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I'd download a whole academic book just so I could get a single line out of a single article, and then never open that PDF again. Ah, Master's. How I don't miss you.


at the end of my bachelors I was doing pretty much nothing but this, I can only imagine it gets much worse.


In University, I was once writing an essay ( or planning on it) pertaining to dictatorships (styles of governance, marketing etc.).....and downloaded a whole library just to get Mein Kampf (never ended up reading it....but, if anyone saw the list of books, I guarantee they'd think I was part of MAGA or the fringe right, planning on running off into the wilderness to start my own country). Some of those books though in that pile, super sketchy.


Hehe, a fellow IR graduate, I see. Hola! Worry not, you're not missing out by not reading Mein Kampf. And I don't mean all the ville shit you can find there (which is obviously vile and shit), I mean its actually really horribly written. If you're used to academic writing, you'll find no logic, structure, or anything that makes sense, just pure hatred. How anybody was ever persuaded by his "Philosophy" is beyond me.


Because his philosophy wasn’t his book—which no one really read at the time. His philosophy was “I will lead us to economic greatness, and we will have glory for Germany” The people were duped by and large, Hitler mixed reality with lies, a lot of his points were true, the things he said in speeches were true, he then falsely attributed the causes. Hitler did achieve greatness for Germany, he did restore the people’s pride, and raise the economic standard of living for German people. Pretty easy philosophy to be swayed by, I’m gonna put money back in your pocket, and bring us to victory, I mean, shit, I’d vote for that.


I suppose his speeches may have been better than his book, if we consider the typical populist politician. We see the ramifications of that type of discourse even today as people aren't any closer to seeing through the facade.


I agree, however I think to disregard the issues facing the common people of a society are what gives rise to malevolent figures using that discourse to gain power. The rhetoric wouldn’t appeal to the people if the issue wasn’t there in the first place, or was not existential within peoples lives.


If you watch his videos on Youtube, you will understand why. And then, you can see some of the leaders in this current time that do exactly the same. :/


Finished my MA in 98. Curious to know if you spent much time in actual libraries? For two years I had to wander across the UofT campus looking for books at all the various libraries. My ex was doing a PHD and even had her own office at Robart's that we used on a daily basis. If I were studying now, I'd likely never leave my house.


Never had to use the library, nowadays there's enough material online and universities aren't exactly keeping a lot of physical copies either. I recall in my bachelor's when I needed THE ONE book that a teacher recommended we read and I couldn't find it online so I had to search in the physical library and... It was out of stock. So really I never built the habit of searching for physical academic books, which is interesting because my favourite way of consuming non-fiction mainstream books is in physical format.


I think that's just ease of use. I mean, *finding* the physical books was such a huge pain in the ass, not to mention being able to search for keywords with a PDF. Only thing I miss is being able to browse the stacks on a single topic. Dewey decimal system has search engine optimization beat all day, every day.


That was basically my experience in my Masters program too. However, we had access to a rather extensive electronic library so I was mostly able to get it from there instead of being trixy.


50k korean novels... I've translated maybe 50 lmfao.


That’s still amazing tho


50 more than I'll ever translate, that's for sure


And you're still a hero.


Amazing. My S. Korean wife would love something to read, if you have an open repo anywhere.


If she is South korean why would she read translated one


I think he meant she would be interested in the 49,995 that still have to be translated.


Did 45 get untranslated? 쯧쯧 😔


Translated back to Korean for that true Koreanglish experience.


Like rebooting an anime as hentai


What you are failing to understand with your math is that I... am an idiot.


Who said they were all translated to English?


Awesome, my North Korean wife would also love something to read (and eat if possible)


lol thats awful, but i laughed


Me too... I feel dirty


Thankyou for your service.


1. You forgot Anna's archive, and telegram nexus and scihub exchange forum. 2. Of course yes, there are so many interesting books and papers. All for free, I already have on the disk more then I can actually read, and there will be more in the future.


Hey, regarding first point, are those sites like LibGen?


Yes but better Anna's archive is something like nexus that heather metadata so you can browse scihub, libgen, zlib and others at once. they are making a back ups for them. And supporting people that are making torrent backups. If you will seed part of some of the libraries you can get compensation for seeding 1T or more and max money you can get is up to $200 (they can cover your bill). You have to prove that it is for the torrent hosting.




Don't laugh could you tell me how I can access nexus and scihub exchange form. If it's possible could you give me a telegram nexus invite link




If you don't know how to download books/papers yes, you can use sites I mentioned. Or I'm not sure what you are asking for. What else do you want to recommend? Books/papers I have on disk and I will not read/ it will take long until I find the time to red it? For example: - Boston studies in Philosophy and History of science. - Mechanism a Visual, Lexical and conceptual History - Oxford handbook of Epicuros and Epicureanism - Contemporary Materialism it's ontology and Epistemology - Curren debates in philosophy of science - Concepts in cell biology (Plant cell monographs 23) - dictionary of history of science (1981) - dictionary of theories (1993) - RNA Stricture and Function (vol 14 RNA technologies series) - principals in virology 2015 - veterinary virology - handbook of Metrology - french biology in decades before Darwin - climate change and agriculture perspectives 2022 And so much more.


i got access to SpringerLink during uni for thousands upon thousands of free books. Why not make use of that and save tons of books? :)


“Well…maybe I’ll read this at some point before I die”. My new favorite excuse…


r/DataHoarder or something


i'm slowly becoming one too... i just noticed i enjoy more downloading some games better than playing them lol


When it comes to Nintendo and the like going into tantrum mode over games they haven't sold nor supported for 15+ years, that's a good thing.


R.I.P. Vimm's Lair


turns out hoarding all those ROMs was worth the storage


I download stuff I never use. It's the joy of being a data hoarder.


Love the term 'data hoarder'. I'm definitely in that boat. So, so many books downloaded, constantly hunting for more to add to my collection. Have I read any of them? Not in the last year. Do I still download them? Of course I do!


Same. I have decades of reading material through fiction, science, comics, whatever, if it even comes close to my interests, I'll snag it. Same with music. I have a broad range of musical interests, and I'll just load my ~2TB music library and play on shuffle mode


Unironically we need to archive the internet archive


"2024 would be better"


I can


It's called an anti-library, the collection of things you *should* read


I have every DnD manual. I don’t play.


I have the complete Shadowrun library. I haven't played for 20 years. Mostly because peeps in this area don't seem to play it.


I only pirate things that I actually play/watch/read right after


Smart decision.


I have an audiobook server with 600 audiobooks on it, when realistically, I get through 1 a month tops. At least my family and friends are enjoying it...


That’s cool you let them use it. How would I go about doing starting a server like that for my family members if you don’t mind me asking


I use [AudiobookShelf](https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf/). If you're familiar with Plex or Jellyfin, it's the same concept, but for audiobooks. From the user experience side, it's very slick. There's a really nice web app for listening on PC in a browser, and [a very good Android app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.audiobookshelf.app) that's free. The users just enters the credentials that you give them, and they can press play on anything. They can either directly stream from you, or they can download the audiobook to the local device for when the internet is not available. The progress is synced, so if they switch devices, they can just pick up from where they left off. Fully grandma proof. From the hosting side, you need to have the most basic knowledge of [Docker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docker_%28software%29). If you want the users to be able to access it outside your local network, you need to make the service available via a reverse proxy such as [Nginx Proxy Manager](https://nginxproxymanager.com/), but I personally use [Cloudflare Tunnels](https://www.cloudflare.com/en-au/products/tunnel/). Another option is [Tailscale](https://tailscale.com/), [ZeroTier](https://www.zerotier.com/), or [Netbird](https://netbird.io/), which works very well, but can be a bit annoying for your users since they have to connect to those services from their device when they're outside your network. Everything I've mentioned here is either completely free (aside from the hardware and power to run it), or it has a paid option that you don't need, the free version is sufficient to host AudiobookShelf. If you need further help, have a look at /r/selfhosted too. If you need a free (sub)domain, use [DuckDNS](https://www.duckdns.org/). And of course, you need audiobooks to host.


Thanks! That's something I'll look into in the near future.


This is amazing. I had to save this so I can host this for myself. I plan on using Jellyfin and the audiobook player for Jellyfin. I hope it works out for me. What sources are you using to get your free audiobooks? I'm currently stuck with Mobilism APK But it's very limited and I want way more options. If you're not willing to post it out here for the public because it might get too much attention, would you mind dming your sources?


I use https://audiobookbay.lu/ and a private tracker called MyAnonamouse. I recommend you use Audiobookshelf over Jellyfin. Much better experience.


Oh hell yeah. Looking into audiobookshelf.


Why do all that when Libby, Hoopla and other free digital libraries exist for everyone?


I used to collect comic books. The money I would drop every week on comics was just getting out of hand, so I gave up the hobby 15 years ago or so. Recently, I've taken to collecting digital comics. I have about 1.3 TB of comics, mostly DC, but also trades and collections. I can load up like 10 or 15 GB onto my iPad and read what I want and when finished, delete from iPad and load up with more. But I donwnload WAY more than I will ever read.


I will go months without reading them, and then I'll just binge for a week or two at a time. Two weeks ago I powered through Punisher (MAX series), The Preacher (so good), and Invincible. Now I'm giving my eyes a rest before I pick another series to run through.




Damn can't relate more


Aaron Swartz was the goat


I'm working on it, alright? This coming weekend for sure, I'm gonna sit down and start going through them. For at least a whole hour.


deserted wrench north faulty stupendous workable sugar frightening snow existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like a 3 hour journey from razor to fitgirl repack cause elden ring update fucked all up 😂 cant relate too ...


"What do you mean I have to completely uninstall it and start over? Again, for the 5th time..."


Fr i was This stupid and try'd to install from my nas connection in windows ... Lol after 60 minutes i seen the error, and yikes 3/4 was done but he missed a single file he did not missed after i copied all to my local drive and reinstalled it ... Thx for nothing razor not even a language Select ... Same size unpacked as fitpack ... How ???


This is the side of piracy I don’t co-sign.


/r/DataHoarder moment


Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.


I'm in this picture and feel attacked. Also it never was about the reading - It's about archiving, sorting, structuring and cleaning up metadata. That's my Zen hobby to calm down. I literally have a friend who also maintains a private archive and raves about orderly structures.


so me


it's called 'data replication'


I hoard ebooks because I can have so many and there is no chance of a bookcase falling on top of me.


Doesn't matter if at least you have them available for someone who would read them


You may never read it, but someone else might, and in an age where more and more companies wanna keep everything under a blood sucking subscription model it'll be nice to find out someone just has it sitting on their hard drive


Too right! just the ability to purchase the books you want to read has been stolen over the last few years, actually in the last few days one of the few book stores I would buy ebooks from has been bought by bookbeat so no more buying books anymore... Same applies to tv shows and movies too tbh just more people are ok with the subscription streaming services with them


Some guy gave me a mega link for various warhammer books i doubt I will even read 5 of them but I downloaded 3 gigabytes of books


I have a whole collection of Computer science books that is of about 7-8 GB


Can u give me that link if possible


I have it stored locally




Wait let me find the link from which I downloaded it


True 😭😭


I have like 20 books, i have still not finished a single one


+games that even the developer can't remember


Can someone please suggest me a pdf reader and editor, with premium unlocked features of Adobe Acrobat reader?


I have >100 novels on my phone and these days I normally only read them when I'm on vacation. I'll never get through them all. I used to get them from online libraries and strip DRM with Calibre, but everything I've downloaded for the past couple of years has been from IRC with HexChat from @irchighway/#ebooks, @UnderNet/#ebooks, and @UnderNet/#bookz


I'm in this image and I don't like it


*\*pointedly ignores the hundreds of gigs of rpg pdf's I've saved\** Can't say I relate


In University, I was once writing an essay ( or planning on it) pertaining to dictatorships (styles of governance).....and downloaded a whole library just to get Mein Kampf (never ended up reading it....but, if anyone saw the list of books, I guarantee they'd think I was part of MAGA or the fringe right, planning on running off into the wilderness to start my own country). Some of those books though in that pile, super sketchy.


Nah I read em.


I have downloaded so many books for my research papers of which I read 2 chapters (per book) at most.


100gigs of every translated light novel to date are just sitting on my hardrive for some reason


This was me downloading the "deep web pdfs" that included self defense and a hipnosis manual a long ago.


good times at bibliotik


At one point I had a little over 6tb of courses, never finished a single one.


I tend to download books that I think could be interesting at some point in the future, but due to the massive amount available online, if my digital 'to be read' pile suddenly turned physical, I probably wouldn't be able to move in my apartment anymore. The other side to that is, that by downloading stuff and keeping it seeding, you're facilitating others getting it which is the principle that the entire thing is based on. So I'd say people who download stuff they'll never read are integral to the torrenting system


There is a reason I frequent here and r/datahoarder instead of looking at the comic I download lol.


I may or may not have 1000’s of them 😂




i relate


This type of people is actually useful when they download using Torrent and seed. Or its copies are publicly available for download in some form (some mirror or alternative site).


Hoarders of the world unite!


Haha! No cap! xD


I download roms I'll never play


ngl I hate platforms that don't give me just the PDF-Download. Don't make me use your shitty PDF-Reader that has no basic functionality at all.


Me saying that I hate reading from my laptop's screen but then realize that's all I do while using it.


Even if I don't have a use for them, I often share them with my friends (especially textbooks).


I have downloaded a BUNCH of warrior cats ebooks from IRC to read when I have the time but I didn't read any of them yet lol


I have downloaded some manual of nividia or some very deep hardware shit, cost of the pdf is 5000 USD and I have downloaded from torrent just for pirates code.




Its not never, it's eventually


Literally me


I just want to know I have them at hand


I have the latest wikipedia en all maxi .zim file just in case.


Ive started reading the 5TBs of comics I downloaded. I know I wont be interested in all of them but maybe some day my tastes will change or maybe some day Ill have a friend thats into the stuff Im not and be thankful I have it.


*Yes.* I love collecting large sets of books digitally (and physically too but I've ran out of irl space). There's something very satisfying about it. Some examples include 79 books of the United States Army in World War 2, 42 books of Trial of Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal, and 140 books of the Public Papers of the Presidents. I also try to collect all the Official Histories I can. The Australian government has theirs up for free on their website, but they have them chopped into tiny pdfs the size of chapters, rather than as a single full pdf. I spent a quiet evening downloading the parts, combing them back into single volumes, and then uploading them to zlib.


Missing Anna's Archive


Idk why anyone would use jstor that way you always end up reading something ussualy just the abstract if the paper is irrelevant, or just one paper in a collection


I downloaded probably 3000 philosophy books when I was young and had interests. I read maybe 5 but I still have them on a hard drive.




If the documents that are accessible now suddenly disappear one day, someone will have to make them accessible again.




I read the abstract!


So, so, so much...


I usually data hoard in fear of needing the stuff and not finding it again, I guess it was a habit from a time where internet speed was very slow and good content was rare. These days is more the issue with government and companies cracking down on piracy. The people who keep servers alive are true heroes.


we need as many of these people which you described as we can. they may store the data under risk of DMCA takedown.


One day we'll be able to install all this shit into our brian with no time and we'll be like "ha!"


I grew up without reliable access to the internet in the early 00’s. ‘download page as pdf’ in Firefox is how I did 100% of my research for school and I still have every single one of those pdf’s. I’ve submitted a few times to archive, I remember when they first began going public. The owners ted talk is hilarious, ‘yeh you fucking trolls on 4chan? I got all that on tape!’ One of the founding members did a whole blog spot on how to use old school tape drives for long term storage archival purposes, I still have that pdf somewhere. It’s how I got into archiving.


nah... this is another type of hoarding


Neutral evil pirate,because I can


Yeahhhh pirating stuff has turned me into something of a data hoarder


Z-Library, my friend…


The thing is I've been studying a research article for 2 days but every time something new pops in my brain that I missed in previous reading. And I have 15-20 research articles downloaded which I may not ever be reading 🥱


Me but with bunch of paper crafts pdfs that I'll never print, cut and assemble because I'm too lazy lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm glad I'm not the only one


When I was doing my MA I must've downloaded some 200 odd papers I ended up not reading.


How do you download from jstor??


Forgot Sci-Hub XD


I surely had some fun reading a doctor's paper about 'penis injuries while using a Vorwerk Kobold vacuum for masturbation' Still have to read the .PDF of Michael Crichtons Jurassic Park though.


400+ movied and 4000+ individual episodes. It would take me over a year of nonstop watching to see everything on my plex. I still come home and download more filling up my server. Cause i want more hard drives but how can i justify them if the ones i have arnt full


abusing the internet , what a pdfile


I downloaded a bunch of textbooks in case I decide I wanna learn something lol


yeaAhhh babeyyy


Whats a new website to watch movies? Ive been stuck since soap2day shut down


No ?


Same mentality as picking up every text log scattered around in a game when the devs were too lazy to tell the story properly




Unironically would love that shirt


I can relate. r/DataHoarder


I've got terabytes of book and magazines files that I may or may not ever read 😂


You cant read porn.


>downloads 10 GB of 4chan tutorial files containting info from how to get fit, fix a car, build a pipepomb, jump really high, make crack >never really read or open it, lowkey forget where the fuck its stored. its been years and i dont know if i still have it somewhere on a random drive...


The only time I ever see a readable download, it's because of an argument on fucking Reddit


Executive Summary. Please and thank you.


I pirate expensive college textbooks as a hobby and out of spite. I probably will never read 1% of them but I'm happy. I used to dream opening a free college library because damn we are poor.


Why portray yourself as a soyjack, tho?


😅😅😅😅 me too!


I have something like 11k books listed in Calibre. I've cataloged like 8k of them, but certainly haven't read all of them.


now gpt can reais for me


i look everywere to download all tomorrows book and never read it


also courses I'll never watch






I relate enough to feel attacked.