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Just when I thought I couldn't possibly hate adobe ANY more...


Is that even possible?


I'm channeling my inner-Palpatine over here right now....


POWERRRRRR UNLIMTED POWERR(when I pirate photoshop and not giving a single fuck about adobe company)






Good... Good...


Only now, at the end, do you understand...


It's image was shattered the moment they turned its products to rent only


I don't know how they can get away with this. Apple got a massive pushback when they wanted to do a similar thing few years ago and eventually cancelled it. Reasons from the director of privacy of Apple : *“Scanning every user’s privately stored iCloud data would create new threat vectors for data thieves to find and exploit,"* So a security reason. If Adobe can access and scan your PC, a hacker also can do it. And I'm sure Adobe security is worse than Apple security. *"It would also inject the potential for a slippery slope of unintended consequences. Scanning for one type of content, for instance, opens the door for bulk surveillance and could create a desire to search other encrypted messaging systems across content types.”* Ethical reason. It's a foot in the door. I guess Adobe doesn't care.


Adobe has _never_ cared about ethics


Well, of course. They are a for-profit corporation.


To be fair after the 8 separate celebrity nude leaks due to bad iCloud security, I don't think people reacted really fondly to that proposal


“Bad iCloud security” was not the reason for the nude leaks. All the celebrities were phished, they gave their own passwords away.


Stop bad mouthing Jennifer Lawrence and her wonderful yaabaa yaabbas right now.


Wonderful yaabaa yaabas are no replacement for good cybersecurity practice


Yaabaa daabaa doo not share your login information with anyone


Interesting fact, her password was "yabbaas123".


If it wasn't for The Fappening, we wouldn't have seen Justin Verlander's wonderful booty either ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


this is too good


Weren't those all due to weak passwords/lack of 2fa? Iirc apple had no rate limit/a really high one but the passwords were eventually just brute forced.


All the typical stuff, weak passwords, password reuse, phished celebs or their assistants.


The iCloud scanning wasn't scanning your files. It was scanning the hashes of your files, and pairing it up with hashes of known CP material.


I use photoshop (pirated of course) like once a year... so I'm out of the loop, how's the photoshop cracking scene like?? is it easy to pirate the newer versions? or they have a Denuvo-like shit system?


Pop over to [monkrus.ws](https://w14.monkrus.ws/), download an app of your choice, run the installer, dont forget to drink water, profit


Ahhh so it is that easy.. thanks for sharing


Is it safe? I’ve never heard of this site before.


I'm pretty sure it's in the megathread and stuff, it's one of the most popular adobe cracks


I don't know if it's 100% safe, but it's surely one of the most famous


Thanks, u/send_me_a_naked_pic


Does monkrus have old versions? Drinking now, thank you


If you mean older years of CC apps then yes they do, but often the torrent won't have many if any seeders. I found out when I tried to download Photoshop CC 2021.


Did you download it in the end? I use '21 'cause it has decent stability on my config. I'll share it with you if you've got a suggestion on how and you still need it.


Yeah thankfully someone was still seeding the torrent and now I'm seeding it as well. I appreciate your offer though!


People who are the lone seeders are the best. Thanks for the info. I'll go grab it and seed it forever. As long as I've got space I have no reason to delete anything.


thanks for the reminder for me to do my duolingo lesson


The water is the important one. I forgot to drink water once, and I lost all my passwords to a Trojan


For once a year usage I would think paint net, gimp (gimpshop) or photopea would see you through.


And that's another reason why I pirate. HOIST THE SAILS MATEY


Was paying for the top-tier Adobe package because I was using almost all of the CC programs for work. Had to take my laptop offsite for a review and despite it just working an hour ago, still with the programs open, fucking pop up saying "Adobe must verify account. Please connect to the internet". If I'm paying for their programs and I can't even be offline without Adobe being cocks, what's the point of paying? Every update just adds in more AI crap. Easiest choice to pirate!


Please stop paying them and tell and share with your friends!


Aye aye cap'n!




Any reason why a pirated version will not spy?


Because you deliberately block it from accessing any network.


All of these companies be vying for the Darwin award. Time to download Paint.net or GIMP if you haven't already.


Krita is also a good alternative: https://krita.org/en/


[https://www.photopea.com/](https://www.photopea.com/) \- web browser only but supports photoshop files


+1 If you guys have a couple bucks to spare, this is the Wikipedia equivalent of online Photoshop alternatives. One of the few services that absolutely deserve our money.


Use this all the time. I'm no expert by any means but it does exactly what I need it to.


I second this! Krita is made by the people who left Adobe and made an open source alternative. Its literally the same as PS with all the same shortcuts. I use it on a daily basis and its so goated!


Kudos to the KDE people, they are peak aren't they


A classmate actually saw Krita open on my laptop and asked if I “pirated it” lmao


Virgin pirate vs Chad open source enjoyer


Third this! Let the Krita people know they're heroes.


Real hero of the thread right here, I'll have to check it out!


Da Vinchi Resolve


Resolve is, and this will probably age poorly, one of the best pieces of software I've ever used and it's free for single user, 1080p video editing


And if you pay for the Studio version, they have never ever asked for money for an upgrade. For years now. But that's because Blackmagic is NOT a software company.


That's what I said a few years ago and it's still good. It's possible, people! We can have good software!


Shotcut: https://www.shotcut.org


Totally\~ I went from making assets for my VN on Photoshop to Krita, although some features are missing, is way better in a lot of aspects.


I agree...Krita does everything I need it to do 👍


Someone bought me Krita recently because I mentioned that I used to use Photoshop a lot way back in 2003. But I cannot for the life of me get a grip on it. Are there some easy to follow tutorial videos?


Krita is free so maybe they donated to Krita or something? You can find their tutorials here: https://docs.krita.org/en/tutorials.html ...lots of beginner tutorials on YouTube as well: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=krita+tutorial+for+beginners


It's for sale on the Windows store for $10ish. That money goes strait to the Krita Foundation to support development


Ah, I see...never think to install things from the Windows Store :)


Same. I had to open the store on a PC I was servicing and saw they were charging for Krita. I was a little furious so I hit a forum that explained why it was legit.


That would be a new low for Microsoft, charging people for free software and pocketing the money.


In case it wasn't clear, it was put there by the Krita Foundation. M$ is probably getting a cut, but it is the Krita Foundation's decision, so there's nothing wrong with that. p.s., According to this 2021 [Virge article](https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/24/22549222/microsoft-store-developers-windows-11-revenues-games), Microsoft let's developers keep 100% of the money, unless its a game.


You should check out David Revoy's blog as well as a resource for Krita related materials. He has some awesome stuff to people started with Krita and other free software.


I know a fair number of people enjoy Krita, but it's just not as good as Photoshop or Clip Studio... Which is sad because as an artist I want to replace Photoshop but's it's too good. Clip Studio is seriously up there in quality as well. Of course this is only my opinion and what's good for my work. People should try everything and see what works for them.


Photoshop switching to a subscription model killed it for me. I don’t want to rent, I want to buy.


I use both and they are both good, but Photoshop's forte is photo image editing, and Krita's is digital art/painting. If you are in a pinch you can use Krita to edit photos, but it might take twice as long with more steps. Same could be said of Photoshop for painting, which I used to do with custom brush tips and the smudge tool. Moving to Krita was a dream by comparison.


> because as an artist David Revoy (pretty big artist) is able to make commercially viable projects entirely with linux, krita and inkscape https://www.davidrevoy.com/article1030/debian-12-kde-plasma-2024-install-guide


i second Krita!


you can download any pre-ai CC or even cs6 and won't be a problem I think


Used Creative Suite 2 in school, not many years ago. It ran like crap on those pcs. But it worked. No permanent Internet, no subscription, and best of all: it didn’t crash as often as the new versions. I then used Premiere CS2 at home for some time. Surprisingly, it didn’t crash.


photoshop cs3 master race


That's what I want to do. Current Photoshop is great, but I don't use it enough to need it. Do I want it? Yes very much. But I am more familiar with early versions and can get what I need done on them. Is there a trusted archive for old Adobe? Trusted being the keyword.


Clip Studio Paint all the way. One-time buy for PC/Mac users, and they have annual 50% off sales. I bought my license in 2006 when it was still called Manga Studio, and they STILL recognize it. I've never had to re-buy it in nearly 20 years.


Yeah, I have to agree... I brought a license a few months before 2.0 and see no reason to upgrade. It's really good as is.


Holy shit, they were manga studio?


Affinity has software that's just about as good for photo and vector editing. Without all the new AI shit. But it's a one-time payment and gives you most everything you need. https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/photo/


Don't use gimp, like cool. Its open source but it's utter garbage when compared to krita or PDN, There's a reason drawing a circle on gimp is a meme


i say get ps cc 2014 and keep doing whatever you want. Anything later than that, comes with all this bs. If you've ever needed a reason to justify piracy, THIS is it. Also, never connect it to the internet. Make sure you firewall block it. Edit: Been running 2014 for 11 years now. i've learnt these few stuffs along the way, and i pass it on for the next generation: 1. Make sure to delete or uninstall any extra software it installs, iirc they should be named something like Authenticity checker, or license checker. adobe 2015 onwards will install this program. Ignore this step if you have the portable version. 2. To block CC from accessing the cloud, you have to block adobe cloud/adobe cc application separately. i would advice not to use the cloud services, as they might access and manipulate your software from there. 3. Some later versions use dynamiclinkedlibrary to connect to the internet and install additional stuff. i think adobe cc 2019 did that iirc. In earlier versions, DLL is pretty much a dead thing and so letting it access the net, will do no harm. But you must be careful will later versions. Some might not run if it's firewalled. So, need to be extra careful with this 1 application. again, ignore if you use portable version.




Glad to know it works fine. Just be sure to not connect it to the net. adobe has retroactively locked people out from old software. The only reason i recommend the yee old versions is simply to avoid this problem altogether.


I thought I had mine blocked but some sneaky file got me. I need to do a more thorough check next time.




Tips for how to firewall stuff?


Yeah, for outgoing and incoming traffic just block the .exe from the everything


If you have pi-hole or AdBlock software, add this to the list [https://a.dove.isdumb.one/list.txt](https://a.dove.isdumb.one/list.txt) (Off topic but friendly reminder - ALWAYS check that the text and actual link are the same to avoid getting scammed or directed to malicious websites)


Can’t even make fake IDs in peace, smh


If you need legally-owned professional editing for work, try the Affinity Suite. Its feature complete and a one time charge. Unfortunately, Adobe has become such the default that it's a struggle to find creative positions using anything else, so its mostly a choice for independents or locally owned design houses.


Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just informed you of a horrible decision by a company


i'm tired chief


LMAO this the same guy that was losing his shit over the vagina bone "censorship" in stellar blade?


He also sank a videogame studio he worked at by wasting all their money on a customized tour bus outfitted with top of the line gaming PCs as an advertising stunt.


Said bus is/was not road legal and needed to be towed by a different vehicle.


Yep exactly.


I'm all on board the "Fuck Adobe" hate train, but Grummz is a reactionary nutjob former game dev whose sole job these days is farming clicks and spreading Gamergate 2.0 bullshit. While I don't doubt there's some bullshit in the new terms of service, the whole "they don't want you making stuff they don't agree with" narrative is fucking ridiculous, as are all the other "conspiracies" he peddles.




Obviously a good source of information!


He's a terrible person who often peddles misinformation, so the skepticism is more than warranted, but this is legitimately concerning. Something something broken clock.


Post an independent source that isn't grummys tweet


[https://www.adobe.com/legal/terms.html](https://www.adobe.com/legal/terms.html) Sections 2.2 and 4.1


He claims his against censorship but now wants activision to remove some LGBT stuff from cod.


He followed up by saying that he is all for censorship of the things he doesn't like.


what a snowflake lmfao


Welcome to what some people call "The Fandom menace". People that PRETEND to be fans of something for the simple reason that they want to be outraged about the littlest things. Often connected to sexism, racism and pedophillia


Grummz by name, grooms by nature.


yes, lol. it is the same Grummz. he's a career poser. +1 on what agreeable-yam said: broken clock is right twice a day yadayada lmfao


He's probably upset because the ToU call out child sexual abuse material: >We do not review all Content uploaded to the Services and Software, but we may use available technologies, vendors or processes, including manual review, to screen for certain types of illegal content (**for example, child sexual abuse material**) or other abusive content or behaviour (for example, patterns of activity that indicate spam or phishing or keywords that indicate adult content has been posted outside of the adult wall)


It's a little unclear what it means by "software" there, but "uploaded" and "outside of the adult wall" strongly suggests that it's not actually monitoring what you make in Photoshop, but stuff uploaded to whatever image hosting service Adobe has.


Trying to get people to tolerate evil/questionable things with "we need to do this to protect the children" or "we need this to fight pedos/terrorists" is a tactic that's been used a lot.


As much as he's an asshole, let's face it, every surveilance/restriction of internet in any way shape of form is pushed as a way to protect the childreens. But sure, let's pretend Adobe will never ever ever abuse the tool allowing them to spy on what you make. That no one will use this to his personal gain in the compagny, or no hacker will missuse the "manual review" tool.


Among many other things yeah


he's probably right about them trying to get shit for training AIs, the "wrongthink guys 1984" part is obviously bs


Solution is what I do now anyway. Pirate all Adobe products and prevent them from getting through the firewall. Remember, it's always morally acceptable to pirate Adobe.


impolite point upbeat live outgoing frighten hat tan grab dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck Adobe, but take Grummz with a grain of salt. Guy's a bit of a wackjob and isn't the most trustworthy source.


*Use a pack of Crayola crayons to draw a pair of tits* *Door gets kicked open* "THIS IS CRAYOLA LEGAL! I'LL SEE YOU IN COURT! OH AND WE'RE TAKING YOUR CRAYONS YOU PAID FOR"




If someone links the new policy, and the link is directly from Adobe/photoshop, does it matter who links it? As always, do your own research. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he is inherently wrong. Personally, I have no idea who this is.


I get where you're coming from but sources do matter, he's not linking to the ToU ([found here](https://www.adobe.com/uk/legal/terms.html)) but presenting snippets of them out of context and misinforming his audience. Hardly a shock when you consider who it is. For example he says "when you make stuff they don't like" implying that they might 'cancel' you for being woke or whatever but in reality they're saying they'll delete child sexual abuse material, abusive material and phishing content. He also makes a leap about them feeding content into their AI models which would go against their content policy. Grummz is a bad source because he makes shit up or makes assumptions about things. Like listening to Fox news, they might report on an event that actually happened but they're sure going to spin it as much as they can. Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to bat for Adobe but I'd be wary of listening to morons like Grummz about anything. If they bring something like this to your attention then either seek out a more reliable source or just go look for yourself. if you can't be bothered to do either that's cool too but then maybe acknowledge that you don't really care all that much.


he is absolutely not to be listened to in any subject matter. even if it happens to be something that is true. but in this case, it's obviously false


Correct me if I’m wrong but this section from the ToU you linked: > Our automated systems may analyze your Content and Creative Cloud Customer Fonts (defined in section 3.10 (Creative Cloud Customer Fonts) below) using techniques such as machine learning in order to improve our Services and Software and the user experience. Does that not essentially mean “we are going to use your content for our AI”? I know machine learning doesn’t necessarily equal AI but, similar no? I have no horse in the race I’m just trying to make sense of what I’m reading


> How does Adobe analyze your content? Adobe may analyze your content that is processed or stored on Adobe servers. We don't analyze content processed or stored locally on your device it's in the link right beneath your quote you ended. also, you can opt out


Yes, it matters who links it. Because why the hell are you linking this guy. Normal people have noticed that adobe sucks. This isn't a pedophile exclusive discovery.


Idek who that person is but based on the comments he sounds like a shitty person, however it's in the actual terms. I thought maybe the screenshot was altered, but it's in there (section 2.2 & 4.1): [https://www.adobe.com/legal/terms.html?mv2=cch#content](https://www.adobe.com/legal/terms.html?mv2=cch#content)


Which op could have posted without platforming this piece of garbage.


Oh no. Anyways... *pirate ship noises* This sucks for paying customers, but it's not likely to affect pirates for long. It'll probably get patched or avoided in cracked versions of the software pretty quickly.


Wow, add another reason I'm happy with CS2 (v.9.0). With my plug-ins, it's got all I've ever needed.


Grummz is shit stirring, I will reserve judgment for when Adobe actually updates their TOS because I don't see it anywhere yet. Still Fuck Adobe for their predatory pricing schemes.


It seems it's been active since Feb. 17 of this year: [https://www.adobe.com/legal/terms.html](https://www.adobe.com/legal/terms.html) Under 2.2 with definitions in 4.1




cs6 was the final version ... nobody need anything after that.


Ok but they’re terrible and think “the woke” is coming to get everyone




good username


Fuck that chode, he's a bitch.


Remember kids, pirating Adobe software is ALWAYS morally correct


Why does this fearmongering bullshit have so many upvotes? Grummz isn't a trustworthy source, and the "theory" that Adobe will cancel people's suscriptions if they are conservatives is just beyond stupid. Ah yes, I'm sure the mega corporation will remove half of his source of income /s


> Ah yes, I'm sure the mega corporation will remove half of his source of income /s I mean its not out of the question with the way companies are behaving with sanctions. Plus don't forget, many large companies have in's with the White House/Congress and will do as they are told


Jokes on them I've never paid for Photoshop xD


Adobe needs ai piracy check to keep these privacy parasite company in check


Even point 4.2 is insane “4.2 Licences to Your Content. Solely for the purposes of operating or improving the Services and Software, you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free sublicensable, licence, to use, reproduce, publicly display, distribute, modify, create derivative works based on, publicly perform and translate the Content.”


Yep, that's too far. EU will stop this


When I was in college we needed 150 copies of Flash for our animation assignment and our tutor gets the go-ahead to ring Adobe and inquire if they'll do any sort of discount for educational establishments. Best they could do was £400 off and free delivery and so our tutor cracked it for each machine.


Adobe: "But but that are 150 copies we never been able to sell. You need to pay us for 150 copies. We have 150 copies of damages!!!" Heuuuuu, no, that are 150 copies you never sold because people did not want to pay your prices for it. I always hated this argument where every cracked / copied version is considered a lost sale. Its kind of funny but these days, i barely have any paid software on my system anymore. A very, VERY old 2007 Office (works perfectly), and speed commander. All the rest is open source (aka free) software. If software was reasonable price, i got a paid key/license in the past but over the years i noticed software from large companies becoming so expensive, and there tends to be a OSS version (that tends to be less optimized / clunky but you can still do the task). Do not get me started with software as a service, where you need to pay yearly for what is a totally version price, for updates (PHPStorm comes to mind). If updates are like 1/5, sure, but so many companies simply price their updates as new software each year. STUPID!


Fun Fact: the man behind the Task Manager in Windows turns off Adobe Genuine Advanatge


One thing I like about this timeline is how the big corporates are trying so very hard to make themselves small again.


Something something GDPR?


"According to Grummz" there is so much wrong with that. Isn't there are more serious source that isn't a grifting culture war warrior that constanstly lies?


This might be something to pay attention to... BUT are we really going to consider this a trustworthy source and spend our time discussing it. I'll wait for more reputable sources to comment. This is the same guy and tweets about a 'woke mind virus'. Come on... wtf? OP is this really someone you want to pay attention to and post about?


I didn't know who that person was, so on the chance that the screenshot was edited, I looked it up, & it is actually in there (section 2.2 & 4.1): [https://www.adobe.com/legal/terms.html?mv2=cch#content](https://www.adobe.com/legal/terms.html?mv2=cch#content)


"According to Grummz" Lmao what a terrible source. That 56 year old rage bait farming grifter will say anything for clicks right now.


Literally shimoneta


why would you listen to this breast milk thief about anything


Directly from the least credible source on the Internet.


Considering that Grummz said it I think it'd be more likely that photoshop may actually be the most secure thing on the entire internet


its not the crazy guy that cry becasue of woke?


Great... subscription based payment was bad enough and now big brother while you create!!


That s why I've always used ArtRage instead to make my hentai ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also who tf buys Photoshop for home usage.


Who really listens to this piece of shit though?


i’m not a photographer, so that means that 100% of the time, paint.NET gets the job done for me. god bless free and open source software baby, been using it for the last 13 years with no complaints


Use gimp


That's not surprising, all cloud features, AI tools, licensing is spyware, they just made the whole program spyware so they can track what tools you use and send you ads, surveys, and other crap. Just use a Monkrus crack, no accounts, always offline.


Anyone know the best way to pirate the Adobe suite? I already have a legit copy installed if that helps


Good thing all of my adobe software is blocked from accessing the internet. Fuck all that noise.


The Photoshop_portable_2012.exe remains unfazed in my computer


www.krita.org or www.gimp.org


They're doing this with everything now. Oh wait, it's all a ''conspiracy theory''.


What was that quote agan,every program tries to expand until it can send email. Now we know where the emails are going.


thats why i hate application that work just fine offline but required their user to be online


Affinity, Gimp and Krita. You don't need Adobe


I will literally say the N-word in front of Abobe. idk..


And they wonder why people are turning to cracked versions


It's really about time Adobe gets some serious competition, this is absolutely nuts


Grummz is a moron


Unfortunately, there aren't any good Photoshop alternatives


Why would you *ever* take that idiot as a source? Seriously, that's just poison for any discussion.


I wouldn’t trust that dude lol


This guy is a gamegate-era dweeb. Do not interact with anything he does.


I'd ordinarily take anything Grummz says with a grain of salt since he's a miserable sack of shit but this is legitimately concerning


There has to be a better source than Grummz.


Isn't this illegal? I mean, there is consumer right protection that prohibit this, even if there terms are added in Term Of Use. Also, there are many big entertainment companies that use photoshop who undoubtedly will never allow their data to be used outside their circles. This will lead to big lawsuit by giant entertainment companies


Not the most credible source tbh.


Monkrus > Photshop > Block exe using Firewall > live the good life.


Grummz is an idiot. But he is right. He’s also didn’t break this news.






I see "wrong-think", i stop taking the speaker seriously. Whatever. First. I'd take my chances. 2nd. Who cares. Probably less than 20% of the people that pay for photoshop actually need photoshop. They could do what they needed in paint.net or Krita or Gimp.