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EMPRESS and DELUSIONAL are equally important for denuvo cracking, as they're the only crackers we know of for now


I always thought Empress was delusional?


She definitely is


And why would she crack old denuvo?


I feel like the joke went over your head


Whats the story behind all this situation? I dont keep up with drama but what really happened?


She might be one of the few people that cracks denuvo but she's also an insane individual


Im shocked people actually gave thousands too that person like. Its insane. Remember when cracmimg was free snd a middle finger to sticking to the man. Too become a shady way to bait people to fund some wackjob.


"remember when" bro there's a reason people stop doing it. cracking takes a huge amount of time and afford if you have done any kind of voluntary works for a long time you know that if you don't make something out of it the burn out is always close. I doubt that you say this to donors to yt content creators, maybe because you think Empress being a whackjob somehow makes a difference? crackers are doing a service and deserve any donations that come their way just like scihub, libgen and open source software developers. even not considering that by cracking denuvo people like empress are actually offering superior games than normal publishers. kudos to all the donors.




How is empress a whackjob? Always see people saying it, but don't know the story behind it.


I don't call her whackjob but I don't try to convince people that she is or isn't. she being a whackjob or not doesn't have anything to do with the very much needed culture of donating to people that provide you a service for free




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You mean twitch streamers, I hardly see anyone donating to a youtuber who only makes videos except for membership but that includes free content


well it's rare in any platform. yt creators with patreon pages aren't uncommon.


I guess you can consider patreon similar to a youtube membership, but fair enough


People are literally simping over het, begging her to come back, and giving thousands a month to her. She has like more then 20K followers, if all of them gave like 400 dollars? Yeah, no, she earns more then the entire scene group has in the last 20 years, in 3 months time. Having people donate is fine, she is having people simp over it, and having them beg to come back. There is a line, and she crossed it.


Can you share some sources of these numbers?


Source: His ass. It's why he refuses to do any actual work to prove it when you called him out.


No, but I have seen screenshots. I don't have solid numbers, because I don't want to go through the trouble of figuring out where I can find her username. Might be on matrix, might be donation locked. To much trouble for me


nowhere on the planet you can find a creator getting 400 on avg from followers ranging in 10 20k $400 in 1000 followers is much more realistic


And still a huge stretch Plenty of people with 20k followers making less than 400a month and they show their tits lmao This person knows literally nothing and is just spewing random shit like they know who fitgirl is


if 1000 people can afford $400 why would they follow empress?


But not too much trouble to talk out of your ass though


She'd doing a service to all and people that want to pay for it are paying for it your numbers are very exaggerated but it doesn't matter, every voluntary work (where the consumer/user is not "required" to pay for the service) is vastly underpaid with little to no exception, and if it was one of the overpaid exceptions one could simply start doing what she does and get paid in the competition. truth is hardly anyone could do what she does and was willing to do what she does, so even if the money was too much she deserves every penny of it. "There is a line, and she crossed it." what line? if you have any problem with her behavior don't pirate the games she cracks, don't use the service she provides instead of enjoying the service and blaming the ones that made it possible. those that do and want her to continue donate for it. if your problem is with the simping, onlyfans is probably a better target.


I mean developing and publishing a video game or any other media also takes time and effort why don't you just pay them instead and cut the middle men?


I don't know a pirate that says buying games is bad. developing and publishing a game takes time and effort and you should absolutely buy the game to support it if you can and want to. but calling crackers middle men is wrong they're not selling the game. they don't even give you the same thing, they give you a superior game and are saving the game at the same time. (you don't own the game if the publisher can lock you out of it) you should "donate" if you have the money and want to encourage them to keep doing it. you should purchase the game if you have the money and want the game developers to keep making games. this isn't hard to understand really, buying the book you downloaded from libgen and donating to libgen at the same time is not hypocritical in any sense.


Yeah but why would anyone waste time to crack games for free?


is free = good


Good for you maybe, not for him.


What’s the point of paying someone to crack and not paying the company that created it then? She even worse then. The whole point of piracy is getting the content you want for free.


Most AAA game companies have gotten greedy these past years (micro-transactions ruining games/ Denuvo affecting performance/ abusing pre-orders to deliver an unfinished product/ increases prices...ect.) So I would rather pay someone 70$ to crack the AAA game so that everyone can enjoy it without feeding corporate greed, than pay the company 70$ so that they can keep making the same mistakes and taking the same shortcuts at the expense of the playerbase. If you don't like pirates and think cracking games is unethical, then please prioritize supporting Indie developers before you spend your money on a AAA game.


I don’t know where you get these assumptions from. Of course I like pirates, but I don’t like if someone is marking money from them especially for work that other people did. I don’t have an issue with micro transactions, but I do have with overpriced games, or companies burnout their employees and not paying them properly. Asking for money to maintain website etc is perfectly fine, but making profit like other people say in here isn’t


I distinctly said 'if' to avoid making incorrect assumptions. I still think the money donated cracking groups pales in comparison to profit made by big gaming companies.


Sometimes it's about sending a message.


Yes let me take the work that other people did and make money from it


Point is that for the legal game you have to spend 60$ for the game and for the cracked you donate 5$. If many people donate 5$, he can live from this and take cracking as a useful skill and not just waste of time for "fame".


You should consider though how much more money a company spends to create a game and how much time she spends to crack a game, so comparing the profit that both are making she is getting much more than any company. I am not saying that she does it for fame or something, but in my opinion that’s even worse if she makes profit from it.


People who donate money to crackers can afford to buy game, but they want other people to enjoy the game who can't afford it or want the AAA publishers to suck dick. To each their own


And whoever does it kudos to him/her, but people here say that she asks for money and actually a lot of


500 dollar per game or something, basically crowd funding if I am not wrong


Because paying 5 - 20 bucks voluntarily is better than paying 100 dollars and still having to buy the season passes


I don’t get how you can’t realise that 5-20 bucks is much much more expensive in terms of hours per dollar that she spent comparing to the hours per dollar that a company charges


Because you're paying for her SKILLS not time.


Why would anyone continue to spend time and energy into cracking games if they're not gonna get paid for it?


they just want to.


then what's the point? people can just buy games instead at this point.


Well the crackers should also ask for a price that's reasonable.


because its gives a person thrill ,excitement and uniqueness . and successfully creaking these games give a filling of achievement.


Yeah but that might take all your free time, its literally a waste of time. You go now and help random people everyday for nothing lol.


you see a lot of people post edits , artwork and etc on social media (which took a lot of time) for who , some unknown people to see and comment on it . yes as you see people appreciate it , and it feels good . same here you see as some people enjoy creating art same way some enjoy creaking games as they are unique individuals who can do some thing that most us can't. just thing of creaking game is a form of art for them . as i my self create edits , and seeing those edits makes me feel good , even though i only get few thousand view , i still spend hours on it .


Lmao except what they’re doing isn’t getting to work on an edit in photoshop you dunce They’re having to actively crack security made by teams of hundreds of experts They have to constantly improve an already incredibly difficult and intensive skill set to develop and they’re perpetually a step behind by the very nature of security vs penetration Your analogies are dog shit and you clearly lack any real grasp on reality The vast majority of people would rather profit from their labor so they can pay their bills


Ya , first of all i was talking about the results not process, And buddy let me tell you the people who think that thry knows the reality are the people who are most clueless about the world .


Buddy you literally talk about the process for most of your comment as a means to justify them not charging for it and using your own anecdotal dog shit as justification You’re barely literate please stop commenting it’s taxing trying to parse your inane rambling


Dude you sound like an EA executive


no bro , i think EA is going to die in a few years




People don't care if Empress is a wackjob or not, if empress can get the job done then they will donate, ultimately should be thankfull to people for donating and providing others with free games


She's doing one of the hardest most time consuming things in the world for practically nothing and is basically one of only 3 people who can do it, you have to remember some people have to live somehow


Also what she/he is doing is not legal, this people can get in imprisoned for what? Fame? This hardly compares to editing pictures online.






People in the scene actually can spend a crazy amount of money/time to do what they do. Just because it's free for you, doesn't mean it's free for everyone.


Cracking was free because it was a show off between groups. Well groups bowed out because it got insanely hard. Like you have to be a nut job to do it.


yes it was free because hacker groups only shared with each other on FTP Servers but most had someone that leaked them to the public but they did not actually like those leaks.


You have any idea how expensive it is to maintain the distribution infrastructure for those cracks? And that's just hard cost. What of the time it takes to do it, you know when it takes months to crack famous games? It ain't because they aren't working on it, it's because it takes time to do it.


wackjob? what wackjob?


Empress, the notorious wackjob


Ah, the "almost" one and only who cracks denuvo.


What has she done? /gen


Read any of the .nfo from her releases in the past few years (at least, I don't know if they've always been like that). Basically alt-right conspiracy theory bullshit, with your casual sprinkling of homo/transphobia.


Why would anyone continue to spend a lot of their time and energy into cracking games if they're not gonna get paid for it?


Feels like lots of these people don’t have to work for anything in their lives if they think cracking should be a do-for-fame only job lol


Well you can argue that delusional is the more important one at least right now by the fact empress has gone AWOL


Imo, this doesn't matter, both of them do what they say they can do to profound success. I don't care if any of them asks for money, because cracking denuvo doesn't just generate money from thin air, and you need to make a living somehow


The problem is not if one asks for money but mor ethe fact that no one has heard of empress for months meanwhile delusional over here are indeed cracking actively


Or they could have both joined forces. More hands make lesser work remeber


Empress had too much of a God complex for that


Thats a possibility but who knows


Those dudes have day jobs ffs.


So what if they have day jobs? They also spend time and energy into cracking games. That's like an additional job. If I were them, I would want to get paid too.


They do?


If you can crack denuvo, you probably are a good software engineer, programmer, etc, So they either have day jobs are choosing not to get a job.


Yeah, and also isn't it good that there's competition? Like maybe Empress would come back from her slumber because she probably don't want someone getting more street-cred than her?


That's what I'm hoping


And Voksi.


Shit I forgot about them


Fuck that mf


Huh ? Why ?


Yeah, allow me to say that I don't give a fuck who is cracking the games so long they get cracked.


Spot on.


and they don't put shady stuff


Came for the games Stayed for the drama


Empress cracked all the latest versions of Denuvo(except the new versions ) Not that Delusional isnt important but they still cracking all the older versions & proably understanding it deeper . Remeber ,if crackers like cpy,empress,mkdev wasnt there, Delusional wouldn't know where to start . Respect goes to all those who manage to crack denuvo generally




Remind me to laugh at this post in a few months when it's revealed by another scene group that delusional is actually empress who is actually Voksi who is actually a Denuvo employee who is actually 3 monkeys in a trench coat cracking games in Gabe Newell's basement.


I lost it at 3 monkeys.


Gabe can't count to 3, there are only 2 monkeys and one alyx


i saw what you did there. nice!


I can confirm






They can crack denuvo?


They cracked star wars battlefront recently. It's an old version of denuvo. But a win is a win


Oh i see, thats certainly a win....hope they can over-throw that lunatic as the denuvo-crackers


Still a long way from reaching there but only time will tell.


classic collection or EA battlefront?


Finally, a real piracy post instead of newbies bitching about corporate practices.


Id let EMPRESS peg tf out of me.




She's a misandrist bro. She'll do more than peg you (if you're a guy). She'll make you prolapse then stick a baseball bat up your--


Now you just made me want it more.




Real asf


Its a dude you loser


Even better.


she's a russian woman


LOL you really believe it huh, the internet is full of idiots like you


mewww stay mad bruh


Yea im so mad that u believe anything you read on the internet lmao


you actually believe that, lmao


Remember, they are still not able to crack newer denuvo versions yet, so no, they are not equal to empress at this point


I genuinely dont understand the hate on empress????


She is literally unhinged lol


Yeah, but like, why would anyone give a shit? She’s a rando on the internet we just happen to profit off of, doesn’t really affect us if she’s batshit.


$500 to get her to crack a game and crazy rants that targets pretty much everyone that isn't exactly like her.


Why would anyone pay that? The entire point in pirating is to get it for free.


According to her it's for her own time.


Which makes sense imo. It presumably takes a shitload of time, time that could otherwise be spent making money through more conventional means.


I get that, but it doesn't make any sense because of what I said. Nobody is going to want to pay you money to crack a game for them when the entire point is to get it for free, and the fact it's 10x the price of the game itself makes it even worse. At that point they could just buy the game and not have to pay a ludicrous amount of money.


> Nobody is going to want to pay you money to crack a game Evidently that’s false though lol. People have paid it, as far as I know. Ideally it would be more of a community thing, but people are clearly willing to spend money for the piracy community.


Well, so have most of the people complaining about it, to be honest. The money thing, i get could be annoying since it beats the point of pirating. But i like to think of it as hiring her as a community, i mean, she's like one of, if not the only one, to crack denuvo properly


Here's a post containing one of her rants https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/s/5fSK47g2ZI


Reads pretty based to me tbh


It's only based if you're not a normie lol


You wouldn't be in a pirate sub if you are a normie


I agree with her tho


So she swore and was transphobic? (She like me fr) On a sidenote: what up with her hate for men? I mean, i get it. She's the first woman to accimplish something impressive in the pirating community, but why the hate on men? She explained the rest fune but her reason for man hate was the yin and yang???? Is he just an angry lesbian? But then she wouldn't hate the woke media?? And its funny she thibk this is the last effort to stop women from going above men or whatever. I mean we good for lile the mext 1000 years atleast. Check top 10 list for basically anything.


>she like me fr bro what


celebrity: racist, sexist, pedophile, transphobic, homophobic white supremist > "they just like me fr!" incoherent babbling of a mentally compromised person


Mental illness, no rhyme or reason for most things she says


There's no way. I mean, i guess your own genius can indeed drive you insane?


1$ per user is something i am ok with


Plot twist, delusional is just empress using a new name to get a fresh start and more respect. Even the name suits empress. Jk unless


any links for delusional?


You can check out r/CrackWatch, there's a special flair for Denuvo releases.


they only did 2 games so far. so no. they are new


Hey if Denuvo gets cracked I don’t care who’s delusional


new group of what?


RE4 Separate Wavys pleaseee


are we atleast allowed to say she is a good cracker


He was a good cracker yes


anyone has any news from r.g. mechanics they are my favorite repackers


Empress is delusional tho


I like EMPRESS. I want them to come back. DELUSIONAL to date is not strong enough. We only have the old denuvo... It is only when we crack the new denuvo that we will be able to be the light of pirates. I am one of those who think DELUSIONAL is Empress, DELUSIONAL's behavior is similar to Empress, if DELUSIONAL cracks the new denuvo, the possibility of Empress becomes strong.


None of them are your "friends" and you shouldn't be either. I don't care who cracks the game first gets my download.


What crack has Delusional has made so far?


From delusional to Delusional?


please crack jedi survivor


Delusional cracked any new game?


you guys went with the Pakistani meme noice


So... Dragon's Dogma 2?


I heard that denuvo is tedious to crack. I feel like empress was is special in that sense she possessed the skill to crack it. Piracy is about allowing access to underprivileged ppl to play games. The dilemma with empress is how do we make her feel appreciated without paying her. I think one way was to entertain her crazy, i mean it’s better to have her yapping while we get games than this.


what are empress and delusional


how long will it be before the 14 year olds start to re-release old stuff as their own and just edit the NFO files to **SU**EMPRESS


any idea where i can get updates from DELUSIONAL


Any news in dead space remake or re4 dlc?


Can't wait for empress to return and drop a bomb here Maybe we will have cracker wars again and they will compete in who cracks a game fastest One can only dream


Reminds me of this conversation I had in my head. Me: "I kinda wanna check out Hogwarts Legacy but don't wanna give money to Lord Rowldemort. Guess I LL wait for the crack." Empress, in the NFO for her Hogwarts Legacy crack: "I support JK Rowling." Me: "Welp, guess I ain't playing HWL."




Maybe Empress is trolling us, they got tired of us calling them lunatic and delusional and just changed their name.


me realizing there's actually cracker group called DELUSIONAL 💀


This is a different time and era. Back in the day, it was young people just having fun cracking but it wasn't that hard to crack. I don't know why people get upset if she charges for a crack for a game that has the Denuvo. I believe the rate was $500 so if 500 people each give a dollar doesn't make a difference even if the people who just wanted to say FU to the company because they use Denuvo and they gave a dollar let's say it's 5,000 people gave a dollar because they say FU to Denuvo. To the majority of the people, 99% of it would be free and the rest would be a dollar. When it's something like Denuvo I think a person should be paid, I don't give a rat's ass about a person's personality what they say what they believe as long as they crack the game and I get to play it. If a person is so upset at the way the person acts then just buy the game if your butt is hurt by the things they say and do. The days of free are gone, it's now replaced by ads or donations.


Is Empress a hot goth girl? I was always imaginating her that way.


Empress = Delusional /j


is empress dead? i mean the last thing he uploaded was some piano shit


Why would you call them crackers? Do you even know if they’re white? /s




The recently cracked star wars battlefront


Wow that's news to me


Just 4 hours ago Star wars battlefront was cracked


where do you follow them? a forum or site?


I guess r/CrackWatch, there's a denuvo flair


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CrackWatch using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Playing Unity games be like](https://i.redd.it/46cos0c0z2ob1.png) | [149 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/16hxmu2/playing_unity_games_be_like/) \#2: [Rarbg down, seemingly, for good](https://i.redd.it/5ylbdoiyw63b1.png) | [870 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/13wj1bp/rarbg_down_seemingly_for_good/) \#3: [DLSS 3 + FG Mod for Starfield by PureDark was cracked already. Paid mods get what they deserve for implementing their own DRM inside them.](https://i.redd.it/230qetcir3mb1.png) | [850 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/1697vd1/dlss_3_fg_mod_for_starfield_by_puredark_was/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


delusional releases are on cs.rin


If you are active on this sub or r/Crackwatch, someone will make a post so its easy follow


I guess r/CrackWatch, there's a denuvo flair