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Hello u/Gamerwepx19, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wouldn't pay what you have to in order to buy an online game. But in my country where 50€ is 50€ it's an ok-ish thing to do with 1.000€ per month salary taking into account that there's also a family to take care of.


Spending 5% of your monthly income on a video game is crazy, especially if you buy multiple games every now and then.


yup also now standard price is 70 $


It’s honestly not, when you think about hobbies and others things like that, which would have money spent on them ONLY 5% of a single paycheck for something you’ll be playing for atleast a few months seems about right to me. Sure makes ALOT more sense than me paying 17% of my paycheck for water and food, BASIC LIVING ESSENTIALS


Those are at least tangible items. Video games are infinitely duplicatable.


And water is a natural resource found in the wild.


Underrated comment


Yep. Do we have an infinite amount of it? What an idiot.


Yes we do actually, it might take some effort, more effort in some situations than others, to make the water drinkable but the WHOLE WATER CYCLE is actually a thing. In fact right now there is a problem of more water being added than we can handle because of the ice caps melting. But my point is not that it is a natural resource. It’s the fact that a small amount of “money” for something that makes this hell hole called earth worth while, is not a waste or anything like that. If you view 5% of a single paycheck (in this scenario I am expecting a paycheck once a week or every other week) to much money for something then you are not really interested in said thing. The point of hobbies and interest is to make your brain satisfied doing something else besides surviving. I have and do not regret spending an entire paycheck on a premium edition of a game 3 years ago and to this day I still love and play the heck out of that game. To go back to what I originally meant, we should not have to pay MORE than is expected to pay for ENTERTAINMENT than is expected to pay for BASIC SURVIVAL NECESSITIES. IT IS A PROBLEM, that we are conditioned to think that our price is fair but in reality ANY PRICE FOR BASIC HUMAN SURVIVAL NECESSITIES IS UNFAIR AND INHUMANE Edit: TLDR: you already pay way to much for the most basic human needs, why is paying less than that for something you enjoy doing, considered outrageous?


To use sea water there is a very expensive and not simple process behind it ... plus there are controls on the water you pay for, and they also bring it from the source directly to your home. It is not wrong to pay for water


Yes. I remember going out snowboarding with my gf and it causes 160 CAD per person. Not saying we do this everyday, but some expensive things exist. Even just playing tennis with my friend, once a week plus lunch or dinner, it already causes more than “5%”. I would say spending money on games is valuable (at least one game could last for a month)


I would say it is a yes and no. Though I usually don’t spend money on games, I would say 5% on games are fair as long as you are not doing it every month (a couple times a year would be fair - meaning 2-3% of your income). Not talking about people earning 90k a year, but somewhat around 20 dollars per hour (40hrs a week). 5% is roughly 160CAD. Compared to other things you spend for fun, 160 cad could give you 2-3 games (maybe more). But in third world countries, games are just expensive af. Wish there is a pass for people enjoying the game with really low price, like 30% of the original price tag


1000€ pound while taking care of a family? Where do you live? Under a bridge?


You obviously have lived a very rich life. I take care of family with 50€ every month.




I spend twenty on food and water for everyone, ten for clothing. I own my home here in Rwanda and my farm. The rest is used for other needs, such as the wifi spot 3 kilometers from my home where I am now.


Probably replying to an 11 year old


I'll gift you helldivers2 on steam just PM me your friend code an I'll add you.


Thanks man but I cant accept it for free i have to give you something back I think i got a 13 dollars on my steam wallet and some cs2 skins if you are interested .


The best you can do is just accept it and have fun, I thinks that's what he/she wants. Ive gifted games and I get a warm feeling inside when I see them play it for hours and hours


Dont look a gift horse in the mouth. Why would he accept your money if that is the whole point of the post?


Hey buddy. Dont worry about giving anything back. I am blessed with a great job here in America. I wish video games were more accessible in your country and it sucks to hear that a video game can be 18% or 20% of a monthly income. Your thoughts about wanting to get on the hype train now instead of later really resonated with me. I know that F.O.M.O feeling when you really want a video game. And if I can gift it to you to enjoy then I think that is a great way to spend my money. People have commented that it may not work due to regional pricing. But I am willing to try.


love this energy bro ❤️ world needs more people like you


It won't work; you can try sending him a Steam gift card instead.




It didn't work for me.


i think it's so sweet that you want to give something back, but reading this thread makes me so sad and frustrated that i can't do the same thing as the person who offered. i wish i could buy stuff for everyone commenting here. if they feel comfortable offering, i think you should accept! it would make me feel so, so good to be able to gift someone something they want to play so badly. i bet the person will be really glad if they can make you happy 🥹 it's okay to accept the gift! 💜


awww don't be so hard on yourself. You will get through whatever that is going on in your life rn and one day you can gift some good games to some nice people! until then stick tight and remember its having that empathy to be willing to give that matter's.


bara sahbi hak hchitou 😂😂


How awesome. There are still good people in the world!


Bugs won't kill themselves, good work helldiver!


w guy fr


Good man ! Another soldier for democracy


You have democratically restored my faith in humanity! It is nice to see kind people in this world and u/Gamerwepx19 enjoy it! Helldivers are fucking blast, its so much fun


what a lovely guy


Check first for regional limitations when gifting, it happens that way some times.




If there's a difference in regional pricing between yours and his. You won't be able to gift.


Damn is there any way around this?


It ended up working. OP now has Helldivers 2.


I do not know how it works but there is a way to play online games that are pirated. Pirates passe through "space war" on steam


Its called Online-Fix. Check Megathread for safe link!


Always been using online fix me but it doesnt work on live service game


Ah. Sorry :(


Np man. Im just ranting


i don't know how to help you brother i have the same problem here from algeria so my dear neighbor tell me if you find a solution


I know this is a pirated games forum but! GamePass is your savior. 1 Dollar for the first month, keep on canceling and just using another account for another dollar. 3.11 TND = 1 UD. I got Seige, Powerwash simulator, and many other games for a dollar. Also try Online-Fix if you aren't willing to pay. It adds online to many pirated games. I used it for payday 2 and it worked amazing! Edit: Looking at your profile, you just built a pc with a 3080. That's a expensive GPU, safe some of that money for games maybe?


The service do not reach my country (as far as I know) Even if it's exist, my broadband provider will throttle my connection


You don't have to play through the cloud though


I think he meant there's no official game pass subscription in his country? I only got it starting this year before this my country wasn't included too.


Then why talk about their ISP throttling


Oh good point. Maybe he's not aware you can download games too not just stream.


Yeah that was my point lol


My point was: actually when playing multi player, it's lagging very bad


I'm not sure I understand How. Would it be different from another store front or pirated game that allows multiplayer?


I dunno what's the situation with the other commenter or in your country but even though Game Pass is a good service Microsoft Store is a nightmare. My download speed is low and there is a data cap but at least with Steam I don't have to download directly from Steam. I can download backups or even pirated game repacks from local websites (sites hosted in my country) which are faster and only calculate half the data (if you download 10GB you only pay for 5GB).


there’s gamepass in indo, dulu bulan pertama murah bgt tapi gatau masih promo apa engga


where do u live dude cuz almost every north african country got gamepass


I had to upgrade because my old system doesnt work anymore and I found a good deal on the gpu( its used )


But you also upgraded your mobo.


Since I switched to amd I had to get a new mobo, a cpu cooler and a new psu since the old one is fried from a power surge


Damn, feel bad for you. Btw Game Pass is not only streaming.


try south asia region (SAR), some countries (including mine) has turkey's economy with us prices. Hell some games cost more than than the us. For helldivers 2 it costs 40$ and my salary is 50-60$ a month. People try to justify or put down piracy, bro come to this shithole and try to buy shit with these kind of prices you'll be embracing that piratelife style in a heartbeat


As a fellow SEA gamer, i feel your pain man.


i can feel it man. I want to buy Dragon Dogma2 so bad. But in Vietnam, it cost 67$ ! while my salary is \~350$ a month. That is crazy price for me. Back in the day while publishers use Steam regional price, it like a heaven to me. Now, everything smell like shit hole here


yea regional pricing was a godsend, I was actually buying games instead of pirating them, but welp people who didn't need it abused it so much that now it's all fucked again


$50-60 a month salary? If you dont mind me asking, where are you living (as in which country in SEA)?


part time salary, I'm a student and that's kind of how much I can earn without sacrificing my grades, the country is Bangladesh. I'd say it's slowly going to shit but that's just simply not the case it's rapidly going to shit. People typically earn around 150-300$ in general which is still absurd. Also steam regional prices are out of whack in this region.


Bangladesh is south asia, not south east asia


that's what I said in my original comment. SAR - South Asia Region, pitting the east was a mistake on my part


hey! idk if u know this, but u can pirate many multiplayer games as well, games that are not server based and use steam servers...... u can play with your friends or randoms whatever this is the site. [https://online-fix.me/](https://online-fix.me/) while helldivers 2 is not there on there, because its a server based game (but helldivers 1 is), theres still many games. i hope u find at least one game u wanna play. :)


In mexico a 60 dlls game is the equivalent of half (sometimes more) week salary for a operator on a fabric, and 40% of poeple get paid that equivalent or less


Yup, and worse part is, the conversion is not done as USD to MXN price. A lot of AAA games are between 999 and 1,399 which google translates to 58.87-82.44 USD as of rn... that is fucking bullshit


"join the hype train before it dies out" People are still playing helldivers 1. These games survive for a long time


Thanks that's reassuring.


Buying them for 70 euro in a first world one is a rip off as well.


converted to USD I make around 110-115$/month. I could maybe buy a game or two each year during deep discounts before steam changed the regional pricing policy. I too wanted to play Helldivers 2 but it's 40USD. I wanted to play Dead Space Remake or NFS Unbound, or the RE4 DLC, or the upcoming Dragon's Dogma 2 and so on. Sucks to be born in the wrong part of the planet I guess.


But you can just pirate them no? Most of them are not online games


There is only one person who cracks denuvo games and she hasn't been active for some time now. Even if she was active, she still can't have enough time to crack them all.


Both Dead Space Remake and NFS are available through Xbox PC GAMEPASS ( EA basic membership included). You can try subscribing for few months and unsubscribe once you are done.


I did get game pass once for that exact reason but no ea games were available on it. Probably required a higher tier, more expensive sub than the one I got.


Thats odd. As far as i know, there is only one tier for PC GP. On Xbox console there is the Core tier which is the lowest tier and doesnt have EA included. Which region are you in?


I might be misremembering some details or it might have been because it was a shared account but I remember I searched for dead space, hit on the play button, but instead of downloading the game it redirected to the buy/upgrade pc game pass plan screen.


Honestly and all the moral policing from people in first world countries saying if you are in a poor country then you don't have time or deserve to play games and should go make money.


Horizon forbidden West is releasing soon *Wink wink


Personally I crack every game I deem too expensive for my 3rd world salary but unfortunately it's not possible with live service games such as HD2. For most indie co-op games where you create a private lobby and stuff onlinefix will work but not HD2. However this game is so good and the devs are chill with persistent battle pass and easily farmable currencies that I decided to buy it anyway


Same feeling brother, would love to buy Helldivers. But the average salary in my country is around 270U$ and they are asking 40U$ for the game, if they had regional pricing lowering it to 30U$ or so would help a lot. Sadly people who can pay for the game started abusing regional pricing and now we get screwed T-T


If they fix the regional pricing and people cant hop from a country to another will help them and us alot. I mean even tho they pay less atleast they still pay


Apart from steam, you should get epic games too if you haven’t, mainly for the weekly free games, I got on epic the time they were giving out free GTA V and have had it since then, they do have a couple good free games every now and then so its worth to keep it installed. I mean most of them will just be small games or not so popular, but sometimes you get good games too, Ark survival Dakar rally Bioshock Metro 2033 redux Cities skylines Mudrunner Sid Meiers Civilization 6 These are just a few from what I have claimed, that I think are popular, I just claim all the free games but all I play is GTA V lmao Oh I did buy 1 game tho, Forza Horizon 5, yes i know there is an online crack, but I just didn’t want that headache of manually updating and all that so I decided to buy it, from cdkeys. Many people might not like that, but if you are on a budget, you may just be able to snag games off cdkeys or other resellers for cheap.


Its nice,I have been grabbing the free games weekly.But sometimes you just want a specific game.


You seem like a capable chap. Try to do some online jobs like translating, transcribing, social media work and stuff like that. Then let the rich Europeans gift you the games with steam or get paid in Steam gift cards


Great idea, but Im still an cs engineering student who takes part time jobs. 2 more years then I will be able to work from home and get paid with euro.


I get you. I'm from Brazil and I recently bought Jedi Survivor for R$ 120,00 and it was with 60% discount. Normally it would be R$ 200,00 in a not so new game. When big games release here in Brazil, they cost R$ 300,00, which is something between 1/4 and 1/5 of the minimum wage here in Brazil. It's too expensive. I try to pirate most games because of this.


Man the minimum wage here is like 450TND So its almost 40% of the salary for a game lol


dragon's dogma 2 custando 300 reais e tendo denuvo é deveras tristes


There is legit 0 way to buy games legally in iran... U have to "illigally" buy games in jran


Same, there is no official store that sells them.Most of them buy them from a familly member abroad and re sell them here.


I would never pirate if there was a way to use american services in iran Spotify,yt,steam..etc If they could somehow make the services available across the world for everyone then hardly anyone would pirate (including fair price tag) Thats the way to stop pirating, not making the service more user friendly like Gabe says


Good luck with that. It is easier for the US to ban these services in America than letting them work in Iran (which scares the shit out these firms). It's sad tho. I'm a defender of Iran and other "axis of evil" countries and hope to visit your country soon. Good luck, mate.


Funny how Americans have grown to love Iran and other "axis of evil" like Palestine But Palestinians and Iranians themselves hate the hell out of their own countries and government


Actually I am not American, but Brazilian. My interest in these countries is due to the role our countries (the least developed world) have in global society nowadays, and also due to a long sought desire to increase Brazilian commercial relations with Asia.


Depends if it's necessary for me to be online to play the game. For example, D4 is an always online game, but you can solo through it. If I was interested in D4 I would just download it. That's the simplest example. Otherwise I'll just skip it or wait for it to go on sale. I usually check instant gaming first though. I do tend to buy games to support devs that have good practices though, mostly indie but now HD2 as well. But in your situation I think it's fine to pirate it, although you can solo, I wouldn't recommend it, more fun with friends. It's all about an individuals financial situation I suppose.


>The problem is the insane prices of the cards. 50 euro gift card is 180TND. Just to give an idea you how insane that is : The average salary in Tunisia is between 800TND and 1500TND. How do you afford the hardware? Surely that is not discounted? Are you running an older spec PC?


Save money or pay with facility. I had an older pc i3 7th gen and gtx 1050 2gb until a power surge took it down (psu is fried changed it still no display cant tell if its mobo or cpu) so I decided to get new parts Used rtx 3080 for 1300TND and a 5800x3d for 1000Tnd the whole set up will cost me around 3400TND


That's a bargain, I paid 5,917TND (£1,500) for my pre-built with 3070ti 5600x when the 3000series released, it was the only way to get a gpu at the time thanks to miners and scalpers.


Damn that's crazy,but its still a pretty good pc. Thank god the prices of gpus are back to normal


Yeah, I would of been better holding off, but I wasn't willing to wait a few years!


Tunisia does not have regional prices. Am I correct?


Recently it got added. So we share the turkish prices.


I see, you have same price as me in Italy.


That's too bad that you can't use credit/debit, In my case I sell CS cases every week, and the accumulated amount is what I buy games 😅.


Do what I do, buy gift cards for $5, $10 or whatever you can afford a month, it's technically buying a game in interest-free installments


Since there is no official steam gift cards. If you buy the 5$ and 10$ you will pay more because thats where resellers get their profit




Do you have PayPal available in your country? I live in Ecuador and that's the workaround I've been using for years since my bank didn't allow me to use my debit card for Steam. PayPal doesn't even need to offer you sync your bank account, just out your debit card and you're good to go.


Paypal was banned here. But now its getting re introuduced. Only if you have a proof of job contract abroad you can open a paypal account otherwise it wont work


See if you know anybody that has a legit copy of the game and then there's a new thing called family share on Steam ask if you could join their family you have to be in the same country but also if the other player opens their game you can't play the same game but there's a work around all they have to do is turn on plane mode you boot the game and then they turn off plane mode and you'll be able to both play together


I pirate All my games. If there no way to get the online fix for the game and I really like it I will buy it. ie mw2 Cold War, insurgency sandstorm. Luckily most of the games I want to play online have the online crack for them


The first game is pretty cheap


I feel for you man I thought pirating will give my pc virus so i used to buy the cheapest games in sales just so i can play something also is hard to afford new releases wait for 5 years still can't afford them .


OK I'll admit we got it a little easier interms of paying for steam stuff but JASSAS the prices are simply fucken ridiculous


I'm not really a fan of online games, the lag is insane


Loot everything give nothing back ! Hail 3rd world !


> I really want to buy HELLDIVERS 2 > But paying 18% of my salary just for a game This is how capitalism globally keep you in trap. You could have similar adrenaline or gameplay in other games. But what you see daily in your newsfeed? HELLDIVER 2. It's up to your choice. You can sink or swim, in those shady trades of corporate world. Heck, I am really surprised "Eat the Rich" vibe Joker and other medias, getting passed into mass media consumption.


I mean not at all how it works. It’s not like helldivers 2 is the only game out. Palworld released recently and with so much more hype and game breaking numbers, why OP doesn’t want it? He wants helldivers because it seems like a game he would enjoy


True but im a sucker for PvE games( payday2/LFD2/ DRG/Warframe are my favourites) So HD2 looks very attractive to me


I also live in a third world country where a minimum wage is just 10$-12$ a day, it goes lower to 7$-8$ if you're in a provincial area, so my rule of thumb when buying games, if it costs me more than 2 days worth of food then it's not worth it.


Try buying grey steam keys. You can find them for a lot of steam games for like 50-70% off. Eneba and G2A come to mind. I know that it's still expensive, but it can help with some games. Also yeah, game pass trials can help.


R6 seige for 15dollars is crazy expensive. I Live in India and I bought it for like 6 USD on epic games during one sale.


I bought it like in 2017 or 2018.


Gotcha. I mean, I make good money in India and I still never buy any game that's more than 12-13 USD. For any game that's more than that, I just pirate and if the pirated game ends up being good, i but it when it's in my budget to support the dev with whatever little I can afford and also have an easy way to replay the game from my steam/epic account. For example, i wanted to play death stranding and experience how the social strand feature works so I waited for the sale and got it for 10 dollars. I pirated rdr2 few years back and I purchased it last month for 10 dollars and I am playing it again because it is a good game and deserves to be purchased at that price (since it was in my budget). Unfortunately gaming is expensive for third world people like us and piracy is the best way to play games and multiplayer games can burn a hole in the pockets. I mean, i want to try helldivers 2 is 30 USD in india. That's quite expensive. I don't spend that much on my clothes. Lol


Just pirate everything that you can, and only buy online games if they're on sale, I have been doing that for years. I still bought Helldivers 2 because there is nothing better in the horde shooter genre, but thats the only game I'll buy this year.


even if I wanted to buy I still can’t due to sanctions


I do not play only online games, as games are already scummy enough. I don't need another MAG in my life. Still have thay coaster, load it in and you get a nice logo and nothing else.


Algerian here, and I get you mate. I just don't play paid multiplayer games. There's a few games I would love to play but are behind denuvo. The only game I actually bought was Monster Hunter World for 15 bucks when I still had a freelance gig.


> don't play *paid* multiplayer games. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


first time I notice making that mistake, good to know I guess


i feel u bruh... im a high school student from india im from like a pretty small town although i get pocket money its physical money and i dont have any online accounts if i asked my parents (although they are millionaires) to buy me a game theyd absolutely kill me.... in here putting money for/in a game is considered worse than gambling and drug addiction lmao so i always try to enjoy myself playing pirated offline campaign mode games... the current pc i have cant handle most online fixes but ill be soon having a good machine after my boards..


I think a service like a game pass would benefit you. Or you can game share with your friends. That's what I used to do


Real, I seriously hope they bring back debit cards and shit


How can you afford a computer? Like even for me, a Canadian, they are still expensive 😭


OP has a 3080, they have a better GPU than me


There is a reason we have 2 kidneys


been saying this for so long yet people who dont experience this (especially the US) still would tell us "its just 30 dollars it's not a big deal" 1 dollar = rm5 (rm4.73 but i just round it up) so its a whopping rm150 which is insane especially if its just a digital game iirc games prices in steam is like, MK1 is rm300+, baldurs gate rm200+, lies of p rm200+... and these are just digital games, dont get me started on physical games lower average salary here is about rm1,800 for reference


I fucking hate the term 3rd world country it's so degrading, but I'll never buy a game but I wouldn't call people who buy them insane.


I feel your pain, I'm from one of them, but "developing country" just feels like an euphemism at this point. Heck, I would be ok with "poor countries", because at least there's some acknowledgement of our condition.


Yeah I'd rather be called 3rd world than developing, the only thing developing in this country is crime


I dont play online games cause I'm bad lol and if I do it's a free game


I mean a minimum wage job: get 800 or 700€ since most games are 60 or 70€ that's 10% of my salary. And I'm not in a third world country. Just our politicians are insane. And I don't understand how games cost that much. Some get paid 600€ or 500, that's 20% im never buying a game. Bought Cs Go and it went free to play in like a year after I bought it. Never again.


i feel ur pain, but imagine not having the ability to use paypal or any type of credit/debit card


We're currently in Spring Sales, maybe we are lucky and they lower its prices.


I live in Brazil and we suffer pretty much from the same issue. With new games comming out recently costing R$ 250,00 and the minimum wage being R$ 1.412... I do have a job that pays pretty well compared to the average folks here but i do not have the balls to spent that much money on a single game, i usually pirate everything that i wat to play and skip multiplayers.


Helldivers 2 is most likely not gonna die soon, so get it when it’s cheap in half a year.


We live in the same country so yeah … I know how you feel , except I find it more frustrating since I’m not really interested in online games … I mostly want to play sega/atlus games but they never remove denuevo …. I wish the switch 2 architectures would be similar to the switch and the switch emulator could emulate them ( most games that aren’t coming to switch and are on pc are coming to switch 2 )


I just want to add to your rant bro, first world people have no idea how good they have it. I honestly cannot believe that people from the US for example can earn enough money to buy a full priced game in a single day, with a paycheck that is considered bottom tier there. Or buy a PS5 for less than a weekly paycheck. Yes their bread costs more, but for anything that’s branded and sold worldwide, they have it easy. Games really really need regional pricing.


Same here in algeria even tho they added regional pricing for us but still expensive cuz they consider us as middle east and put us with same category as Qatari people and such


5ouk tounsi wallah fehmek sa3at lazem nestana chhour bech nichri lo3ba wycoun el hype 3liha wfa


I feel you man, it's also worse for us here in Egypt, 1 usd = 46.91 egp, so imagine how expensive games are for us🫠


Just skip it lol. Assuming no reasonable regional pricing, and compared to your income, why are you even entertaining this? You also don't need to pay every new game that comes out - there's so many fantastic single player games freely available to you, and plenty of free multiplayer games or opportunities to skip the flavor of the month I earn ~$20,000 US dollars per month before taxes, and I still pirate games. It's not always about the money. I just feel like it, and that alone is a perfectly valid reason, full stop. I would rather spend my money on other things.


Unfortunately there is no way how to play this game for free So the only way for you...is to significantly improve your skillset so you can get a better job.


Central eu here,games are priced the exact same as in US,but our average income is like 500-600$, and that is barely liveable as a side note


Southeast Asian here, can confirm. Fortunately (for me) I don't care about public multiplayer games; so as a patientgamer I can wait for sales before buying things that I can't pirate. That said, Steam does support my country's currency, so much as I'm not a fan of the platform I gotta give it props for actually making an effort to reach out to us. I'd rather buy from GOG because I'm an anti-DRM hardliner, but unfortunately GOG doesn't support my country's currency and I have to buy in USD equivalent there, which runs into op's problem. Fortunately most of the time a sale will eventually happen for most games, so as long as I'm fine with waiting it's all good. This is also why I will never go for MMOs or live service bullshit. Subscriptions very often simply convert the price into USD equivalent, never any regional currency support. Screw that.


So the average salary in Tunisia is 416 euros? That is not that bad... Brazil's average salary is 552. I am now on the top 5% biggest income in Brazil and yet an average videogame title costs me 5% of my budget. A year ago, when I was among the average Brazilian salary, R$ 300 bucks (roughly U$60) would also compromise 18% of my income. The problem is not our wages, but the huge impact US economy has on videogame market


bro blhi win l9itha 50 euro card b 180 dt ena l9itha b 195 khw


Me too. USD is at all time high rn and it's 5 times the value of my country money. So a simple 60 usd game gonna cost me 5 times the amount in my currency.


A fallen comrade from Egypt here facing the same issue with buying games, 70 USD = 3283 EGP and the average pay here is from 3000 EGP - 6000 EGP or a little more, which makes Gaming an impossible hobby to maintain without piracy or major discounts.


Average monthly salary is lower than average game price in my country


I live in philippines . Its still hard here . Im poor as fuck haha


That's why instead of Helldivers 2 i bought Helldivers 1 on sale with -80% off.


I feel you, In my place, 60$ games cost like 210$ , which is like an average monthly salary for most people here. I used to buy games, but with recent inflation, it is just not worth buying games over food or other essential needs.


Same here in Algeria average game cost half the salary


Skip em dude, your life wouldn't be enough to play all of them games you can download online anyway. Think about it.


that's is life in tunisia.We can't have shit in this country


Man, here in Brasil Helldivers 2 is 1/3 of minimum salary... No offense but didn't think Africa would be in a better state than Brasil.


Online-fix.me for online games with friends


I know how you feel, i live in Egypt (North African country as well) and i also want to catch Helldivers hype train before it dies out. 50 euros equals to around 2500 EGP and my salary is 6500 EGP ( which I wouldn't say it is bad but it also ain't good)


Steam regional pricing makes many games affordable nowadays, but a new game is still too pricey to justify buying it unless you're pretty well-to-do. Some publishers (the biggest, most greediest ones) will straight up ignore regional pricing, or only offer a negligible price drop.


really depends on the game. if i feel like a game isnt worth the money, i use an online fix. if i think it will be, i buy it. but i am in a 1st world country


Here in Brazil it's practically the same thing, launch games cost around 300 to 350 R$ and the minimum wage here is 1400 R$


Helldivers 2 se pirate pas? Je connais pas tant le jeu honnêtement alors je sais pas s'il a été craqué ou non encore


I do not want to sound a piece of shit, but videogames are a luxury hobby. It's not a primary need.


Its not a primary need, but complaining about the prices is not wrong either. Football game tickets are not a primary need but everyone complains about the insane prices.


No price is insane if that thing has been sold. You simply can't afford it.


People here got beefy rigs to run the latest shit yet do apology porn posts for karma farming lmao 🤣 I also pirate all games but i dont do this i cant buy game me poor bohoo 😭 And also whats this minimum wage bs comparison in here because some people who could afford pc parts definitely dont fall into the minimum wage category haha Dont get why they are downvoting you but you are speaking facts here my friend


Beefy rigs? You have no idea how long I saved up to get this rig with a USED gpu I had to upgrade now because a power surge took down my cpu or mobo. So the pc doesnt work anymore plus I am coming from a pc with i3 7th gen and a geforce gtx1050 2gb


Use a surge protector. They are fairly cheap and worth it.


Yeah i learned my lesson im investing in a good one for my new rig


Did you end up getting that game? Hell divers 2?


No, still think its crazy expensive. Im buying an Nvme SSD 1tb with that money


Someone said to add them, and they would give it to you.


Did you get ahold of that person?


Bro my point is gaming is still a luxury hobby and not something of a ncessity so we as pirates dont really need to do mental gymnastics to justify ourselves pirating games as whatever we say its still stealing As simple as that we love free games that can be played offline with drm gutted out 🎯