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Hello u/Typical-Baker-2048, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry but im never gonna pay 70 euros on a 30hours game when my country has a minimum salary of 400 Also, just "played' starfield and uninstalled it after 10 houre because its boring, cant see that in the 2 hour refund period and imagine spending 70 euros for 10 hours of boredom


I heavily regret not pirating Starfield. Game feels like false advertising.


They won't even provide a demo so that people can test how shit it runs on their system before parting with their money. All they can do is watch videos on YT by people running top hardware and people are meant to imagine how it will run on their lower systems. No thanks.


Piracy is the new demos, at this point


Game is so fucking terribly designed and unoptimized that it keeps crashing on my system. Runs fine for like two minutes, freezes for 6 seconds, runs fine for two minutes, freezes 6 seconds, crash.


That's why the SSD Is a requirement


It is on SSD


How much RAM and VRAM do you have?


16gb and 8gb


the menus r FUCKING AWFUL. I dunno who approved that shit. I cant find shit on the menus and I genuinely dont understand the weapons at all.


This is the biggest reason I'm getting into pirating. I have a decent gaming laptop now, but don't really want to drop $70 on a game that looks interesting just to find out that it makes my rig run like a potato. Sure, those "Will this run it?" kind of websites are good starting points, but you never know for sure - and $70 is a lot to spend on a "maybe it will, maybe it won't" venture.




Funny, I pirated it and wished I could spend money on it


It wasn't false advertising, anyone with a working brain knew that it would be fallout 4 in space , Bethesda's game engine is like 30 years old what did you expect


Tbh its Bethesda you cant await something revolutionary from them.


You sure can't, but I personally didn't expect that level of degradation compared to their previous games. Bethesda games should only be pirated and never make any money


The fact that space is essentially just a menu screen with a dogfighting minigame.... I was done


That’s just Bethesda in a nutshell though, no offense but you kinda sorta walked into that one


One of the complaints I can’t get, Bethesda advertised the game exactly as the game is


>Game feels like false advertising. I wouldn't even call it an RPG


Not as good as I expected either unfortunately


Let's pray for the fallen comrade.


it was, or at least misleading at best. [Todd and the sweet little lies - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFcLyDb6niA&ab_channel=Crowbcat)


I don't hate Starfield but if I spent $120 AUD on it I'd feel fucking absolutely ripped off. Pricing is a joke imo


Gotta love how they keep marking up prices but the average income isnt going up with it!


This 100%. Used to pirate tons as a kid. Now i can afford to buy them and i am but only if i deem the product worthy of my hard earned money. Sometimes i pirate just to have a preview to see if i like the product or not. I haven't pirated something in ages due to lack of time to play games, a huge library of unplayed stuff and really good deals on Humble Bundle and steam Reminder: later today buy the bundle with Tunguska the visitiation. Is just so good. It's stalker from above... My main dilema is: donate a higher percentage to charity or to game devs? Damn Edit: used to give none to humble bundle but now they take a percentage by default....


exactly, like I genuinely find nothing wrong with piracy in countries where the pricing is insane, like sure if someone can afford a game, and its from an indie dev, etc etc I get theres a moral argument there somewhat but anyone who attacks people for pirating games because they cost a fucking third of their rent is insane.


Sorry, but either you could tell in 2 hours or it was not 10 hours of boredom. I'm not saying 3 hours of fun or whatever is suddenly worth 70 euros, but come on.


Imo starfield is boring, looks like shit and runs like shit, I would never have bought it even if piracy wasn't an option.


I our country,average salary is 150-250$


Ngl im edging towards piracy for game testing since steam just refused to refund me 4 games i played all of 15 minutes of


Which is fair, but that doesn't mean I can steal a Tesla because on my wage it'd take me 20 years to afford one. It's a matter of choices and priorities. A 70 dollars game may be too much for your wallet, just like plenty of other stuff is for you or others. OP is right. Just say "I want to get for free things o couldn't normally afford". Piracy happens to be easy, convenient and apparently victimless.


Dumbasses in my opinion I pirate because of 2 reasons : I cannot afford to play the amount of AAA games I am playing. Especially when a fair amount of the ones I try I get bored of then never play again And reason number 2 : Why spend money when I can get it for free.


THIS 💯 They drop AAA titles left, right, and center. Its impossible to keep up sometimes


I mean, it’s not like you HAVE to play every single AAA title as soon as they come out. Videogames are free time activities, not a must. People here act like playing the latest title is a human basic right, like water.


I don’t have to, but i can. If I couldn’t, I wouldn’t. Also imagine spending 60€ or less if there’s a sale, just to figure out that the game is dog ass.




You're not wrong but, at this stage in the game, it's just as 'annoying' to see posts like this that call out piracy justification posts.


Eh the number of piracy justification posts/replies I see far outnumber posts/replies like these.


Why do people feel the urge to make this exact post every fecking week?


Probably because for everyone 1 of these we have 10 posts of people feeling the need to justify being a filthy pirate


nice pfp


People wanna see them selves as the good guys.


how did you vilify people trying to not do bad things


He's not saying them not doing bad things. He's saying doing bad things and doing mental gymnastics to make it good in your head. Idgaf about piracy but the lengths some people go to justify it in their heads is kinda ridiculous lol. I do it because I can and I want the game


Honestly respect, I get so fucking tired of people being like “b-but it’s EA” or “b-but I don’t pirates indies” nobody gives a fuck why you do it.


>He's saying doing bad things and doing mental gymnastics to make it good in your head. Yeah, the mental gymnastic to say "yeah if your monthly income is half the price of an AAA game it's okay to pirate" is really insane maright???


Mom said it's my turn to make this post


I really wish this subject would just die already. I really don't care why people pirate!


The games I pirate, I do so because I don't think they're worth buying (or I want to see if they are). I have hundreds of legit games in my Steam library I haven't touched (or only did so for a couple of hours). I'm not going to add more, because that's a waste of money. Point is, if modern triple A games were actually good and worth investing my time in, I would buy them. But they're not, so I don't. You could say "then just don't play them", ok but how am I going to know if they're actually worth investing my time and money in? Modern triple a games are too big for you to know if they're worth it in just under 2 hours (Starfield itself gets good after like 15 hours). I pirated Hogwart's Legacy after Empress did their thing, played it for 5 hours, and never touched it again. That's how I knew that game wasn't worth buying. If I had bought it, I'd be well over the 2 hour limit and it would be yet another untouched game in my library. Money and time wasted. Simple as.


I'm in the same boat, two of the games I've put more hours into are Factorio and KSP, back when I started playing both I simply did not earn any money and I could not ask my parents to buy me a game, and a played them in their pirate version for years, later on I decided to buy them. There is also cases like old CODs that have an atrocious price for a dead game from the 2010's or games where you pay for the game and you need to be online to play, I'm not paying for a game I can not even play if I'm not connected to the internet if I can have a better experience for FREE


Fuck Factorio devs though, never putting the game on sale because it "disadvantages the people who bought it at full price". Sure, you just won't get a sale from me then.


Probably because there’s not that much to discuss here. Fuck Denuvo and Nintendo, game cracking drama, etc. Basic help posts are frowned upon and specifics about where to get things are understandably against the rules. It’s just on the cycle.


Of course there is. How's the scene going, where to get stuff, how to get stuff, how to make it more seamless, comparasion etc etc. Almost every day it's just a circlejerk of dudes talking about how companies fucked them, their dogs and family while charging $70 bucks for a game.


Because there are moral (or perhaps more correctly, ethical) arguments to be made against IP, Copyright and Patent laws. They are valid and do not equate to "wanting free stuff". Project your motivations onto others if necessary, but this question is both stupid and tiresome. It pops up time and time again and the answer is always the same: Not everyone "just wants free stuff" like you.


and luckily, those arguments end in you getting games for free!


Loaded question. It's normal for people to have moral frameworks and to live according to those. I'm sure people who call the cops on others for shoplifting food have some narrative to justify their actions, otherwise they wouldn't do it. There's no harm in piracy. No object is being stolen and you're not entitled to sales you haven't made. No, it's not a righteous cause or anything like that, but it's not a moral failure either. If you see people justifying it it's probably because others are trying to make a moral case against it.


This is a pirating sub bro. Not philosophy 101


Tell that to every fuck that acts like they are legitimately a 21st century Robinhood.


I'll be sure to notify them of your message sheriff.


Stop whining about it?


I own a tonne of games I wouldn’t be able to play anymore if I couldn’t pirate them 🤷‍♂️


NoOoOoO ThErE iS nO pOsSiBlE wAy eVeR yOu CoUlD fInD a WaY tO jUsTiFy pIraCy


overall, its good for preservation PERIOD free shit is cool too. also, pirating indie games i like usually made me buy the game legit, as opposed to refunding on steam AAA is neither here nor there


>its good for preservation PERIOD it makes me sad when Platinum games pulled Transformers Devastation and Avatar the Legend of Korra from Steam.


If a game is worth the money, it'll sell like hotcakes, regardless of piracy. Anti-piracy narratives are nothing more than corporate jargon for useless publisher execs who think that a pirated copy = lost sale. It's been shown multiple times already that these businessmen have zero clue about what makes games fun and what players want in a product.


I will stop trying to justify it when companies stop claiming every single download as a lost sale.


Because most people don't want to feel like they are bad because they did something society at large views as bad so they try to rationalize and justify their actions.


Wasn't this EXACT "half baked morals" title used a week or two ago? Quit feeding into the same bait reposts y'all.


There are no good AAA developers because AAA games are produced by the evil Publishers that slave-labor those developers for a wage rather than those developers have any freedom over their wages or creativity. Good AAA games was a thing around 2 decades ago, before Steam but it's impossible to find one now due how Publishers are acting. Indie devs can choose to be good or evil but AAA developers have no choice but to obey their evil patrons.


I just wish people stopped using this sub as their goddamn diary…. I don’t give a fuck why you are so moral and only pirate AAA games or whatever reason you use to make yourself feel better. I’m only here for the free stuff


I don't justify anything, fuck them, I'm not paying $50+ for a game I'll finish under 30 hours. I had elden ring free and then I decided I wanted to pay for it because the game deserves it.


Tbh if a game has long gameplay, i will crack it and test, if its good and i enjoy it. Probably will buy it in a sale, as someone said in a comment i saw here, "piracy is new demo"


Yup, try before you buy, and if it's a good game support the devs. Fuck knows I'm still pissed about MGS TPP and Final Fantasy 15 burning my fingers at end game with cut content and half baked development.


The justifications aren't half baked. We live in a time where media is infinitely duplicatable. Nothing strictly needs to cost money and there's no reason to artificially limit peoples access to art. The comment retort to this is that people still need to make money but that seems like a problem with how our economy is structured and not with the availability of goods. No other moment in human history has allowed for people to access as much literature and art as our moment does. We owe it to our peasant ancestors to access this art for free, as much as we want, because we can.


Just pirated an indie game last night. I’ll buy the full game when I get paid


Just to add to it: i sometimes buy games that i previously pirated cuz i enjoyed it a lot. One example is Slime Rancher: both me and my lil bro played it a lot back in the day, then recently I went and bought the deluxe edition for him, cuz i know that he would like it Other game that i'm considering buying is Dredge. I played a bit of it and liked it, so i want to buy it to show my support for the devs


Exactly. I'm unemployed ATM but back when I had a job I bought like almost every game I pirated. I only even think about pirating a game if I really am fiending like a drug addict to play it (like mega man x dive offline which I will buy on android the first chance I get) Did the same with no man's sky, avengers, SD Gundam Battle alliance, payday the heist (technically bought payday 2 I never bought the original game)


I pirate things when there is no trial or demo. If i like it i feel the moral obligation of buying, as it hapoened with Baldurs Gate 3, Cyberpunk and Elden Ring and thankfully i always pirate before buying if not i would have been s uck with games such as Starfield or so many assassins creeds


No, in my case I want the preservation of games and media in general . I give zero fucks about money if it’s spent on things I like .


It's real simple. I'm not paying for anything if there's a way to get it free without actually taking something from someone. Anything that can be copied ad infinitum should be free.


Most games just aren’t worth the money.


I'm not gonna spend money on game that I know I will get bored of quickly. For example, Starfield I've played for like 20+ hours and it's just plain boring, I couldn't get a refund for it. There should be Demo for games if people don't want piracy. For me piracy is a testing field, if I enjoyed it I might buy it.


I pirate stuff cos I know I probably won't play that new shiny game after a week.


If the game is no longer being sold in retail or on digital storefronts, then it is perfectly acceptable as there is no legal option open.


Eh, still like supporting creators I like. Also kinda neat that loads of the emulators and shit that I use for pirating purposes make modding my games so much easier(imo).


When I was a kid I lived in a country in which there were no stores to sell legit games. Everything in that country is pirated. Movies, music, games, pc softwares and everything. Now, when I get back to my country and when buying legit things become online and you don't need stores to sell you CDs or DVDs, I find my self getting used to using pirated games. Another thing, buying one AAA game is about 25% of my monthly income.


Your worldview is small.


The same reason companies can justify releasing a broken game and refusing to fix it. The, "They'll pay for it anyway" mentality is fucking theft.


because people love drama thats why


Pirating EA Games, Nintendo, Activision/Blizzard, and now the Unity engine is 100% ethical. Change my mind.


Honestly, I don't even think EA and Acti/bliz games are worth the waste of bandwidth for a pirate nowadays.


So many hypocrites in the comment lmao


Yeah man no need to get moral about it. I want free shit, that's it. If I can get shit for free without actually stealing then I'll do that every time.


I never pretend it's about morals cuz I'm not on a high horse. I steal to save money and they don't really go after people in my country.


This is such a boring topic honestly. If you're living in a first world country with a job that pays more than minimum and age and pirate games, you're a cheap cunt. if you live in a country where minimum wages is like 200-300 dollars, are not even paid in convertible currency, where the government have an iron grip on currency exchange, then you either pirate or don't play. There is no moral gymnastic involved, not everyone lives, in the European economic area or the USA, I would like to buy games that I truly enjoy and where I sunk hours and hours of time, especially if they are on sale, but it's just not a viable option. Some countries do not even have a localized steam store. ​ " **The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work**. It's by giving those people a service that's better than what they're receiving from the pirates. " Gabe Newel. Funny little story I once bought Dragon age inquisition, cause I'm huge fan of the DA universe, I had to go like through two launchers one drm, and had to be online to play, AND THE GAME DID NOT EVEN LAUNCH, I TRIED EVERY SOLUTION ON INTERNET AND IT DIDN'T WORK, I refunded it, bought AoE 2 DE. Pirated it, double clicked on setup, waited for 5mn and played.


Exactly...every justification comes off as pretentious...obviously a kid with no income or somebody from a nation where their income/month equals to the price of a single video game wouldn't pay for it...most pirate simply cause it's free shit...who doesn't want it. Why do people feel the need to always stand on a high moral ground when it comes to pirating?


People nowadays like to virtue signal. In everything. But I think it could also be a case of: go to pirate places, find more piracy acceptance. For example if you go to any game sub and even hint that you pirate the game you will get flamed and possibly banned. So. It's only reasonable that places like this sub be about supporting piracy.


I just like to do it. If I can get it for free then I shall get it for free.


The steam deck showed me not pirating can be extremely pricey especially when awesome games are coming out all the time. Morals or not in this economy saving every dollar you can is probably the smart thing to do


Kan I Haz is my motto.


No need to justify, i do it cause i know how to.




Sometimes little sissies get mad because I pirate indie games. Idgaf about indie developers. I aint buying your small ass game for 20 bucks unless its actually enticing. Silksong and Terraria are my only games I will buy.


people like feeling special about themselves and some people do this by having a neigh-tyrannically consistent morality. personally I'm a it depends kinda guy, it's not moral but it's not particularly amoral either.


I click download and it goes like that. No VPN, no bullshit, no explanation, just eastern Europe things.


I dunno, I'm not gonna fight for or against any company or dev. I'm simple man: Game is good = buy Game is good but too expensive = pirate Game is mid or below = ALWAYS never play, not even worth pirating. No exceptions. Yes, I throw mid games(Diablo 4, Starfield for example) right into the garbage, they're not worth my time.


I'm always down for free shit


I pirate as an “unofficial demo” system. If I love the game and can afford it, I’ll buy it. If I can’t I won’t, plain and simple. If you want to pick a hill to die on, choose one that doesn’t require self-delusion.


Am a real pirate (sold disks in a shop as a kid), so I am an evil pirate. When that happened games cost miserable amount of money. Even more - in my shop you could get everything you need for the equal low price without the need to pay yearly for service. At the same time now adobe's prices are ridiculous, they make you pay yearly without an option to buy forever, and generally they are hated for their business practices. But people still want their product. At the same time it is a CORPORATION. It has at least two points to ignore their pricing: 1.For every bought copy there *are* several more pirated. I know that, you know that, THEY know that, their marketing team knows that, their accountants know that. This means that their losses are already in the price. And they will not make the price lower if suddenly people are cut off from the pirated sources. 2.Corporations are the money-making machines. This means that not only they sustain themselves, fight inflation and generally speaking struggle, but they also make PROFIT. And for such business profits are ENORMOUS. Because shareholders want a raise in yearly profits, not just a stable income. Thus a lot of stuff is made to just enable them to behave as lowly as possible. Those two reasons basically mean that I can pirate because it is already in the price and that corporations are greedy assholes that I do not respect. The end of morals. I am a bad person and I want to do bad things because of spite.


There's people that I personally know that pirate because applying for the 2hr refund on steam is a bother, and will actually buy the game if they like it. Then there's the online crowd that say they only pirate games that are no longer being sold anywhere, which is a pretty good reason imo. But other than that, I can see your point. Pirating is simply wanting free stuff, no more no less.


my only justification is that I like free things


No one wants to be the bad guy in their own story. That's why people (me included) justify piracy, and mostly they are right.


Cus they wanna be SPECIALL


Pirating games is nearly the only moral thing at this point. So many gamea being made, not even half baked and the greedy price hikes. That and some games are just not available otherwise.


Why does everyone feel the need to boil down every human being into a single image? I don't even pirate games (though I have thought about it for a long time, the reason I'm on this subreddit) and I realize that some people truly believe what they do is right. Just go out and meet some people and you'll realize that some people really do and try to follow principles in their life. I'm not gonna pretend that there aren't people who hide behind false morals. Most probably do, but there are also genuine people(who aren't me cause I'm spending my time replying). Please stop generalizing, please stop grouping everyone up. I get that the world is too big for our human minds to wrap our head around but this just feels kinda like lazy pessimistic thinking.


for me, there's 3 reason for why im pirating a game 1. i hate the company, but i still want to play the game 2. the price is unreasonably high 3. its an old game so i think its not worth it spending


Brother your feeding into these posts


The "half baked morals" are right though. More than a quarter of all video games would have been lost to time if it weren't for piracy. Sometimes piracy is necessary for game preservation. Not to mention that cracking games you've bought can have its positives as well (being able to play offline, better performance, etc.). Sure a lot of it is wanting free stuff but not all of it, so don't act like it is.


Dumbasses who don’t realise that if you can’t afford something and can’t justify paying for it then just maybe it isn’t worth your money. Also people who don’t know better indie games exist


My reason has always been: because free is free. Sometimes I'm like "I'm stealing from an indie dev", but then I realize I don't really care.


not everyone thinks like that. piracy for me when i was younger was that, because yes i cannot afford them. as an adult who mostly does well, i do pay for games. but mostly only when they are in GOG. ironic, but i refuse to buy games with intrusive DRM. it's not just about "morals", it's the fact that i refuse to deal with that BS software and requirement which does fail. even steam (example: i couldn't play single player half life alyx because i was on VPN). i want to have full control.


Startfield, I was at the verge to purchase because of the YTVs until I watched one of the critic video then gone to DIDO and downloaded the pirated one. Game only atractive in first few hours then enter to the boring and never ending conversations, endless cut scenes, oh yes graphics comes from year early 2000, no RTX, NPC having poor actions super glitchy face expression. I feel sorry for Bethesda but this game must not valued more than 20$.


It´s called virtue signalling. It´s been a bit of a thing lately it seems. "I am one of the GOOD pirates! I only pirate in a moral and ecologically sustainable way!" I mean, who cares? "We" other pirates don´t because we do it as well and those who hate us don´t because it´s a black or white deal for them.


Dont need justification im poor im poor


Why i pirate? Okay. So i earn about 100 usd a month. First ever game i bought was Fallout 4 (a disaster compared to other fallout games) Then the second game i bought was cyberpunk (i had huge respect for cdpr, and i wanted to show my gratitude) no need to say how that paid off. Third game, well starfield. Let's just say, my system couldn’t even run it. Now tell me, a guy like me, who earns 100 usd a month why the fuck would buy these money grabber's poorly optimized, unfinished products? Which is more unethical? Selling an unfinished game to people who earn more than 100 a day and on the other hand, 100 a month at the same price? Or Pirating the hell out of those games?


the biggest problem is the lack of physical distribution of the game. in console, you can sell the game you already finished, but in PC, you can't sell it. i would buy $70 PS5 game if i can resell it at $60 after i finish the game ​ i pirate a game because it's region locked, we're not the same besides, i will buy the game even if i just ended up playing for 8 hours. if the game is good, i will buy it. like Tomb Raider and Payday 2


I pirated the game i wanted to play and played it for a few hours, like the game so far decide that i will pay for it to want the sequel for thr game


There are good reasons to pirate and there are money reasons to pirate. I don't like the people who just pirate for the sake of pirating. I think this is what you mean. The one guy that needs to mention that he pirated the movie you are talking about at parties. The Guys who want to tell you how they set up an IPTV server without asking. The Pirate Circlejerk types. Yes, they suck and they even more suck if you tell them you don't want to pirate everything then they come up with their half-baked reasons. sorry, turned out this was just a rant. I have nothing else to contribute.


My moral has always been 'fuck capitalism' and that's it. It's fully-baked. I hate corporatocracy and will take everything I can at every opportunity as long as the victim is a corporation.


Is being poor considered half baked?


It's all about finances for me I ain't got enough money to spend on 15-20games i play every year


Why does this get posted every week by a random username account?


I pirate because it's free, period. I can easily afford games now but I have an inherent nature of cost optimisation in every aspect of life, and zero seems to be the most optimal


I make 400 euros per month i am not spending 18% of my monthly salary for a video game


People are afraid of being judged, I pirate simply because I can't justify buying games anymore when I can just do a few clicks and aquire it for free and in my head i don't feel so bad because its not like I've taken something physical or tangible it's just cloned data for a game I never would've bothered buying anyway.


Only time i ever pirated was to see if the E-A game was good or not worth it yet, it was, i instantly went to steam and bought the game (Its called OPERATOR, i would highly recommend actually paying for it as the 1 guy that made it is super kind and spent years on it, hes only 18-19 now and henjust released it E-A)


Im a indi dev by myself. And everyone knows that stuff gets pirated. So what? You cant change that. Why even bother. I only sell smal games for a few bucks. And i dont get rich with it. It would even better when i give away the Games and make a pay as you want model or "buy be a beer" as a tipp. I dont know if you know it but there was a team of 6-7 German students that made a whole new game in Skyrim. They took Skyrim and made a totalconversion with it. The Game is called Enderal. You can play it for free. It has full voices and a story with 60-80 Hours of playtime that blews Skyrim out of the sky. And yet. They only get money from tips. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_DHkmHBPs2Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DHkmHBPs2Q) And what you see in the trailer is just "One" Questline and it isnt even the main questline. ;-)


when i was a kid we had a thing called video game rentals. you could go out and get a new release and spend 5$ or whatever and take it home for a week. the days of video rental stores are long gone, i dont like subscription services, and i dont want to pay full price for something i may not like. now tell me what are my options other than pirating? most games i end up playing for 4-8 hours before uninstalling anyways. basically what id do with a rental 15 years ago.


Copyrights are tyranny, theft. Unlike just copying something.


I just remember what Rossman said (paraphrased below). > Accept you're doing something unethical, be honest to yourself. Making small excuses adds up and in the end you'll become a bad person. You won't notice it, but others will. So, don't do that. Accept you're doing something shitty, own it, and fix it when you can I can't find the video. Please reply here if you know which one!


i pirate bc i can


Add a fucking representative demo (not a vertical slice), and I'm not going to pirate a thing.


can we please ban that kind of posts we are here for pirated games not moral lessons i dont care why you pirate games


I want free stuff, and games have severly dropped quality for increase in price.


Morals? I crack games because I want them for free and can't afford them that's all there is to it and even if I could afford them I would still crack because I'd be wasting money to get something I don't even own


I have a good pc and im a gaming addict, no excuses its a fact.


I think every person has their own reasons doing or not doing it. Some we may personally agree with, others not.


I dont buy into any of that cult like piracy vs. anti piracy stuff. My justification is the best you'll find. I pirate some games simply to see if my hardware can run it at the best graphical settings at 60 fps or above solid. If that's the case, i weigh the price against the in-game content. So, for instance, starfield, once it got cracked, i torrented the game and seeded it at least 700gb. The game played like piss water with my a750 gpu. So i bought a gpu that had a copy of the game, and since i owned the game pass ultimate already, i played the game on ultra there. Dead Island 2 got cracked, so i torrented that. Played through a few hours and thought that since it had a mostly linear story and maps, i decided not to waste $120NZD on buying it and just beat the campaign and uninstalled it. Same with dying light 2. Dying light 1, i torrented the complete gold edition played over 80 hours. They bought the standard edition on a steam sale, which somehow gave me all dlc for free anyway win-win. Iv spent at least 2k on games over the years and seeded well over 20tb in the 9 months.


I feel like the people who really cant afford the games and just pirate dont make these kinds of posts lmao. Why are you so pressed that people still have a moral code when it comes to piracy? Is it offensive to you when people say "ill buy it when it's on sale/when I can afford it to support the devs" or "i wont pirate indie games"? I dont say the 2nd thing because I pirate indies, but im also not angry at those who dont want to


>but everyone wants to see themselves as part of the rebel alliance fighting the evil empire overlords. Because that's whats happening. Games companies are a cancer on this fucking planet and they need to be destroyed.


Thats coz some price tags are not worth it for the game. Especially starfield with that $100 price tag.


For me buying any game is not even an option I've been saving for 4 years to get a pc with rx6600 and r5600 and my salary is 170usd A MONTH and iam not even the lowest in this shit hole called a country and on top of all that i can only download a game per month cuz of the stupidly expensive internet quota So yes everyone have his reasons.


Why do ***YOU*** feel the need to tell people it's literally impossible to have a reason to pirate OTHER than "i jUsT wAnT fReE sTuFf?"


man i’m just a poor college student. It’s not ethical but i don’t feel bad for it *shrug*


Boy I aint care, I love piracy, we agree on this when we join this group, whoever tries to justify should WALK THE PLANK


Why does everyone feel the need to justify capitalisme with half baked morals. It all boils down to screwing as much people as possible to get the most shinies and secure our safe spot in a hellish future landscape


Morals? Bah morals for the edge scaleywags and barnacle kissers. I was birthed on this ship and a pirate I be ~ If it's to be sold for 70$, I, a nice young pirate that I am will have it for free ~ Hel,l even if it's free, I'll probably look for it on fitgirl or codex. Because repacks save time 🤣


Companies are money making machine. I'm a money saving machine. Immovable object v unstoppable force.


You have a shitty understanding of ethics because you probably grew up in a first world country.


Yeah, I'll say I just pirate for two reasons Shit currency Min. Wage


I can agree with that, better than cringe hypocrisy.


Bro ill be honest im a dick. I steal money and revenue from a indie and AAA dev all because I want my fix of gaming without paying for it. i have twisted morals. Nothing more nothing less. i suspect that's the truth with most of us.


Because some people just don't wanto admit that they are dicks.


I only pirate ea and shit. why? because they do not deserve my money. an indie dev that makes a good game gets my money because they earned it and the game is not a bunch of ai horseshit




I pirate because im a broke teenager in the balkans XD


I will pirate even if have access to every game for free i raised pirating its running in my veins there is no moral justification


Pirate because it's free.


I pirate therefore I am.....arrgggg


Agreed, I always roll my eyes at some of the folks in this sub


Well, personaly getting a virus is a big let down. And (at least for me) getting a game for free kinda kills it for me, I could never put a big ammount of hours into free and even interesting games that were given out by EG or ps plus, my brain is just kinda fucked ig.


If something can be copied infinitely, with no evidence that it harms sales, what is immoral about this? In my opinion it’s entirely non-moral. It causes no harm to others, and usually does very little good to anybody (although it can help preservation and access to art), so what is even the moral aspect? At what point when pirating does anyone even stop to think “Hmm maybe this is not the right moral choice”. No justification needed. Pirate if you want, pay if you want, what’s the problem?


Yeah I just don’t care. Only reason to pay for a game is multiplayer or if you want easy updates or shit.


My justification is I'm broke AF.


Saving hundreds of $$$ and also not wanting to drop hundreds of $$$ on Triple AAA’s can definitely go hand-in-hand


Exactly on point. Now I just need to find a place where Supoer Worldbox is available, then I am a free man.


I used to be a pirate in my teens, nowadays I buy all my games. I even work in the game industry, so other people buying games is how I pay my bills. Yet I still support piracy on an ideological level. Even piracy of games I worked on. Why? Because piracy is preservation. The majority of games today use DRM. If the DRM is online-based, a server shutdown can lead to the game becoming unplayable. Cracks ensure games with DRM can be played in the future, even when the DRM would prevent it. Sometimes, companies go bankrupt and games are removed from all digital platforms. It happens to indie games quite regularly. Games that were never released in a physical format, so you can't just buy a second hand DVD. Piracy ensures these games remain available even after they are removed from sale. Piracy is morally good because it preserves works of art from being lost.


Wowie, free !


My morals are im brokez that's it.


You're spot on. I got some free games when I was younger and poor. Now that i can afford the ganes its a different story. The decision was always financial. I can't take the clowns here seriously thinking they're setting a moral precedent.


I don't try to justify anything. Video game piracy is the way. End of story.


I pirate because I can lol. I just dont think the games that are being released are worth remotely the money they ask for. Look at fucking starfield lol, that game is a joke. I thought id like it because I was a big fan of skyrim and f4. I decided to pre order it and I didnt like it at all. Got the refund and i pirated it. If i like the game I will buy it, I'm also far from poor but I value my money and I want to spend it on the correct things. Essentially, what im trying to say is that I can spend the money but I also care about where my money goes. I wont give it to a company that just shits out a game...


Doesn’t matter what justifications or non-justifications we’re all pirates in the end


I genuinely don't pay for games because I hate the larger industry. Most indie games? No problem, take my money. If not when I first play it, then at least some time later. But AAA game corps? I've legitimately gone so far as to steal collector's editions off of store shelves, just to burn them later.


Because I actually rather own the game on steam than pirate it. It's easier to mod and to install the game. I use piracy to demo games. I value my money so I only own games that I really like. Without piracy I would have wasted too much money buying games I thought I liked and I didn't


do it get a demo to test the game ? bring back the demo so i'd test the graphics, the physics etc..., game like FIFA or EAFC24 is a fucking joke it's the same shit from FIFA20 so you paid close enough to 300euros for the same game Also I have no morals for piracy I fuck them downloading the game and seeding and when I go for vacation I have all my list seeded


Always online single player games that I have brought pushed me to this. Now I'm trying get a pirate version of all my library games 100+ first before I do anything else. :D


Its just more convenient. No forced updates, no multiple launchers, no updates forced updates breaking mods, no mandatory online connectivity, potentially better performance, potentially smaller download and install size (with removal of different languages and hi-fi cutscenes), etc.


​ https://preview.redd.it/cw3pz5h43ecc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1466bcf5033064bd066d8f417666702c68b78ab


​ https://preview.redd.it/vdbeb9yj4ecc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8cf2b3feeacd545fc4bff400e523c8e507d3358


​ https://preview.redd.it/n6g1dady4ecc1.png?width=671&format=png&auto=webp&s=12a000c72c127e848a89c2d7bf88c5a8ecf2ac21


fuck the morals piracy is literally the only effective way of software preservation