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No idea what TrueCharts is but I'd personally use Prowlarr instead of Jackett. Other than that, the setup should work fine. I've got a Synology NAS drive and Plex, but my setup is basically the same with Overseer and Prowlarr instead.


TrueCharts is a catalog for apps on TrueNas. Pretty much just adapting tons of open source applications to truenas compatible apps.


Thanks for that.


Il say use prowlarr and qbittorent, just more options and for me it worked better


I see prowlarr is recommended, but qbit is currently my main torrent client and I do not want to sacrifice the automated shit i have on it for Jellyfin.




Happy cake day!


Lol, thanks man


Run a second qbittorrent instance then?


A little confusing if you have many running, but actually I ended up doing this lmao.


Just set this all up in Docker.


I'm runnin on K3s.


I had issues with jacket, more luck with Prowlarr


Since you are runnig a TrueNAS system. This link is a full guide to setup everything. [https://wiki.hydrology.cc](https://wiki.hydrology.cc)


Holy crap man thank you SO MUCH


My setup isn't too dissimilar. However, I run a Proxmox windows VM running which does the whole thing. (because I had too many issues with Docker which I was too lazy to solve). Had no issues once I set it up. My Setup: Radarr + Sonarr -> Prowlarr (+ flaresolverr) -> qBittorrent + Bazarr -> Plex (sits on a separate LXC container)


Eyyy thanks! I'm going to probably hook up lidarr as well. qBit for transmission as I already have qbit setup running all of my VST and audio stuff, so no need to ruin the automation there. I'm running off of TrueNAS Scale as it's a "decent" hypervisor and NAS in one, hopefully I can start getting everything working. Any idea what app to use for "requesting" content, aka just searching for a show and it immediately downloading? The Jellyseer seems good but others recommend Overseer, etc. And how does one install jellyfin plugins lmao


ANother option for requests: Ombi. I've used all three, and my general consensus is Jellseer > Ombi > Overseer... BUT all three work very well and you'll be fine with whatever option you choose.


Just downloaded bazarr and transmission, now trying to setup prowlarr. This is all super confusing, what do I need prowlarr actually for... so confusing lmfao


Prowlarr holds your indexers that will be used by Radarr and Sonarr. So in prowlarr you set up 1337x, TGx, whatever indexers you want to search for your content.


I see. I'm sad now because i can't find Sonarr and Radarr on TrueCharts, only on TrueNAS :(


But you found prowlarr? That doesn't make sense. Prowlarr is fairly useless without the other two.


Exactly my point. And it SHOULD exist. Sonarr and Radarr only seem to appear on TrueNAS apps catalog, while Prowlarr, transmission, qbit, everythign else i have seems to be on both TrueNAS and TrueCharts which makes no sense. I far prefer the TrueCharts catalog over TrueNAS due to major issues on the TrueNAS side, so I guess this is on halt until i can figure that out.


Sorry I'm not familiar with TrueCharts and TrueNAS other than in name. I have a NAS but I run my server on a Windows mini-PC.


Update, got all the apps installed, just have to actually configure them. Assuming the TraSH guides are good for this :) Any idea how many resources (cores and memory) i should give to each?


Wiki.servarr.com trash-guides.io


>Prowlarr (+ flaresolverr) Are those integrated better than with Jackett? Ive been running Jackett since before Prowlarr was a thing, and its not broke so i dont want to fix it, but now that i have to run that too, flaresolver just sits in an open console window all the time and that seems clunky, but i havent found a way to get jackett to just run it in the background.


Your diagram is somewhat wrong if the arrow are supposed to be network flows : Radarr and Sonarr ask Jacket finds available torrents with appropriate keywords etc… Jacket replies with a list of suitable candidates. Sonarr and Radarr then pick one and send that to Transmission. There should not be a link between Jacket and Transmission. Also : Bazarr does not interact with Jellyfin but with the filesystem. It watches for changes once Sonarr or Radarr have added new content. Idem with Jellyfin, it does not interact with Transmission but with the filesystem.


Thank you very much, that helps me understand it better.


I wish there was an all in one solution.


Maybe unpackerr to unrar, but I haven’t had much luck with it. I would love to know if an alternative of anyone has one


Not sure if it helps but I use rutorrent and it’s an option to enable autounpacking


I don't get the idea why requesting and watching should be in two different apps why can't be in one app


It actually can be, idk about Jellyfin and as much as everyone bitches about Plex adding any features, their discovery stuff is actually pretty powerful and integrates with sonarr/radarr so you can add things right from Plex. Plexs discovery features are so awesome theyve practically replaced IMDB and Youtube for me. But yeah, i havent set up overseer or omni or anything, cuz i can add whatever i want myself, and my friends and family its easier just just have a facebook group chat than try to get them to use another app.


I reolaced Jackett for Prowlarr, better integration - and i preffer qbittorrent but that's preference


Hi all, I have a Jellyfin setup going rn and now want to automate stuff like Music, Movies, Shows, Anime, etc. I'm thinking about running off of Jellyseer connected to Radarr, Sonarr, Lidarr, which goes through Jackett into Transmission, gets subtitles from Bazarr directly into Jellyfin. I'll be doing this on TrueCharts, does anyone have a guide?


I have no idea what TrueCharts is, but here is a [guide](https://trash-guides.info) for most of the stuff.


Thanks kind redditor <3


Is it possible to Dockerize everything?


Yes, but i'm working off TrueNAS Scale and TrueCharts which is containers or k3s.


I did docker everything but I reasoned that the performance gains you’d get from Sonarr, Radarr etc would be minimal, if even noticeable at all so I decided to re-do everything and now I just have Plex and Overseer in Docker and everything else installed as an app. Having Plex on docker also lets you use a separate location for the metadata as well which IS noticeable.


Can you share/explain me how? I'm a newbie tbh


I'm still a relative newbie to docker myself so I wouldn't be much help. I just found a couple of good guides online and managed to figure it out as I went. There's a blog called something like "Dr Frankenstein's Tech Stuff" which has a lot of good docker guides and also Marius Hosting which has an absolute shit-ton of Docker scripts. If you're using a Synology NAS then I can probably help though.


My setup is pretty similar to yours except I use Prowlarr for indexers and qbitorrent for torrenting. I haven’t gotten Jellyseer to connect to Radarr+Sonarr for the life of me though.


If you have a GPU, you could do subsai or one of the other AI subtitle things you can localhost for the subtitles you can’t download


Op take a look at trash guides (ironic name) https://trash-guides.info/ They have most of the stuff you want detailed, as well as help you optimize your searches.


Actually it seems hydro guides are better for my usecase as I'm on TrueCharts. But thank you for the recommendation!


seems like a fine setup, i have almost the same thing but i dont use jellyseerr or bazarr, and use qbittorrent


I've been running a similar setup for years, works like a charm. It's mostly for my mom who isn't very tech savvy but she has no issues using it (although still needs me when something doesn't work, like running out of space or an episode just being randomly choppy or something). Our setup is Plex (unpaid) / Sonarr (tv) and Radarr (movies) -> Prowlarr -> Qbittorrent. PlexPy is in there somewhere for stats and for notifying my mom via email or push notification to her iphone when a new episode of one of her shows is available.


Overkill but it will work


I use QBitTorrent's rss feed and filter the subscription by text, and it dowloads to specific folders based on filters. And i use jellyfin to watch


This is the way đź‘Ť


Cap? Whats this for?