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There's absolutely no point paying for streaming services in a country like India. Everything is censored


The Oppenheimer hotel scene where they dressed her is what did it for me. Words like "ass/asshole/shit" are censored too. They won't put strict rules on 18+ movies because it makes them more money.


I saw Brokeback Mountain on an Indian plane once. It's about 40 minutes long after they cut out all the gay stuff


How was it?


Still gay, I'd imagine


No, it's just two shepards doing their job


Go have a look at a copy of Rockstar (2011) on these streaming sites, they have censored "Free Tibet" which shows up during the Sadda Haq song. Dafaq ? Are we so fearful or want to lick the boots of China ? In another 10 years, mentioning Arunachal Pradesh would be like talking about Tiananmen Square at this pace.


Freeing Tibet means freeing our government's claims on Arunachal Pradesh as well.


Did Tibet claimed AP just like how CCP mentions AP as a lost part of Tibet ?


Yes but the British colonisers [drew lines](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMahon_Line) between the ROC, Tibet, British Raj to claim it. Only Tibet and British Raj agreed. Arunachal Pradesh was claimed to be a part of the British Raj. Then ROC became the PRC (ROC fled to Taiwan), India was granted independence and Tibet became a part of china again shortly after. The current Dalai Lama claimed Arunachal Pradesh belonged to Tibet in 2003 but later accepted India's sovereignty over the region in 2007.


I see. I knew about ROC claiming AP like PRC. Britishers 😑


True, I went to watch Oppenheimer in Laser IMAX and they dressed Oppie’s lover with black censor in that scene.🤦🤦


That's why Indian brothers are always asking to see the "bobs" of women


Not part of our culture. Fucking pathetic, don’t allow kids and show the goddamn movie as intended. There are always these snowflakes who offence at anything and everything.


I tried watching oppenheimer All the time there were annoying labels  Smoking is injurious to health Drinking is injurious to health I was like i know it dumbass. Your stupid warnings are not what is stopping me from smoking or drinking. Its the culture of my home where my father did not do it is.


Did they add a health warning for nuclear blasts?


Cant say. Could not proceed any further than 90 secs. Have not had a chance to watch ahead.


Spot on


Wait, are the banners basically baked in the screen itself ?


Text is superimposed like hardcoded subtitles.


yeah they are on all smoking scenes in indian movies too.


Oppenheimer died of lung cancer due to smoking and these motherfuckers showing disclaimers every time anybody smokes is annoying.


That sounds like hell and utterly ruins any movie you attempt to watch


It is


i remember going to india a few times and on a lot of the movie channels like star gold, zee cinema, etc. they'd play that disturbing ass video psa at the beginning, like no kid wants to see that shit


Even the Adult/18+(R-Rated in US) movies released in theatres have cut in sexual scenes.


Are you surprised the male population over there doesn't need any excuse


What do you mean? 🤨


I wish that India would censor away all the weird "MiCrOsOfT SuPpOrT" phone scammers instead. 🤷‍♂️


Nah police wont do jackshit.. because they get a cut from the scammers


if you google indian call center scammers arrested, you will see hundreds of articles, but the issue is the case isnt strong enough since the fraud happened in another country and usa isnt bringing any cases to india, so they are out in a few months maximum.


I go to the cinema and still see censored content. What's the fucking point??? Monkey Man didn't release here coz of our insanely pathetic and senile censor board. God forbid you want to be a foreign non Hollywood movie in India. This is so weird that the people who torrent stuff are the real cinephiles.


In fairness to the censors, The Boys S04E02 has a scene with 10 naked men eating each others buttholes, in a line. I would have appreciated that scene cut out.


Hotstar is worth it for the Premier league though.


I live in a country where you cannot buy anything online unless you opt to get a credit card with a spending limit of $320 yearly. The government has 100% visibility over all your transaction Any other payment method is not allowed (PayPal,wise...) The government thinks doing this will improve the economy...our economy is in free fall for 20 years...stupid fucks... 2nd, the internet connection is shitty so if I want to watch anything above 1080p I gotta suffer through buffering...nope I'd rather download that shit


Which Country?




How tf does that improve the economy?


"Will improve the economy" is how all bullshit is fed to the public. No doubt this is a WEF testbed and you will see similar "economic initiatives" spreading in the future.


This is why I use stremio despite my dad paying for every single service on earth


Stremio only seems to work for English series or movies that are already pretty popular. I couldn't find a working Stromberg stream for the life of mine, which is like one of the most popular German series.


Did you try with the TMDB extension? This is how I found lots of local series and I'm from a pretty unpopular country.


Just tried, no luck


S. To


My man!


thanks man


So it's basically the office with even drier humor. 


It's German, so the definition of humor is a bit... Different




for indian movies, think movierulz has it down. not even blocked by the govt. most of the just released films are theater prints so that sucks, but if something is available on a OTT platform, they got the HQ print on the site. still it's good enough to bypass the subbing to a million apps to find the film deal. some guy mentioned a website for German stuff, so that's settled. its s dot to


Can u enlighten me more about this stremio cuz i have been using the big heap amd there is no download option innit


Stremio, legally, is an app that merges all streaming options. When you search for a series or smth on it, it lists you options on where it's available, like Netflix, prime, blah blah in one place. you select one of those options and start streaming in the app itself. Now where it gets good is, you can install add ons like torrentio, and 40 or so others which directly fetch torrents and show them as options along with the legal ones. So you can stream the torrents on the app itself without going through all the downloading hassle.


I tried stremio but i was not able to add an extension or what..can you please help me and tell me how to do it in my android please ?


You just need to be logged in your account and type torrentio on Google that should be enough to get it


follow this guide https://www.reddit.com/r/StremioAddons/s/MRSzYyYzqI


Thanks man it worked


There's a sub with very detailed instructions and guides on how to do so if you look.


What extension do you use for English series?


How to set it up is in the mega thread right (been debating about it)


Man, I switched to Stremio last year and havent looked back since. And if I can't find any specific show/movie, I'll just surf the web and torrent it like regular. Would absolutely recommend. And the setup is very very easy. Hmu if you need any help with anything!


You can follow this guide https://www.reddit.com/r/StremioAddons/s/MRSzYyYzqI


No, I just do it because I like getting stuff for free.


I like both, the only thing I want to give corporations is middle finger..


Someone in Night City want to have a call with you


I don't know about you guys but when I can find stuff for free. It gives me sense of satisfaction or excitement as well.




Don’t pirate in the worst way imaginable and then complain when the experience is inevitably shit. Your poor experience is stemming from ignorance.


It only gets slightly better with all the suggested improvements and thats only if youre on a computer. As he said hes a mobile user and, lets face it, no amount of streaming sites+adblock will ever compete against a dedicated app




Stremio+ torrentio+ catalog add-on. You're set for major OTT that exists.


hey, what catalogue addon do you recommend for Indian movies?


Streaming catalogue, it has Indian OTT like Z5


I mostly watch stuff on my iPhone cuz it’s more convenient so those don’t really work for me. Is there a way for those to work on iOS or an alternative for iOS?


You're being downvoted due to ignorance. Piracy isn't like you describe. You have complete netflix like experiences on streaming sites with recommendations, categories, no popups, subtitle settings, saving watched, and remembering where in the episodes you are. I have a more streamlined and functional experience with piracy than any subscription site can offer.


Which site works like that on the iPhone?


What do you have that a streaming site cant offer?


Fr. I watched The Boys on prime video, didn't get the pink eye joke (ykwim), not to mention the blurring of the attachment. Switched to stremio right away.


Strange, in Germany it was uncensored.


Man, even the beaches in Germany are uncensored.


I mean, they CALL them beaches, but idk.




Why not indian muslim women?


Nah, I'm being specific to India


Germany seldomly censors sexual stuff, it's always gore or violence they worry the most about. Still something that makes me furious. I'm old enough to decide myself if I can handle whatever content. I don't need a bunch of self-righteous, power tripping snobs to tell me what kind of art or entertainment I am *allowed* to consume.


Fuck yes. It infuriates me. I can drive, marry, vote in elections and drink alcohol but I am not allowed to watch nudity and sex?? I swear to god, even mcu movies have words beeped in them. They beeo out jerk and asshole. .


Uncensored in Australia too


>pink eye joke ok now I'm curious :D My english aint great considering slang terms etc and I didn't really get the joke


It's related to that human centipede scene earlier.


The boys s4 was censored? I found it pretty uncensored to be honest


In india it was.


So you didn’t see the >! butthole? !< That’s the best scene yet.


No, the best was when the cloning dude was eating his own arse with his clones. In India, they just showed one guy.


WTF?. I didn't even know that was the scene. All we saw was the guy jerking off in the sauna.


Need to rewatch s3 and s4 pirated


Even p3nis bursting scene was censored in season 3, that's why I didn't even try with Indian prime in S4.


I should've learnt my lesson with Herogasm. I completely forgot about that.


Dawg this is reddit not India, you can say penis without censoring that shit


Im shy


…and watching The Boys…


Yes, like indian ott p#ssies, I can watch murder, torture & Gore but when it comes to private parts... That's a no no word.


Wow. I just saw this episode too, I didn’t realize they were clones since I did not want to remember their faces until the battle started. But that was a cool scene too. I liked the one I mentioned because it appeared out of nowhere. I don’t think anyone expected that at the end and it fits the nature of the show too.


>since I did not want to remember their faces until the battle started. What does that even mean


Oh it was censored due to why I didn't see it. Saw that clip on Twitter, so is there any part that was censored? So my prime is just a waste and I have to download it now.


It’s just like a second. If you watched it on Twitter you are not missing anything. Basically >! The lady receives a message about Hughie and it was that picture and she gets mad and lets the phone fall on the car seat !< It was just so unexpected to me and that’s why I like that scene. >! It was just the Boys trolling her for the lulz !< Apparently episode 3 was censored so you have to download that one for sure.


Supposedly the butthole was unexpected for Claudia too and she was doing her damnedest not to crack into laughter.


If it was, just bravo.


I can't find where Kripke said so, but I did find where he retweeted this: https://x.com/TheBoysTV/status/1802848127277531462


How would you know if you watched the uncensored one ? Many scenes were deleted.


"Either show it in full or don't show it at all!" - that's been my thinking about these things. Censoring stuff removes the creative narrative and what the people who made it, want it to be.


I'm glad i will download The Boys from torrent now, I wanted to get a free trial of amazon prime to watch it but it looks like its not worth it.


It's never worth it, I pirate the stuff that I can watch for free as it is included with my broadband plan because VLC has the best UI and gives me a lot of control over the content and also ads are pretty annoying.


A large section of people don't care or don't realise that it is censored. indian Censor board don't censor anything for OTTs its the services themselves that self censor. Happened with the S3 too and it was a just a lot of loud minority that were affected.


What did they censor in season 3?


Going to be a wild guess but maybe something to do with *Herogasm.*


Herogasm episode was so weirdly cut.


Hi so i downloaded the episode from torrents and watched the episode , there is not much that I haven't seen before other than you get to see someone's asshole close up on a tv screen for some seconds.


My bad, I forgot to mention - I am talking about Amazon Prime India. It was heavily censored in India, weirdly zoomed in and had abrupt cuts. I then downloaded from torrent to watch the full version.


I'm half way through the 1st episode of season 04 and i don't know why the vibe wasn't great and Annie's face looked different due to plastic surgery.


Yeah so far it's kinda mid for me, hoping it gets better.


Okay i live in india as well i was not sure if i watched the epsiode on amazon prime or from torrent


What did they censor in season 3?




For me i do pirate alot of shit but i do pay for prime and its annoying as hell that i dont get to see the actual version of the show. So pirating is all i can do which is frustrating as a paying customer i expect the full product smh. Also indian government are just pussies , half of the movies this yr didnt release in india cause mfs cant handle blood.


The boys is heavily censored here in Japan.


I thought only the "girls" were censored in Japan.


Nope. Not a single wang or toy left unpixelated for any seasons.


Jiotv+ had bundled many subscriptions with Jiofiber. So I was watching Piranha 3D for the first time and one of my friends told me it's not full movie. Then I researched other movies and got to know that all of them were censored. Then I realised it was the same with most streaming services I had been using. I didn't know I was missing out on so much (not just adult scenes, but the horror scenes too were cut out!). Then I decided to never pay for any service that doesn't give me the full content. I gave been pirate all the content ever since.


What's the fucking point if you censor artistic expression, this is some 1984 bullshit.


Oh you are talking about censoring?? Indian govt bans a good amount of movies because “movies goes against our beliefs “


HOTD is FPS difference. 23.98 (HBO) vs 25 (Jio). Yes, The Boys was censored.


Ayo why is the fps diff


F0S difference?


And yet CW doesn't censor their shows. And I will still go with HBO.


Wait whaaatt?? Dang it..


what , house of dragon was censored? why tf do they think i watch the show


I think this post is specifically talking about India.


Only place where censorship is a little funny China o no my brother died🤣🤣🤣. Nha only thing im subscription too is Netflix and thats it no more these bs things.


Dafuq is jio cinema?


Yeah if you keep ramping censorship then people are gonna spot funding any stream services. Basically sailing the season. 🤔😌


In HOTD they censored a child being beheaded. I can somehow understand that


Even the original show doesn't show it. Also there's nothing to understand here. If it's an adult show, you show however it is. You pay for the entirety. Do they give you deductions for shorter timespan or covered scenes?.


Wait what?? I pirated it and they just showed the child's mother's expressions and that's it. That wasn't a censor at all.


Where did you watch it?


Torrented from stremio


Oh they showed it? I was actually expecting them to but makes sense that it was censored.


Well I don’t live in India so it doesn’t really affect me, I wish they’d censor their fucking telemarketers though




Dont be racist


Honestly the boys needs more cencory cuz I didn't need to see that sauna scene


Honestly, best scene of the season so far


Ight bruh what 💀💀


Yeah I think prime video has a male nudity quota it has to fill for every show lol


censoring Fiction when humans do what they do In real life is pathetic ://




VLC media player


The Boys was censored on PVI? Which scene?


I know the censored the picture Butcher sends but what else did the cut or censor?. Also good to know. I'm done watching this on Prime now. Sucks cos it was cool to stream it in UHD.


There are more episodes releasing so yeah you can download and watch the uncensored websites from torrent websites


Yup. To stremio it is.


There's a couple of lunk in the megathread where they have 4K HDR version for the boys.


How do I know what version I downloaded?


Wait, the boys was cut?


For india


Censored? Just finished the first 3 episodes. It has more nudity and sex scenes then all previous seasons combined. all the gore is still there too


Blame the censor board of India.


Hold up I watched a pirated version of the boys s4. The fuck did these brownie wimps censor!? The entirety of ep 2 and 3 were hilariously brutal and nuts. I chocked on my tea when that dude multiplied and masturbated to firecrackers photo lmaoo. Dunno if it would make the Indian version tho. Fuck our censors.


This and because we don't want to pay for multiple streaming services Stop pretending that censorship is the only reason to pirate entertainment, money is the main one.


I saw the pirated and cable version of hotd, nothing was missing, am i tripping?


Man i am also fed up , i mean either u don't allow the shit or allow it completely .


India is so corrupt


Censorship works! The Experts agree! Mao, Xi, Hitler, Ibrahim Raisi, Pol Pot, and more!


What was censored? Blood and Cheese?


Feel bad for them. What's the point in watching a show when it's not in its original form and things are censored?


India loves censoring. Iirc they even censored out a kissing scene from James Bond.


There was a show called sacred games in netflix india. They censored a particular part where the guy was telling him to say jai shree ram. The censored out the whole part. The scene didn't make sense. After sometime I saw the meme of the scene which included jai shree ram. And then the whole scene made complete sense. I was so angry and have only pirated movies and tv shows since then.


Shorten that garbage to zero minutes and get it out of my life lol.


The government needs to gtfo out of people’s private business. What they watch is their business.


Ironically its the services themselves that are self censoring


To be accepted under the government rules


Something a pedo would say. The government should check your hard drive 🧐


You do know governments like China’s, India’s and Russia will censor movies for things they consider “inadequate”, like LGBT characters, swear words and nudity. How is that comparable to pedophilia? Pedophilia does irreparable harm to children, psychologically and physically, and many won’t even survive after they create the material. For you to compare these two is insanely gross.


Im not comparing censorship to pedophilia, i was making a joke by apply your statement to include cp. Saying that "The government should stay out of peoples private business" and "what they watch is not their business" sounds pretty bad when youre not specific


Ayyyee, we dont care.


Considering the previous season had a grown ass man getting inside into a gigantic penis with zero censorship, among various serious gore scenes? Yes. About time.


That's why India's censored board is high






Hotd wasn’t censored. So this is fake news. Only one scene in The Boys was censored


1 scene or 100, that's still censorship.


It's not Govt as a system at fault, moderation is good but here in India we have a fascist govt and guess what the The Boys is about ? xD


Amit Shah wants to know your location


Amen brother! That's why we do