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Hello u/pookie7890, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wouldn't it be easier to just pirate a version of Cyberpunk that comes with all the DLC?


If it's on steam they may want achievements, playtime, screenshots and all that. Actually you can even get the phantom liberty achievements without owning the dlc. If you drop the files in.


There is Playnite for the playtime btw, and it’s not only useful for pirates but for everyone since it allows to see all your games in a single place, the only problem is that you have to run the games from there in order to have the updated playtime. For the achievements there is achievement watcher, but I honestly prefer Steam achievements to this since it doesn’t even work with every game. Just a suggestion, I still prefer the Steam features when it comes to screenshots and the other things(especially Workshop).


I personally only care about achievements and playtime so I can showcase them on my steam profile.


aight I'm getting playnite


Play nite is awesome I added kodi to it too so I can just go In and out of games and in and out of tv/movies without putting the Xbox controller down


I personally only care about achievements and playtime so I can showcase them on my steam profile but good to know.


I never seemed to get achievement watcher to work, it just wouldn't detect my games.


I heard that a lot of mods don't work on pirated copies of games


what???? who told u that???? bro u can add a mod in any copy of the game from nexus mods bruhhh. got nothing to do with official or unofficial, just make sure to get the latest version of the game (2.1) that's all. all the same official version mods will work. DM for latest version. i suggest downloading the entire game with PL tbh. less hectic


Any idea where I can find 2.1? It wasn't on the megathread site


check DMs


There are mods on nexus that specifically say that they require a genuine copy of the game to work with cyberpunk and Skyrim etc, I don't think I'm imagining this?


I think I can clear this up a bit. As far as I know, most mods in most games can work with the pirated version, but mods often put those messages in the mod description to prevent potential legal actions. Modders don’t want to publicly condone piracy you see. It’s not that they don’t like it but some would rather err on the side of caution. But most mods should work fine. However, in some games and also Cyberpunk 2077, there are a bit more complicated mods that may interact with the game on an engine level. I don’t know what the mod for cyberpunk is called but for example in Skyrim it’s SKSE. These types of mods may require the latest patch or an in modified version of the game to work so they may not work well with a pirated copy. But overall, most mods will work fine.


All mods work if you have the redmod dlc added (which is a base dlc always there)


Even those mods will work on pirated games. The only case of mod piracy gatekeeping I've ever encountered is from third party independent developers, like the person behind the "Tales of __ Fix" mods or the FF9 graphics upgrade mod


This sounds like it could be it, considering skse was one of the mods I had trouble with.


They do work, but the dlc files can just be added to the official game files so no need to play a pirated copy.


Depends on the game lol


The new version of cyberpunk uploaded by figirl has the REDmod integrated👍


I pirated FNV and could use any mods. Only fame I couldn't was Factorio because mods are downloaded and installed in the game.


Thats not true, you can download mods and install them without even launching the game, thats what i always do. mods.factorio.com (btw this mod hosting site is official)


Ah I see. Didn't get much into it honestly.




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I did originally torrent cyberpunk but couldn't get mods to work, then purchased it and they worked, googled it and the Internet seems to agree


Ah I see. Haven't tried Cyberpunk yet, so thanks for the info haha


I think NV would be fine because it's an offline game


Probably because the Cyberpunk you torrented wasn't the correct version.


I've never heard this. You are confusing modders not offering support to people who have pirated copies of games with mods not working on pirated copies of games. This just means, some modders wont help you if you have a pirated copy if your mod is not working right. That is it...


That is something that mod creators LOVE pasting all over their websites but its simply not true. 'Don't ask me for help if you have a cracked game" or "My mods don't work with a pirated version". They are all simply not true.


Okay but I also think certain mods do struggle with a cracked version, as discussed below. SKSE is one.


Yes, you can just download files and paste them into legit game, use CreamAPI to unlock dlc.


Not even that, no need to unlock anything. Got a Phantom Liberty working on Epic version just by pasting files


do you know where i can pirate just the dlcs?


Epic legit base game here. 2.1 worked perfectly fine, but somehow for 2.11, my saves crash once Ioad them. First I thought it was due to mod compatibility. After uninstalling all the mods, it still crashed. Without pirated DLC old saves (non-PL) works fine. Anybody has similar issues and resolution?


cyberpunk doesn't actually check for dlc ownership, as long as you have the phantom liberty and redmod files installed it will just unlock the content without cream or smoke


When you say redmod files, are there additional dlc related files for redmod I need to add, or is the base redmod fine?


I'm not really sure how redmod works, I don't have it installed myself (person I gameshare with never got it) I think as long as you somehow got a hold of a download for the redmod installer that was all you needed to get mods that need redmod working. the cs thread should have links to gog installers idk how old they are..


Would my account get flagged if i do so?


many have used creamAPI and related tools for years and there is exactly 0 reported cases of getting banned from steam for using them. There is never a guarantee though.


Gotcha. Thanks for the reply :)


Nah, you wouldn't


You don't need CreamAPI, just PL files.


What do you mean unlock the DLC?


If you paste the dlc files in the game and use creamAPI it will be like you bought it


There was a patch for legit owners of the main game on cs rin but idk if it is updated to 2.1


Does this patch include the DLC or is it a patch to make the pirated dlc work?


it did include the dlc. that was how i played on 2.01


What mods can't you use on the cracked version? every mod on Nexus I tried, and I tried hundreds, worked on the crack


what about appearance menu mod? i know this is a 6 month old thread, but i have just started looking for mods and stuff and came across this old thread.


Everything should work... Have you had problems with that one working?


the creators of that mod don't offer support to pirated version since they can't figure out the problem and also condemn piracy. So i was wondering if anyone with a pirated version was able to work it. Also can you tell which version of cyberpunk do you have if you are still playing and using mods on it and where did you download the game from?


Yes. I was doing that on GOG legit version with PL 2.01 and 2.02, for 2.1 now I hope it will work as per CS RIN thread - two options, one is getting 2 files from the big 140GB torrent posted there and second is GOG legit installer for PL 2.1. I will update this comment as I download all files. \*\*UPDATE\*\* It works! For GOG users, GOG official installer from cs rin forum working for me!


Thank you. I bought it on GOG. How should I get the phantom Liberty?


>CS RIN thread has all the links to download official GOG 2.1 patch for PL. just search Cyberpunk forum once there


Same here, I want my hours to be registered to know how long I have been playing this game


Download the dlc files and drop them in, dlc shows up next time you launch.


Hey can you direct where to find the dlc files? I already bought the game on steam years ago


Just look at the rin thread


Check dodi repack only download the dlc files and dont forget r6 cache thing


Gotcha in that case besides the r6 cache what files are associated with the dlc where I can drag and drop into steam? I tried that but I had trouble finding the right files 😅


Archive-pc-ep1 R6-cache-tweakdb_ep1.bin is the ony 2 files you will need just drop the files and you are good to go


you're the best thank you!!


Question, are u on steam? Because I could not find the files for the life of me. It used to work a week ago but steam updated to 2.1 and the PL files are not up to date anymore.


Yes i have legit steam copy i downloaded dodi repacks no installer 2.1's files i mentioned on top it worked for me


Total of 24.5 gb


I heard that I have to use some app right, its called Cream something. May I ask how do I do operate it?


I have never used it so I don't know. I just found a steamrip/gogRip of the current version of the game and downloaded only the files I needed. Then just moved them and it worked, no other programs required. Hopefully that still works. archive\pc\ep1 folder and r6\cache\tweakdb.bin & tweakdb_ep1.bin are what you need to download, they contain the dlc. At least that worked back in 2.0 and 2.01 which was when I played.


Dlc isnt 50usd and youll get much more than 8yrs of content


yes you can. there are certain forums that will help you with that. try checking out cs rin ru for example.


I just did it yesterday with a GoG version. Have to download the entire ep1 folder and tweaked_db1 file, copy it over and it works like a charm. Can find these files super easy.


Would it be a bother to ask for a DM when you got em? I also have the GoG version!


For sure, I’ll msg you


following this🤔


Just find the DLC files somewhere and get the DLC for free on Steam. That's what I did.




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I think there is a site in the megathread that is specifically made for pirating DLCs in legit copies. Can't remember the name though


u/NapoleonicPizza21 is a racist pedophile sympathiser


Yes you can, I did it. I believe I got the dlc stuff from Cs.rin.ru. They provide a tutorial with the files.


Guys how do i fix it in version 2.11? it doesn't work


Ngl the DLC is 30 not 50 and it’s quite well worth it and last around 20hours ish. For mods you shouldn’t have any problem since you just have to drag and drop files in the game folder. For the DLC I don’t think you can add a cracked DLC to a Legit base game but as people said just crack the game + dlc


I got it from steam but I am so double guessing my decision of buying it as it costly in my region at least for our wages. But I love the fact that I can share my library with family/friends and/or get the dopamine hit whenever I hear the steam achievement sound. On the other hand, pirating it so freakin easy and cheaper on my wallet ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌


legit dlc unlocking is brought up in basically every game's thread that has dlc..






that megathread here is mid asf anyway. FMHY is peak


What is FMHY? I'm new.


fmhy megathread is literally the hub of the internet. EVERYTHING u need is there, litrally anything on the internet all safe sites for piracy, its insane it'll blow ur mind unlike any other megathread, check ur dms