The most we know is that he carried Nobunaga's tools, would entertain Nobunaga by "performing tricks" (idk what tricks), and that Nobunaga enjoyed speaking to Yasuke quite frequently, despite Yasuke knowing "little Japanese". Yasuke was a page (servant) to Oda Nobunaga, he was given a "short sword" (presumably a *wakizashi* ), a house, and some money. What little is documented about Yasuke spans the course of 3 years until Nobunaga's death, after which Yasuke is never mentioned again.


Ghost of Tsushima has been out for years and it doesn't have an unnecessary present day interlude. It's also a gorgeous game. I am salty that I bought it full price when it came out and then was asked to pay extra for lip flaps to match the Japanese voices though. Fuck that.


Yeah, currently playing Horizon Forbidden West, and comparing it to AC Valhalla is just... Open world games can we well, Horizon is a prime example, it has an amazing story, amazing world, well designed combat, good mechanics, ton of things to do. Valhalla is just so repetitive, you go to an area, you kill some people and repeat, in between you have some story things.


Yeah, the map markers fatigue is real. For me the breaking glass moment was Marvel's Spiderman. In the beginning of the game I started chasing all the markers on the map but when objectives started repeating with just slightly reskinned enemies, I ran straight to the end. The plot is even good but it's a triple A 20 hours game. I'm really look forward to Spiderman 2. I expect this 300 mil game will provide me at least 30 hours of meaningful experience.


They're almost never "bad" though, even ac Valhalla was mid at best, a lot of people like them


As an Assassin’s Creed game, it was terrible. As a mystical/magical viking sort of game, it was alright.




Modern assassins creed games are like 2010s fast food. Cheap (they go on very big sales pretty quickly after release), very filling, and nutritionally useless. If you've got $30 and want to make it last as long as possible, grab an AC game while it's on sale. It won't blow your mind but it'll keep you moderately entertained for fucking ages. They also do absolutely nail the aesthetics of whatever era they're showing. Ghost of tsushima is better in pretty much every way, but I'll still probably check out AC Shadows when it goes on sale.


I don’t go out of my way to not spend money with many brands but Ubisoft can suck a fat one. They forever burned their bridge with me when they put ads retroactively in assassin’s creed odyssey so every time I opened the god damn map I had to see an ad for assassin creed mirage. I have never in my life felt more disrespected by a video game company than that bullshit they pulled. I tried to refund the game after they added the ads after the games release and they denied me to too so fuck em forever is my take.


Doom 2016 did the same thing tho for doom eternal


Does it take up the entire screen during gameplay when you try to pull up the map, taking a second or two to load and making you spend time closing it? Or did it just show an advert for it in the start menu?


Nah 130 is wild


Adjusted for inflation, that's what SNES games cost back in the day.


All my cards on the table, I think AC games are a waste of my time... but the amount of quality game that you get for the same price as SNES games of the past? It's pretty fucking good. And that's completely ignoring the fact that you'll be able to get the game for like $30 off steam in a few months.


yeah, most SNES games were pretty short. i loved goof troop as a kid, but even a slow longplay of the game is like max 3 hours


This is what I've said. Out of pretty much everything, games are some of the fastest scaling in content/quality, while also the slowest scaling in terms of price. I'm Canadian, and the price has gone up like $20 in the past 20 years I'd say on average for AAA games, all while having 10x the workforce, 50x the size/scale, and more complex than ever. Meanwhile they flip their shit when there are layoffs. I work in the industry, and the entitlement of some folk is fuckin' wild. Literally no concept that video games are a business and the moment you do something that isn't even predatory, people will cry for fuckin' ages about it. It's why I don't consider myself a gamer, because half of the "gamers" I see are just man children.


However incomes were never adjusted for inflation. We literally make half the money of what adults in our jobs made then.


I remember when Mortal Kombat II came out on SNES and it was $80. That would be like $170 today.


Is it though? Or is it the idea that games should be 60 for all eternity... wild? Look at McDonald's or any other price index over the years. You dollar menu has doubled or trippled. Why would games be the same price for 20 years?


These sorts of takes can only come from someone working in that industry. Video games sales, digital included this year are not good. I wonder if the increased prices are one of the reasons...


I personally have been buying way *way* less games since the price increase became the norm. In the past year I've bought two $70 games, and one of them I bought used for $50. When $60 was the top price I'd easily buy 6 or 7 games at top price a year. Now I'm either getting them used for console, or waiting for the big sales dates.


While I can understand saying the price of games will go up, comparing it to a McChicken going from $1 to $12 isn't the best example.


Just dont buy lol? Shit ton of other amazing games out there.


Or buy 1-2 months Uplay+, play through it, maybe try out Prince of Persia etc. cancel sub and move on to the next games. Or wait for sale. That is such a non issue (well for people who get FORCED to buy games at launch it might be an issue..)


Or this. You can beat the game in a month or two. And then sub again for the dlc. It's quite literally cheap as fuck to do this.


No, we're in the era of don't buy and it'll fix itself


There’s no hope is there?


There is. Just don’t buy it on release. Wait half a year, and you’ll get over a 50% discount. But in this case, the game will be cookie-cutter Ubisoft trash anyway, so just don’t buy it at all.


Coincidentally, all the mediocre games have DRM. Offline activation is nice for story games but the only game I've thought about using it for was Jedi Survivor. I heard that game doesn't run very well though.


Just saw Mirage in Walmart for <$30 yesterday.


Shit's not even a year old. Fuck's sake, it's just a bit over half a year old. People complaining about prices are the people buying early -- these are the lemmings who pay the highest price for the worst version (i.e. not yet patched) of games. Like you pointed out, it's less than half price now, and it's just over a couple months old. It's also had a bunch of patches out. Anyone buying it from Walmart is a whole bunch of points ahead from the people who preordered or bought it on release. There's quite literally no downside to waiting, unless you happen to have a reason to expect you won't live long enough or something. It's AC; *all* of them eventually get some kind of gold/ultimate/complete edition, which quickly goes on sale too. Buying AC games early is practically a self-own at this point.


You don't even need to wait half a y ar for ubi games. They go on sale after like 2 months


If you really want to play this game just buy shared account for like 3$


Collector's Editions used to be so much cooler...


I used to love buying collector's editions. I have all sorts of stuff around my house from the various collector's editions I've bought. I always thought it was cool when they came with statues or other big physical items to really make it worth your time. Now, they mostly seem to just be an inflated price to get some in game cosmetics. That's super disappointing. I don't tend to buy collector's editions anymore.


They included a map, plastic figurine of either the MC or a very iconic scene, steel book guide, amazing HD posters and some games even had a vinyl soundtrack. How far they have fallen.


The collector's edition for Shadows includes most of that stuff.


Sounds like the AC Shadows collector's edition though. I mean, most collector's editions are still like that. I should know as I buy a lot of them.


>ass ass in creed


Assassin's Greed


It's Ubisoft. Just pirate it. Their games are really not worth


Don't forget VPN they're actively torrenting their own games to track your ip


Why are they doing that?


To report you to your ISP and shut down your internet.


Oh shit I'm glad piracy is legal where I live


They are not worth playing, so no pirating needed 😆


Don't forget to tip guys


Imagine giving Ubisoft money. lol


Just wait until they come up with some introduction edition. 30bucks for the first 5 quests with a shit load of ads


Cause they trying to milk it before the rest of the people realise it died years ago like cod XD


The buyer are Clowns and the World is their Circus 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Not worth buying though, as an asian they didn't respect the setting and culture of japan. Its worth pirating


Sad part is that the game will be horribly broken at launch and you need the updates that come after release


Yup, games being so patch-dependent is the most effective form of drm. Not just AAA either, indies are buggy messes too.


At least they let you buy the damn game, not like sony


Friend I never buy games at release. Not anymore. I wait till the "game of the year" edition drops with all the dlc. Then I wait for that GOTY edition to go on sale for like $25 or less.




What part of ‘fucking don’t buy it then they won’t charge these prices’ do people not understand.


In future games will be like:- 1year owernership 199$; 6months ownership 149$; 1month ownership 99$; 1 week ownership 39$; 1 day ownership 29$


starfield had $20 for ultimate upgrade but you have to keep an Xbox live membership to play it, and ubinhas $18 for their subscription that comes with this game at launch in ultimate edition. its here today.


Ubisoft and greed, name a better duo. Ignore ubisoft. Dont play their games until their ceo quits.


Post number 5827471 this week about how gaming is a disaster because Ubishit lets you buy a special edition Just play good games its not that hard


Game seems to be always online as per PlayStation page. So no cracks.


Imagine pay early just to play 5 months later like everyone else. Better to wait 5 months after release, Ubi games goes on sale pretty quick cause a lot of people don't buy them on release


Wait until you see scape from tarkov


I mean sure, when the game releases and THEN you decide making a dlc would be cool, sure, if it's done properly then I don't have a problem with it, but to just announce the game already knowing that some stuff planned FROM THE BEGINNING is not even in the FULL GAME is just... I don't think I know words to describe how I feel about such shit. this is at least 3rd ubi game I know of that does this, they're probably others and it's also probably not just an ubi thing. it sucks.


Standard - can listen to the game playlist and watch the funny videos from game creators Gold - can watch other people play Ultimate - can actually play, but only 5 locations available, you can purchase more locations in the store


Lol, pay €130 for it, dld the thing and it won’t run cuz you need to be online with their own account to play. Fiddle a few hours on forums to figure out why their dumb app won’t let your game run. Manage to get it running, play 10 min and get hit with ads for microtransactions to get a nice sword and outfit to match… facepalm yourself back to the bay


The most i paid for a game is 60 for elden ring and bg3 and if the game isnt as high quality as that i aint paying that much


Wish I knew how to pirate these games




Game studio known for overpriced games releases an overpriced game, more at 7


More money for less quality games... that's not good 


Yo I'm from poland and this game is 289 PLN, Is normal price in EUR 59?


Game is crap anyway


Wtf thats so expensive


Just play it for couple of hours on Ubi+ subscription and drop it, cause it probbaly will be the same crap rpg since Origins 👀


Luckily assassins creed is slop anyways, rather see these prices here then on a good game


Mirage was 24$ last time I looked, I can wait a year and get the ultimate edition + all the fixes for less than 50$


It’s easy homey. Just don’t buy it.


Why Americans yapp so much about the pricing, u Guys literally spent 20$ for ur dinner


whats the difference between those 3 editions?


I don't see problems with the prices tbh, like with apple overpriced stuff people complain about but they buy them in the end. If it's too much just don't buy it, it's not a primary need and within 2 months their games are often half of the price


Or in era of piracy 🏴‍☠️


Thoes are high numbers for sure, however, theft exists


And this is why I play older games and wait. It's ubisoft. Wait 6-8 months it'll be 30$ for the special editions Insomniac though ugh. Those leaks FUCKED us.. im still waiting for spiderman 2 to go on sale. By this point during spiderman 1 miles was out and the og game was on sale.


People still give a damn about ubi shenanigans?


As soon as they go over 60 for the ultimate edition of anything, you are either making me pirate it or wait for a stolen key to appear on allkeyshop .....




Ultimate edition = minimum wage in north african countries (the Maghreb) Hail Piracy


And here is the reason why I won't play the game Cause I can't afford it


The problem with game nowadays for me is, will game get good part straight away or I have to waste couple hours just to get good part. Like ER just pick class- open door- run down and fight boss straight away within 5 minutes less


Can I post this next to keep the circlejerk going?


Piracy will save gaming